Reference:2006-04-26 Marie Sutherland Town Hall

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(04/26 16:42:28) Chat.log started…
(04/26 16:42:57) Yuki_Taori: Palmner's place neighborhood (122), debut du chatlog
(04/26 16:43:18) Vormaen: hmmmm, the DRC wiped their previous ki numbers, anyone got the new ones?
(04/26 16:43:33) Tweek: well we learnt a lot organizing this, hopefully things will be better next time.
(04/26 16:43:48) Nootilus: ah, marie's back online
(04/26 16:43:59) Nootilus: shorah zammie
(04/26 16:44:04) Vormaen: What is Marie's Ki number?
(04/26 16:44:06) zammie: Hello everyone
(04/26 16:44:10) Nootilus: the meeting is upstairs, in the concert room
(04/26 16:44:16) zammie: Ok :)
(04/26 16:44:20) zammie: :wave
(04/26 16:44:21) zammie: :wave
(04/26 16:44:22) Carl Palmner: Shorah zammie
(04/26 16:44:24) zammie: Oppd
(04/26 16:44:26) Carl Palmner waves
(04/26 16:44:26) zammie waves
(04/26 16:44:29) Nootilus: marie's not here yet anyway :)
(04/26 16:44:30) Vormaen waves
(04/26 16:44:31) Yuki_Taori: hello zammie
(04/26 16:44:36) zammie: Hi yuki
(04/26 16:44:45) zammie: Any french that dodn't sepak english here?
(04/26 16:44:49) Carl Palmner points
(04/26 16:44:49) zammie: Don't speak?
(04/26 16:44:50) Vormaen: I got a soft spot for the ladies
(04/26 16:44:58) zammie roars with laughter
(04/26 16:45:01) subumbra: Lol
(04/26 16:45:03) Vormaen: Je ne sais pas
(04/26 16:45:08) Kehra: heh
(04/26 16:45:12) Jacuru: back to school !
(04/26 16:45:15) Yuki_Taori: moi non plus hé hé
(04/26 16:45:22) zammie: I am supposed to do live translation Vormaen
(04/26 16:45:22) Vormaen: lol
(04/26 16:45:35) zammie: But the 2 french i see here speak very good english
(04/26 16:45:38) Yuki_Taori: cependant mon anglais ne casse pas des briques non plus
(04/26 16:45:42) Nootilus: shorah ivan, welcome aboard
(04/26 16:45:48) subumbra: shorah Ivan
(04/26 16:45:48) Ivan: Thanks :)
(04/26 16:45:51) Yuki_Taori: en fait on est 4 en tout zammie
(04/26 16:45:54) Nootilus: the meeting is upstairs in the concert room
(04/26 16:45:54) Vormaen: goin over my head, my french is bad
(04/26 16:45:55) Carl Palmner: Looks like we start in about 10 minutes?
(04/26 16:45:56) Yuki_Taori: nootilus aussi a priori
(04/26 16:46:06) zammie: I will have a look at the instituion hood to see if i am needed there and if not i will be back ok?
(04/26 16:46:21) Yuki_Taori: ok
(04/26 16:46:30) Yuki_Taori: have a nice travel
(04/26 16:46:32) Yuki_Taori: ;)
(04/26 16:46:45) Yuki_Taori: (journey ?)
(04/26 16:46:56) Vormaen: What time zone time are we going by? Mine?
(04/26 16:46:56) Carl Palmner: You guys excited about the meeting?
(04/26 16:46:59) Carl Palmner: :)
(04/26 16:47:07) subumbra: Yep!
(04/26 16:47:09) Yuki_Taori: yes i am
(04/26 16:47:13) Yuki_Taori: shorah marie
(04/26 16:47:14) Carl Palmner: Everyone into the community room! :)
(04/26 16:47:16) Yuki_Taori: =)
(04/26 16:47:25) subumbra: shorah Marie
(04/26 16:47:26) Nootilus: shorah marie, welcome here
(04/26 16:47:31) zammie: the Nexus door is closed
(04/26 16:47:34) Ivan: Shorah Marie
(04/26 16:47:35) Janina: Shorah Marie!
(04/26 16:47:38) Nootilus: they are all waiting for you in the concert room upstairs
(04/26 16:47:44) Marie Sutherland waves
(04/26 16:47:46) Nootilus pointe du doigt
(04/26 16:47:48) Carl Palmner: Shorah Marie, we're in the COmmunity Room
(04/26 16:48:16) Ivan: We're very ancious :)
(04/26 16:48:22) Vormaen: yup
(04/26 16:48:30) Carl Palmner waves
(04/26 16:48:31) Kehra: should have worn warmer clothes, it's cold
(04/26 16:48:36) Ivan waves
(04/26 16:48:36) Tweek: hello MArie
(04/26 16:48:40) Vormaen: Nice to finally meet you Marie
(04/26 16:50:04) Marie Sutherland: I don't mind, Vormean.
(04/26 16:51:05) Janina: 14 with Marie
(04/26 16:51:18) Janina: 15 with Bahro
(04/26 16:52:22) Janina: You didn't take a golden tablet, by ancy chance?
(04/26 16:52:25) subumbra: has he got a cute name?
(04/26 16:52:33) Carl Palmner: Gpeni we are in the community room
(04/26 16:53:03) Carl Palmner: Hood goes private in ten minutes, via orders.
(04/26 16:53:06) subumbra: Of course
(04/26 16:53:10) Nootilus: shorah locutus and g'peni*
(04/26 16:53:20) Nootilus: the meetign is up here at the concert room
(04/26 16:53:26) Tweek: yes we order you to close the hood down...oh and a cup of coffee would be nice :P
(04/26 16:53:40) Janina: Tweek: no donuts?
(04/26 16:53:41) Ivan starts to laugh
(04/26 16:53:48) Ivan: Hitting on the DRC?
(04/26 16:53:57) subumbra: Lol
(04/26 16:53:59) Tweek: no donuts no...we are a cruel regime here.
(04/26 16:54:06) Janina: I'm shooting some pics, but my camera isn't very good
(04/26 16:54:34) Marie Sutherland: Thank you, Yuki_Taori.
(04/26 16:54:40) Nootilus: hello ivy
(04/26 16:54:49) Nootilus: the meeting is upstairs in the concert room
(04/26 16:54:55) Ivy: shorah everyone
(04/26 16:55:03) Ivy: thank you
(04/26 16:55:09) Tweek: welcome all new comers.
(04/26 16:55:11) Ivan: Even the Bahro are impatient :|
(04/26 16:55:20) Janina: the problem with the Bahro is, fi they're invisible, they might be 1 or 100 hiding in here ;)
(04/26 16:55:41) Ivan: *faints*
(04/26 16:55:44) Janina: just in this 'hood?
(04/26 16:55:57) Janina: a very crowded meeting it is
(04/26 16:56:07) Nootilus: shorah zardoz, the meeting is upstairs at the concert room
(04/26 16:56:15) Zardoz: Shorah
(04/26 16:56:25) Tweek: hello Zardoz
(04/26 16:56:28) Ivy: shorah Zardoz
(04/26 16:56:31) Carl Palmner: 5 minutes until hood goes private and meeting starts
(04/26 16:57:21) Ivy: :)
(04/26 16:57:36) Ivan: And you never will :P
(04/26 16:57:39) Ivan: kidding
(04/26 16:57:41) Tweek: just a few "ground rules" to cover, incase anyone missed the details posted on the forums.
(04/26 16:57:46) Marie Sutherland: :)
(04/26 16:57:48) Carl Palmner: You raise your hand by /waving
(04/26 16:58:06) Nootilus: shorah deg
(04/26 16:58:15) Nootilus: the meeting is in the concert room upstairs
(04/26 16:58:22) Deg: Hi Noot. Thanks
(04/26 16:58:34) Nootilus: shorah tangerine
(04/26 16:58:41) Nootilus: the meeting is upstairs at the concert room
(04/26 16:58:50) Tweek: if you have a question for Marie, as Carl pointed out please raise your hand by "/wave" ing I shall be keeping a note of who waved when and how etc when prompted then please as your question.
(04/26 16:59:02) Tweek: Please keep your quesitons IC in nature.
(04/26 16:59:03) Tangerine: shorah and thank you, Nootilus
(04/26 16:59:09) Nootilus: hello jarred, the meeting takes place upstairs, at the concert room
(04/26 16:59:20) Jarred: Thank you.
(04/26 16:59:21) Carl Palmner: Tweek could you go up front with Marie maybe? Might be better
(04/26 16:59:28) Nootilus: you're all welcome
(04/26 16:59:44) Tweek: Any mispelling on my behalf will be blamed on the weather in england.
(04/26 16:59:53) Ivan: Okie
(04/26 16:59:53) Kehra: hehe
(04/26 16:59:59) Nootilus: lol tweek
(04/26 17:00:05) Tweek: all transactions are final and we dont give out refunds.
(04/26 17:00:14) subumbra: Lol
(04/26 17:00:54) subumbra: Yep
(04/26 17:01:48) subumbra: we're an unruly crowd
(04/26 17:01:48) Marie Sutherland: Some, but I hope to survive.
(04/26 17:01:57) Tweek: my KI seems to be lagging again
(04/26 17:02:28) Tweek: I knew cleaning it with Beer was unwise >.<
(04/26 17:03:21) Carl Palmner: I'm off to make the hood privcate, brb
(04/26 17:03:32) Tweek: ok Carl thanks,
(04/26 17:03:57) Tweek: shall just wait a moment for him to return if that is ok with everyone.
(04/26 17:04:06) Ivan: Fine with me.
(04/26 17:04:12) Ivy: of course
(04/26 17:04:12) Tangerine: Cool
(04/26 17:04:23) Janina: it wouldn't be nice to start without the host...
(04/26 17:05:06) subumbra: aw Carl's tough. He can take it
(04/26 17:06:22) Tweek: oh just one more point please use the /shout option when asking questions and what not, so that everyone can hear.
(04/26 17:06:34) Ivan: ok
(04/26 17:06:41) Carl Palmner (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/26 17:06:46) Tangerine: ok
(04/26 17:06:49) subumbra: Ok
(04/26 17:06:53) Kehra: yeah was just about to say that
(04/26 17:07:03) Tweek: ^_^
(04/26 17:07:16) Ivan: :>)
(04/26 17:08:54) subumbra: Bye Yuki
(04/26 17:09:03) Ivy: bye Yuki
(04/26 17:09:03) Janina: Aww Yuki, right at the start!
(04/26 17:09:04) Ivan: Bye Yuki
(04/26 17:09:14) Tangerine: Bye Yuki
(04/26 17:09:26) Marie Sutherland: bye, yuki
(04/26 17:09:41) subumbra: are we starting?
(04/26 17:10:20) Kehra: starting would be good
(04/26 17:10:22) Tweek: welcome to the Town Hall meetings everyone, thankyou for your patience.
(04/26 17:10:29) Nootilus: yes
(04/26 17:10:48) Tweek: would like to Welcome and thank Marie for agreeing to meet with the explorers.
(04/26 17:11:16) Tweek: Marie asll yours ^_^
(04/26 17:11:39) Marie Sutherland: Good morning, everyone
(04/26 17:11:52) Marie Sutherland: Thank you all for coming.
(04/26 17:13:34) ]Marie Sutherland: I guess I'll start by telling you a little about myself.
(04/26 17:15:37) Marie Sutherland: I've been with the DRC since 1993.
(04/26 17:16:32) Marie Sutherland: and an official member of the council since '97.
(04/26 17:19:09) Marie Sutherland: Back when the restoration was going full time, I oversaw phases 3 and 5
(04/26 17:20:02) Marie Sutherland: We should probably get started with questions.
(04/26 17:20:30) Tweek: ok
(04/26 17:20:34) Ivan waves
(04/26 17:20:37) Janina waves
(04/26 17:20:48) Tweek: go ahead Ivan
(04/26 17:22:13) Ivan: Any information you're willing to devulge about Blake? Is he satisfied with the number of explorers?
(04/26 17:23:19) Marie Sutherland: Hopefully we're close.
(04/26 17:23:57) Tweek: he seemed optimistic when he dropped by earlier.
(04/26 17:24:07) Marie Sutherland: I don't think he's looking for a specific number, though.
(04/26 17:25:01) Marie Sutherland: We'll try to give you news about that when we have it. Next question. (04/26 17:25:20) Janina: As an anthropologist, did you also study the civilizations that are/were native to the Ages? If yes, are we going to see any info on them?
(04/26 17:25:21) Tweek: slight change, if you have a quesiton can you PM me that you want to ask.
(04/26 17:27:53) Marie Sutherland: We have primarily focused on making the Ages safe for explorers. We do
(04/26 17:29:37) Marie Sutherland: occasionally learn a bit about the natives in the course of that, but we haven't made that our focus.
(04/26 17:31:52) Marie Sutherland: I would like that to change over time, if the restoration returns full time.
(04/26 17:33:18) Tweek: please remember to use the /shout command
(04/26 17:34:08) Ivan nods his head
(04/26 17:35:04) Vormaen: I wanted to know, about Dr. Watson and if you do not want to answer, maybe why the unwillingness to speak about such an important part of the DRC?
(04/26 17:37:40) Marie Sutherland: Unfortunately, I don't have any information to give about Dr. Watson. I haven't seen or heard from him for two years.
(04/26 17:38:59) Tweek: ok unfortunatly we only have time for one more question,
(04/26 17:43:10) Chris Burnham: What is the timeline for new DRC programs such as ages, or whatever is else is coming?
(04/26 17:43:19) Marie Sutherland: That highly depends on funding. We'll probably focus on Ages that can be restored more quickly
(04/26 17:43:27) Marie Sutherland: while the restoration is ramping up again.
(04/26 17:45:29) Marie Sutherland: Sorry that time is so short. Thanks again for coming.
(04/26 17:45:43) Ivy: thank you Marie
(04/26 17:45:54) Marie Sutherland: these town hall meetings will get better as we get the hang of them. :)
(04/26 17:46:05) Tweek: Thanks everyone who attended, thanks Marie for agreeing to take part in this, Thanks to our Host Carl and the use of his hood.
(04/26 17:46:24) Tweek: sorry about the technical issues that arose.
(04/26 17:46:29) Chris Burnham cheers
(04/26 17:46:43) Janina claps her hands
(04/26 17:46:54) Tangerine cheers
(04/26 17:46:54) Jacuru nods his head
(04/26 17:47:24) Ivan cheers
(04/26 17:47:26) Ivan claps his hands
(04/26 17:48:02) Tweek: Vorm my KI is goofing up I can't see on you on my age players list
(04/26 17:48:22) Marie Sutherland: Thank you, Palmner's Place and Tweek.
(04/26 17:48:25) Ivy: same with me,
(04/26 17:48:27) Marie Sutherland waves
(04/26 17:48:28) Janina: Marie, can I get a picture for the italian community?
(04/26 17:48:34) Ivan: Um, neither can I
(04/26 17:48:57) Marie Sutherland: sure.
(04/26 17:49:12) Janina: Thanks!
(04/26 17:50:23) Ivan: bye everyone!
(04/26 17:50:26) Ivan waves
(04/26 17:50:31) Ivy: bye Ivan
(04/26 17:50:33) Tweek: bye all
(04/26 17:51:38) Tangerine shakes her head
(04/26 17:51:38) Tangerine: problem! It's good to know
(04/26 17:52:03) Ivy: well I need to head off now, bye everyone
(04/26 17:52:10) Tangerine: bye Ivy
(04/26 17:52:19) Locutus_Translator: bye Ivy
(04/26 17:52:22) Ivy waves
(04/26 17:52:29) Tangerine: bye everyone
(04/26 17:52:29) Tangerine waves
(04/26 17:53:19) ...Chat.log stopped.