Reference:2006-11-11 The Great Tree Town Hall 2

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(11/11 19:26:49) Chat.log started...
(11/11 20:05:46) Gadren: OK, everyone, I guess let's get this meeting started
(11/11 20:05:54) Michael: I thinking, we're as dysfunctional as a real family sometimes..... :)
(11/11 20:06:12) Gadren: Welcome to the evening Town Hall Meeting with the Great Tree
(11/11 20:06:17) Sorceress claps her hands
(11/11 20:06:23) hhenry claps his hands
(11/11 20:06:27) Gadren: During this meeting, please have /autoshout enabled so that everyone can hear you
(11/11 20:06:37) Gadren: Also, please relegate non-meeting chat to PMs
(11/11 20:07:02) Gadren: This meeting is meant for OOC questions, but I will certainly not stop you from asking IC questions, if the GT doesn't have a problem with that
(11/11 20:07:26) Gadren: If you want to ask a question, please PM me with the word QUESTION, and you'll be put on the queue
(11/11 20:07:30) jjohns (Marten) grins
(11/11 20:07:54) Gadren: Also, when the GT finishes a question, please say "next question" so I know to move on to the next person in the queue
(11/11 20:08:14) Gadren: With all that said, I'll turn the time over to the GT...can you give an intro on what your group is about?
(11/11 20:08:25) Cycreim: Oh boy...
(11/11 20:08:36) jjohns (Marten): Sure. I'll let Cycreim speak first.
(11/11 20:08:52) Cycreim: Haha, well all the eloquent speakers aren't here this evening so I'll give it a go...
(11/11 20:09:50) jjohns (Marten): OK, Cycreim just handed it to me first. OK. A little backhistory
(11/11 20:10:06) Cycreim gets stage fright. :P
(11/11 20:10:33) jjohns (Marten): During 2003 Uru Prologue, the Great Tree was born out of a smaller, private group of friends around Brian Fioca, who we currently call our "leader" though really, he's more of a good catalyst.
(11/11 20:11:25) jjohns (Marten): Brian had a good nose for sniffing out important events in Prologue, and became involved with them when Douglas Sharper, a Cyan-run "Digital Actor" (to borrow greydragon's terminology), took him into confidence.
(11/11 20:11:56) Cycreim: Oh hey Jean
(11/11 20:12:06) jjohns (Marten): Brian was by no means the only person to which this happened... many explorers became involved in the story when DRC members or people working on behalf of the DRC would pull them in with a private message or two.
(11/11 20:12:31) Cycreim: Right, a lot of them were just in the right place at the right time.
(11/11 20:12:41) jjohns (Marten): Good examples include Zardoz and MrM3FaN, both of whom have now appeared in part of the documentary video series we are now producing to help explain many of those events.
(11/11 20:12:48) Moiety Jean waves
(11/11 20:12:57) jjohns (Marten) welcomes Moiety Jean, "First Lady of the Great Tree"
(11/11 20:13:00) Cycreim: Glad you could join us, even if it's just for a bit :)
(11/11 20:13:03) Moiety Jean: Hehe, thanks
(11/11 20:13:09) Moiety Jean: Sorry to duck in late
(11/11 20:13:41) Cycreim: The rest of us just sort of rolled up in the group at random moments
(11/11 20:14:05) jjohns (Marten): As Prologue wrapped up towards the end of January 2004, before we were all booted out of the cavern.... yeah, we sort of rolled up into the group like an avalanche.
(11/11 20:14:17) jjohns (Marten): It was a very tumultous time.
(11/11 20:14:32) jjohns (Marten): Good enough?
(11/11 20:14:32) Cycreim: Daedalus liked the cut of my jib on the DRC forums and when I ran into him in the Cavern, well... that was that.
(11/11 20:14:47) Moiety Jean: Nowadays we find that people who enjoy our type of fun and personality just sort of gravitate toward the Great Tree
(11/11 20:15:23) jjohns (Marten): The documentaries have also renewed some interest, of course.
(11/11 20:15:30) Moiety Jean: Once they hang around on our forums and get to know us, and we get to know them, sometimes they are just adopted as "official" members.
(11/11 20:16:04) Cycreim: We're really casual, even if we come off as rabble-rousers sometimes. :)
(11/11 20:16:15) Moiety Jean: Indeed.
(11/11 20:16:31) To jjohns (Marten): yes, one
(11/11 20:16:37) Moiety Jean: When we collectively get the mind to rouse rabbles, we certainly get serious about it.
(11/11 20:17:02) jjohns (Marten): Unless MJ and Cycreim have more to add, perhaps we should move on to the first question.
(11/11 20:17:08) Gadren: OK, Michael, you're up
(11/11 20:17:11) Michael: Do you know if Cyan plans to incorporate the GT into the future Uru story?
(11/11 20:17:39) Cycreim: Ha
(11/11 20:17:45) Moiety Jean: We don't have anything official, but I'm certain Cyan plans to use any resources that present themselves to help the explorers forward the story
(11/11 20:18:14) jjohns (Marten): That's a very good question. From our point of perspective, it is entirely up to the players in Uru on wehther they want to get involved in the story. You don't have to be part of the Great Tree. Any groups that form have equal opportunity.
(11/11 20:18:15) Cycreim: At the present time I can tell you that we don't know anything for certain. :)
(11/11 20:18:23) Moiety Jean: So the Great Tree could be involved, and so could another group that steps up.
(11/11 20:19:02) Cycreim: We're a group with a lot of history, and how that rolls out in Live is entirely up to the storytellers at Cyan.
(11/11 20:19:09) Moiety Jean: Or an individual. There are many possibilities and I'm sure only time will tell.
(11/11 20:19:16) jjohns (Marten): Right. Cyan, per our understanding, will have multiple opportunities for explorers to get involved and exert influence on the direction things go. There will be subtle and not so subtle hints, if Prologue 2003 was a good example to go by.
(11/11 20:19:41) Cycreim: At the same time, we're not depending on them to carry our personal story... we're just explorers like the rest of you.
(11/11 20:20:15) jjohns (Marten): Don't disregard strange private messages you get You never know when it might be opportunity knocking. It could also be a hoax, and I'm sure we'll see some of those... but keep your eyes open.
(11/11 20:20:21) Moiety Jean: At the Great Tree, part of the excitement is simply being involved in the personal stories of friends.
(11/11 20:20:30) Cycreim nods his head
(11/11 20:21:00) Cycreim: One of the main reasons we wanted to have this meeting OOC was to tell you guys
(11/11 20:21:15) Cycreim: that you could be a part of the story in a concrete way
(11/11 20:21:32) Moiety Jean: Yes. We got a bit of flak recently for coming forward to the DRC with a rumor, which ended up being false.
(11/11 20:21:38) Cycreim: just like the Great Tree's story was intertwined in the story of the Prologue
(11/11 20:21:58) Moiety Jean: I don't believe we made a bad decision in this, because it was an opportunity for more story if it was true.
(11/11 20:22:08) Moiety Jean: We made sure to handle it in a civil way, first.
(11/11 20:22:23) Cycreim: Is that a good answer?
(11/11 20:22:29) jjohns (Marten): Right. There's been a lot of confusion and concern about IC versus OOC, and allegations of elitism. But the story is optional... you don't have to participate if you don't want to. But we hope people don't choose not to, and then complain about it.
(11/11 20:22:38) Moiety Jean: Right
(11/11 20:23:08) Moiety Jean: I personally feel that concerns about IC versus OOC will diminish as developer-driven story picks back up again
(11/11 20:23:29) To jjohns (Marten): awesome answers...if you could maybe have one person answer the question, that would be great.. i'm getting a queue
(11/11 20:23:51) Moiety Jean: By simply interacting with the DRC, which are a fictional group,
(11/11 20:24:09) Moiety Jean: you are embracing the concept that the cavern is real in some way.
(11/11 20:24:26) Moiety Jean: That's the only thing which is required in order to play "in cavern"
(11/11 20:24:32) Gadren: Hi everyone who's just come in We're in the community hall. PM me with "QUESTION" to get on the queue...and when done with answering a question, say "next"
(11/11 20:24:43) Moiety Jean: Can everyone hear me even if I'm not shouting?
(11/11 20:24:55) autoshout activated
(11/11 20:25:01) Gadren: please use /autoshout
(11/11 20:25:02) Moiety Jean: Sure
(11/11 20:25:03) Beatfox: Hearing ya fine. =)
(11/11 20:25:12) Cycreim: Okay I think we're ready for the next one.
(11/11 20:25:12) To Cycreim: yes, i have 2 people in queue
(11/11 20:25:18) Gadren: Sorceress?
(11/11 20:25:19) Moiety Jean: Yeah, I just dislike those silly exclamation points. :)
(11/11 20:25:23) Beatfox: haha
(11/11 20:25:36) Gadren: (and don't worry, i'll edit out the exclamation marks)
(11/11 20:25:55) Sorceress: General question: did you ever know which Cyanists controlled which Digital Actr (Sharper, Laxman, etc)?
(11/11 20:26:12) Cycreim: Jean maybe you could handle this.
(11/11 20:26:15) Moiety Jean: That is something which, even if we did know, would be a violation of Cyan's trust to disclose
(11/11 20:26:35) hhenry: you dont have a need to know
(11/11 20:26:45) Moiety Jean: We have never had official confirmation of who played whom.
(11/11 20:27:11) Moiety Jean: Though we have speculated :)
(11/11 20:27:30) Moiety Jean: Next?
(11/11 20:27:39) Gadren: Michael again?
(11/11 20:27:42) Michael: If Cyan implements guilds in Uru Live do you think the GT might want to be another official guild?
(11/11 20:27:57) Moiety Jean: We've definitely thought about it.
(11/11 20:28:16) jjohns (Marten): I have something to add to that...
(11/11 20:28:20) Moiety Jean: Please
(11/11 20:28:41) Cycreim: That depends on a lot of things which we'll find out about in Live I'd imagine... oh sorry go ahead Marten
(11/11 20:29:17) jjohns (Marten): It's really not clear to us at this time. We briefly toyed around with renaming ourselves "Great Tree Guild" but we didn't like the connotations associated with "guild". We're far more free-form than that. Loosely organized. So while we might use some of the mechinisms for Guilds if implemented... I doubt we'll ever call ourselves that.
(11/11 20:29:49) Moiety Jean: Though, part of being somewhat free-form is maintaining the possibility of changing our official stance
(11/11 20:29:56) jjohns (Marten): True *lol*
(11/11 20:30:04) Cycreim: Which is very likely to happen :D
(11/11 20:30:17) Moiety Jean: So, if the opportunity presents itself for the Great Tree to become an official guild, we'll discuss it internally, and decide from there.
(11/11 20:30:40) jjohns (Marten): Next?
(11/11 20:30:42) Moiety Jean: I doubt that we'll pass up on a good opportunity to be involved in such a dramatic way.
(11/11 20:31:01) Moiety Jean: Yes, next?
(11/11 20:31:15) Gadren: Uh...i don't think i have anyone on my queue right now
(11/11 20:31:42) jjohns (Marten): Do you have any questions yourself, Gadren?
(11/11 20:31:42) Gadren: If no one else has any more OOC questions, I'll open the floor to IC questions
(11/11 20:32:10) Gadren: hhenry asks "Will GT continue as a UU shard or go down?"
(11/11 20:32:13) Moiety Jean: Alright Well, there were many good questions asked in the first meeting today, I encourage anyone to read the transcript as it's posted.
(11/11 20:32:21) jjohns (Marten): I'll take that one.
(11/11 20:32:33) To Eleri: Hi eleri
(11/11 20:32:34) Moiety Jean: That's entirely up to Cyan... is that right, John?
(11/11 20:32:55) Cycreim: Ask Ashtar. :)
(11/11 20:33:07) Cycreim: It's his shard.
(11/11 20:33:16) jjohns (Marten): We don't know. GT as a shard isn't really directly affiliated with our group. Ashtar runs the GT shard, and it even has its own forums. Ultimately, yeah... it's up to Cyan on whether some or all of UU is shut down. Or Ashtar, if he shuts his down early. I don't think he will until Cyan asks, though.
(11/11 20:33:16) Sorceress: OOC QUESTION
(11/11 20:33:27) Sorceress: oops
(11/11 20:33:37) jjohns (Marten): Next. :)
(11/11 20:33:46) Gadren: heh...go ahead sorceress
(11/11 20:33:55) Moiety Jean: It would definitely be in our best interest to keep the UU shard up until at least the completion of our documentary series.
(11/11 20:34:10) Moiety Jean: Hi Eleri
(11/11 20:34:14) Sorceress: Do you have any general tips on how to be involved in the storyline?
(11/11 20:34:16) K'laamas: Shorah, Eleri :)
(11/11 20:34:18) jjohns (Marten): Shorah to our other liaison for the evening, Eleri :)
(11/11 20:34:31) Eleri: Shorah, all. Sorry I am late. stuck in surface traffic
(11/11 20:34:38) Gadren: 'tis alright. :)
(11/11 20:34:43) Cycreim: Oh Yeah awesome Great question
(11/11 20:35:50) Cycreim: The easiest way to get involved is to be on 24/7. That ups your chances of meeting with an "actor character" LOL
(11/11 20:35:59) Moiety Jean: Part of it will likely be "right place, right time"
(11/11 20:36:01) Beatfox: hehe
(11/11 20:36:01) jjohns (Marten) rolls his eyes.
(11/11 20:36:12) Cycreim: Of course that's kind of unreasonable, natch
(11/11 20:36:43) Moiety Jean: I'd say, keep tabs on events as the story unfolds
(11/11 20:36:55) Cycreim: I can say one thing
(11/11 20:37:22) Moiety Jean: But you can always be involved, even if you're not a high-profile player
(11/11 20:37:24) Cycreim: If you do run into an actor character, don't get starstruck, just try to be yourself.
(11/11 20:37:30) jjohns (Marten): One point we wanted to drive home in the Prologue documentaries, is we give the date and time of every event that occurred. As we continue, viewers will see that events in Prologue weren't isolated to just one small time of the day. You never knew when something important would happen.
(11/11 20:38:18) Moiety Jean: Don't worry too much about it, but have fun, be appealing.
(11/11 20:38:24) jjohns (Marten): Pay attention to the DRC forums. Stay up on current events. Watch for private messages. I think there will be other clues, but I couldn't guess what they may be.
(11/11 20:38:30) Cycreim: Actor characters are being played by real people, so you can send them KI mail, you can talk to them on the forums, you can do all sorts of things.
(11/11 20:38:35) Beatfox: As with any RP setting, try to put your own personal twist on your conversations without attempting to force events in a certain direction.
(11/11 20:38:52) Moiety Jean: That's good
(11/11 20:38:55) jjohns (Marten): Good advice, Beatfox. :)
(11/11 20:39:02) Cycreim: Yes Pay attention to PMs and follow up on them as much as possible. If they tell you to go somewhere, it's very likely that something interesting is going to happen in that place.
(11/11 20:39:08) Beatfox: I'm in one of those old transcripts, BTW :P
(11/11 20:39:23) Beatfox: and thanks, hehe
(11/11 20:39:54) jjohns (Marten): Well, if we're using one of those in the planned episodes (we can't present -everything- ... it's just too much), you'll get a message from one of us when we're ready to cover it. :)
(11/11 20:39:57) Moiety Jean: Remember that as Live grows, it will be hard for everyone to be in a leadership position. But just be available, be trustworthy, and if you're what the actors need at the time, you'll get picked.
(11/11 20:40:00) Cycreim: If Laxman tells you to go to Eder Kemo, for the sake of all that's awesome, go to Eder Kemo
(11/11 20:40:07) Sorceress: hee
(11/11 20:40:10) Beatfox: Cool, thanks jjohns
(11/11 20:40:24) Cycreim: Of course
(11/11 20:40:27) Cycreim: One more thing
(11/11 20:40:40) Cycreim: The DRC aren't the only way to get involved in the plot of Uru
(11/11 20:40:45) Moiety Jean: Yes
(11/11 20:41:07) Moiety Jean: The community is constantly showing its many talents
(11/11 20:41:11) Cycreim: There are lots of explorers who are running smaller stories, ones that run parallel to the central one of Uru
(11/11 20:41:51) Cycreim: The Great Tree is like that, I think
(11/11 20:41:56) jjohns (Marten): Right. And the DRC may even react to those. You never know.
(11/11 20:42:22) Moiety Jean: At some point you may have to choose a direction and run with it. There may come a time when straddling the fence about current events will cause your story to stagnate
(11/11 20:42:25) Cycreim: You can get involved on so many levels, and the way those levels interact is really quite baroque.
(11/11 20:43:01) Beatfox: Above all, have fun. If too much of your efforts are simply spent on trying to "become a star" in the storyline, you're probably not gonna get much enjoyment outta that.
(11/11 20:43:08) Eleri: I think, just being aware, and keeping up on what's going on is important. That way, if you find story dropped in your lap, you're not lost.
(11/11 20:43:14) Beatfox: And that is the whole point of this place: enjoyment
(11/11 20:43:25) Moiety Jean: So, if it comes to it, make friends, make alliances, and take sides if you have to, but yes, most importantly, enjoy the experience at your own pace.
(11/11 20:43:31) Cycreim: I think we're ready to go to the next question.
(11/11 20:43:34) Moiety Jean: yes
(11/11 20:43:49) Gadren: Well, I have an IC question:
(11/11 20:43:58) Moiety Jean: sure
(11/11 20:44:02) Cycreim: Fire away
(11/11 20:44:02) jjohns (Marten) puts on his pith helmet. "Go"
(11/11 20:45:22) Gadren: Could you eplain what the path of Yeesha is and what you think D'ni's future should be, without the mysticism that can make it confusing for many of us?
(11/11 20:45:46) Moiety Jean: But the mysticism is part of the fun ;)
(11/11 20:45:49) Gadren: for example, what is a "spritual restoration?" ;)
(11/11 20:46:05) jjohns (Marten): "No." Hey, it was a yes or no question. ;)
(11/11 20:46:08) hhenry: Restock thepub
(11/11 20:46:15) Moiety Jean: I think Yeesha is more concerned with the people who will populate D'ni than with the city and ruins themselves
(11/11 20:46:21) Beatfox: haha hhenry
(11/11 20:46:39) Cycreim: Right. She's not talking about D'ni at the time of the Fall
(11/11 20:47:03) Moiety Jean: She wants to teach us that building up pride and refusing to learn from others is a mistake
(11/11 20:47:05) Cycreim: When the Cavern was first colonized, I guess that would be the right word...
(11/11 20:47:26) jjohns (Marten): Anyone can rebuild. But if you keep repeating your past mistakes, you will fail again and again. A true restoration is to overcome your shortcomings.
(11/11 20:47:26) Cycreim: the D'ni were supposed to live in humility
(11/11 20:47:46) Cycreim: obviously they lost some of that humility :)
(11/11 20:47:58) Moiety Jean: But they built class structures and caste systems that abused the lowest in society
(11/11 20:47:59) Gadren: So, where do you see a Yeesha-inspired Cavern community in 10 years?
(11/11 20:48:06) jjohns (Marten): Right. I'll elaborate on that just a bit more...
(11/11 20:48:15) Moiety Jean: pride and vanity caused them to overlook their dire situation until it was too late
(11/11 20:48:16) Cycreim: Behind your desk. :)
(11/11 20:48:23) Cycreim: Oh wait this isn't a job interview
(11/11 20:48:43) catherwood laughs
(11/11 20:48:58) Cycreim: Well Gadren
(11/11 20:49:02) Moiety Jean: Yeesha muses a lot farther into the future than we do
(11/11 20:49:23) Cycreim: I really don't know, personally, and I don't think it's our job to look into the future that far... it should be about the Journey and everything
(11/11 20:49:26) jjohns (Marten): The response some people might have is to look at Veovis and what happened that brought about D'ni's fall, and blame Veovis, or blame Ti'Ana. But that doesn't take away the right lesson. The right lesson is that no amount of security or comfort will save you. The more you attempt to be secure, the more it shows you are insecure.
(11/11 20:49:55) jjohns (Marten): (that's my opinion)
(11/11 20:50:03) Moiety Jean: It's impossible to say where we will be. I'm pretty sure there will be some serious conflict in the way the community thinks the cavern should be managed
(11/11 20:50:20) Cycreim: Making predictions would be setting ourselves a goal and I don't think we should do that. We should just try to be here in the moment and do the best we can to remember the least among us.
(11/11 20:50:36) Cycreim: It's all about the Journey
(11/11 20:50:41) jjohns (Marten): Ten years from now, we will still be learning. The D'ni were on Earth for 10,000 years, and they either did not learn, or did not remember, the lesson.
(11/11 20:51:09) Moiety Jean: Are we ready to go on?
(11/11 20:51:13) jjohns (Marten): I am.
(11/11 20:51:17) Cycreim: I think so. Next
(11/11 20:51:18) Gadren: Heh, OK. ;)
(11/11 20:51:32) Gadren: Well, Idon't have anyone else on my queue...if I missed anyone let me know
(11/11 20:51:42) Moiety Jean: Hello to our newcomers
(11/11 20:51:53) jjohns (Marten): If anyone feels that we've neglected to answer sufficiently, you can always ask another way.
(11/11 20:52:24) Cycreim: Maybe I can put something forward
(11/11 20:52:27) To jjohns (Marten): heh, thanks for the invite...if you don't mind, i'll maybe ask on the GT forum so as not to distract the meeting any further ;)
(11/11 20:52:33) Gadren: OK, Michael, you're up
(11/11 20:52:33) Nita (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(11/11 20:52:48) Michael: any of you ever meet a bahro in person
(11/11 20:52:49) Cycreim: After Michael's question, of course. :)
(11/11 20:52:54) Cycreim: Hahaha
(11/11 20:53:06) Moiety Jean: hehe, depends on if you're speaking IC or OOC ;)
(11/11 20:53:11) Cycreim: I'd like to, one day...
(11/11 20:53:12) Michael: IC
(11/11 20:53:13) Beatfox: hehe
(11/11 20:53:34) Moiety Jean: I'll say that I'm not 100% sure I've seen them, but I
(11/11 20:53:38) jjohns (Marten): I've come close to them, but never really "met" one. I haven't sat down to tea and discussed politics with one yet.
(11/11 20:53:39) Moiety Jean: 'm pretty sure they've seen me
(11/11 20:54:25) Nita: what's the subject tonight
(11/11 20:54:26) Moiety Jean: Keep them in mind if you sneak off to make a pit stop somewhere.. o.O
(11/11 20:54:33) Nita: lol
(11/11 20:54:42) Gadren: OK, hhenry has a question...
(11/11 20:55:07) Moiety Jean: Nita, we're discussing the Great Tree, and explorer roles in the story
(11/11 20:55:13) Nita: ok
(11/11 20:55:22) jjohns (Marten): Go ahead with your question, hhenry :)
(11/11 20:56:20) jjohns (Marten): .... is there a punchline? :)
(11/11 20:56:40) Cycreim: Are you implying that the people who wear pith helmets are crazy nutter conspiracy theorists?
(11/11 20:57:00) Moiety Jean: I'm afraid I'll need to leave a bit early, but I'm sure jjohns and Cycreim will handle your questions admirably
(11/11 20:57:24) Nita: hi KenS
(11/11 20:57:33) Gadren: See ya MJ
(11/11 20:57:37) Moiety Jean: Thanks for your enthusiasm, everyone
(11/11 20:57:39) Moiety Jean thanks you very much
(11/11 20:57:44) Gadren: Oh, and please type in /autoshout so everyone can hear you
(11/11 20:57:45) jjohns (Marten): Have a good night, MJ :)
(11/11 20:57:49) Cycreim: Later Jean Have fun
(11/11 20:57:50) Beatfox: Bye, MJ
(11/11 20:57:53) Michael: bye
(11/11 20:58:00) jjohns (Marten): Shorah, KenS. Welcome to the Town Hall with the Great Tree.
(11/11 20:58:11) Moiety Jean waves
(11/11 20:58:16) Michael: just type it again
(11/11 20:58:33) catherwood: naive question, but why can't everyone see what i type witout autoshout?
(11/11 20:58:54) jjohns (Marten): Yes, keep autoshout on for now, we keep getting new arrivals.
(11/11 20:58:57) Nita: hi hana
(11/11 20:59:02) Gadren: When there are more than 9 people in an Age, only the nearest few can hear you
(11/11 20:59:29) Cycreim: Do we have another question?
(11/11 20:59:34) jjohns (Marten): I'll ask a question of the crowd. What do you think of the prologue documentaries so far? Has anyone not seen them?
(11/11 20:59:44) catherwood downloaded them
(11/11 20:59:44) Nita: no
(11/11 20:59:45) Cycreim: Later K'laamas
(11/11 20:59:51) Michael: They are very well made.
(11/11 20:59:52) Sorceress: They're great for those who weren't in Prologue
(11/11 21:00:00) Beatfox: I just saw them for the first time yesterday. Great job
(11/11 21:00:07) Nita: up here hana
(11/11 21:00:45) Beatfox: If I had one qualm about them, I'd say that they could perhaps be paced faster.
(11/11 21:00:50) Gadren nods his head
(11/11 21:00:55) Gadren: They are a bit slow...
(11/11 21:01:04) Beatfox: Still enjoyable, nonetheless
(11/11 21:01:17) Cycreim: It's a lot of material to condense
(11/11 21:01:23) Beatfox: Indeed, heheh
(11/11 21:01:31) catherwood: won't UruLive need to provide all of that backstory anyway for new gamers?
(11/11 21:01:33) Gadren: Sorceress has a question
(11/11 21:01:44) jjohns (Marten): Yes, they do run a little slow. There is a lot to cover. We've actually trimmed a lot out of the conversations and we don't want to change what people said to make it faster. But I will work on timing and see if I can make it go faster.
(11/11 21:01:59) jjohns (Marten): OK
(11/11 21:02:08) Sorceress: I know you'll got into detail in a later movie, but can you give me a general rundown on how Phil got kidnapped?
(11/11 21:03:16) Nita: marten i thought you didnt work for Cyan...
(11/11 21:03:17) jjohns (Marten): I don't work for Cyan. :)
(11/11 21:03:17) Nita: Marten...sorry
(11/11 21:03:17) Nita: lol
(11/11 21:03:17) Beatfox: One little tip: The fading subtitles seem to take up a lot of time. If you just made them cut in & out like most subtitles work, you could probably pace them faster.
(11/11 21:03:47) jjohns (Marten): Cycreim, did you want to answer the kidnapping question?
(11/11 21:04:43) Cycreim: I don't know much about it, I wasn't around when it happened.
(11/11 21:04:52) jjohns (Marten): Neither was I. :)
(11/11 21:05:01) Beatfox: Heh. That was the one thing I actually WAS around for. :P
(11/11 21:05:10) jjohns (Marten): We just have the chat logs to go by, and interviewing others about what they saw, what they remembered.
(11/11 21:05:16) Cycreim: I guess you'll find out when we get to that video. It's Episode 7 right now, I believe.
(11/11 21:05:20) jjohns (Marten): Which is something we're doing with each episode.
(11/11 21:05:28) Cycreim: Oh Beatfox if you want to explain it, go ahead
(11/11 21:06:30) Beatfox: Basically Phil was at the bridge in Ae'gura with Sharper and... Dr. Watson, I think?
(11/11 21:06:39) Beatfox: I'm trying to remember off the top of my head, hehe
(11/11 21:06:39) jjohns (Marten): This is actually good timing as I know other Great Tree members are working on the script version for that event now.
(11/11 21:07:06) jjohns (Marten):
(11/11 21:07:17) jjohns (Marten): (without the exclamation point at the end)
(11/11 21:07:52) Beatfox: The details are all in the chatlog. But basically, the DRC guys wanted to take Phil in for some questioning. They wouldn't really elaborate.
(11/11 21:08:01) Beatfox: And they took Phil's Relto book from him.
(11/11 21:08:12) Cycreim: And forced him to use a book, IIRC
(11/11 21:08:32) Leftbrained waves
(11/11 21:08:35) Beatfox: Did they? I don't recall.
(11/11 21:08:37) Cycreim: Sharper was there, wanted both of them to escape by jumping off the bridge...
(11/11 21:08:47) Cycreim: Man I think so...
(11/11 21:09:00) Cycreim: Sharper jumped, but Phil didn't...
(11/11 21:09:24) Cycreim: If memory serves.
(11/11 21:09:24) Beatfox: Dr. Watson assured those of us who were there that Phil would come to no harm.
(11/11 21:09:29) Sorceress: Didn't Rand have to intercede as a go-between for negotiations for Phil's release? Or am i thinking of another event?
(11/11 21:09:32) hana*: so phil is dead?
(11/11 21:09:45) Beatfox: We... don't know for certain.
(11/11 21:09:49) Cycreim: Phil's death is uncertain at this point
(11/11 21:09:57) Beatfox: His apparent death occured at a later date.
(11/11 21:10:01) Cycreim: We hope he's alive
(11/11 21:10:12) jjohns (Marten): That's a good question. We don't know. That is one reason the GT members had "Where is Phil?" buttons at Mysterium.
(11/11 21:10:22) Beatfox: haha
(11/11 21:10:22) hhenry: If you have access and clearance for CIA........
(11/11 21:10:36) hana*: ahh i love a mystery
(11/11 21:10:38) Cycreim: Cyan didn't know where Phil was either...
(11/11 21:10:49) Gadren: Sorceress, it wasn't negotian for was more of "the explorers trust Rand, so we'll send him to see Phil and assure the explorers that he's fine"
(11/11 21:10:49) catherwood (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(11/11 21:11:10) Beatfox: I'm not sure if anyone actually jumped off the bridge. Several people said they saw someone jump at the time, but I don't remember if I saw anyone jump myself.
(11/11 21:11:11) hana*: so is a statement forthcoming
(11/11 21:11:20) Beatfox: It was pretty hard to see from such a distance.
(11/11 21:11:45) Beatfox: err, Rand?
(11/11 21:11:46) hhenry: Phil was the subject of a rendition.....
(11/11 21:11:49) jjohns (Marten): I think that's good for that question. Any others?
(11/11 21:11:51) Beatfox: I don't think Rand was there.
(11/11 21:12:10) Cycreim: Yeah, I think that's as much as we can answer... next?
(11/11 21:12:16) Gadren: Well, my queue's empty
(11/11 21:12:29) Gadren: If there's nothing more...I'll declare this meeting adjourned
(11/11 21:12:29) jjohns (Marten): Alright. Well, that has been about an hour. :)
(11/11 21:12:40) Gadren pounds gavel
(11/11 21:12:43) hhenry claps his hands
(11/11 21:12:45) Sorceress claps her hands
(11/11 21:12:46) Michael claps his hands
(11/11 21:12:47) Beatfox: Thanks for your time, guys
(11/11 21:12:48) hana* claps her hands
(11/11 21:12:51) Beatfox claps his hands
(11/11 21:12:57) Gadren: I want to say thank you, GT, for coming tonight
(11/11 21:13:09) hana*: sorry we were late
(11/11 21:13:10) Gadren: And thanks, everyone, for being patient -- this was my first time hosting ;)
(11/11 21:13:21) hhenry: Good job
(11/11 21:13:22) Michael cheers
(11/11 21:13:26) Michael: for gadren
(11/11 21:13:37) hana*: when do we get notice of these meetings
(11/11 21:13:38) Sorceress: woot
(11/11 21:13:43) jjohns (Marten): Thank you. Goodnight everyone. I hope that this was informative for you. People are welcome to visit our website if you have more curiosity. We're just a band of normal people with some common interests and goals.
(11/11 21:13:44) Beatfox: Well done, Gadren
(11/11 21:13:52) Cycreim: You did a great job, Gadren. :D
(11/11 21:14:03) Michael: Normal? :)
(11/11 21:14:08) hana*: do you hand out notices of town meetings
(11/11 21:14:12) jjohns (Marten): As normal as the next explorer :)
(11/11 21:14:17) Gadren: The raw chatlog will be placed momentarily at
(11/11 21:14:17) hhenry: Oh
(11/11 21:14:18) Cycreim: And keep an eye out for the reopening of the Cavern... there may be some interesting things going on with the Great Tree.
(11/11 21:14:24) Sorceress cheers
(11/11 21:14:33) Sorceress: December cant come fast enough
(11/11 21:14:37) Beatfox: hehe
(11/11 21:14:41) Cycreim: And remember: you can get involved in the story. You can change things. Just keep an eye out for the opportunities.