Reference:Atrus's Prayer

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Atrus's Prayer was found in the 1996 Myst Calendar. Several D'ni letters in this text have unusual values, listed in the table below.

y ts
k n
a i
I ee
i a, ah
c t
x kh
å ch
n m

Transliteration[edit | edit source]

unknown word

.KoDoxikcor fenijekcIon
.kodokhahntor femahgenteeom
I was unknown word on your unknown word

.KoDoKikriD Kin lorig Kekek b'Kek Sak b-bAx b'cocI rikil yo nirkcivon
.kodokahnrad kam lorahg kenen b'ken shin b'baykh b'totee rahnahl tso mahrntahvom
I was thinking what unknown word it is to be able to link to various places of your creation.

.Dopriåazek b'zU do nuxok b'cArUS lenirken nec naSo yiv ce
.doprahchizen b'zoo dho muhkhon b'tayroosh lemahrnem met misho tsahv te
It is unknown word to me how complex to unknown word you have created this universe I live in.

.giT c'do Kekek - dozokeS cArU c'biScI vic - xigen giT b'cAgik xezU
.gahth t'dho kenendhozonesh tayroo t' bahshtee vahtkhahgem gahth b'taygahn khezoo
Still with how it is – unknown word unknown word to five unknown word – you still choose to love for me.

.pirx b'Sen
.pahrkh b'shem
I unknown word to you.

.Kin Sak birci c'gescO ralkir b'fisI Donido c'piriTon gihUyATon
.kam shin bahrtah t'gestoy rilnar b'fahsee domahdho t'pahrahthom gahhootsaythom
What able unknown word by art entirely insignificant I am unknown word by your greatness and holiness.

.vocir i'Sen xe Kinrov Keken
.votahr ah'shem khekamrov kenem
I praise you for who you are.

.g'åev i'Sen xeKin l'ircien gi Kin boircien
.g'chev ah'shem khekam l'ahrtahem gah kam boahrtahem
And I thank you for what you have unknown word and what you will unknown word.

.Kek åevec Ok nor'ox'nor KoKekek renesfec b'vAku c'xOcig zu yoSen g'borcion
.ken chevet oyn mor'okh'mor kokenen remesfet b'vaynuh t'khoytahg zuh tsoshem g'bortahom
I am thankful unknown word unknown word was diligent to unknown word with end unknown word about you and your unknown word.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. This may have been intended to be Yahvo, the D'ni name for god.