Reference:2003-12-21 Michael Engberg in a neighborhood

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Michael Engberg: very true jesse..
Michael Engberg: brb
Jesse: thx
Spider: well I’m swiss, so I feel very international
Jesse: how do you do, what’s going on in the community?
Spider: zeichnet das jemand auf?
Jesse: am austrian, i feel so too :-)
kateR: ja
kateR: im austrian too
Spider: du, kater?
kateR: ja
Jesse: any news, michael?
kateR: when will the DRC open some more stages?
Michael Engberg: KateR .. may i call you that
kateR: yes
kateR: sure
Michael Engberg: laxman is working on a new area called the great zero that we will be opening very soon, that we will need your help on.
Jesse: how may we help?
kateR: is this aerea in aegura?
Michael Engberg: Its has to do with the KI, I have been in Er’Cana so I don’t know the exact details..
Jesse: when exactly will uru live start?
kateR: do you have informations about PHIL?
Michael Engberg: btw I am an Architectural Analysis for the DRC, but I really don’t want to go into details on that right now..
Spider: I saw once, that phil was back
kateR: me too
kateR: but i wasnt able to chat with him
kateR: where is he now?
kateR: still kept?
Michael Engberg: Explorer tink visited with Phil recently, I was there..
Thanakar: that was interesting
Jesse: that was strange
Michael Engberg: what?
Thanakar: you sank into the ground
Chanee: habt ihr das auch gesehn?
Jesse: you vanished into the floor
Spider: yeah
kateR: yes Bugs everywhere
Michael Engberg: him..
Jesse: it happend to me too, in teledahn once
Michael Engberg: wierd
kateR: the update was not as well as they promised
Michael Engberg: anyways.. phil has never been kept..
Spider: the ground needs more restauration, its seems
Michael Engberg: he may leave when he wants to
Jesse: it was just a rumour?
Thanakar: Good, they returned his Relto book then?
Michael Engberg: We are asking he explain things a little bit more to use, cause he was a friend that has been gone for so long. we were just worried about him.
kateR: yes we are worried to about him
Thanakar: he seems perfectly normal to me.
Spider: sharper seems…well, some sort of bad influence to him
Michael Engberg: you didn’t know him before ..
Thanakar: Were you satisfied by what he said?
kateR: OK can u tell us something interesting?
Michael Engberg: before he disappeared..
Michael Engberg: Sharper, hmmm ya him..
Michael Engberg: his recent outburst has come very unexpected..
Jesse winkt
kateR niest
Michael Engberg: bless you
Thanakar: He seems to have a history of being a renegade so I am suprised you find this unexpected
kateR: thx
Ursli: gesundheit
Jesse: gsundheit
Wotan: Guten abend zusammen
Hi Mr. Engberg
Jesse: shorah, wotan
Michael Engberg: Sharper has always did his own thing, but until he took down the cloth. We had no reason to think he was against the DRC, other then rumors..
Michael Engberg: hello chad.
Spider: well, foxes can do unexpected things all the time
Thanakar: At least it wasn’t one of hte more important areas
Michael Engberg: can someone translate the german into English for me?
Thanakar: ‘good evening zusammen
Chanee: we all speak english
kateR: so whats about your work ?
Michael Engberg: ercana?
kateR: Yes
g’ro: Hallo
kateR: can we reach ercana soon?
Jesse: shorah, g’ro
Thanakar: When will work on the Great Zero start?
Thanakar: not that its not progressing
Jesse: it started allready, i guess
Michael Engberg: should be ready for the public in a few months. Very interesting, but the Great Zero needs more explorer help right now.
Thanakar: months....
chad.b: sign me up!
Jesse: what kind of help?
Thanakar: Vicotr said as much
Michael Engberg: the Great Zero, will be very soon
Thanakar: that you needed explorer’s help
kateR: we are the explorers you nedd
kateR: what can we do?
Jesse: international people! :-)
Michael Engberg: yes you are the expolers that we will need to help on the Zero. All Explorers.
Thanakar: When will the rest of the Hood doors open up?
Jesse: but how can we help you?
Michael Engberg: Again, I can’t get into details about what Victor needs you to do. He knows best.
kateR: yes tell us what we can do to help
Jesse: oh
Jesse: one problem is the different timezone we are in, i miss some of the action going on here
Jesse: missed
Spider: shorah mcboern
McBeorn: Hallo
Thanakar: Heck..I’m EST and I still miss most of it
Michael Engberg: Jesse your help will needed at all times..
kateR: but we are just waiting in here
kateR: even the pub is closed
Thanakar: happily waiting
Jesse: i will be pleased to help you at any time
Spider: well, the pub isn’t closed anymore
Michael Engberg: last I heard the Kahlo Pub is open.. cause of sharper tearing down the cloth.
Spider: exactly
McBeorn: Yes, it is
kateR: i mean not possible to drink there anything lol
chad.b: When did this happen?
McBeorn: Hmm
Spider: few days ago
chad.b: Sharper tearing down the cloth?
Thanakar: Wednesday
Michael Engberg: Kodama wants us to take his Pub away from him. I have to agree with Kodama at this time.
An’di: Hallo
Thanakar: The one in Teledahn?
Chanee: hey people, I’m going to bed @home, good night Mr. Engberg, good nicht all!
Jesse: shorah, an’di
Michael Engberg: night Chanee
kateR: n8
Jesse: gute nacht, chanee
Jesse winkt
Michael Engberg: I haven’t seen a pub in Teledahn yet.
kateR gähnt
Thanakar: Wasn’t sure where the one is he mentions in his Journal
chad.b: Wow, so Sharper actually tore down the cloth and opened up the pub?
Thanakar: I know it’s not the one in the city
Michael Engberg: I’m talking about the Greet Tree Pub.
kateR: no there is no pub in teledahn
Jesse: there is a pub, but empty
Spider: when will laxman be around?
kateR: we know the pub u mean
Thanakar: Shorah Theora
An’di: By the way - is this really a german neighbourhood?
Michael Engberg: I don’t know when Laxman might be arounf to talk to..
Spider: sure
g’ro: ja wirklich
kateR: can u tell us about your work?
Thanakar: Michael, what is happening in teh city, last few times I’ve gone there I’ve heard the cries of the Least
McBeorn: Mr. Engberg, do you know the problem of many german pkayer missing most of the current plot?
Spider: well, we’ll see
An’di: Schön ;-)
Spider: there are allways some who record it
Jesse: deutsch wird hier gesprochen, aber wir sind international, an’di
Michael Engberg: current plot? what is this a TV show?
Jesse: as exciting, michael :-)
Spider: tv show? not at all
Jesse: morgen
McBeorn: here are many people understanding no english
Michael Engberg: him I never looked at Real life as a tv show. but my own life has an interesting story I guess
Thanakar: What about the sounds of the least in the City? Are we safe?
McBeorn: Du you think, that was the right answer for my questions?
Michael Engberg: McBeorn, yes I understand what you mean.. I am looking for a translator, someone who can help me understand German, but also translate my english to German for others..
an’nie: Hey
McBeorn: And, can wait therefore
McBeorn: Can we wait, sorry
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael, I am asking aroud to see if anyone can.
Thanakar: they’d need to be a fast typist too…
kateR: who wants to translate it?
Jesse: it wouldn’t be a problem for us to translate for those who don’t understand both languages, but unvortnatly now there are too many people around, i am stuck i think
Michael Engberg: The sounds have also city have worried us, if you stay in authorized spots you should be safe.
Duskrin D’tahree: I have heard the same sounds elsewhere. Actually I have seen what makes them
Spider: shorah kami
chad.b: hi tom
Thanakar: So have I
chad.b: What is making the sounds?
Michael Engberg: Sorry I don’t know my German well, I will try to learn. Its just hard when i have the restoration to worry about..
McBeorn: To what time can we expect new territories to explore?
Duskrin D’tahree: Recently, there was a sighting in Gahreesen
Thanakar: the least are
Duskrin D’tahree: Bahro, I believe they are called.
Duskrin D’tahree: “Beast people”
Thanakar: the are part of the Bahro
Thanakar: or of the bahro
Jesse: but you speak german? engberg, sounds german somehow
Abunagi: Which places are safe?
Michael Engberg: McBeorn, Victor Laxman is working on the Great Zero in which we will need your help very soon.
McBeorn: Thats fine
Spider: lets discuss this later. I think, we’ll find someone who will translate the conversation afterwards
kateR: yes we are waiting to support you
Michael Engberg: Very limited German, use to know more..
Duskrin D’tahree: I look forward to that Michael. I have been very eager to continue my exploration into the technology aspects of the D’ni
McBeorn: But we will
An’di: could someone invite me to this neighbourhood so that i can join it? - Thanks
Abunagi: nice to hear that
Thanakar: When you find that out let me know where hte kenetic energy goes…
Duskrin D’tahree: Heheh, ever constant Newtonian physics eh?
Michael Engberg: brb
Thanakar: I think its what powers them
McBeorn: D’ni Physiks I asume
Jesse: it was a pleasure to meet you, michael, but the lag is now too big, i hardly can write something
Jesse: bye@all, good night
Spider: bye
Abunagi: me too Jesse
Abunagi: godd night jesse
Jesse winkt
kateR: he gives no information at all?
Michael Engberg: night Jesse
An’di winkt
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael I found you a translator
kateR: n8 jesse
Reinhard: hi all
Spider: he gives information but little. but it’s sufficiant for the moment I guess
Michael Engberg: Thanks you so much Duskrin..
Duskrin D’tahree: His name is Bah’tahm. Will be here shortly
McBeorn: Thanks
kateR klatscht
McBeorn: Its areal problem
McBeorn: We heard about Phil
Michael Engberg: ok.. back.. sorry..
McBeorn: I think it is not right what happened
Duskrin D’tahree: It’s ok, Michael. Glad to help. I have about 50, 60 people I can ask. Heh, I really need to clean that buddy list
Thanakar: The imager broke....
Abunagi: To help for what?
Thanakar: has time started up again yet for hte hoods with clocks?
Duskrin D’tahree: He is coming. Just taking him some time.
Michael Engberg: OH man.. Laxman will need to know..
McBeorn: Typical!!
Spider: not the first time that this happened
Michael Engberg: When was the last time?
Duskrin D’tahree: Well, you have a meeting tonight. You can mention it then, although there are many matters for you to discuss before you can worry about things that need attention in the hoods
McBeorn: Hat die erste Gelegenheit genutzt, um zu verschwinden
kateR: yes strange things are going on all the time
Duskrin D’tahree: One in UO hood stopped on… 22 I think
Michael Engberg: It was working just moments before..
Michael Engberg: 22 people linking in?
chad.b: Hi Cycreim
Duskrin D’tahree: I mean the numbers.
Reinhard: hi yoro
Duskrin D’tahree: Ah Bah’tahm is here.
Michael Engberg: hmm let me see something.
kateR: Hi yoro
Thanakar: is that the left and bottom with the arc?
Thanakar: ahh..imager is workign again
chad.b: are you sure that it’s not just going slow? the clock.
an’nie: Back out here I guess
Michael Engberg: extemely wierd
Spider: well, have to go now
Michael Engberg: bye spider
Reinhard: ich verstehe garnichts
Spider: I listen to the record later
McBeorn: Es ist für uns nicht verständlich, was gesprochen wird. Ist jetzt ein übersetzer da?
Spider: cu all
Michael Engberg: Bah, care to help me?
Thanakar: l8r
McBeorn: Mr. Engberg is the translator present?
g’ro: How can we help Mr. Engberg?
Duskrin D’tahree: michael he is here. But I think he is… in some kind of flux… (ooc he doesnt see anyone here.)
kami: come annie sit by me
Michael Engberg: hmm
Thanakar: can you see us michael?
Michael Engberg: oh yes
Michael Engberg: How is everyone today?
Abunagi: fine thanks
kateR: fine
Eyoung100: great
Duskrin D’tahree: Doing very well. I had to do some shopping on the surface…
McBeorn: not so good
kateR: sometimes one of us goes mad
kami: good and you
Duskrin D’tahree: I feel at home agian.
Reinhard: kann mir das einer übersetzen?
g’ro: a bit slowly
Michael Engberg: Whats wrong McBeorn?
Duskrin D’tahree: Will be just a little longer. He had to link out and back to see if he could fix his communication
Reinhard: danke
McBeorn: I have seen a friend of mine gone
McBeorn: A good explorer sunk in the ground and vanished
kateR: yes a lot of us are gone - again and again
Duskrin D’tahree: Hmm.
McBeorn: Can You explain that?
Michael Engberg: Sorry to hear, condolences to your family
Thanakar: some of impatient and don’t want to wait
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael, on a small note… the imager is broken again. It happened when someone linked in.
Michael Engberg: thankar, isn’t that so true in life, so people want everything at once.. want it now. I’d like a million dollars.. wouldn’t you?
Thanakar: a bet, who wouldn’t
Michael Engberg: Interesting.. I’ll have Laxman look into it..
Snerticus waves
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael, ok Bah’tahm is here.
kateR: our translator !?
Michael Engberg: Hi MadTom and Bah
Duskrin D’tahree: Indeed.
kateR jubelt
Thanakar: I’m willing to bide my time, nothing else going on and I can always find something to amuse myself with
Snerticus: hello Mr. Engberg
Thanakar: Snert!
Michael Engberg: Hello Snert.
Snerticus: hi Thanakar
Michael Engberg: ok bah.. are you ready,,?
McBeorn: Hello
Bah’tahm: Yes Michael
Michael Engberg: okay if you type something in german.. bah will private message me it in english
Michael Engberg: might take a little bit to get the awnser..
Thanakar: I’ve got to try to translate it in my head
McBeorn: Gut, danke
Michael Engberg: you don’t have to type in german
Duskrin D’tahree: Hehe, yeh. My german is poor
McBeorn: Wir haben einige Fragen
Abunagi: danke
Thanakar: I know enough to get my face slapped
Michael Engberg: bah will you pm him back in german?
Michael Engberg: if i private message you..
Bah’tahm: If its a general answer, I can speak it to all, or pm if you want
Michael Engberg: i’ll say it public in english..
Michael Engberg: if you can say it in german to public that awesome..
kateR: ok start now
kateR: please ;-)
kateR gähnt
Michael Engberg: yes
McBeorn: can it now translated?
Michael Engberg: yes
Bah’tahm: I’ll translate forward and backward
McBeorn: Can we speak german?
Michael Engberg: yes
McBeorn: Danke
Michael Engberg: Thanks Bah
McBeorn: Wir können jetzt deutsch sprechen, es wird übersetzt
Bah’tahm: Ja, McBeorn
Bah’tahm: (you can speak german and it will be translated)
McBeorn: Werden wir bald neue Flächenerkunden können?
Thanakar: sorry to hear that yoro
Itep Edor: ihr könnt die fragen auf deutsch stellen und sie werden übersetzt
Michael Engberg: To McBeorn yes new areas will open very soon.
McBeorn: Schön, danke
Abunagi: Wieso ist die Stadt immer noch so “unsicher”?
Bah’tahm: Ja, neue Gengenden werden bald offen sein
kami: will the eggrooms be opened in all of the neighborhoods?
Eyoung100: Do u have a definite date mr engberg as to the opening of new areas?
Michael Engberg: To Abunagi, because we are all currently working an other areas making them safe. Soon we will get back to the city, but please remember Zandi letting all the explorers down was very unexpected..
Abunagi: thx
McBeorn: Arbeiten sie denn nicht mit Zandi zusammen?
Bah’tahm: Abunagi, weil wir meomentan allean wietern Gegenden Arbeiten, sie sicher zu machen. Bald werden wir zurück an der Stadt Arbeiten, aber bitte denke daran, dass es ziemlich überraschend war,
Michael Engberg: Eyoung the DRC has a rough date.. but rest assure you it is coming up very fast.
Bah’tahm: daß Zandi die ganzen Explorer hier herunter gelassen hat
Eyoung100: whooho lol
g’ro: Why do the neighborhouds differ so much, can we do something to change our neighborhoud?
Bah’tahm: Eyoung, das DRC hat ein ungefäres Datum.. aber sei dir gesagt, dass es bald kommen wird
kateR: Wohin ist der Verbindungs-stein in der Stadt verschwunden und wann kommt er wieder?
kateR: Where is the linking stone in the city gone?
Michael Engberg: Zandi owns the Land, we do not agree with him on certain ideas. Please read the histry of Zandi and the DRC on the DRCsite. I don’t remember the web address, but someone might.
Bah’tahm: Zandi besitt das Land, wir stimmen in gewissen Ideen nicht mit ihm überein.
McBeorn: Thx, but that is all in english!
Michael Engberg: I mean the exact link.. http:// ....
Bah’tahm: Bitte lest die Geschichte von Zandi und dem DRC auf der DRC Website. Ich erinner mich nicht an die Webadresse aber jemand tut es vielleicht
Bah’tahm: (
Michael Engberg: McBoern we are currently trying to localize the DRC site..
McBeorn: Danke, aber das ist alles in Englisch, schwierig für einige von uns
Bah’tahm: McBeorn wir versuchen moemntan die DRC Website zu lokalisieren
McBeorn: Danke
Michael Engberg: to Kater: link stone? no comment..
kateR: any secrets?
Bah’tahm: Kater: Link stein - kein Kommentar
kateR: Geheimnisse?
an’nie: Mr. Engberg, as you know, all the explorers are very excited at the idea of exploring new areas…Can you tell us anything about some of the things we may see?
McBeorn: Mr. Engberg, was ist mit Phil Henderson gescheen?
Michael Engberg: McBeorn I’ll see if I can get that speech localized sooner..
McBeorn: Fine, how soon?
Bah’tahm: Mr Engberg, wie sie wissen sind alle Explorer sehr aufgeregt von der Idee neue Gegenden zu erforschen . Können sie uns irgend etwas sagen über die Dinge die wir sehen werden?
Bah’tahm: McBeron, Ich werde sehen ob ich diese Sprache früher lokalisiert bekomme
Michael Engberg: okay slow down.. lol
Bah’tahm: Bitte was langasamer
Michael Engberg: one sec.
Abunagi: Can tell us the name of these places, please?
McBeorn lacht
kami: um er ........michael.......the egg rooms??
Michael Engberg: Egg rooms?
Bah’tahm: Annie, du/ihr werdet eine Menge sehr interessanter Plätze sehen, Ich denke du wirst dich freuen zu hören, daß geplant ist ein paar neue Plätze bald zu öffnen
an’nie: yes the egg rooms? will they open soon
Cycreim: Not to sound like I’m just here to kibitz, but yes, do you know about the egg rooms?
Snerticus: Yes, Faberge
Duskrin D’tahree: The privacy chamber, Michael.
Snerticus: Big one
kami: yes michael..the room next to the classroom?
Michael Engberg: First what are the egg rooms
Michael Engberg: oh you mean the private rooms.
Duskrin D’tahree: Explorers have taken to calling it the ‘egg room’ because of the device in the center.
Snerticus: the big floating egg in the middle of five rooms
kateR: may i take a picture of you , michael?
Bah’tahm: Was mir Victor so erzählt .. wie die “Zero” funktioniert ist sehr interessant
Cycreim: What Duskrin said. Sorry, “egg room” is becoming a bit of a colloquialism, see.
Michael Engberg: KateR sure..
kami: a wonderus place, i have seen douglas’s
an’nie: yes private rooms
McBeorn: slowly please
Bah’tahm: Erstens was ist der “egg room”?
Michael Engberg: Douglas has a hood?
Bah’tahm: Oh.. ihr meint die privaten Räume
Eyoung100: its the room next to the classroom in each hood
Michael Engberg: and his private rooms are open?
kami: 5 chambers surround a talisman
lost pupil: no there not
Duskrin D’tahree: Hmm.
Snerticus: And the talisman looks like a big floating Faberge egg
Bah’tahm: Die “egg rooms” ist so eine Art Spitzname für diese Räume
kami: yes.....there is a room like his in all hoods
Michael Engberg: Oh man the DRC really need to know this. if it is true..
McBeorn: Right Duskrin
lost pupil: Michael, what do you plan to take from doug?
Abunagi: he brakes many rules
McBeorn: Danke, Warum wird überhaupt Gewalt gegen Phil eingesetzt?
McBeorn: Warum dann die Gewalt?
kateR: why dont you all discuss public?
Bah’tahm: Die Restaurierung beschleunigen.. hmm grade jetzt.. Ich wuerde sagen, lies so viel wie möglich Info auf der DRC Website und Höhle wie möglich
Michael Engberg: Cy: Heard people talking about the sounds. its a concern..
Bah’tahm: Kami, Phil wurde nicht viel öffentlich gesehen, weil er momentan mit dem DRC über alles spricht.
kami: he can’t do both.............speak to the drc and travel freely
Bah’tahm: Duskrin: Michael, wie viel vond em was er sagt, glauben sie?
an’nie: can more people go see Phil now 4 or 5 to ease peoples minds abit more?
Michael Engberg: Duskrin: I have no reason to think he is lying, but he talks about things that are hard to swallow..
Eyoung100: let Bah catch up
Bah’tahm: Duskrin, ich habe keinen Grund zu glauben dass er lügt, aber er spricht über dinge die schwer zu schlucken sind..
kateR: good night @ all espacially to Michael
Bah’tahm: Duskrin: So wie eine Frau die angeblich to ist laufen zu sehen? Ja ich dachte selber ich verliere den Verstand als ich sie sah.
Michael Engberg: night
kami: good night kate
Bah’tahm: Duskrin: Beindruckende Technologie
Michael Engberg: o go back to annies question:
Bah’tahm: Ok, zurück zu Annies Frage:
Michael Engberg: I think that phil will decide to leave before we can set such event up, he really wants to continue his journey.
Bah’tahm: Ich denke Phil wird sich entscheiden zu gehen bevor wir einen solchen Event durchführen können, er will wirklich sine Reise fortsetzen.
kami: phil has moved around freely ........ why would the drc need to set up an event?
Cycreim: Alright, great, Michael. By the way, sorry about the “Free Phil” post
McBeorn: good point, kami
an’nie: I dont understand that We could go now
an’nie: resolve the issue make things better
Michael Engberg: its quite alright, Cycreim .
Duskrin D’tahree: kami: the DRC seems to only be interested in his safety. They need to know he is ok.
an’nie: thats not the issue others care too
Bah’tahm: Es ist ok Cycreim (Cycreim: Sorry wegen des “Free Phil” posts)
an’nie: at least not my issue
kami: how many days to determine phil is ok.............too many
Michael Engberg: Annie I think he and watson are exploring an unauthorized age to explorers right now.. Even I don’t always know where people are.
Cycreim: We’ll find out for ourselves soon soon, Annie.
an’nie: oh I see
Michael Engberg: Sorry.
an’nie: could we try to send them a message to come Would that hurt
Cycreim: Oh, they are? What’s the name of the Age?
Duskrin D’tahree: Will the mentioned proposals that were made by Dr. Kodama be discussed?
an’nie: Just anxious Sorry
Bah’tahm: Annie, Ich denke er und Watson erforschen ein für Explorer nicht autorisertes Zeitalter.. Selbst ich weiss nicht immer wo die Leute alle sind.
Duskrin D’tahree: Or has current events slowed down the discussions
Michael Engberg: let me see.. I don’t have them on my KI.. but I’ll still sned a message still .
an’nie: thanks
kami: so phil in not being checked out by the drc.......he is exploring......michael…i’m confused
Bah’tahm: Lass mich sehen.. ich habe sie grad nicht auf meinem KI.. aber ich werde trotzdem eine Nachricht schicken.
Duskrin D’tahree: Kami, Phil is with Dr. Watson. THink of it as a stroll while they discuss things.
Michael Engberg: Kami, phil is talking to the DRC. But where him and Watson are I don’t know.. Sorry.
kami: the story keeps changing
Bah’tahm: Kami, Phil redet mit dem DRC. Aber wo er und Watson sind weiß ich nicht.. sorry.
Michael Engberg: Its never chaged?
McBeorn: Es kann sein, daß ich nicht alles gehört habe
Bah’tahm: Sie hat sich nie geändert?
Michael Engberg: How has it changed?
Bah’tahm: McBeron: could be I didn’t hear anything
McBeorn: phil ist also unterwegs und phil unterhät sich mit Tink, Richtig?
Bah’tahm: Wie hat sie sich geändert?
kami: no dus.....not a do not force
an’nie: I dont mean to “hammer” you, I do appreciate you talking with us
Bah’tahm: McBeron: Phil is on the way and Phil talks with TInk, right?
Duskrin D’tahree: kami… I fail to see where you made that… observation
Michael Engberg: kami.. we are not forcing him.. geez.. how many times have I said that
Cycreim: I’m Engberg, how’s Er’cana coming along?
Bah’tahm: Kami: Wir zwingen ihn nicht.. geez wie oft habe ich das gesagt?
Snerticus: i think kami’s referring to the ‘way’ you took him.
Michael Engberg: PHil is free to leave when ever he wants.. we are just talking to him.
Duskrin D’tahree: Phil has never stated that he thought the DRC to be bad people… I am trying to understand why others do..
Cycreim: Er, why does it say I’m?
Bah’tahm: Phil kann gehen wann immer er will.. wir reden nur mit ihm
Cycreim: Darn KI.
an’nie: If people see Phil out walking around on his own…it will resolve this
Michael Engberg: I think i am leaving cause some people aren’t really listening anyways.
an’nie: Until then.......I dont know
Cycreim: I’m listening!
an’nie: We are listening
Bah’tahm: Ich denke ich gehe jetzt weil einige Leute nicht wirklich zuhören.
kami: i have a hard time beleiving this
an’nie: Trying to understand thats all
Michael Engberg: Ok.. I will explain this another friend I had..
an’nie: Okay
Bah’tahm: Ok.. ich werde es erklären.. ein anderer Freund den ich hatte…
kami: lol
Michael Engberg: shes on the surface, her name is Cassie.. she fell into the wrong crowd. and then came back totally not the person she was. If at that time i had went to her, and say cassie what happened
Jibber and Twitch does a dance
Michael Engberg: maybe I could have helped her.. now she is lost again.. I worry about her daily.
Michael Engberg: I’m not saying that phil fell in the wrong crowd
Snerticus: but Michael, just look at it the other way, as if someone thought you were in the wrong crowd.
Duskrin D’tahree: not initially.
kami: what a nice story michael.........what are you implying
Bah’tahm: Sie ist an der Oberfläche, ihr Name ist Cassie.. sie verschwand in der falschen Gruppe, und kam dann zurück, als völlig veränderte Person. Wenn ich zu der Zeit zu ihr gegangen wäre und sie gefragt hätte Cassie, was ist passiert
Michael Engberg: I am just concerned for him cause of other things that have happened in my personal life.
Snerticus: i’m not saying you are either, but someone may think so
Duskrin D’tahree: kami: I believe that he is saying he feels that Phil is no longer the phil he knew. And this change upsets him.
Bah’tahm: vielleicht hätte ich ihr helfen können. Jetzt ist sie wieder verschwunden ich mache mir jeden Tag sorgen.
Bah’tahm: Ich sag nicht dass Phil in der falschen Gruppe gelandet ist
Michael Engberg: I think if a good friend of your own totally went missing and came back changed .. You would want to know what happened too..
an’nie: I see please understand that these questions are concerns…I would count myself lucky if my friends searched for answers this way on my behaf
Bah’tahm: Ich mache mir nur sorgen wegen anderer Dinge die in meinem persönlichen Leben passiert sind.
an’nie: Wouldnt you??
McBeorn: Alle Menschen haben das Recht sich zu ändern
kami: yes.......i understand perseption.........but is michael’s perception more valid than mine or yours
Snerticus: or, you could also look at it as if someone had an “eye opening” experience…then they became different because of it.
Bah’tahm: Ich denke wenn ein guter Freund von einem komplett verschwindet und verändert zurückkommt.. Ihr wolltet auch wissen was passiert ist.
Michael Engberg: Understand, that when Phil went missing it was a much stressful time to.. then what people saw on the DRCsite..
Bah’tahm: McBeorn: All humans have the right to change…
Michael Engberg: McBeorn, change is good, but we just want to know why he changed..
an’nie: If we had taken him....kept him from you…no sounds to me that you would ask many many questions as we are
Bah’tahm: Versteht, als Phil verschwand war es eine sehr anstrengende Zeut.. dann was Leute auf der DRC Website geshen haben…
g’ro: sorry it’s too late for me. bye
kami: and taking him by figured he’d be affable to a disscussion
Duskrin D’tahree: Well if we kept him from the DRC I think there would be more cause for them to worry
Duskrin D’tahree: Haha
Bah’tahm: McBeorn, Veränderung ist gut, aber wir wollen nur wissen warum er sich änderte.
Cycreim: Phil means a lot to us, but probably in a different way than he means a lot to you.
an’nie: Well you know what I mean
McBeorn: Verstehe, aber dafür Gewalt anzuwenden ist nicht richtig!
Michael Engberg: Annie, no matter what people what to know information. its our nature as human beings.
Bah’tahm: McBeorn: I understand, aber why use force.. its not right
Duskrin D’tahree: Cycreim: Phil is a nice fellow. Indeed, one of the kindest I have known. Yet, we have only known him a short time.
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael has known him a lot longer
Animan: What about Doug? What is the DRC doing about him?
Snerticus: True Duskrin
Cycreim: Right Dusk, but he’s been through and has seen what we’ve seen, right?
Cycreim: And more.
Bah’tahm: Annie, egal welche Leute Information wissen wollen, es ist unsere natur als menschliche Wesen.
Duskrin D’tahree: True. Yet we have to be cautious as well.
an’nie: Yes true but so......its still important I have many new friends here and would search high or low for ANY of you
Michael Engberg: you know.. I do have to say.. it does show a great quailty that you are all concerned for phil.
kami: yes.......he has seen.....and wants to share
Michael Engberg: I could only hope if I went missing, that I would be cared about so much.
Duskrin D’tahree: Sharper is probably not something Engberg wishes to discuss until he knows himself.
Bah’tahm: Weisst du.. ich muss es sagen.. es zeigt eine gute Qualität dass ihr alle um Phil besorgt seid.
kami: like douglas......does not believe it is right to keep secrets
an’nie: Yes I think we would all hope for that!
Snerticus: michael, I really think you would
Duskrin D’tahree: kami: Hahaha… that statement is funny
Bah’tahm: Ich kann nur hoffen dass wenn ich verschwinden würde, sich auch so um mich gekümmert würde.
Snerticus: (sorry, I went from calling you Mr. Engberg to Michael. I hope you don’t mind.)
kami: why dus
Duskrin D’tahree: kami: you know as well as I do, that there are things he isnt telling us as well.
Michael Engberg: Kami, I would watch out for douglas, if you believe he is telling you everything. He has crossed my path before..
an’nie: will you (DRC) close the pub?
Cycreim: Then don’t read it, Animan!
Bah’tahm: Lami, ich würde bei Douglas aufpassen, ob du alles glaubst was er dir erzählt. Er hat meinen Weg schon vorher gekreuzt
Duskrin D’tahree: Michael, I have a question on the pub. Is Sharper’s pub the same one they stormed and broke into?
McBeorn: Have the DRC read the Journal?
Michael Engberg: annie we are thinking about taking his Pub, Great Tree Pub. not the Kahlo Pub.
kami: and you have not being a rep of the drc....up areas shown us new sites.........douglas has.....this is a good thing
Duskrin D’tahree: Animan: Yes, they do. It was mentioned weeks back.
Cycreim: Gosh, the journal… so much about the journal. You really shouldn’t be reading other peoples’ journals.
an’nie: Lol
Snerticus: but Douglas hasn’t shown us anything we haven’t seen before
Bah’tahm: Annie, wir denken darüber nach, seine Kneipe zu nehmen, die Great Tree Kneipe, nicht die Kahlo Kneipe
Michael Engberg: iDon’t read other peoples journals, and people are talking about his office.. I wonder if its that.. hmm
McBeorn: Maybe you should
Snerticus: Lol
Duskrin D’tahree: was that a subtle hint at gaining more information on where his office is?
an’nie: People are information starved they will read journals
Bah’tahm: ch lese nicht die Tagebücher anderer Leute, und Leute reden über sein Büro.. Ich frage mich ob es das ist.. hmmm
Snerticus: And that’s a bad thing…lol
kami: yes.......all have visited the pub.....i dance there.........the “egg room” is a wonder......and michael is upset we have seen these things
Duskrin D’tahree: The Great Tree pub… hmm.
Snerticus: Where is the Great Tree pub?
Michael Engberg: Well its your choice to read other peoples personal journals.. not mine
Cycreim: Where IS the other pup, The Great Tree, anyway?
an’nie: hen you can will you talk about the egg room with us
Michael Engberg: In another district.
Bah’tahm: Nun es ist eure Entscheidung die persönlichen Tagebücher anderer Leute zu lesen.. nicht meine
McBeorn: We all need informations and tokk them where we find them
Eyoung100: would u like to see the places we are talking about mr engberg
Bah’tahm: (WO ist die andere Kneipe, the Great Tree) In einem anderen Distrikt
Snerticus: I really don’t think his journal is too private if we all have access to it
Cycreim: I dunno about you, Eyoung, but I’d prefer to see some of the places Mr. Engberg is talking about.
Cycreim: Heh.
an’nie: Me too
Michael Engberg: I actually need to be going.. something on Er’cana I need to work out.. maybe i will come by tomorrow.
an’nie: Thanks
Duskrin D’tahree: That would be great
Cycreim: Alright, thanks, Michael. Same place?
kami: michael i thank you for speaking with us
McBeorn: Fine, thx
Snerticus: thank you for talking to us!
kami thanks you very much!
Bah’tahm: Ich muss jetzt wirklich gehen.. etwas auf Er’cana an dem ich arbeiten muss.. vielleicht komme ich morgen wieder vorbei.
Snerticus thanks you very much!
McBeorn: Thx for the translations
Michael Engberg: I was just going to come for a break from the work… opps I guess its another late night for me..
Duskrin D’tahree: indeed. I am pleased to have finally had a conversation of substance with you Michael.
Michael Engberg: Yes Bah.. thanks so so much..