Restoration phases

From Guild of Archivists

The DRC uses restoration phases to describe the various stages that an Age or location must go through before it can be released to explorers. This restoration process is separated into five "phases" or stages. As of June 28, 2007, the DRC had various Ages and Cavern locations under work.[1]

DRC List of Restoration Phases[edit | edit source]

Phase 1: Initial Mapping
During this Phase, basic maps and documents are created for the Age or location being restored. These documents are later detailed further in phase 3. Dr. Kodama is the head DRC member in charge of this phase.
Phase 2: Structural Analysis
All structures and supports are examined for integrity and safety. Dr. Kodama also heads the completion of this phase.
Phase 3: Detailed Analysis
The Age or location is given a thorough examination by a survey team, which creates extensive maps and additional documentation on the area. Dr. Sutherland is in charge of this phase.
Phase 4: Restoration
This is the most extensive phase, during which all machinery is repaired, structures are secured, and cleanup is performed. Mr. Engberg is in charge of operations in this phase.
Phase 5: Limited Access
In this final phase before completion, the Age or location is opened for limited access by authorized explorers. Dr. Sutherland oversees the operations of this phase.

Development[edit | edit source]

The restoration phases have OOC development equivalents:[2] This should help Age writers and restorers determine where their projects fall within the DRC's IC phase list.

Phase 1: Initial Design
During this Phase, basic maps and documents are created for the Age or location being designed. This includes the design of the puzzles and story for the Age.
Phase 2: Massing Model
All structures are made in rough form to show their basic shapes and sizes. Little or no texture/lighting are done at this stage.
Phase 3: Detailed Analysis
The Age or location (massing model) is given a through examination by the design team. We can walk around and get a "feel" for the Age and make changes while the Age is still in the early stages. Design documents are updated to reflect any changes in the Age's design.
Phase 4a: Detailed Modeling
Models are refined to final forms (structures are secured and cleanup is performed), textures are added, lighting is added, etc. Once phase 4a is finished, the Age will "look" complete.
Phase 4b: Wiring
This is where everything in the Age is made to "work". Machines, elevators, doors, buttons, levers, triggers, puzzles, game-play, etc. Once phase 4b is done, hopefully everything in the Age works as it was designed. The Age is almost ready, now.
Phase 5: Testing
In this final phase before completion, the Age or location is opened for testing by Quality Control. They get to hammer on it, find bugs, and send it back to the phase 4 people to make fixes as needed.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. DRC. Restoration Projects.
  2. RAWA, "Link between Cyan's design and DRC restoration phases", DRC forums, June 17, 2006. Archived from the original on October 23, 2007.