Reference:2003-12-04 Michael Engberg talks to explorers

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Michael Engberg talks to exploers in Quintin’s neighborhood.

Michael Engberg:Talking to the DRC boys getting this hood up to speed.
Quintin: Thanks
Tweek: Hi Michael,
Quintin: First off, we have rules to this meeting, no one flames,, we all must be reasonable, ok
Quintin: Hi all
Christoph05: agreed. where shall we gather?
Tweek: Quintin, fine with me Im sick and tired of people screaming at the DRC
Quintin: near the fountain
Michael Engberg: Can someone open the link room door?
Arnium: That’s how it should Be!
Quintin: it is the grand meeting place
Quintin: I say that Chris should go first.
Quintin: Chris
Quintin: Meet up by the fountain, please if you would like to.
Michael Engberg: Just to let you know I wasn’t even planning for a meeting tonight, so I might be short
Quintin: Say your peace. come on
Quintin: Are you for or against the DRC or the third side
Michael Engberg: Quintin, I think you need to open the door ..if you can
Tweek: Hey Quintin, can you open the linking room door?
Arnium: Shorah Tweek, Tink
Tweek: hi Tink
Christoph05: I am mainly on the neutral side, however I would like to help the DRC if they change some things
Tink: Hiya Arnium!
Quintin: I cannot open the door, let me try later please. or
Quintin: Michael what do yo have to say to that…
Ford Prefect: the other side is open
Michael Engberg: sides.. everyone is talking about sides down here..
Ford Prefect starts to laugh
Quintin: I am giving Micheal a chance
Michael Engberg: Let me place the nexus book and then I’ll start the meeting
Quintin: Come on Micheal, I am sorry that the meeting attendance is out of control
Ford Prefect: i meant the otehr door
Taliametris: Everyone has been told that they must choose sides so naturally they talk about it
bonz: this is d`ni how do we all work togather
Tweek: Im gonna take the side of soem random lamp..we alone will light the cavern bwuhahah…erm or not
Taliametris: I’m sorry I do not understand what you mean
Taliametris: I arrived late
Ford Prefect: do you stand at a 45 degree angle often?
Tink: Saw the Nexus book come into the room
Michael Engberg: Tink I placed it there..
Quintin: Ok I would like to name names as to who is stirring up trouble.
Michael Engberg: OKay lets sit
Tweek: I should see about playing more heek later
Elion: how do i sit?
Michael Engberg: First off how is everyone doing?
Rodnik: excellent sir
Quintin: good
Arnium: Talia is having communication problems
Lindy: great
Quintin: lets all greet the guest
Michael Engberg: no need to call me sir, I’m michael
Rodnik: sorry i call alot of people sir for no reason
Elion: how do i sit down?
Michael Engberg: I’ve heard rumors about divisions, on the DRC site and down here.
Michael Engberg: It worries me,
Ford Prefect: ive heard rumors about the green lights
Rodnik: i think its silly
Tweek: green lights?
Michael Engberg: Green lights?
Ford Prefect: the green lights here having an effect on something
Michael Engberg: again I wasn’t really planning a “DRC” Meeting, just kind of want to hear your concerns
Taliametris: People have been encouraged to think that they must choose sides, and therefore it is the course of much talk
Michael Engberg: the divisions , sides, what ever you would like to call them does worry me
Taliametris: and that leads naturally to people taking u p positions
Rodnik: i think the majority of people really would like to keep the issue of sides out of it
Taliametris: And that has led to some division
Rodnik: there are those that wish to force opinions
Taliametris: Yes - I agree
Michael Engberg: like I have said before we are all family down here
Tweek: the sides choosing thing is annoying me…people are being sneaky trying to get otthers in trouble..and being rude and impatient..
Michael Engberg: and even in family you will have people who disagree
Taliametris: it is about power
Tweek: Dont think many people realise that to make this restoration work we must get along
bonz: michael did i realy see you walk over to the fountian and turn on the water??
bonz: when i first got here
Michael Engberg: Tweek, exactly, I think if we agree that we can disagree . Life will go alot easier
Taliametris: the anti-DRC faction want power over the explorers
John_Drake: Michale, you could difuse the Sharper situation. After all he was only following the DRC’s guidlines by getting rid of a dangerious creature. There have been unconfirmed reports of Shroomie attacks on explorers
Taliametris: to use against the DRC
Tweek: John> yes the shroomie thing has gotten way out of hand
Michael Engberg: talia, I hate jumping tte assuming
Taliametris: I do not want to take sides, they seem equally unknown
Michael Engberg: what I mean is I hate to assume
Taliametris: It is an ongoing process that is damaging
Tweek: Rodnik> Oh some of them have trust me
Michael Engberg: Bonz, yes I turned on the water. Talked to some of THe DRC boys via KI and they turned it on.
Tweek: when back on the surface I have read some of the views of others and its obvious they have choosen
John_Drake: If you find the time Michael, the water in the Village is still off too
Taliametris: Not all of them are quiet
Michael Engberg: so basicly, all i have to say lets all get along..
Tweek: agreed Talia
Ford Prefect: also, the island pages are missing all over, but there may be a reason for thta
Arnium: Let’s keep on topic folks.
bonz: i think th as explores we need to stay togather and not let them take away the ouly power we have
Tweek: well I for one agree with those sentiments Michael
John_Drake: We are, most of us, trying
Taliametris: I agree with that
Michael Engberg: I know people are not always going to agree with the DRC, but if you get to know us and understand us better I think you will see we are not that bad.
Tweek: I admit I do find you sometimes over cautious..if I spelt that correctly..but I can see why you do put such a meaning on safty down here..its very dangerous
Arnium: Enlighten us then, what are your goals/plans for the exploration of D’ni. In general terms?
Tweek: but I do feel that people need to be patient..demanding that area to be opened is only going to cause accidents
Michael Engberg: Tweek, yes, we have been , but then look at our past. Fight Branch, phil going somewhere we had no clue of where. There are unknown dangers all around us.
Tweek: yes
Tweek: what happened to Branch?
Taliametris: Why is he so reluctant to talk to you?
John_Drake: I agree, there are no first aid kits that I have seen
Tweek: we have been lucky that Phil is…erm ok
Taliametris: I mean Phil Henderson
Michael Engberg: I wish I knew..
Tweek: Talia> Phil has things he needs to some of us..he’ll speak when he feels it is time
Ford Prefect: I know that theres not much that can be done about it now, but I think the “sides” kinda stemed from when Yesha told us to “wear our shirts to show what side we had taken, when sides are taken”
Tweek: yes, silly lady hehe
Michael Engberg: Everyone wants to know the “Plan”
Arnium: The present “choice” does not seem to include Yeesha?
Taliametris: No - we should have a say. The plan should be One which is inclusive of the explorers
Tweek: Ah come come Michael thats a genralization..not everyone whats to know the plan
John_Drake: But some hints would be nice
Michael Engberg: The plan is to continue to work like the DRC has always needed to.
Tweek: Talia> true..but it is still early days yet
To Michael Engberg: Can I post the chatlog … on Greeter’s Guild forum?
Michael Engberg: I have been in Er’cana ..
Michael Engberg: tink yes..
Taliametris: If there was more open ness on all sides it would be less easy for people to divide us
Tweek: true
Michael Engberg: Dr. Laxman has been working so so had, and infact might need your help sometime.
John_Drake: Glad to help
Tweek: I think out of all the “sides” Ive spoken to Phil has been the most forthcoming..DRC next..
Tweek: I have yet to meet Laxman.
Michael Engberg: opps I mean Mr.
Michael Engberg: He’s more of a doctor in the meaning of life. :)
Taliametris: I think that the people here are the best thing about the Cavern…and we shoudl fight hard to conserve what we have
Taliametris: while fighting for the chance to be involved in the exploration
Michael Engberg: So here is a question to you all, how does the DRC be more open?
Taliametris: and to be involved - I do not like secrecy and lack of openness
Taliametris: all is promises about the future
Taliametris: Things happen and are not explained
Taliametris: thus rumours start
Ford Prefect: maybe put messages on the imager as to what type of progress is being made in opening a new age/area
Taliametris: green lights - good example
John_Drake: one at a time now, not all at once
Rodnik: like why the pub at the ferry was closed down suddenly
Michael Engberg: Things like what Talia?
Taliametris: loss of nexus links today…maybe a bug…maybe not
Taliametris: the loss of relto pages
Taliametris: vanishing bahro stones
Taliametris: areas closed off that were open
Michael Engberg: Talia, nexus links has a KI message.
Taliametris: there are many questions
Taliametris: and few answers
Arnium: I am not so sure that the DRC has control over all of these things?
Tweek: having KI issues
LaReh: Some DRC have been almost condescending to explorers, that doesn’t help your cause
Tweek: there we go
Taliametris: Perhaps not - but it is hard to discern much information in the audiences we have been granted
John_Drake: When a people get used to somthing and that something is taken away that tends to get them upset
Arnium: I thought we were talking about stopping the division, not about how everything here is not working properly!
Tweek: Michael> how goes Dr Kodama’s proposal?
Michael Engberg: Talk to Dr. K about more info, he wants to release it all. I am in the middle ground.
Taliametris: It is all part of the same thing which allows people to discuss things without real basis for their discussion
Rodnik: the reason there is a devision or one of them is because the drc doesnt explain itself as much as they could/should, we are explaining how the drc could be more open
Ford Prefect: could people please shout? we are not hearing everyone
Tweek: to much info too soon can be difficult..if you are to release information its sometimes best to release it in stages
Michael Engberg: exactly tweek
Taliametris: I do not want to have to choose sides, if that is part of the plan, I do not want it
Michael Engberg: Talia, I don’t want you to choose sides either. I want everyone to be a family, one big family
Taliametris: That is how it has been
Taliametris: But things seem to be changing
Arnium: Daddy! Can I have the keys to the library?
Tweek: lol
LaReh: LOL
John_Drake: hahahaah
Michael Engberg: So, here is the problem, some areas are just not ready.
Tweek: Talia> Change happens…whether good or bad it happens..the thing is we know change is comming so its up to us to shape it into how things should be
Michael Engberg: Bonz, island page?
Taliametris: That is what I am trying to do
Deg: What are the terms to clasify an area as ready? Aren’t explorers smart enough to explore carefully?
Taliametris: Tweek unless we stand up for unity among the explorers, it will be changed too
Michael Engberg: So here is an example,
Tweek: Bonz> you may wanna speak to Henderson about that
Tweek: Talia> Yes I agree with that
Arnium: Micheal, does the DRC feel that we are not qualified enough to be explores?
Michael Engberg: yesterday we opened the courtyard, we gave you a few days notice. People waited ..
Tweek: Im not qualificated…Im only an Artist and webmast ^_^
Tweek: *master
Tweek: yes its nice to beable to get back up to the courtyard
Michael Engberg: As soon as we opened the area, some people went and jumped on top of the tent.
Deg: Yes, Tweek. But you also have common sense not to get over your head. Explorers should be able to judge weither areas are safe or not.
Arnium: Thank you Micael, I believe you have answered my question.
Strife: has the drc had any complaints from people falling off the tent?
Ford Prefect: who would do such a thing? *cough*
Deg: Hmm… That is unfortunate. You would think the people that are “called to D’ni” would be smarter than to jump on tents.
Tweek: Deg> perhaps..but are explorers structual engineers? can they see what cracks in buildings can prove to be a hazard under the weight of 30 odd people?
Strife: good point tweek
Michael Engberg: Arnium, here is my question to you. Do you feel all explorers are qualified?
Arnium: ?shout I am not sure about my qualifications, only about my “callin”.
Strife: the real issue is that the drc doesn’t want leet explorers, or explorers with special access
Daedalus: who’s to say who is “qualified,” exactly, Michael? Can anyone really have that kind of say?
Christoph05: I feel that the qualified will help the underqualified if there are any under.
Arnium: Calling sorry
Michael Engberg: I think everyone here has the potential to be someone great. I hope we all try our hardest at it.
Michael Engberg: I think you all make fine explorers
Tweek: yes..Tweek Ruler of D’ni has a great ring to it…
Tweek: woops did I just let that slip
Beefo laRue: The problem I see is that the DRC dictates all action it’s a dictatorship. What say do the explorers have, in the shaping of the new D’ni?
LaReh: :-P
Taliametris: That has been characteristic so far - that the more experienced have helped the less experienced
Taliametris: as a group we are qualified
Michael Engberg: Beefo, we will need your help
Deg: Perhaps if more explorers could assist in the restoration, we’d have less time on our hands to jump on tents.
Taliametris: No Yeesha let us
Arnium: We assume that the DRC is the true power here?
Taliametris: not the DRC?
Daedalus: Who can really say who is “qualified”, Michael? Can anyone really have that kind of say?
Tweek: there is no true power…
Beefo laRue: thats perhaps a harsh term. I don’t mean to confir the negotive conotations
Tweek: unless one believes in the maker
Strife: I have been wondering what help could the explorers give to the rebuilding of dni?
Michael Engberg: Everyone… listen please. To shape D’ni the drc can not do it alone. We will need your help
Deg: just not yet?
Beefo laRue: agreed the question is how
Daedalus: agreed.
Daedalus: how?
Michael Engberg: Yep, just not yet.. We are getting things in place, making the Ki work.
Arnium: Michael, we do not want to help you, we want to join you.
Christoph05: a Willing and Volunteer workforce
Deg: Example: when explorers helped Victor track down Phil.
Michael Engberg: Setting up hoods, we know there will be many who want to help.
Tweek: Think of it like this…a baby when learning to walk nee
Tweek: eek
Tweek: sorry about that wrong people
Michael Engberg: Think of it this way, say we all wanted to help set up play
Strife: could we reserve the concert hall if we did set up a play?
Ford Prefect: yes, the play is the thing, the verry thing
Tweek: could do Romeo and Julliet of D’ni…plent of balconies ;)
The World: quintin> I don’t believe anyone needs to ‘take over’ really. there’s a pretty good Q&A session going on here. ;)
Christoph05: I would like to see the curtains come down, just let us see what you are doing, we will be careful
Michael Engberg: say 100,000 wanted to help at once. The DRC needs to just make it easier for each and everyone of you to do your part.
LaReh: Once the KI is working, we can play marker games and quests to pass the time until we are needed for exploration
Tweek: yes..esspecially if strife remakes his marker game
Deg nods his head
Tweek: hint hint :P
Strife: *grin*
Michael Engberg: if 1000,00 people try to build the set at once, chaos happens.. do you agree?
The World: yep.
LaReh: true
Taliametris: If you give 1000 people nothing much to do, chaos ensues
Christoph05: Are you implying there will be positions “given” to us? Not chosen by us?
Rodnik: play heek
Rodnik: if your bored
Michael Engberg: Chris I think you will see more and more, its just hard to restore and also tell everything
Arnium: IMO he is saying that the DRC intends to be the governing body in the caern.
Strife: i think what is the biggest problem is that we the explorers haven’t done anything to help, except give feedback on what does & doesn’t work
Taliametris: Is alreay fulfilling that role, Arnium
Tweek: soundslike you need a group that searches through information choosing what to release and when and to act like spokes people for the DRC
Christoph05: Maybe you need someone in the DRC to report advancements/ changes daily michael
Strife: i haven’t seen one explorer pick up a cone and place it where it needs to go
Michael Engberg: no way am I saying we want to govern the cavern
Christoph05: that should be all they are supposed to do
Strife: only kick them around.
Michael Engberg: I really must leave, but again all I really wanted to say is lets all try to be family, and lets all try to get along.
Arnium: ?shout that was not necessarily a criticism Michael.
Michael Engberg: thanks
Tweek: Michael, do you know when the nexus links will be back?
Deg claps his hands
Tweek: ok thanks Michael
Arnium: ?shout thank you micheal
Strife: i agree with you michael and thanks for your time
Deg: Thanks Micheal
Taliametris: Thank you
LaReh waves
LaReh: Hi Ayli!
Tweek: I think the DRC are learning tho…I mean look how much the talk to us now to how much they used to
Ford Prefect: did someone log this?
Tweek: Ford> I did
Ayli: How long Mr. Engberg been talking?
bonz: yes
Tweek: to turn the water on
Taliametris: I would like to know the answer to that Envie
To Michael Engberg: Thanks for the talk session, MR Engberg …will go a long way to calming randomly choppy waters.
From Michael Engberg in Nexus: you really think so?
To Michael Engberg: Anything you’d like to add to the chatlog?
To Michael Engberg: Yes I do … it didn’t sound like it … but you’d be surprised at how the loudest objections get changed afterwards
From Michael Engberg in Nexus: just tell them I stink of talking in big crowds