Reference:2006-05-11 Mark "Moke" Dobratz Town Hall

From Guild of Archivists
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(05/11 21:55:31) Chat.log started...
(05/11 21:55:36) Sorceress: Yes it is!
(05/11 21:55:45) Nancy: my Pepsi!!
(05/11 21:55:52) DRCLVortmax1: Moke has arrived!
(05/11 21:55:52) gwynhwyvar: I like Coca Cola too
(05/11 21:56:07) Zymmin: my vote is for a dry martini
(05/11 21:56:15) DRCLVortmax1: MOOOOOOOOKE!
(05/11 21:56:16) Nancy: lol
(05/11 21:56:23) Slider cheers
(05/11 21:56:25) Sowden: good call Zymmin
(05/11 21:56:28) Nancy cheers
(05/11 21:56:30) Zymmin claps his hands
(05/11 21:56:31) Sowden: Hey ho Moke!
(05/11 21:56:33) gwynhwyvar claps her hands
(05/11 21:56:37) Nancy claps her hands
(05/11 21:56:42) Sorceress claps her hands
(05/11 21:56:43) Slider: is that an ask able question?
(05/11 21:56:45) Anthony: welcome moke
(05/11 21:56:46) gwynhwyvar cheers
(05/11 21:56:47) Slider cheers
(05/11 21:56:47) Nancy cheers
(05/11 21:56:48) Reme claps his hands
(05/11 21:56:56) DRCLVortmax1: Everyone please sit down, close up as you can get to the front
(05/11 21:56:57) Nancy: welcome
(05/11 21:57:26) Professor Askew: Hey, Moke.
(05/11 21:57:26) Zymmin: g'day Moke
(05/11 21:57:27) Sorceress: Hello Moke!
(05/11 21:57:30) Moke: Hello everyone!
(05/11 21:57:36) Nancy cheers
(05/11 21:57:37) gene waves
(05/11 21:57:49) Der Rattenfanger waves
(05/11 21:57:49) DRCLVortmax1: First of all, I'd like to offer up a big THANKS to Moke and Cyan!!
(05/11 21:57:53) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(05/11 21:57:57) gwynhwyvar cheers
(05/11 21:57:57) kimmie1 (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(05/11 21:57:59) Slider: thank you guys
(05/11 21:57:59) Nancy: yes!!!!!
(05/11 21:58:01) Professor Askew: Thank you, Moke!
(05/11 21:58:02) Reme cheers
(05/11 21:58:03) Moke: Scoot in close so I don't have to shout...
(05/11 21:58:05) Sowden: I'll second that!
(05/11 21:58:06) Nancy cheers
(05/11 21:58:18) Sowden: but I like my seat :-)
(05/11 21:58:28) Moke: No, you are the ones who deserve the thanks!
(05/11 21:58:29) Moke thanks you very much!
(05/11 21:58:33) Professor Askew: Thank you, everyone.
(05/11 21:58:38) Professor Askew: hehe
(05/11 21:58:52) Sowden: well thank you Moke
(05/11 21:59:06) DRCLVortmax1: So, welcome to TH2 with Moke, random scapegoat at Cyan Worlds wink.gif
(05/11 21:59:19) Sowden: he he he
(05/11 21:59:25) Moke: We could have never gotten anyone interested again if you all hadn't been here.
(05/11 21:59:42) DRCLVortmax1: Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, and what you do at Cyan, Moke?
(05/11 22:00:11) Moke: Sure, Vort. If anyone falls asleep, just kick me and I'll move on.
(05/11 22:00:21) DRCLVortmax1 starts to laugh
(05/11 22:00:46) Moke: I have had several titles at Cyan, all of them still apply to what I do.
(05/11 22:01:11) Moke: Those have been; Project Manager, Development Director and Producer
(05/11 22:01:37) Moke: Basically, I try to solve problems, preferably before they happen.
(05/11 22:02:00) Moke: Of course, I usually miss the clues and have to solve the problems after they've exploded.
(05/11 22:02:28) Moke: Then my main purpose is to take the blame.
(05/11 22:02:56) Moke: So I guess I'm responsible for anything ugly.
(05/11 22:03:08) DRCLeri1: awww
(05/11 22:04:05) Moke: I've been in the game development industry for 15 years.
(05/11 22:04:18) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, Eleri has a few of the presubmitted questions for you, then we'll open the floor.
(05/11 22:04:33) Moke: Only the last 4 have been at Cyan, although I've know them for 6 or so...
(05/11 22:04:48) Moke: Go ahead, Eleri
(05/11 22:05:30) DRCLeri1: the first question is, will dial-up users be able to register for Uru Live?
(05/11 22:06:18) Moke: We're definitely not going to recommend dial-up, but there's nothing to stop that from working if you have superhuman patience.
(05/11 22:06:52) DRCLeri1: Will there be a way for interational users, and others without credit cards, to pay for Live?
(05/11 22:07:17) DRCLeri1: (oops. sorry, he didn't say next)
(05/11 22:07:51) Moke: We haven't figured out the billing system yet, but we will make sure everyone who want to join Uru Live will be able to
(05/11 22:08:01) Moke: From wherever they are.
(05/11 22:08:17) Moke: I'm not sure about the credit card thing.
(05/11 22:08:26) Moke: I'll have to get back to you on that.
(05/11 22:08:32) Moke: Next please...
(05/11 22:09:18) DRCLeri1: How does Cyan envision the dynamic storyline reaching thousands of players?
(05/11 22:09:53) Moke: You mean, how will the story spread through thousands of players in the cavern?
(05/11 22:10:05) DRCLeri1: yeah, that smile.gif
(05/11 22:10:05) Moke: If that's the question...
(05/11 22:10:31) Moke: We are counting on a couple things to help.
(05/11 22:11:24) Moke: Postings and a readerboard system are being worked on so that news can be found right in the Neighborhoods.
(05/11 22:12:17) Moke: Also, we will set up the library to have the episodes ready to experience for any who missed them.
(05/11 22:13:11) Moke: One of the biggest helps will be you guys - the community. Hopefully there will be enough involvement that friends will spread the story. Maybe even be part of the story.
(05/11 22:13:37) Moke: Next question, please...
(05/11 22:14:07) DRCLVortmax1: We're going to open the floor to questions now. If you have one, please PM me (if you're not n the list already). And remember ot use /shout
(05/11 22:14:09) Moke: (If I crash, please stick around - I'll be back in a few minutes.)
(05/11 22:14:13) DRCLVortmax1: Sowden, you're first!
(05/11 22:15:06) DRCLeri1: (it helps if you have your question all typed in, and ready for when your name is called)
(05/11 22:15:36) Sowden: I would liketo ask that
(05/11 22:15:38) Sorceress: Could Moke go into a bit more detail about the "episode library" he just mentioned?
(05/11 22:15:48) Sowden: if you guys are thinking this far ahead
(05/11 22:15:51) DRCLVortmax1: Hold your question Sorceress. I'll ad you to the list
(05/11 22:16:11) Sowden: what will happen to the D'mala Shard after the opening of URULive?
(05/11 22:16:25) Moke: Good question, Sowden.
(05/11 22:16:34) Sowden: thanks
(05/11 22:17:05) Moke: I'm not entirely certain, but like I told the morning group, Until Uru has had - and is still serving - an important purpose for the community.
(05/11 22:17:36) Moke: When Uru Live is back and growing like a weed, I'm not sure that purpose will remain.
(05/11 22:18:08) Moke: And I can tell you that the code between Until Uru and the new Uru Live will not be compatible.
(05/11 22:18:51) Moke: I hope we can take the ambition and energy of Until Uru and channel it into a Guild system and fan-created content for Uru Live.
(05/11 22:19:22) Moke: Sort of skirting around a couple issues there, Sowden, but does that help?
(05/11 22:19:41) Sowden: yeah, it does
(05/11 22:19:44) Sowden: thanks Moke!
(05/11 22:19:48) DRCLVortmax1: Anthony, you're up!
(05/11 22:19:51) Anthony: So if you can say how long were you talking to Turner for before the announcement?
(05/11 22:19:53) Moke: You are welcome!
(05/11 22:21:06) Moke: That depends on how you look at it, Anthony.
(05/11 22:21:39) Moke: We were talking to Turner before Ubisoft even entered the picture 4 years ago.
(05/11 22:22:40) Moke: We came very close to signing with them then. But that didn't work out and we reached a deal with Ubisoft.
(05/11 22:23:32) Moke: We have kept the Turner relationship going even through the Ubisoft years, because the people at Turner are so awesome.
(05/11 22:24:25) Moke: When Cyan ran out of options last summer, Turner stepped right in and worked out a way to keep us going.
(05/11 22:25:04) Moke: They have understood the talent we have and the special places we make.
(05/11 22:25:23) Moke: So we couldn't be more thrilled that we are partnering with them again.
(05/11 22:25:48) Moke: Next please...
(05/11 22:25:50) DRCLVortmax1: Slider, you had a question?
(05/11 22:25:53) Slider: Moke, is there any "new content or updates" going to make it to "Until Uru" while we are waiting for "beta Uru" and "URULive" to appear? (And can I get a "Cone Shaped Hat"? Please!!!)
(05/11 22:26:02) DRCLVortmax1 starts to laugh
(05/11 22:26:36) Moke: The cone-shaped hat is a great idea! Hang on while I write that down....
(05/11 22:26:44) Anthony: lol
(05/11 22:26:44) Slider: sweet
(05/11 22:26:47) Slider: thanks
(05/11 22:26:54) DRCLeri1: lol
(05/11 22:26:58) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(05/11 22:27:32) Moke: For Until Uru, we're grateful to have the community contributing fixes to make it better. Another update of minor fixes will be coming soon...
(05/11 22:27:40) Moke: Maybe next week, even.
(05/11 22:28:22) Moke: But I must tell you, at Cyan, our focus is on Uru Live. Every minute we spend on Until Uru is a minute less toward the new Uru Live.
(05/11 22:28:51) Slider: makes sense
(05/11 22:29:25) Moke: Hopefully we'll all be able to keep enjoying what we can here on the D'mala shard until everyone of us is back in Uru Live.
(05/11 22:29:36) Moke: Thanks for the question and suggestion, Slider.
(05/11 22:29:42) DRCLVortmax1: Professor Askew, your turn!
(05/11 22:29:45) Professor Askew: If you've answered this question previously just pass. Will the beta testers be exploring some of the new areas or just what we know on new servers?
(05/11 22:30:19) Moke: I'm guessing the Beta Testers will see a few new areas...
(05/11 22:30:53) DRCLVortmax1: (Sorry for the interruption, but gene, you're on the list. I can't PM you for some reason)
(05/11 22:30:53) Moke: But much of the new content is still "in the pipeline" so to speak, and it will be a matter of timing.
(05/11 22:31:30) Moke: The early Beta Testers will see less new areas than the later Beta Testers.
(05/11 22:31:37) Moke: Next question, please.
(05/11 22:31:45) DRCLVortmax1: A Cynic! Go for it!
(05/11 22:31:50) a cynic: What are Cyan's plans for publicity, both positive and negative? How shall you deal with bad reviews, for example?
(05/11 22:32:12) Moke: "Bad review"? What's that?
(05/11 22:32:27) Error: (Can't find 'Reme' in any of the player lists.)
(05/11 22:32:36) a cynic: Like, someone complaining about the navigation system
(05/11 22:32:42) a cynic: just overall negative
(05/11 22:32:49) Moke: Ah...
(05/11 22:33:28) Moke: We like to think of "negative reviews" as good feedback.
(05/11 22:33:45) Moke: We listen to everything. I mean, everything!
(05/11 22:34:23) Moke: When the feedback makes sense, we try to make adjustments using that information.
(05/11 22:34:35) Moke: Some of the best feedback is negative.
(05/11 22:35:10) Moke: And at the same time, we can't change the world in one day.
(05/11 22:35:55) a cynic: makes sense to me
(05/11 22:36:00) Moke: Sometimes we get great feedback and it takes us months to do anything about it. But please be patient with us. We want Uru Live to be as good as it can be.
(05/11 22:36:10) Moke: And your voices will be a big part of that.
(05/11 22:36:23) Moke: Good question, a cynic.
(05/11 22:36:29) DRCLVortmax1: Zymmin, your turn to talk to Moke!
(05/11 22:36:30) Moke: Next, please...
(05/11 22:37:04) DRCLVortmax1: Oops, I think he crashed... J'mee!
(05/11 22:37:10) J'mee: Glad to meet you, Moke. Does Cyan plan to integrate any of the Myst V story into the new story being developed for Uru Live? Or will the Myst V happenings not fit well or at all?
(05/11 22:37:38) Moke: Nice to meet you, J'mee!
(05/11 22:38:17) Moke: The Myst V story will not be ignored, but it might not fit the way you expect it to. That's all I can really say about that.
(05/11 22:38:52) Moke: Next?
(05/11 22:39:18) DRCLVortmax1: Let's go with Sorceress next!
(05/11 22:39:22) Sorceress: Could you further explain the "episode library" you mentioned earlier tonight?
(05/11 22:39:43) Moke: A bewitching question, Sorceress...
(05/11 22:39:57) Sorceress: hee
(05/11 22:40:04) Moke: You've all been to the Library, yes?
(05/11 22:40:29) Sorceress: If you mean the one in Ae'gura, then yes.
(05/11 22:40:57) Moke: Yes, in the City.
(05/11 22:41:34) Moke: It will function like any Library... It will house books.
(05/11 22:42:09) Moke: We're really looking ahead here...
(05/11 22:42:39) Moke: For when new explorers come into Uru Live in two or three years, for example.
(05/11 22:43:47) Moke: The story may have moved on quite a bit, but they will be able to "relive" the previous episodes by visiting the Library.
(05/11 22:44:35) Moke: I know that's kind of vague... Ryan or Rand Miller could explain it much better than I. You should ask them about it the next time you see them.
(05/11 22:44:47) Moke: Next question, please
(05/11 22:44:54) Sorceress: Thanks Moke!
(05/11 22:45:06) DRCLVortmax1: I think we get the idea. smile.gif Eleri has a few questions now from crashed explorers
(05/11 22:45:14) Moke: Quite welcome, sorry my answer wasn't as good as the question, Sorceress
(05/11 22:45:18) DRCLVortmax1: And one of her own
(05/11 22:45:26) Moke: I'm ready!
(05/11 22:45:36) DRCLeri1: What kind of marketing efforts will we see?
(05/11 22:46:04) Moke: Great question, and I'm not certain.
(05/11 22:47:08) Moke: We haven't talked with Turner about this specifically, yet, but they have a pretty wide-ranging network.
(05/11 22:47:26) Moke: I certainly hope we can take advantage of that somehow.
(05/11 22:47:49) Moke: Word of mouth will always play an important part, as well.
(05/11 22:48:03) Moke: Next question, please....
(05/11 22:48:06) DRCLeri1: Which of the current Guilds will you be keeping, if any?
(05/11 22:49:44) Moke: I'm not sure we have the right to speak for any of the current Guilds. We want to support everyone's idea of a guild - within reason - and we will help establish a few important Guilds, as well.
(05/11 22:50:42) Moke: So, I guess, all the current Guilds will continue in some form, and others will be added.
(05/11 22:50:55) Moke: Next question, please
(05/11 22:50:58) DRCLeri1: Will new explorers to Live start with the Cleft and the Journey, or will they experience something else?
(05/11 22:51:52) Moke: I can tell you that new explorers will not start out in the Cleft.
(05/11 22:52:04) DRCLVortmax1: *gasp*
(05/11 22:52:36) Moke: It will still be necessary to complete the journey, but accessible in a different way.
(05/11 22:52:59) Moke: The idea behind this, is...
(05/11 22:53:32) Moke: We wanted to get people to the heart of Uru more quickly. The heart being all of you - the community.
(05/11 22:53:49) Moke: Next question, please.
(05/11 22:53:51) DRCLVortmax1: Der Rattenfanger, ask away!
(05/11 22:53:53) Der Rattenfanger: Will Live be set up so that it is always "public" or will there be a way to do any private exploration as well (like with our current Relto library)?
(05/11 22:55:10) Moke: That's one thing that won't change about Uru Live. Each explorer will be able to choose their level of interaction.
(05/11 22:55:49) Moke: They will still have their own shelf of linking books that are theirs and theirs alone.
(05/11 22:56:04) Moke: Invitations and sharing will still matter.
(05/11 22:56:42) Moke: And there will continue to be a mix of public and private areas.
(05/11 22:57:13) Moke: Does that answer your question, Der Rattenfanger?
(05/11 22:57:27) Der Rattenfanger: Yes! Thanks, Moke!
(05/11 22:57:27) Moke: Or did I miss the point?
(05/11 22:57:28) Moke: Great!
(05/11 22:57:34) DRCLVortmax1: Nancy, launch question!
(05/11 22:57:38) Nancy: how many people are you planning to allow on beta testing?
(05/11 23:00:36) DRCLVortmax1: Moke?
(05/11 23:00:51) Sorceress: Someone poke Moke.
(05/11 23:00:56) DRCLVortmax1: *pokes moke*
(05/11 23:00:59) DRCLeri1: We lost Moke, but I know the answer to that
(05/11 23:01:05) DRCLVortmax1: Don't panic! He'll be back
(05/11 23:01:08) DRCLeri1: Moke answered it this morning
(05/11 23:01:17) DRCLVortmax1: Go for it Eleri
(05/11 23:01:46) DRCLVortmax1: Also, if anyone wants to ask another question, PM me again. We're just about out of them smile.gif
(05/11 23:01:48) DRCLeri1: It'll start with a small group, and then they'll slowly increase, until the have "thousands"
(05/11 23:02:06) Nancy: ok..thank you
(05/11 23:02:13) DRCLeri1: his full anwer is on the summary on the DRC site
(05/11 23:02:13) J'mee: Great Leapin panic linkers!
(05/11 23:02:37) DRCLVortmax1: Moke's back on, and probably on his way as I say this smile.gif
(05/11 23:02:54) Sowden: I wish that I could stay, but I have to jet
(05/11 23:02:58) Slider: this has been a good meeting a lot has been answered
(05/11 23:03:11) Sowden: thanks for the town meeting, and I'll cathc you all later
(05/11 23:03:16) DRCLVortmax1: So long Sowden smile.gif
(05/11 23:03:23) J'mee: Bye Sowden
(05/11 23:03:33) Sorceress: Bye Sowden
(05/11 23:04:09) Sowden: later
(05/11 23:04:38) DRCLVortmax1: He's on his way back, I promise smile.gif
(05/11 23:04:53) Slider: he's in the nexus now
(05/11 23:05:43) Sorceress: wb Moke
(05/11 23:05:49) DRCLVortmax1: Moke, can ya hear us?
(05/11 23:05:59) Moke: Sorry about that, everyone...
(05/11 23:06:14) Moke: I had three crash to desktops this morning!
(05/11 23:06:27) DRCLeri1: Bahro were kidnapping you
(05/11 23:06:33) DRCLeri1: we fended them off
(05/11 23:06:43) Nancy: lol
(05/11 23:06:48) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(05/11 23:06:59) Moke: Can everyone hear me?
(05/11 23:07:07) DRCLVortmax1: Okay Hailah, it's your turn on "Ask Moke!"
(05/11 23:07:07) gwynhwyvar: Yes
(05/11 23:07:08) Slider: I can
(05/11 23:07:11) Sorceress: yes
(05/11 23:07:14) Nancy: I can
(05/11 23:07:22) hailah: I'd like to know more about the Library. Will it have Books (linking), or books (reading) or both... ? How many there? And, will they have a classification of some kind? (had to ask for Myridean)
(05/11 23:07:34) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(05/11 23:08:32) Moke: Yes, I believe the Library will have both Linking Books and reading books, as many as we can make over time.
(05/11 23:08:50) Moke: I'm not sure how many that will turn out to be. Hopefully, a lot!
(05/11 23:09:33) Moke: I'm sure we can come up with a way to classify. Or maybe, the Guild of Librarians?
(05/11 23:09:41) Moke: Next question, please...
(05/11 23:09:43) DRCLVortmax1: And now, questions from Zymmin: Will beta testers need to join GameTap? And would it help Cyan if we joined GameTap now?
(05/11 23:11:37) DRCLVortmax1: Oh Moke, did you crash out again??
(05/11 23:11:41) Moke: Good questions, and I have no certain answers yet. But things are looking like Uru Live will not reside in GameTap, so no one will necessarily have to join GameTap to join Uru Live. There certainly won't be any extra cost one way or another.
(05/11 23:12:29) Moke: If you can do the GameTap route, I'd highly recommend it. You'll get Uru, plus hundreds of great, classic games. I'm on GameTap and I play it all the time.
(05/11 23:12:49) Moke: Next question, please...
(05/11 23:12:57) DRCLVortmax1: Slider, you had another?