Reference:2006-06-26 Josh Staub Town Hall

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(06/26 07:37:25) Chat.log started...
(06/26 07:46:55) From darkstar in Town Hall 1 (148) Neighborhood: you may have already been PM'd about this but we just a ad hoc test and it appears sitting is causing a memory leak
(06/26 07:50:19) Thend: Hello all
(06/26 07:51:08) DRCLeri1: ah, there's the spot
(06/26 07:51:13) Sorceress: Shorah Josh
(06/26 07:51:41) DRCLeri1: Good morning, Josh!
(06/26 07:51:41) JStaub: Good Morning!
(06/26 07:52:24) JStaub: Good Morning everybody :)
(06/26 07:52:41) Thend: Hello Mr. Staub
(06/26 07:52:52) Ural waves
(06/26 07:53:04) JStaub: How's everyone doing this morning?
(06/26 07:53:10) Undercover Brother: Great.
(06/26 07:53:16) darkstar: Fine
(06/26 07:53:20) From DRCLeri1: do we want to close the hood, or let it be and watch the results?
(06/26 07:53:23) Sorceress: Shorah rehnahvah
(06/26 07:53:26) Thend: Couldn't be awesomer
(06/26 07:53:32) Jane: we're great, happy to see you
(06/26 07:53:34) JStaub: "awesomer
(06/26 07:53:35) Sorceress: sleepy but good
(06/26 07:53:35) JStaub: I like that :)
(06/26 07:53:40) IanWatson: Doing pretty good.
(06/26 07:53:50) To DRCLeri1: Try watching
(06/26 07:53:56) From DRCLeri1: k
(06/26 07:53:59) JStaub: so do I need to /shout or can everyone hear me while I'm stanging up here
(06/26 07:54:00) rehnahvah: shorah
(06/26 07:54:05) CAGrayWolf: G'morning to yoy all.
(06/26 07:54:08) ireenq_translator: Möchte jemand eine Übersetzung ins deutsche? bitte mich per pm ansprechen ( asking if there are any german speakers around)
(06/26 07:54:10) CAGrayWolf: G'morning Josh
(06/26 07:54:20) DRCLeri1: use shout
(06/26 07:54:24) darkstar: hi Mari'
(06/26 07:54:46) From Marie Sutherland in Jill S's Relto: Did Josh make it in?
(06/26 07:54:51) From DRCLeri1: gotta give Miri medicine, brb.
(06/26 07:54:57) JStaub: Ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch
(06/26 07:55:34) darkstar: We did an ad hoc test earlier and it looks like sitting is causing a memory leak in the client
(06/26 07:55:36) To Marie Sutherland: yes
(06/26 07:55:53) JStaub: Okay, I'll try and remember to shout everything
(06/26 07:55:55) Jane: standing seems to be less memory intensive
(06/26 07:56:14) From Marie Sutherland in Jill S's Relto: great. thanks. :D
(06/26 07:56:21) Cubkyle: Sitting creates a memory leak?
(06/26 07:56:30) IanWatson: It seems so.
(06/26 07:56:46) IanWatson: Standing will release the memory.
(06/26 07:56:48) darkstar: Seems that way, sit you get one stand up and it goes away
(06/26 07:56:56) CAGrayWolf: Yes, we are going to try standing in this meeting. To see if this helps.
(06/26 07:57:06) Thend: How about 1st person?
(06/26 07:57:09) Cubkyle: Okay
(06/26 07:57:14) Jane: godd deal
(06/26 07:57:17) Jane: *good deal
(06/26 07:57:28) darkstar: Not tested that but its on my list
(06/26 07:57:40) IanWatson: This is my first meeting. It's really a joy to see this many people at one time.
(06/26 07:57:57) darkstar: Second that
(06/26 07:58:00) From DRCLeri1: back
(06/26 07:58:03) Cubkyle: So how did you test this? I would like to try myself.
(06/26 07:58:09) Jane: & hope we all get to *keep* seeing us
(06/26 07:58:19) CAGrayWolf: G'morning all! I would like to introduce our guest speaker this morning , Josh Staud - Artistic Director for Cyan Wolrds.
(06/26 07:58:35) IanWatson claps his hands
(06/26 07:58:37) darkstar claps his hands
(06/26 07:58:39) Jane cheers
(06/26 07:58:40) JStaub: Good morning everyone! :)
(06/26 07:58:46) JStaub: Thanks for coming :)
(06/26 07:58:47) CAGrayWolf: Staub *blush*
(06/26 07:59:02) JStaub: LOL
(06/26 07:59:48) DRCLeri1: So, tell us a bit about youerself, Josh
(06/26 07:59:52) JStaub: Ok, well, let's see
(06/26 08:00:18) To DRCLeri1: Does he have presubmitted questions?
(06/26 08:00:20) JStaub: I've been at Cyan for over 12 years now
(06/26 08:00:42) JStaub: My first project for Cyan was actually the game Color Spelunx
(06/26 08:00:51) From DRCLeri1: not that I know of, but I have some basics that I thought he could start with
(06/26 08:01:07) JStaub: ...that was during the Summer before I went to College
(06/26 08:01:12) To DRCLeri1: OK ... and I'll hadle the queue agehn
(06/26 08:01:38) JStaub: ...soon after Myst was released I joined Cyan full-time, as employee #7
(06/26 08:02:08) JStaub: ...I lived and worked in Robyn Miller's basement (this was before we had a central office location)
(06/26 08:03:09) JStaub: ...I began as lead artist and game designer, and for Riven became CG production director
(06/26 08:03:26) From ireenq_translator: QUESTION, once the second part starts
(06/26 08:04:02) JStaub: ...after Riven when Robyn left I became art director, and several years ago I also took on the role as Visual Design Director...which gives me the ridiculously long title of "Art and Visual Design Director"
(06/26 08:04:41) JStaub: basically, that means in addition to being on the design team, I try and make sure the game looks and feels nice :)
(06/26 08:04:51) JStaub: How's that?
(06/26 08:05:04) DRCLeri1: Nifty!
(06/26 08:05:47) DRCLeri1: Can you start off the topic by telling us what the Pipline is, and how it works for getting content to Uru?
(06/26 08:05:58) JStaub: Sure
(06/26 08:06:39) JStaub: Generally speaking, the design team will sit down and discuss general ideas for what we're looking for in, for example, a new age
(06/26 08:07:12) JStaub: ...we will usually consider any technical issues and advancements that we may be able to incorporate as well
(06/26 08:08:24) JStaub: ...After a few days we usually have a fairly clear idea of what we would like to do, at which point we may start drawing out a rough map, or talking about how we could incorporate a story element into the age, that sort of thing
(06/26 08:09:47) JStaub: ...once we're clear on the overall concept, I will go back to my office and spend a few days working out some concept desings...pencil and paper first, then perhaps some paintings in photoshop...these will be the broadstrokes that will shape the look of the age
(06/26 08:10:59) JStaub: this point, we may bring in some of the art staff who we expect will be working on the age to sit them down, explain the age, puzzles, etc. and go over the broadstrokes to make sure they're on board
(06/26 08:11:08) From darkstar: The hoods still public by the way
(06/26 08:12:11) JStaub: ...once everyone is on the same page, we may assign particular tasks to the artists...usually we will begin with what we call a "massing model", which is an untextured, very simple version of the entire age which we can use to understand the scale and scope of the age
(06/26 08:13:04) From DRCLeri1: going to go close the hood
(06/26 08:13:06) JStaub: ...ideally, we will be able to actually test out certain puzzle aspects of the age in the massing model...I should mention that in that previous meeting, we will also have the wiring team and usually some of the qa staff there as well - *whoops!
(06/26 08:13:54) JStaub: is very beneficial to have qa and wiring in there at the early stage so that wiring can begin thinking about how they will try and tackle the puzzle elements
(06/26 08:15:06) JStaub: ...ok, so after we've got the massing model in place, and everyone is confident that we can make the age according to the puzzle specs and design, I will begin doing more specific concept design work for the more critical elements in the age
(06/26 08:16:16) JStaub: ...many times I will sit down with the artist who will actually be creating the models to incorporate ideas from them as well...then each artist will begin modeling, texturing, lighting, etc. according to the design sketches
(06/26 08:17:07) JStaub: soon as we have elements in place that can be wired, the wiring team will start implementing the puzzles using the elements the art team has created
(06/26 08:17:35) JStaub: you have 2 parallel paths of work in most cases for a while
(06/26 08:18:47) JStaub: ...a few weeks later, the major wiring elements should be in place, and the art staff will sort've take back the age to continue...but there is a lot of back and forth at the point
(06/26 08:19:30) JStaub: ...sound design will also be involved at this stage, and will be adding sound effects and working on music to enhance the age
(06/26 08:19:51) From DRCLeri1: what is with the stripe of purple people down the middle?
(06/26 08:20:18) JStaub: ...towards the end it's pretty much "all hands on deck" where art, wiring, and sound are all passing files back and forth until the age is complete
(06/26 08:21:17) JStaub: ...once the age is fairly stable, we will add the age to the "nightly build" which allows the qa team to begin testing the age and submitting bugs...which we all fix with a big smile on our face ;)
(06/26 08:21:33) JStaub: I'm sure I left some things out, but essentially that's how it works...make sense?
(06/26 08:21:48) JStaub: ...probably a lot more information than you were looking for! Sorry! :)
(06/26 08:22:03) DRCLeri1: nono, that was great!
(06/26 08:22:23) DRCLeri1: do you want to take questions now?
(06/26 08:22:35) JStaub: I'd be happy to :)
(06/26 08:22:38) CAGrayWolf: If you have questions, please PM me with "QUESTION" and I will ad you to the queue. Please have your questions typed out and ready when called on to help save time.
(06/26 08:22:54) From joao pedro: question
(06/26 08:23:02) From DRCLeri1: you type faster than me!
(06/26 08:23:09) From Dadguy: Question, Wolfie
(06/26 08:23:10) To JStaub: When you are done ... please say next so I know. :)
(06/26 08:23:14) From darkstar: QUESTION
(06/26 08:23:15) From ireenq_translator: I take back mine for now
(06/26 08:23:16) From Darin Wolfe: QUESTION
(06/26 08:23:23) From JStaub: ok
(06/26 08:23:35) From Mari': Question
(06/26 08:23:37) From Thend: QUESTION
(06/26 08:23:46) CAGrayWolf: Ireenq, you have a question?
(06/26 08:23:55) From A'yrr Et: question
(06/26 08:24:01) ireenq_translator: I take it back, next please
(06/26 08:24:51) CAGrayWolf: Joao, you have a question?
(06/26 08:24:55) joao pedro: when will we actually start seeing some screenshots from the new ages and stuff.
(06/26 08:25:07) joao pedro: (read that dot as a question mark... sorry)
(06/26 08:26:38) From ireenq_translator: QUESTION
(06/26 08:27:10) joao pedro: erm... i can't shout, actually
(06/26 08:27:20) JStaub: I think you could expect to see at least a concept sketch or two in the next few weeks...obviously we don't want to give too much new stuff away, but we also understand that people would like to see what's coming :()
(06/26 08:27:25) JStaub: I mean :)
(06/26 08:27:39) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:27:42) CAGrayWolf: Dadguy, you have a question?
(06/26 08:27:48) Dadguy: Loved you in the Pizza Party video... two thumbs up! We watch with interest as the Age list on the DRC site evolves. It appears the pipeline is reasonably full from your earlier work on URU. Is that DRC Age list something we might use as a view of what to expect? I think it is a good way to evoke interest and community discussion.
(06/26 08:28:41) JStaub: I'm not sure the DRC list will be completely accurate, but it does reflect to some extent what we are hoping to work on
(06/26 08:28:53) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:28:56) CAGrayWolf: Darkstar, you have a question?
(06/26 08:29:00) darkstar: How much reworking will the ABM ages need for Live
(06/26 08:29:14) JStaub: ABM ages?
(06/26 08:29:28) JStaub: Ah! (sorry)
(06/26 08:30:54) JStaub: Well, honestly, most of what we are working on now are getting the old ages up to speed...there have been some technical changes to the engine which have required many structural changes (not visible to the end user)...this means a lot of behind the scenes work
(06/26 08:31:27) JStaub: ...a lot of bugs that need fixing...things that didn't use to be a problem are now "broken", so we need to fix those...
(06/26 08:31:30) From Dadguy: Question, if we have time.
(06/26 08:31:57) darkstar: lots of beta testing then lol
(06/26 08:32:16) JStaub: ...additionally, there are ages that were never multi-player, and those require additional work, including design revision in some cases...there are a lot of things you can do in single player that create more problems in mult-player...
(06/26 08:32:46) darkstar: dont we know it
(06/26 08:33:20) JStaub: ...for example, in single player you always know where the player IS, so you can "cheat" - things turn on in other rooms, etc. and you don't need to "show" them turning multi-player there may be another person in the other room where stuff is happening, so we actually
(06/26 08:33:33) JStaub: ...have to make those things LOOK like they're turning on! :)
(06/26 08:33:47) darkstar: rofl
(06/26 08:34:06) JStaub: there is a significant amount of work to getting things just up and running again in the way they were before unfortunately
(06/26 08:34:10) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:34:12) CAGrayWolf: Darin, you have a question?
(06/26 08:34:15) Darin Wolfe: What ages did you have the most influence on for Uru? and which is your favorite?
(06/26 08:34:20) From Tweek: QUESTION
(06/26 08:36:14) JStaub: Hmmm. Well, I was intimately involved in all the ages of course,...but Teledahn was the one I am most associated with...the look and feel
(06/26 08:36:59) JStaub: ...back then we had a smaller team, so I was doing a lot more "hands-on" work, which meant I could sort've start working on an age weeks before anyone else got their hands on it...
(06/26 08:38:09) JStaub: I would also have to say it's my favorite :) I think we achieved a very nice balance of visual interest and well integrated puzzle design...what I mean by that is that the design feels like it's "part" of the age as opposed to a "puzzle" for creating a roadblock
(06/26 08:38:25) JStaub: make sense?
(06/26 08:39:10) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:39:23) CAGrayWolf: Mari, you have a question?
(06/26 08:39:53) Mari': How many ages are in the pipeline at one time?
(06/26 08:40:28) JStaub: Good varies, but ideally we will have 1 or 2 larger ages as
(06/26 08:40:43) JStaub: ...and perhaps a smaller one going at the same time
(06/26 08:41:18) JStaub: ...if the age is VERY large (like Teledahn for example) we may only have 1 large age going and everyone is pretty focused on that
(06/26 08:41:22) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:41:26) CAGrayWolf: Thend, you have a question?
(06/26 08:41:28) Thend: What percentage of the Pipeline, story and Age material, will the Beta testers necessarily see/experience? And will the Beta testers' duties go on beyond Live's start?
(06/26 08:42:32) From joao pedro: can I go back to the queue now, or should I wait until everyone has his or her question answered
(06/26 08:42:41) From darkstar: QUESTION (if theres time)
(06/26 08:43:25) JStaub: I'm probably not the best person to answer that, but the Beta testers "should" see everything structurally in the pipeline, but I'm sure we will hold back some story progression stuff
(06/26 08:43:56) JStaub: for after Live's start I really don't know what involvement there will be
(06/26 08:43:59) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:44:01) CAGrayWolf: A'yrr Et, you have a question?
(06/26 08:44:04) A'yrr Et: One of the things that add a lot to the game experience are peripheral things that 'work' - drawers that open, objects you can pick up and get a closer look at, etc. Are these hard to do, and can we see more of them in the future?
(06/26 08:44:57) From Ural: Question
(06/26 08:46:57) JStaub: I'm sure we will continue to add things like that...they aren't that "hard" to do, but one thing that we try and be careful with is that...usually when you can pick something up to look at it more closely we want it to have some purpose...we want to avoid the feeling of just clicking all over the place...most of the items we allow you to see closer have some particular logic to them
(06/26 08:47:29) JStaub: ...obviously there are red-herrings, but in general that is what we're thinking ;)
(06/26 08:47:31) joao pedro: here's one question many people have been asking - is Eder Delin simply a re-textured version of Eder Kemo, or are there big differences between them..
(06/26 08:47:31) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:47:34) CAGrayWolf: Ireenq, you have a question?
(06/26 08:47:43) joao pedro: sorry
(06/26 08:47:47) ireenq_translator: There have been made some suggestions on possible further functions of the KI, such as several buddie lists or a web browser fuction, can you tell us if any of that is in the pipleline for the near furture, such as : will be ready when live starts? or will we start off with the KI model we know?
(06/26 08:47:49) joao pedro: i hit enter too early
(06/26 08:48:20) CAGrayWolf: NP Joao, you are on the list. :)
(06/26 08:48:21) From Sorceress: QUESTION
(06/26 08:49:00) JStaub: Not sure yet, there are definitely functions we would like to add to the KI, but we really still have to sit down and have a meeting to figure out which of them we will be able to achieve right away
(06/26 08:49:25) JStaub:'s a long list, and some of them are
(06/26 08:49:58) JStaub: ...some of them aren't as practical as others, but there ARE some things that are very practical and important...I'm sure we will put those at the top of the list :)
(06/26 08:50:01) JStaub: nesxt?
(06/26 08:50:03) CAGrayWolf: Dadguy, you have a question?
(06/26 08:50:08) Dadguy: Thanks.. Someone else beat me to it... COMMENT though: I really love your artwork! Textures, lighting and mood! URU is fantastic! And of course, Riven and the other Myst games are "replay" favorites. Keep that pipeline flowing!
(06/26 08:50:22) JStaub: Thanks! We'll do our best :)
(06/26 08:50:26) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:50:28) CAGrayWolf: Tweek, you have a question?
(06/26 08:50:32) Tweek: Can you tell us anything about the new starting area?/
(06/26 08:50:50) From Nikolas: QUESTION
(06/26 08:51:01) JStaub: New starting area? I'm not sure I know what you're referring to...
(06/26 08:51:43) Tweek: It was mentioned that the cleft might not be the starting area of the game, but the heart of uru might be instead,
(06/26 08:51:59) JStaub: I'm not sure what has been leaked out there, so I'll say that you do start off in a different place than in URU, but it will be very familiar :)
(06/26 08:52:55) JStaub: ...we're starting you out in a different location for structural reasons more than story reasons
(06/26 08:53:08) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:53:10) CAGrayWolf: Joao, now you can hit the "enter" key. (You're turn)
(06/26 08:53:14) joao pedro: here's one question many people have been asking - is Eder Delin simply a re-textured version of Eder Kemo, or are there big differences between them.
(06/26 08:53:21) From DRCLeri1: question, oh wolfie
(06/26 08:53:28) From Jane: CAGrayWolf, I know there's probably not enough time left, but if there is I just thought of a question
(06/26 08:53:53) JStaub: Eder Delin is not simply a re-textured version of is very s
(06/26 08:54:37) JStaub: ...similiar but it is smaller, and perhaps more dense (?)
(06/26 08:54:47) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:54:49) CAGrayWolf: Darkstar, you have a question?
(06/26 08:54:52) darkstar: I understand the new physics engine doe'snt support 'kickables' as well as Havok is that true?
(06/26 08:55:26) From joao pedro: I actually have a third question to ask... if we have time, of course
(06/26 08:55:41) JStaub: The new physics engine is one of those things that has "broken" a lot of the old stuff, but we're working on Live I would think (hope!) that all of those things will be resolved :)
(06/26 08:55:50) JStaub: next?
(06/26 08:55:54) CAGrayWolf: Ural, you have a question?
(06/26 08:55:58) darkstar: Thanks
(06/26 08:56:02) Ural: has beta began? or when will it start..number of ages increase at end of beta? daily updates bein in beta?
(06/26 08:57:29) JStaub: I never got Ural's question (?)
(06/26 08:57:56) CAGrayWolf: Ural, use the /shout command
(06/26 08:58:02) From ireenq_translator: QUESTION (if there still is time)
(06/26 08:58:31) Tweek: he asked: has beta began? or when will it start...number of ages increase at end of beta? daily updates bein in beta?
(06/26 08:59:06) Ural: 4/shout has beta began or when will it? see more stuff as beta goes on? daily updates?
(06/26 08:59:19) JStaub: Beta has not begun, I'm not sure of exactly when it will start, but essentially it will begin as soon as we can get the game stable, the servers up, and evertyhing in place
(06/26 08:59:59) JStaub: I'm not sure how much daily updating there will be in beta, as I believe our desire is to test more structural things than story things
(06/26 09:00:02) JStaub: next?
(06/26 09:00:04) CAGrayWolf: Sorceress, you have a question?
(06/26 09:00:08) Ural: beta began?/ when will it, more ages as beta goes on? daily updates?
(06/26 09:00:19) DRCLeri1: Are there any set goals to have X number of things ready for Live, or is it just get as much done as possible by the deadline?brb, skip me if my turn comes up
(06/26 09:00:20) Ural: oops
(06/26 09:00:27) DRCLeri1: oooops
(06/26 09:00:28) Sorceress: Did you help with Preafter, and is a similar ARG in the pipeline?
(06/26 09:00:30) DRCLeri1: kitten
(06/26 09:01:05) JStaub: ARG?
(06/26 09:01:13) Sorceress: Alternate Reality Game
(06/26 09:01:49) JStaub: Ah! Hmmmm. I didn't have much involvement in that...and I don't believe there are any plans at this point, but you never know :)
(06/26 09:02:04) JStaub: next?
(06/26 09:02:05) JStaub: they certainly are fun :)
(06/26 09:02:06) CAGrayWolf: Nikolas, you have a question?
(06/26 09:02:13) Nikolas: The ages you are currently working on, are they mainly "natural" ones like Kemo, or "mechanical" ones with large structures like Gahreseen?Or a blend?(excuse my bad english)
(06/26 09:03:16) JStaub: Well, as I mentioned most of what we're working on now is getting the old stuff back to functioning properly...but the ideas we have for future ages are a blend I would say
(06/26 09:03:28) JStaub: next?
(06/26 09:03:30) CAGrayWolf: Last two questions. Eleri, you have a question?
(06/26 09:03:47) DRCLeri1: I'll rephrase it, even...
(06/26 09:04:14) DRCLeri1: Is there a goal of having X number of new things for the launch of Live, or just having the oold things rebuilt?
(06/26 09:04:53) JStaub: both?
(06/26 09:05:04) DRCLeri1: lol
(06/26 09:05:20) JStaub: Heheh. :) We definitely need the old things rebuilt, but there should be at least some limited new stuff as well :0
(06/26 09:05:25) JStaub: I mean :)
(06/26 09:05:37) JStaub: next?
(06/26 09:05:39) CAGrayWolf: Jane, you have a question?
(06/26 09:05:41) Jane: We've been talking about your (wonderful) age-building, mostly--I'm wondering if you also do the visuals for the avatars, or is that a separate "department"?
(06/26 09:07:07) JStaub: Well, I still oversee everything visually, so that includes the avatars, but most of the hands-on stuff is done by Jason Baskett
(06/26 09:08:01) JStaub: specific items (rewards clothing, etc.) I will be more involved in, and sometimes make myself, but the vast majority of stuff is made by Jase
(06/26 09:08:34) JStaub: Is that the last question for now? I should probably get to my 9 o'clock meeting :)
(06/26 09:08:38) CAGrayWolf: Would all all please give a huge round of applause for our guest speaker Josh Staub. Josh, thank you for taking this time to answer our questions.
(06/26 09:08:47) Jane claps her hands
(06/26 09:08:50) zoorin claps his hands
(06/26 09:08:52) ireenq_translator claps her hands
(06/26 09:08:52) JStaub: Of course I will be back tonight at 8pm as well for more questions :)
(06/26 09:08:53) Tweek: thanks josh
(06/26 09:08:53) Ural claps his hands
(06/26 09:08:57) Jane cheers
(06/26 09:08:59) darkstar: Three cheers for Josh
(06/26 09:09:02) zoorin cheers
(06/26 09:09:06) Jane: Thank you so much!
(06/26 09:09:08) IanWatson cheers
(06/26 09:09:09) rehnahvah claps his hands
(06/26 09:09:10) CAGrayWolf: clap
(06/26 09:09:14) IanWatson claps his hands
(06/26 09:09:16) CAGrayWolf claps his hands
(06/26 09:09:16) ireenq_translator: Thanks a lot!
(06/26 09:09:17) darkstar: Thankyou
(06/26 09:09:19) Dadguy: The most stable meeting yet!
(06/26 09:09:20) JStaub: Thanks! It really was my pleasure :) I hope I was of some help :)
(06/26 09:09:23) zoorin: thank you
(06/26 09:09:32) DRCLeri1: Josh, before you sneak away, how is Mantis Parable doing?
(06/26 09:10:22) JStaub: Ha! The Mantis Parable is doing very well...actually I found out it won another award last will also be screening at the Smithsonian Institute, the National Gallery of Art, and the Museum of Modern Art in NY in the next few months :)
(06/26 09:10:36) Jane: w00t!!
(06/26 09:10:37) Undercover Brother: Congratulations!
(06/26 09:10:38) Sorceress: Wow!
(06/26 09:10:39) ireenq_translator: woot!
(06/26 09:10:40) DRCLeri1 cheers
(06/26 09:10:45) JStaub: ...MoMA actually requested and purchased a copy of the film for their permanent archive :)
(06/26 09:10:48) zoorin cheers
(06/26 09:10:52) IanWatson: Woo!
(06/26 09:10:53) Tweek: sweet
(06/26 09:10:54) Jane: excellent
(06/26 09:10:57) Cubkyle: Cheers to who suggested we stand! I think there were a lot less dropouts!
(06/26 09:10:58) ireenq_translator: wow, nice!
(06/26 09:10:59) darkstar: Fantastic
(06/26 09:10:59) DRCLeri1: any chance of a screening at Mysterium?
(06/26 09:11:17) CAGrayWolf: Foor all those who care to attend, we will be having our second meeting with Josh at 9pm MDT ... so join us again if you like.
(06/26 09:11:18) Mark Dev (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/26 09:11:20) ireenq_translator: oooh a screening at Mysterium would be awesome!
(06/26 09:11:21) JStaub: things are definitely giong well for it
(06/26 09:11:48) DRCLeri1: that's so cool. Congrats!
(06/26 09:12:01) zoorin claps his hands
(06/26 09:12:04) darkstar: Way to go!
(06/26 09:12:07) Mark Dev claps his hands
(06/26 09:12:07) CAGrayWolf: We will continue to announce "standing" for all future meeting. :)
(06/26 09:12:08) Undercover Brother (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/26 09:12:16) IanWatson: Thanks a ton for coming, Josh.
(06/26 09:12:18) JStaub: ...go to for more info...see you guys tonight :)
(06/26 09:12:20) From Dadguy: Nice job Wolfie!
(06/26 09:12:24) JStaub: Shorah! :)
(06/26 09:12:25) DRCLeri1: thanks Josh!
(06/26 09:12:25) ireenq_translator waves
(06/26 09:12:29) Tweek: cya josh
(06/26 09:12:31) DRCLeri1 claps her hands
(06/26 09:12:32) IanWatson: Looking forward to seeing what the future holds, to 25! (:
(06/26 09:12:32) Jane: shorah, & thank you!
(06/26 09:12:34) To Dadguy: Thank you Dad
(06/26 09:12:35) Jane claps her hands
(06/26 09:12:37) zoorin claps his hands
(06/26 09:12:39) Mark Dev: thanks Josh
(06/26 09:12:39) Sorceress: Thank you Josh!
(06/26 09:12:48) Jane: wow, great meeting
(06/26 09:12:55) Mark Dev: anyone want to discuss the memory test?
(06/26 09:12:56) Thend: Yes, I agree Jane
(06/26 09:12:58) Jane: the standing thing really worked!
(06/26 09:13:01) ireenq_translator: yup, standing seemed to make a big diff!
(06/26 09:13:03) Jane: & the info was awesome
(06/26 09:13:11) DRCLeri1: who would have guessed!
(06/26 09:13:12) Tweek: indeed
(06/26 09:13:23) Sorceress: Yeah, I was barely lagging
(06/26 09:13:27) Jane: it does seem counterintuitive, doesn't it Eleri
(06/26 09:13:31) IanWatson: Standing is the way to go.
(06/26 09:13:35) CAGrayWolf: Agreed, standing did make a differance. As I siad, we will be announcing this for all future meetings.
(06/26 09:13:37) DRCLeri1: very
(06/26 09:13:43) ireenq_translator: makes perfect sense, standing is default, sitting is an action
(06/26 09:13:44) Jane: but darkstar pointed out that standing is the 'default'--should take less memory
(06/26 09:13:50) Mark Dev: I noticed that the KI animation also leaks
(06/26 09:13:55) kimmie1: this was last through a whole meeting :)
(06/26 09:14:06) Jane: did anybody crash?
(06/26 09:14:10) Jane: didn't seem like it
(06/26 09:14:12) ireenq_translator: 3 cheers for mark!!!!!
(06/26 09:14:15) Mark Dev: I only dropped I think because my internet connection went down
(06/26 09:14:17) CAGrayWolf: Not that I noticed.
(06/26 09:14:23) ireenq_translator cheers
(06/26 09:14:23) Jane: YAY Mark Dev!!!
(06/26 09:14:27) Jane: hip hip hooray
(06/26 09:14:32) kimmie1 cheers
(06/26 09:14:53) DRCLeri1: I think Whilyam was the first to mention it, and Mark tested it
(06/26 09:15:05) Jane: ah yes I saw Whilyam's post
(06/26 09:15:08) CAGrayWolf: OK, need to get my day started as well. Things to be and people to d.
(06/26 09:15:12) Jane: but I thought he was quoting Mark
(06/26 09:15:16) CAGrayWolf: Bye all!
(06/26 09:15:20) Mark Dev: I just need to nip out. brb
(06/26 09:15:20) ireenq_translator: Great memory exlorers :)
(06/26 09:15:23) Mark Dev: bye CAGW
(06/26 09:15:23) Jane: bye CA GRay Wolf :)
(06/26 09:15:26) Thend: Thanks to te Liaisons
(06/26 09:15:28) CAGrayWolf waves
(06/26 09:15:34) Sorceress: bye CA
(06/26 09:15:34) kimmie1: yes, Whilyam was quoting Mark
(06/26 09:15:36) Error: Don't know how to '/xtoplog'
(06/26 09:15:37) ireenq_translator: bye Wolfie
(06/26 09:15:39) From darkstar in Town Hall 1 (148) Neighborhood: Cya CAGreywolf
(06/26 09:15:39) Jane: second thend :)
(06/26 09:15:43) ...Chat.log stopped.