Reference:2003-12-05 Phil Henderson and Douglas Sharper in the German Explorers' Hood

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In an afternoon conversation, Phil Henderson invites Douglas Sharper to take Yeesha's Journey.

(12/06 08:32:05) Douglas Sharper: YOu have any big plans for them?
(12/06 08:32:11) Radolf: But can anybosy tell me what´s going on here?
(12/06 08:32:17) phend: oh, hello douglas
(12/06 08:32:23) phend: how are you?
(12/06 08:32:32) Dan'ni: Mr. Henderson! Welcome Back! We missed you!
(12/06 08:32:35) phend: I've been exploring
(12/06 08:32:43) Douglas Sharper: Where at?
(12/06 08:32:50) Marcello: Can you tell us a bit about your quests?
(12/06 08:32:50) phend: my journey continues
(12/06 08:32:52) KnitCucmber: I haven't met you yet Phil.
(12/06 08:33:11) To phend: who sent you on your journey Mr Henderson?
(12/06 08:33:23) Dan'ni: Wehere are you Phil?
(12/06 08:33:24) phend: hello knitCucmber, that's an odd name
(12/06 08:33:27) Douglas Sharper: Think I'm ready for that trip Phil.
(12/06 08:33:35) KnitCucmber: I like it. Goes with my blue hair. :)
(12/06 08:33:38) phend: good douglas!
(12/06 08:33:39) Marcello: We all are Phil :)
(12/06 08:33:46) phend: have you seen any of her yet?
(12/06 08:33:55) KnitCucmber: Yep.
(12/06 08:33:58) Douglas Sharper: Who?
(12/06 08:34:09) KnitCucmber: Is everyone invisible in here?
(12/06 08:34:16) Radolf: What the hell are you all doing?
(12/06 08:34:16) To LaReh: where are they?
(12/06 08:34:18) phend: her. the desert bird
(12/06 08:34:23) KnitCucmber: Yeesha.
(12/06 08:34:24) LaReh: Yeesha yes
(12/06 08:34:30) LaReh: she's very much alive
(12/06 08:34:41) Douglas Sharper: No, haven't seen a bird.
(12/06 08:34:43) Dan'ni: I wish I could meet here again.. talk to her more
(12/06 08:34:44) LaReh: despite what DRC says
(12/06 08:34:44) KnitCucmber: I have a really cool picure of her in the rain.
(12/06 08:34:53) phend: you are funny douglas
(12/06 08:34:55) Deg waves
(12/06 08:35:07) phend: when do you want to go on your journey?
(12/06 08:35:21) Douglas Sharper: I'm ready now.
(12/06 08:35:32) Douglas Sharper: Where do we go?
(12/06 08:35:35) phend: Does everyone mind if we leave now?
(12/06 08:35:39) LaReh: Look for the journey cloths
(12/06 08:35:40) phend: I will take you
(12/06 08:35:42) Marcello: How many people can you take with you Phil?
(12/06 08:35:45) KnitCucmber: I just want to meet you sometime. :) But have fun.
(12/06 08:36:00) KnitCucmber: I still can't find anyone.
(12/06 08:36:01) Dan'ni: good luck you two
(12/06 08:36:05) phend: I will take Douglass now, because he hasn't done his journey yet
(12/06 08:36:15) Marcello: Have fun....
(12/06 08:36:16) LaReh: go for it
(12/06 08:36:25) LaReh: it's eye opening
(12/06 08:36:30) Dan'ni: good luck Doug
(12/06 08:36:32) Douglas Sharper: Okay, we go to the Nexus?
(12/06 08:36:33) phend: I will find you again KnitCucmber
(12/06 08:36:43) phend: No, I will share my book
(12/06 08:36:58) phend: You will get one too
(12/06 08:37:01) Douglas Sharper: Ah, those books.
(12/06 08:37:08) Douglas Sharper: DRC won't be happy.
(12/06 08:37:12) Douglas Sharper: Ha!
(12/06 08:37:15) Douglas Sharper: I like it.
(12/06 08:37:29) phend: Sure, they'll be happy, some day.
(12/06 08:37:35) phend: bye everyone
(12/06 08:37:40) Dan'ni: bye Phil
(12/06 08:37:44) To LaReh: bye Phil
(12/06 08:37:45) LaReh: Bye Phil
(12/06 08:37:47) Douglas Sharper: Yeah...bye everyone.
(12/06 08:37:50) bonz: bye phil
(12/06 08:37:51) John Lynch: Bye Phil
(12/06 08:37:56) bonz: bye doug
(12/06 08:37:58) John Lynch: bye Mr Sharper
(12/06 08:37:59) KnitCucmber: Good luck Doug.And Phil.
(12/06 08:38:00) Dan'ni: bye Doug
(12/06 08:38:30) LaReh: You're bouncing in and out, Phil
(12/06 08:38:48) phend: Will someone share a book with us?
(12/06 08:38:53) phend: her book
(12/06 08:38:54) KnitCucmber: Phil is taking Doug on a journey.
(12/06 08:38:56) Radolf: why not
(12/06 08:38:59) LaReh: Sure
(12/06 08:38:59) Douglas Sharper: Whose book?
(12/06 08:39:00) GoffyOne: take me to
(12/06 08:39:04) Douglas Sharper: What are we doing here Phil?
(12/06 08:39:04) Dan'ni: of course
(12/06 08:39:08) KnitCucmber: I would if I could see you all.
(12/06 08:39:50) phend: Who will share with Douglas and me
(12/06 08:39:50) Jon: you're taking phil to see Yeesha?
(12/06 08:39:52) Dan'ni: it was nice to meet you Phil
(12/06 08:39:57) phend points
(12/06 08:39:57) Deg: I will share
(12/06 08:39:59) Jon: I will
(12/06 08:39:59) Piha: I can...
(12/06 08:40:09) Douglas Sharper: Right now I don't know what the heck is going on.
(12/06 08:40:10) KnitCucmber: Finally, I can see Hpil
(12/06 08:40:13) KnitCucmber: Phil.
(12/06 08:40:18) Douglas Sharper points
(12/06 08:40:22) GoffyOne: hi again phil
(12/06 08:40:34) LaReh: my bool doesnt pick you up ***** being here, Phil
(12/06 08:40:52) Jon: phil, I can't share with you
(12/06 08:41:02) phend: Douglas will you use the Nexus?
(12/06 08:41:11) Duskrin D'tahree: There is a shadow.
(12/06 08:41:15) Douglas Sharper: Well that's what I thought we were going to do in the first place.
(12/06 08:41:19) KnitCucmber: Ever feel a little crowde? :)
(12/06 08:41:21) phend: I will come to you
(12/06 08:41:47) phend: good bye
(12/06 08:41:52) Douglas Sharper: So I'm going to the Nexus and waiting for you?
(12/06 08:41:52) Dan'ni: good luck and bye
(12/06 08:41:53) KnitCucmber: Again, have fun. Learn lots.
(12/06 08:41:55) Jon: bye!
(12/06 08:42:07) phend points
(12/06 08:42:08) Jon: tell us what you see, Doug
(12/06 08:42:11) Duskrin D'tahree: Where are they going?
(12/06 08:42:22) phend: I will find you
(12/06 08:42:32) Dan'ni: who knows...
(12/06 08:42:32) GoffyOne: can I come to?
(12/06 08:42:38) KnitCucmber: Cool.
(12/06 08:42:51) Duskrin D'tahree: Shoulda had a V8
(12/06 08:42:54) Jon waves
(12/06 08:43:00) John Lynch: anyone want to chase after them? :P
(12/06 08:43:04) Dan'ni: lol