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Revision as of 00:11, 6 August 2024 by Pharap (talk | contribs) (Add note about the origin of Flame's original name. Cite the note. Add 'Notes' and 'References' sections.)
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Flame (Pahket).png
Found in Earth

As a boy, Atrus had a pet cat originally named Pahket[a], which he renamed Flame. His grandmother Ti'ana bought her for him from a passing caravan. Flame died due to eating plants from one of Atrus' experiments with chemicals in the Cleft.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Pakhet is the name of an Egyptian goddess of war, who is commonly depicted as a lioness. Her name means she who scratches.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Pakhet", Wikipedia, accessed 2024-08-06.