Katha Island

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Katha Island
A view of Katha island from the Lake.
Location D'ni
Restoration progress
Current phase Phase One (Suspended)

Katha Island (Kada[1]) was one of many islands that dotted the waters of the main cavern of D'ni. It was home to Faresh, and later served as the headquarters of the Guild of Illusionists.


D'ni history

The mansion on Katha Island was built in 5043 DE, at the same time that its owner, Faresh, was named Grand Master of the Guild of Illusionists by King Yableshan, and secretly tasked with leading the Relyimah—the D'ni secret police. It was said that Faresh delighted in illusions, puzzles, and mazes, and his home was host to many such attractions. Many high-level government officials were often seen at the parties hosted there, and the house's popularity led to the D'ni government selling a number of other islands in the lake to other elite members of society in 5095 DE.

In 5102 DE, Faresh's daughter died after leaping from her bedroom window in the middle of the night. Records indicate that she claimed to see spirits; this combined with her own death led to rumors of the mansion being haunted. Faresh left the home a year later, unable to continue living there with his memories. When he departed, he left the mansion to the Relyimah as a base of operations. Their covert comings and goings only served to fuel the rumors of hauntings on the island.

DRC history

The DRC have kept Katha Island closed to explorers. It was last reviewed in September 2006 CE, when the council unanimously voted for suspension while the area was still in Phase One of restoration.


These are assets released as part of the June 4th drop.


  1. Blade Lakem, "Deep City Lectures: D'ni Linguistics", Guild of Archivists YouTube channel, January 4, 2022.