Reference:2006-09-16 Eric L Town Hall discussing user-created content 2

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(09/16 22:24:38) Chat.log started...
(09/16 22:24:50) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, I'm sure many of you know the rules, but here we go again.!
(09/16 22:24:57) DRCLVortmax1: First, PLEASE REMAIN STANDING during the meeting.!
(09/16 22:25:02) DRCLVortmax1 looks at vid and Taba
(09/16 22:25:07) DRCLVortmax1: Err, Janine!
(09/16 22:25:10) DRCLVortmax1: Anyway...!
(09/16 22:25:11) Dalken Starbyne: WOOT!!! Heya Eric!!
(09/16 22:25:16) vid: GOOD ONE VORT :P
(09/16 22:25:24) DRCLVortmax1: Second, please PM me with "question" if you have a question or comment!
(09/16 22:25:31) Eric L: hello everyone. I think I managed to make it on time. :)!
(09/16 22:25:38) Sorceress: hello Eric!
(09/16 22:25:39) DRCLVortmax1: Remember to turn on /autoshout to help with these things!
(09/16 22:25:42) DRCLVortmax1 waves
(09/16 22:25:55) Eric L: actually, Vort, I'm going to be turning things upside down on you this time. :)!
(09/16 22:25:57) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, well, we've still got 5 minutes to start :D!
(09/16 22:26:15) DRCLVortmax1: Oooh, I like change :)!
(09/16 22:26:15) Eric L: the format's going to be a little different this time.!
(09/16 22:26:15) Dalken Starbyne: How ya doin' Eric?
(09/16 22:26:15) Ehren: your going to turn the hood upsidedown???
(09/16 22:26:17) Dalken Starbyne: SWEET!
(09/16 22:26:24) vid: up-side down, and fallng to the ground
(09/16 22:26:25) DRCLVortmax1: He can do that, you know.!
(09/16 22:26:31) DRCLVortmax1: He's THE admin!
(09/16 22:26:36) vid gasps
(09/16 22:26:40) Ehren: huh?
(09/16 22:26:47) vid: is that like Roffle Cop?
(09/16 22:26:49) DRCLVortmax1: Eric has that power.!
(09/16 22:26:51) Kam begins to bow and chant to Eric
(09/16 22:26:53) Eric L: okay, in the usual town hall meetings, you do most of the questions and we do most of the answers. In this case, we're looking for ideas and feedback, so it's kinda going to be the reverse. :)!
(09/16 22:26:54) DRCLVortmax1 nods his head
(09/16 22:27:06) Janine cheers
(09/16 22:27:13) Ehren: Eric? what happened to tapestry shard?
(09/16 22:27:41) Eric L: long story, Ehren. The short version is that I've been busy here and haven't had much time for it.!
(09/16 22:28:07) To Eric L: Do you still want a queue for comments, or just run wild?
(09/16 22:28:22) Dalken Starbyne: Hide! It's the Uru Police! :P
(09/16 22:28:28) Kam: Anyone got a chatlog running. Thought I'd make sure ;)!
(09/16 22:28:29) From Eric L: Just let it run wild. We want to collect ideas.
(09/16 22:28:33) Sorceress: i do Kam!
(09/16 22:28:34) DRCLVortmax1: I have one :)!
(09/16 22:28:44) Eric L: i'm going to be chatlogging, just in case I miss an idea someone brings up.!
(09/16 22:28:45) Yutram: freeeze, D.P.D!
(09/16 22:28:45) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, well, we're not going to worry about a queue, and just let Eric handle things!
(09/16 22:28:49) vid: is it true that the DRC are secretly working on the black ops project "Metal Gear D'ni"?
(09/16 22:29:02) Kam: lol!
(09/16 22:29:08) Eric L chuckles
(09/16 22:29:14) Ehren: who is the person answering questions this townhall?
(09/16 22:29:15) Yutram: lol!
(09/16 22:29:37) Eric L: actually, that would be you, Ehren, as well as everyone else. :)!
(09/16 22:29:38) Kam: We're making suggestions. Not questions!
(09/16 22:30:03) Ehren: to who though?
(09/16 22:30:07) Eric L: just checking the time. Don't want to start the introduction until we're officially started. :)!
(09/16 22:30:13) Kam: Randomos!
(09/16 22:30:34) Kam: Er, right?!
(09/16 22:30:39) vid shakes his head
(09/16 22:30:41) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, well, let's start then! Welcome everyone to tonight's Town Hall meeting!!
(09/16 22:30:52) Sorceress claps her hands
(09/16 22:31:00) vid claps his hands
(09/16 22:31:02) Janine claps her hands
(09/16 22:31:07) Dalken Starbyne applauds
(09/16 22:31:09) DRCLVortmax1: Tonight we've got Eric L here, who works for CNN usually, but is on special loan to GameTap to help with the wonderful Myst Online: Uru Live!
(09/16 22:31:27) DRCLVortmax1: Whatever that is...!
(09/16 22:31:42) From Eric L: my turn?
(09/16 22:31:54) DRCLVortmax1: So Eric, first, tell us a bit about you and what you do, then we'll move on to the questions!
(09/16 22:32:07) Eric L: Thanks, Vort. :)!
(09/16 22:32:41) Eric L: Okay, I've been doing various things on the backend for Cyan for about a year now, including helping them get this place set up.!
(09/16 22:33:04) Eric L: right now, my current project is doing research into the kinds of things people might want to create in the Uru world.!
(09/16 22:33:55) Eric L: Actual development on any tools is a ways off, as right now they're working very hard toward an official launch.!
(09/16 22:34:11) Eric L: so right now my job is to gather ideas from all of you.!
(09/16 22:34:51) Eric L: now, we're leaving the definition of "user generated content" intentionally vague, to allow people to come up with as wide a range of ideas as they can.!
(09/16 22:35:15) DRCLVortmax1: So not just ages and textures, but things like machinima as well?!
(09/16 22:35:37) Eric L: any ideas we can come up with. We'll probably have to narrow it down later, but right now it's brainstorming time. :)!
(09/16 22:36:11) vid: so... we just.. go? >_>
(09/16 22:36:25) Eric L: so, to get started, what sort of things can you imagine creating in Uru?!
(09/16 22:36:34) Dalken Starbyne: Clothes!!
(09/16 22:36:34) vid: clothing!
(09/16 22:36:56) Eric L: (Don't worry about talking over someone else. I'm logging, so while I may miss your suggestion in realtime I won't lose it in the log. :)!
(09/16 22:36:56) Janine: hairstyles!!!
(09/16 22:36:58) vid: Relto furniture
(09/16 22:37:30) Dalken Starbyne: Our own Ages, of course!
(09/16 22:37:39) Eric L: okay, so I'm seeing ideas about ways to customize your avatar and being able to make new objects.!
(09/16 22:37:42) vid: physical journals we can put in shelves
(09/16 22:37:44) DRCLVortmax1: Maybe more kickable things, like cones!
(09/16 22:37:47) Sorceress: how about an in-game library for fan-written works, like poems, journal entries?!
(09/16 22:37:49) Janine: Extra places for siting and gathering in the hoods
(09/16 22:37:54) DRCLVortmax1: (Reminder: /autoshout is good!)!
(09/16 22:38:23) vid: areas we can creat "layouts" for and save and have people play them. like mazes.
(09/16 22:38:44) vid: an age where buttons control walls that we can place as mazes... kinda like The Wall but on foot
(09/16 22:38:47) Kam: Okay Eric, then as someone who does machinima, I see the Uru world with a lot of potential. But I think that potential could be strengthened by more emotive avatars. Things like being able to lay down, glance at your watch/KI if you type /impatient!
(09/16 22:38:49) Janine: yes more interactive character games!
(09/16 22:38:52) Sorceress: do those contests like the Inspired Verse one in Prologue!
(09/16 22:38:54) Eric L: okay, so being able to create your own journals, adding furniture to the neighborhoods...!
(09/16 22:38:55) Janine nods her head
(09/16 22:39:02) Ehren: maybe adjust how the sky looks in relto?
(09/16 22:39:18) vid: more interactive things, like "inspired verse" and the Gahreesen art contest
(09/16 22:39:19) DRCLVortmax1: Remember, we're talking about things YOU can do, not things you want Cyan to do.!
(09/16 22:39:48) DRCLVortmax1: Any ideas on what kind of tools you'd like?!
(09/16 22:39:55) Eric L: yeah, we're looking at people being able to create their own content within the world. !
(09/16 22:40:02) Sorceress: audio recordings!
(09/16 22:40:05) Yutram: a movie recorder for the KI!
(09/16 22:40:07) Dalken Starbyne: Animation tools!
(09/16 22:40:27) Eric L: okay, so being able to record video?!
(09/16 22:40:41) Shonda: Video recording would be very good.!
(09/16 22:40:57) Kam: Also, more diverse ability with the camera view in 3rd person. Perhaps being able to turn it around so you can get different angle shots of your avatar!
(09/16 22:41:02) DRCLVortmax1: It would be nice if we could create textures too, for things like books!
(09/16 22:41:07) Dalken Starbyne: Some kind of clothing creator, to make shirts, pants, etc.!
(09/16 22:41:18) vid: a "data hub" where people can store and share photos, videos, and sounds. Imagine being able to access the "hub" with your KI and get photos from a friend who had to go offline, or even the new TCT Podcast :)
(09/16 22:41:23) Eric L: okay, so let me ask you this. Would you rather things like animation tools be incorporated into the game environment, or being able to add your own animations created outside?!
(09/16 22:41:40) Sorceress: bring back the cannen for our Relto!
(09/16 22:41:45) DRCLVortmax1: I think adding things from outside would be good.!
(09/16 22:41:53) Dalken Starbyne: I agree.!
(09/16 22:41:55) vid: It'd probably be best to create the things outside.
(09/16 22:42:03) DRCLVortmax1: In-game would be a bit complicated!
(09/16 22:42:12) Shonda: It would be safer to create them inside the game.!
(09/16 22:42:14) Kam: Agreed, but would other players be able to see them?!
(09/16 22:42:25) vid would love to be able to import some of his smaller 3DS Max models
(09/16 22:42:26) DRCLVortmax1: But yes, something to let us make clothing, accessories, and hairstyles, then import them for everyone.!
(09/16 22:42:42) Dalken Starbyne: How about this? A program connected to the game, but you don't nessisarily have to have the game running?!
(09/16 22:42:44) Janine: I agree with the Vort!
(09/16 22:42:56) DRCLVortmax1: Perhaps a way to share things, so if you created something you'd like others to use, they could access it from a "hub" area (in or out of game).!
(09/16 22:43:21) Eric L: So you mean making it so people can share stuff they've created?!
(09/16 22:43:27) DRCLVortmax1: Yes!!
(09/16 22:43:48) DRCLVortmax1: Say if I created a shirt design, and wanted everyone to have access, it would just show up in their closet.!
(09/16 22:43:53) vid: what's the fun of making something, if you can't share it? :)
(09/16 22:43:56) Eric L: okay, how many people like the idea of sharing things that they've created? Letting people make copies of them?!
(09/16 22:44:06) Eric L: (wave so I can get a count of hands.)!
(09/16 22:44:12) Kam waves
(09/16 22:44:12) vid waves
(09/16 22:44:14) Sorceress waves
(09/16 22:44:19) Kimmie Hawk waves
(09/16 22:44:21) DRCLVortmax1 nods his head
(09/16 22:44:24) DRCLVortmax1 waves
(09/16 22:44:25) Shonda: I'll support that IF it's voluntary on the pick-up.!
(09/16 22:44:26) Dalken Starbyne waves
(09/16 22:44:46) Ehren: yeah we don't want every single thing someone makes in the closet
(09/16 22:44:52) Eric L: okay, how many would prefer that the stuff they create be unique to them ( but viewable by others)?!
(09/16 22:45:08) Kam: I want both....!
(09/16 22:45:10) DRCLVortmax1: I really think that should be an option to some degree...!
(09/16 22:45:14) Dalken Starbyne: I prefer both: have the option to share it, or have it unique to you!
(09/16 22:45:22) Sorceress: same here!
(09/16 22:45:25) Shonda: The choice is ideal.!
(09/16 22:45:27) Yutram: same!
(09/16 22:45:39) Eric L: does anyone disagree with that idea?!
(09/16 22:45:39) Kam: Sorry Eric, we're greedy :P!
(09/16 22:45:46) vid: I like that... make some things just for us... but other things that we can all share and use
(09/16 22:45:47) DRCLVortmax1: The idea of choice?!
(09/16 22:45:58) Ehren: you know how there is "share book" maybe "share clothes" lol
(09/16 22:46:07) Eric L: being able to share as an option, but only as an option.!
(09/16 22:46:10) vid: after all, I don't want EVERYONE running around in my SPECIAL shirt... but... there are other shirts that a lot of people would like :)
(09/16 22:46:10) Dalken Starbyne: Someone else brought up a kind of hub for sharing, that would be good for optional uniqueness!
(09/16 22:46:24) Kam: Only if you wash them before you share them, Ehren!
(09/16 22:46:33) Eric L smiles
(09/16 22:47:05) Eric L: Okay, can anyone else think of things they'd like to create?!
(09/16 22:47:20) Eric L: i've seen Ages, clothing, objects, sounds, animations...!
(09/16 22:47:22) Yutram: transportation!
(09/16 22:47:37) Kam: A diving board in relto for cliff jumping!
(09/16 22:48:05) Eric L: okay, so not just static objects, but objects you can interact with.!
(09/16 22:48:13) Shonda: I suppose magic carpets are out of the question....!
(09/16 22:48:19) Yutram: lol!
(09/16 22:48:35) Kam: How about customizable pets from various ages!
(09/16 22:48:37) Dalken Starbyne: Decorations!
(09/16 22:48:42) Yutram: ooh, yeah!
(09/16 22:48:47) Shonda: But yes - interaction.!
(09/16 22:48:59) DRCLVortmax1: Pets could be really fun!!
(09/16 22:49:05) Dalken Starbyne: YES!!!
(09/16 22:49:08) Kam: I'd love my own Squee to follow me around or sit on my shoulder!
(09/16 22:49:08) Sorceress: being able to use the classroom imager for classes!
(09/16 22:49:22) vid: perhaps the ability to create our own textures for Relto? Like changing the "season" of the grass and stuff?
(09/16 22:49:40) Eric L: Sort of like a Yeesha page, vid?!
(09/16 22:49:43) DRCLVortmax1: That's a thought. The ability to put in our own "lecture slides" on the classroom screen?!
(09/16 22:49:57) Sorceress: yes!
(09/16 22:50:00) DRCLVortmax1: Oooooh, maybe our own Yeesha pages?!
(09/16 22:50:03) vid: Eric, maybe. Or just being able to import a texture and change the default grass to that instead.
(09/16 22:50:16) Dalken Starbyne: Maybe something like Yeesha pages, but a user equivalent?!
(09/16 22:50:16) Kam: Or propaganda in the DRC's case, oops, was that out loud?!
(09/16 22:50:18) Janine: yes more control over the classroom boards and or screens would be a great tool!
(09/16 22:50:25) vid: Like adjust it so it's a white blanket of snowy grass :)
(09/16 22:50:41) Eric L: Sometimes that happens on its own, vid. ;)!
(09/16 22:50:48) vid: Ooooh :)
(09/16 22:50:50) Sorceress: increase the picture capacity on both the KIs and the imagers!
(09/16 22:51:13) Shonda: I'd like some things to require time in-game, like our relto trees do.!
(09/16 22:51:16) Dalken Starbyne: An airship to fly around Relto...!
(09/16 22:51:17) DRCLVortmax1: Remember, we want to think about ways to get stuff YOU create into the game, not things that Cyan can do to make things better!
(09/16 22:51:44) Eric L: Well, someone could create these things I suppose. :)!
(09/16 22:51:53) DRCLVortmax1: Well, the airship could be created :)!
(09/16 22:52:03) Yutram: yay!
(09/16 22:52:18) vid: Not technically "creating" but it'd be nice if we could all work on things like the city... just repairing small things like the cracks in the ground
(09/16 22:52:23) Kam: Okay, then a way for us to create animal life in our relto perhaps. Such as birds or Squees ^_^!
(09/16 22:52:38) Dalken Starbyne: I still like the pet idea!
(09/16 22:52:50) Shonda: I'd like the pets to be bound to relto.!
(09/16 22:52:58) Eric L: i'm wondering what sort of tool you would imagine to create a pet with.!
(09/16 22:53:09) Kam: Nah, let em come to the city at least!
(09/16 22:53:14) Eric L: any ideas?!
(09/16 22:53:27) Kam: Hmmm....!
(09/16 22:53:48) Dalken Starbyne: A pet you can choose to have follow you or not, so you can let it stay in Relto or have it come with you!
(09/16 22:54:01) DRCLVortmax1: Well, if we were to go easy, something with options for build, skin/fur textures, limbs, where you could kinda drag/drop it?!
(09/16 22:54:03) vid: Poser tends to produce things that are all more or less the same though
(09/16 22:54:11) DRCLVortmax1: That's true of any creation too though, for the masses.!
(09/16 22:54:23) DRCLVortmax1: *tool!
(09/16 22:54:28) Kam: Well, if we had an avatar custumization program that we could use to select from different types of animals, then tweek the different attributes of, that might work!
(09/16 22:54:48) Eric L: So something like avatar customization, then.!
(09/16 22:54:55) DRCLVortmax1: That's actually a good idea.!
(09/16 22:55:27) Kam: Yeah. But, with perhaos behavioral customization as well, within reason of the creature you make.!
(09/16 22:55:43) *Cubkyle: Attack pet!
(09/16 22:55:56) Kam: For example, you could make a Squee that would be jittery, or friendly instead!
(09/16 22:56:01) Kam: ...!
(09/16 22:56:01) *Cubkyle: Keep the Relto safe ;)!
(09/16 22:56:17) Eric L: maybe with sliders for different personality traits?!
(09/16 22:56:24) Ehren: I think I will stay out of Cubkyle's relto from now on
(09/16 22:56:28) Kam: Go for the neck, Boo! (Baldus Gate)!
(09/16 22:56:40) Dalken Starbyne: How about an area in the data hub for people who don't know how to animate, or even have something they want to make but don't know how, they can submit it to the hub requesting for other people who do know how to design and/or animate it?!
(09/16 22:56:56) *Cubkyle: I like that!
(09/16 22:56:58) DRCLVortmax1: Like a request ticketing system?!
(09/16 22:57:03) Dalken Starbyne: Exactly!
(09/16 22:57:06) Sorceress: good idea!
(09/16 22:57:09) Eric L: or more like a want ads?!
(09/16 22:57:21) Shonda: That I'll support - the want-ads tickets!
(09/16 22:57:29) vid: Perhaps if/as Guilds form, the ability to build guild houses for them and place creations inside?
(09/16 22:57:31) Kam: That's a good way to put it!
(09/16 22:57:52) Eric L: okay, now I wanted to talk about another aspect of this.!
(09/16 22:57:58) vid: for example, a Guild of Caterers could have someone model and design a huge dinnig hall for people
(09/16 22:58:00) Kam: Okay!
(09/16 22:58:12) Shonda: Getting from guilds will require a currency, won't it? Will we have that?!
(09/16 22:58:16) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, question: Will Cyan have to approve everything before it goes into the game?!
(09/16 22:58:17) Kam: VId thinks with his stomach, btw!
(09/16 22:58:26) Eric L: giving people all this creative flexibility could lead to the possibility of people making stuff that other people object to.!
(09/16 22:58:38) Eric L: i'd like to get some discussion going about how we can deal with that.!
(09/16 22:58:40) DRCLVortmax1: Exactly.!
(09/16 22:59:01) Shonda: I think the "view" or "not view" option from this morning sounded good.!
(09/16 22:59:14) Sorceress: let Cyan have final say on appropriate content!
(09/16 22:59:15) Shonda: For most things, anyway!
(09/16 22:59:18) Kam: Well, it has to be within set limits. No profanity. No sexual images I imagine.!
(09/16 22:59:39) *Cubkyle: There should be options to turn on different user created things.!
(09/16 22:59:48) DRCLVortmax1: Maybe some kind of fan approval system, where some fans get to approve things so Cyan doesn't have to worry about it all the time?!
(09/16 22:59:55) DRCLVortmax1: The problem would be finding people who can do the job well.!
(09/16 22:59:58) Kam: No excedingly violent images.!
(09/16 23:00:09) Eric L: Okay, so you'd like to be able to decide for yourself what you want to view or not, Cubkyle?!
(09/16 23:00:33) Dalken Starbyne: That could be handled by the hub!!
(09/16 23:00:33) Shonda: The fan approval system would be great for passing most tings.!
(09/16 23:00:34) *Cubkyle: Like a check list. Turn this on. Turn this off!
(09/16 23:00:53) Eric L: okay, let me check on this. !
(09/16 23:00:57) *Cubkyle: Almost like the Relto pages!
(09/16 23:01:13) vid: perhaps each person gets "tickets" every month with their subscription that they have to trade in to add creations to the world? Say you get two, and you can only design two items a month, so you have to think it out and use it wisely, rather than just churning things out constantly, cluttering the world without much thought?
(09/16 23:01:13) Eric L: who would prefer to have someone else decide what is appropriate for them to view and what is not? (show of hands)!
(09/16 23:01:52) Shonda: Vid's ticketing would be very good!!
(09/16 23:01:59) Eric L: <Ben Stein> Anyone? Anyone? </Ben Stein> ;)!
(09/16 23:02:06) vid: Bueller? Bueller?
(09/16 23:02:08) Dalken Starbyne: Well, you wouldn't have to worry about clutter if you didn't have to download everything that was created...!
(09/16 23:02:19) vid notes that there's an aesome Ferris Bueller poster in the Red Robin in Spokane
(09/16 23:02:21) DRCLVortmax1: Well, if Cyan was the one making the approvals, I'd have no problem.!
(09/16 23:02:31) Eric L: Okay, now who would prefer to be able to decide for themselves what they see or don't see? (show of hands)!
(09/16 23:02:36) DRCLVortmax1: However, everyone's standards are different.!
(09/16 23:02:39) Shonda: That's asking a lot of Cyan!
(09/16 23:02:39) Kam waves
(09/16 23:02:41) Dalken Starbyne waves
(09/16 23:02:41) Sorceress waves
(09/16 23:02:44) vid: I agree.. if the approvals were in the hands of Cyan, I think it'd be appropriate
(09/16 23:02:46) Janine waves
(09/16 23:02:48) AvaricII waves
(09/16 23:02:59) Ehren: but if its something like someone else's clothes you would have to download it to see what they wear
(09/16 23:03:01) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, Shonda, which is the new problem.!
(09/16 23:03:05) *Cubkyle: Cyan always does things right!
(09/16 23:03:12) Sorceress: i agree with vid as well!
(09/16 23:03:23) Kam: Lol Cub!
(09/16 23:03:44) Shonda: I think the fan rating system would help out more there. Within set Cyan guidellines.!
(09/16 23:03:58) vid: but another point with the "tickets" is that whoever is approving won't be entirely swamped
(09/16 23:04:05) DRCLVortmax1: I think I'd rather decide for myself, but there are issues there too. You'd have to see it yourself before you could decide whether or not to get the item, and some people may have problems with that.!
(09/16 23:04:17) Eric L: okay, here's another thing I wanted to check with you folks on. Would you rather people had more flexibility to create something private (within their personal Ages) than something public?!
(09/16 23:04:18) Ehren: impossible, different people are offended by very different things
(09/16 23:04:56) *Cubkyle: Doesn't matter to me Eric!
(09/16 23:04:57) DRCLVortmax1: Yes. If it's in YOUR Age, you should have a lot more flexibility.!
(09/16 23:05:09) DRCLVortmax1: Things in the public areas would need to conform to those areas.!
(09/16 23:05:14) Ehren: yeah created things should be in peoples personal ages..
(09/16 23:05:14) Yutram: makes sense!
(09/16 23:05:23) Kam: Oh, Eric, another idea!
(09/16 23:05:27) Eric L: yes, Kam?!
(09/16 23:05:27) Shonda: I prefer the flexibility to create within peronal Ages. But how to control entry could be problematic.!
(09/16 23:05:36) vid: maybe if it's in an age you create or something like that, there could be a "book of commentary" so people can look through that before they link in
(09/16 23:05:51) Kam: If we do get pets, it might be interesting for us to somehow use our KI's to see through their eyes!
(09/16 23:06:04) Dalken Starbyne: Pet cam!!
(09/16 23:06:06) *Cubkyle: I like Vid's idea.!
(09/16 23:06:22) Kam: Would certainly open up a lot of filming possibilities, as well as puzzles!
(09/16 23:06:42) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, in addition to vid's idea of "two items a month" idea, maybe a way to earn extra items by working for Cyan. Say if they said "We need a texture for X", you could submit stuff, and earn extra item creations that month!
(09/16 23:06:56) Eric L: okay, so how about this. Say people can "rate" content they see (good or bad), and then you decide on what the minimum score is you're willing to see?!
(09/16 23:07:07) DRCLVortmax1: That's a great idea Eric!
(09/16 23:07:12) Kam: I agree with Zadok on that. But they could fix that by having it so that whenever you get a new relto page, it resets to default!
(09/16 23:07:24) *Cubkyle: Sounds good Eric!
(09/16 23:07:37) Kam: Yeah!
(09/16 23:07:50) vid: Eric, I like that
(09/16 23:08:15) Eric L: okay, how many people like the idea of being able to block content based on a minimum score (good being high, bad being low)?!
(09/16 23:08:18) Eric L: (show of hands)!
(09/16 23:08:24) DRCLVortmax1 waves
(09/16 23:08:28) Kam waves
(09/16 23:08:28) Sorceress waves
(09/16 23:08:33) Shonda: Regardless of ratings, I'd like to see Cyan able to shut something off or down.!
(09/16 23:08:41) AvaricII waves
(09/16 23:08:57) Kam: Well they should have that anyway as a failsafe !
(09/16 23:09:07) Dalken Starbyne waves
(09/16 23:09:09) Eric L: oh, I'm sure if Cyan absolutely had to shut something down (for legal reasons, as an example) they would do so.!
(09/16 23:09:21) Shonda: They might not, if it's not stored on a public server.!
(09/16 23:09:36) *Cubkyle: I think the start up client should have the list where you turn things on or off. Next to these things should be a "rate this item" system. With stars or such.!
(09/16 23:09:54) *Cubkyle: 1 to 5 stars!
(09/16 23:10:00) Kam: Not stars. Linking books :P!
(09/16 23:10:03) Eric L: wow. There could be a lot of content in that list after a while...!
(09/16 23:10:05) Shonda: how about 1 to 25!
(09/16 23:10:29) Kam: Okay, firemarbles!
(09/16 23:10:31) Dalken Starbyne: I prefer the ingame'd have a UI similar to the Relto closet, having squares with picures and names!
(09/16 23:10:32) *Cubkyle: It would be easier then putting it in the game right?!
(09/16 23:10:51) Dalken Starbyne: Tabs at the top with different categories!
(09/16 23:10:59) Dalken Starbyne: "Clothes" "!
(09/16 23:11:00) *Cubkyle: Yea!
(09/16 23:11:07) Dalken Starbyne: "Pets"?!
(09/16 23:11:12) Kam: YEAH!!
(09/16 23:11:29) Kam: Sorry, I really want a Squee!
(09/16 23:11:30) Yutram: uh-huh!
(09/16 23:11:30) Dalken Starbyne: "Ages" ;)!
(09/16 23:11:50) *Cubkyle: I want a flopper!
(09/16 23:11:56) Yutram: vehicles?!
(09/16 23:12:00) Dalken Starbyne: Exactly!
(09/16 23:12:03) Kam: Nah!
(09/16 23:12:07) DRCLVortmax1: I like that idea Dalken!
(09/16 23:12:16) *Cubkyle: Zandimobile!
(09/16 23:12:42) Kam: Vehicles should be limited to ages. And how far can you drive until you go off the cliff in relto!
(09/16 23:13:18) DRCLVortmax1: Except maybe a Segway for getting around Ae'gura :D!
(09/16 23:13:20) DRCLVortmax1 laughs
(09/16 23:13:22) *Cubkyle: I like driveing off the edge in the cleft! :D !
(09/16 23:13:36) Kam: Sure, I'd love to tear around in my own Dukes of Hazzard car, but it wouldn't work to well!
(09/16 23:13:50) Dalken Starbyne: Well, as far as vehicles go, maybe the bigger ones would be included as part of the Age package?!
(09/16 23:13:52) vid: physical journals would be nice... pull them out... write in them.. tear out pages and leave them behind or give them to other people
(09/16 23:14:08) Kam: Okay now that I agree with, VId!
(09/16 23:14:09) Eric L: ah, there's an idea. Being able to leave notes behind?!
(09/16 23:14:18) vid nods his head
(09/16 23:14:22) *Cubkyle: Cool!
(09/16 23:14:25) Ehren: but then the whole ground would get covered in notes in places!
(09/16 23:14:28) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(09/16 23:14:34) Kam: Atrus, Catherine, Yeesha, Gehn, ALL the major Myst characters kept detailed jouranals!
(09/16 23:14:41) *Cubkyle: Yea. That would be alot of trash!
(09/16 23:14:41) vid: and so they wouldn't clutter the place... maybe after so many views they would "blow away"?
(09/16 23:14:42) Eric L: i guess we'd have to have a D'ni litter patrol. ;)!
(09/16 23:14:58) Sorceress: i like the notes idea!
(09/16 23:14:59) Janine: A relto book on one hip and a notebook in you pocket :D!
(09/16 23:15:01) *Cubkyle: Guild of Garbage!
(09/16 23:15:02) Dalken Starbyne: How about a certain amount of time, instead, vid?!
(09/16 23:15:13) vid: DS, maybe... how much time?
(09/16 23:15:23) Eric L: or maybe someone else can come along and pick the note up?!
(09/16 23:15:24) *Cubkyle: A week!
(09/16 23:15:41) Dalken Starbyne: Well, I dunno for sure...but for other games, things that sit on the ground have a "decay" time!
(09/16 23:15:46) Kam: So Eric, I suggest we be given our own journals we keep in our reltos on that shelf opposite the linking books!
(09/16 23:16:05) Eric L: journals that other people can read, correct?!
(09/16 23:16:08) Kam: lol, Myr wants to stash her feathers, lol!
(09/16 23:16:16) DRCLVortmax1: Say make them like the LInking books.!
(09/16 23:16:20) Shonda: Kam's relto journals would be neat!!
(09/16 23:16:22) Myridean: inventories would enable you to keep notes in your ki or pockets!
(09/16 23:16:24) DRCLVortmax1: You can lock or unlock them on your shelf as you want.!
(09/16 23:16:28) *Cubkyle: Yes. Maybe just picking up the page and having that be the end of it.!
(09/16 23:16:33) Kam: Sure, if we want. Maybe allow them to be lockable too!
(09/16 23:16:34) Dalken Starbyne: Maybe the "decay" time would only be in public Ages?!
(09/16 23:17:01) Eric L: speaking of throwing Eddie...!
(09/16 23:17:13) Eric L: How do you feel about the idea of adding your own emotes?!
(09/16 23:17:16) vid wants to bounce eddie into the room right now :)
(09/16 23:17:23) Dalken Starbyne: YES!!!
(09/16 23:17:27) Kam: Doh, dropped my cordless keyboard.!
(09/16 23:17:28) Eric L: (more than just text)!
(09/16 23:17:29) vid: Yes, PLEASE!!!
(09/16 23:17:37) *Cubkyle: I think you should be able to pick up the note and then keep it or drop it again!
(09/16 23:17:38) Yutram: definetally!
(09/16 23:17:41) Sorceress: yes!
(09/16 23:17:51) DRCLVortmax1: Oh, I'd like to be able to build chat macros.!
(09/16 23:17:59) DRCLVortmax1: It'd make this job a lot easier :D!
(09/16 23:18:30) Dalken Starbyne: And what about our own postures? For example...some people sit down crosslegged, some people sit down with their legs spread out...and not all guys sit down in chairs with their arms crossed :P!
(09/16 23:19:01) Kam: I think an animation program similar too avatar customization would work. It'd allows to guide the movements of our own emotes, but keep it within the confines of the game engine!
(09/16 23:19:26) Dalken Starbyne: So as hub categories: "Postures" and "Emotes"?!
(09/16 23:19:52) Kam: Yeah, and make them saveable... is that really a word!
(09/16 23:19:52) Eric L: okay, it would be easy enough to click on an object and rate it, but what about something that comes and goes like an emote?!
(09/16 23:19:53) Shonda: So who designs the emotes.... users or Cyan?!
(09/16 23:20:21) *Cubkyle: I think Emotes should be left up to Cyan in the end!
(09/16 23:20:23) Kam: ... Skylark, stop watching Ghost in the Shell!
(09/16 23:20:54) vid: Emotes could be like life on the surface. If someone does something you don't like, you ask them to stop. If it persists and is bothering a lot of people, contact the proper channels.
(09/16 23:20:58) Shonda: You mean like /angry ?!
(09/16 23:21:16) Dalken Starbyne: To add to skylark's comment: a game I played before would (if you had the option enabled) play certain avatar animations if you typed a certain word in a converstaion!
(09/16 23:21:26) vid: Uru is a sort of "reality extension" after all, more than a game.
(09/16 23:21:39) Eric L: well, say someone uses a custom emote that you don't like. What ideas can you think of as far as how to rate it? !
(09/16 23:21:51) Dalken Starbyne: For example, if someone said "Hello", their avvie would automatically wave!
(09/16 23:22:23) DRCLVortmax1: Well, I think the 5-star system Dalken came up with would work well for all of this.!
(09/16 23:22:25) Kam: Look, I just wanna be able to air guitar!
(09/16 23:23:01) Dalken Starbyne: Well, in the hub, you could have basic avvies in the emote squares, and you could have a "play" button on the squares so the avvies would play the emote in the hub!
(09/16 23:23:11) Kam: Well obviously again we have to set limits. No flipping someone off or anything!
(09/16 23:23:30) DRCLVortmax1: See, things that are inappropriate would get modded down pretty quickly, I think.!
(09/16 23:23:43) Kam: Or banned entirely!
(09/16 23:23:46) From skylark: ty you got it
(09/16 23:23:49) Dalken Starbyne: I have an idea!!
(09/16 23:23:52) *Cubkyle: I think Cyan should approve of emotes!
(09/16 23:23:54) Eric L: what's that, Dalken?!
(09/16 23:24:09) Kam: Put some GM's incharge of monitoring new emotes.!
(09/16 23:24:24) vid: perhaps it could lead to a "Guild of Maintainers", people working freely for Cyan to keep an eye on things like that. Not quite GMs, but capable of watching over things.
(09/16 23:24:51) DRCLVortmax1: Someone to bring those things to the attention of Cyan.!
(09/16 23:25:00) Kam: lol, now that makes me think of the scarlet knights from Dot Hack Sign!
(09/16 23:25:04) Shonda: Spy Guilds?!
(09/16 23:25:21) vid: we've got the liaisons in place for information, so maybe a similar group for moderating creations :)
(09/16 23:25:21) Eric L: dalken? What was your idea?!
(09/16 23:25:34) Kam: B'ond. J'ames B'ond...!
(09/16 23:25:39) DRCLVortmax1: He's still typing, I think :D!
(09/16 23:25:50) Eric L: must be a big idea. :)!
(09/16 23:25:53) Yutram: or he crashed!
(09/16 23:25:58) vid: Kam, but don't forget that the Crimson Knights weren't supported by the CC Corporation at all. They were just renegades, pretty much.
(09/16 23:26:01) DRCLVortmax1: Nah, he's typing. VERY big idea, I think :D!
(09/16 23:26:27) Yutram: the BIG idea!
(09/16 23:26:29) vid chants "Dal-ken, Dal-ken..."
(09/16 23:26:29) Dalken Starbyne: Expanding on the similarity of the hub and the avatar could try out clothing, etc, just like the avvie customization screen, and when it go to emotes, it would have your avvie play the emote when you tried it out. And when you went to pets/vehicles/etc. it would show the pet/personal vehicle(say, skateboard?)/object/whatever in place of the avvie!
(09/16 23:26:33) Kam: He's having trouble with the big words, give him time!
(09/16 23:26:57) DRCLVortmax1: I'm just going to throw in that the meeting officially ends now, but we can stick around as long as Eric wants :D!
(09/16 23:27:20) vid: holy crow, has it really been an hour already?
(09/16 23:27:23) *Cubkyle: Ooh. Like that Dalken!
(09/16 23:27:36) Eric L: yeah, I probably shouldn't stay too much longer. It's after midnight here. :) I will stay a bit though.!
(09/16 23:27:39) vid supports Dalken's idea heavily
(09/16 23:27:44) DRCLVortmax1: This whole Hub based on Avatar Customization is a brilliant idea.!
(09/16 23:27:56) vid is still uncomfortable with the idea of everyone running around Ae'gura with pets though :)
(09/16 23:28:09) *Cubkyle: Killer attack pets!!
(09/16 23:28:15) Eric L: people had better clean up after them. ;)!
(09/16 23:28:20) vid: Wolfie, true, but I'm sure they're working hard on that for the Revenge of Uru Live
(09/16 23:28:23) Kam: I think Dalken is onto an interesting combination between the two system ideas!
(09/16 23:28:34) Dalken Starbyne: Why thank you, Kam!
(09/16 23:28:44) skylark: how about a little panel in the corner of the screen with a smile frown yawn in it little pics or wores and you clidk on that for youe avi!
(09/16 23:29:13) Shonda: Like more Heek?!
(09/16 23:29:20) *Cubkyle: Uru has all the smart people.!
(09/16 23:29:31) Sorceress: yeah!
(09/16 23:29:34) Kam: lol Vid. Phil Henderson will be back in "On the DRC's Secret Service"!
(09/16 23:29:39) Dalken Starbyne: I like the hotbutton idea a lot!!
(09/16 23:29:46) vid: you know, dropping notes and things would make for a lot of game possibilities too. Clue trails. :)
(09/16 23:30:00) vid: Kam, er?
(09/16 23:30:02) Shonda: Wolf, I'd sure go for that.!
(09/16 23:30:16) Sorceress: they would work as bread crumbs if someone got lost or was "missing"!
(09/16 23:30:21) Kam: Revenge of Uru Live. Sounds like a Bond film!
(09/16 23:30:46) Eric L: James B'ond: License to Link...!
(09/16 23:30:57) Kam: I like that!!
(09/16 23:30:58) vid: ahhh
(09/16 23:30:59) skylark: quest games like ghola's quest!
(09/16 23:31:07) Dalken Starbyne: could drop User Age book copies, too...!
(09/16 23:31:10) vid: Kadish Royale
(09/16 23:31:12) Eric L: Okay, I'm getting silly. I should probably link out.!
(09/16 23:31:18) Kam: LMAO Vid!
(09/16 23:31:19) DRCLVortmax1: I'd like to see a Library somewhere where you could get access to user-created Ages!
(09/16 23:31:25) Eric L: vortmax, are you planning on staying a bit to keep logging?!
(09/16 23:31:26) Kam: That was awesome!
(09/16 23:31:30) DRCLVortmax1: (Those who desire their ages to be public anyway)!
(09/16 23:31:33) DRCLVortmax1: I can, Eric!
(09/16 23:31:49) vid: Quick! Everyone hold him down! he's trying to get away!
(09/16 23:32:00) Eric L: Great! I'm going to have to crash out, but I don't doubt people still have great ideas. :)!
(09/16 23:32:01) Myridean: The Vivarium wanted to do that but the idea got turned down by Moke!
(09/16 23:32:06) Zadok: hope to see ya again soon Eric
(09/16 23:32:16) Dalken Starbyne: See ya Eric!!
(09/16 23:32:17) Sorceress: see you around Eric!
(09/16 23:32:17) Kam: Just keep in mind...!
(09/16 23:32:18) Ling: Thank you Eric
(09/16 23:32:19) Eric L: Oops. I just heard an idea. :0!
(09/16 23:32:19) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks for dropping by Eric, and I hope we've given you some good ideas!!
(09/16 23:32:22) vid: Later, Eric, thanks for all the support :)
(09/16 23:32:23) Kam: I WANT A SQUEE!
(09/16 23:32:28) Myridean: Any age that acts as a hub age of sorts is under Cyan's control!
(09/16 23:32:30) Kam: ;P!
(09/16 23:32:49) Yutram: *chirp*!
(09/16 23:32:56) Dalken Starbyne: Wolfie: AWSOME idea!
(09/16 23:33:00) Myridean: Any library would be created by Cyan but they are planning it!
(09/16 23:33:08) Eric L: Okay, so there's an idea. Say that someone wants to share an Age, and it's got a high enough rating to be considered publicly acceptable...!
(09/16 23:33:30) Kam: I'd go for that!
(09/16 23:33:31) Myridean: That goes back to the collection development policy suggestion I made!
(09/16 23:33:32) Eric L: you'd like to see some central point where they're kept, right Myridean?!
(09/16 23:33:34) Shonda: Library access to that Age would be awsome!
(09/16 23:33:41) DRCLVortmax1 nods his head
(09/16 23:33:53) Zadok: there sure are plenty of empty pedestals in the Library, hehe
(09/16 23:33:56) vid: I like that idea a lot too.. the rating to make it public
(09/16 23:34:03) Myridean: Oh yes, definitely but Moke said we couldn't have one made!
(09/16 23:34:05) Zadok: the best Ages could go there
(09/16 23:34:16) DRCLVortmax1: And then classify them by whatever system the VoD ends up using.!
(09/16 23:34:20) Myridean: They want control over what ages be included in the library!
(09/16 23:34:29) Kam: VoD?!
(09/16 23:34:35) DRCLVortmax1: Vivarium of D'ni!
(09/16 23:34:37) Dalken Starbyne: The Ae'gura library could be the public library....!
(09/16 23:34:42) Kam: Okay...!
(09/16 23:34:47) Eric L: well, I would imagine that they'd have to be considered safe and non-offensive to be made completely public.!
(09/16 23:34:51) Myridean: Or rather Vort, what Cyan wants to use as a classification system!
(09/16 23:35:02) Dalken Starbyne: Since it'd have to be checked out beforehand anyway!
(09/16 23:35:16) Zadok: the best ages would not only be good enough, but safe enough, hehe
(09/16 23:35:19) Myridean: I agree but you know for instance, the collection policy for the original Ae'gura library didn't have personal ages!
(09/16 23:35:20) Kam: Okay, but I move that the DRC has no say in whether they're safe or not :P!
(09/16 23:35:29) Eric L: so are we talking about a library with stacks and shelves, or something more like the Nexus?!
(09/16 23:35:42) Kam: Otherwise we may as well toss em into the lake!
(09/16 23:35:42) vid: Why are you so anti-DRC? They're just trying to keep us safe!
(09/16 23:35:44) Myridean: Library with stacks and shelves!
(09/16 23:35:58) Janine: Safety First!!
(09/16 23:36:02) Zadok: indeed, it's best to be able to see just how many books you have
(09/16 23:36:08) Kam rolls his eyes
(09/16 23:36:11) vid: the cones and barriers are for YOUR protection!
(09/16 23:36:12) DRCLVortmax1: Shelves! :D!
(09/16 23:36:16) Myridean: Something browsable, with a reader even was takled about during the D'ni Decimal Task Force meetings!
(09/16 23:36:20) vid: and SHELVES, PLEASE!
(09/16 23:36:20) Zadok: a shelf full of books is way cooler than just a bunch of names on a list
(09/16 23:36:46) Shonda: And one book could hold a LOT of pages.!
(09/16 23:37:26) Zadok: you mean a single book linking to different ages?
(09/16 23:37:48) Eric L: okay, who would prefer a sort of traditional library setting? (show of hands)!
(09/16 23:37:48) Myridean: Yeah, right now fan made ages are accessed through a single book on your Relto shelf but I would love to see each age have its own spine design and treated as a book!
(09/16 23:38:00) Shonda: Maybe not a single book - but sooner or later, one book would get very full.!
(09/16 23:38:03) vid waves
(09/16 23:38:08) Sorceress waves
(09/16 23:38:12) Janine waves
(09/16 23:38:20) Zadok waves
(09/16 23:38:31) DRCLVortmax1 waves
(09/16 23:38:35) Dalken Starbyne waves
(09/16 23:38:40) Janine waves
(09/16 23:38:40) AvaricII waves
(09/16 23:38:43) Shonda waves
(09/16 23:38:46) Ling waves
(09/16 23:38:56) Shonda: Why are we waving?!
(09/16 23:38:56) Myridean: The AgeBuilder community which is currently creating a city called Ahra Pahts has different sections called shells being made and like Ae'gura is a single book but each section of the city has its own page!
(09/16 23:39:14) *Cubkyle: One more thing!!
(09/16 23:39:21) Myridean: Show of hands for a traditional library setting!
(09/16 23:39:25) DRCLVortmax1: In support of a "traditional" library, Shonda!
(09/16 23:39:25) vid: supposed that we DID use a normal library... maybe each user could have so many "check out cards" that would let them add books to their personal shelves as well?
(09/16 23:39:29) Shonda waves
(09/16 23:39:32) Eric L: Okay, and who would prefer something more centralized like the Nexus? (show of hands)!
(09/16 23:39:36) Myridean: Be able to browse shelves!
(09/16 23:39:55) *Cubkyle: I crashed. I want the link to The Age of Desktop removed!
(09/16 23:40:03) Kam: I'm neutral. Either would be fine!
(09/16 23:40:40) Eric L: *crickets*!
(09/16 23:40:48) Zadok: hehe
(09/16 23:40:48) Eric L: okay, so not many hands waving there. :)!
(09/16 23:40:57) *Cubkyle: What is being voted on?!
(09/16 23:41:07) Shonda: Cricket sounds in relto would be nice.....!
(09/16 23:41:08) Zadok: nexus over shelves
(09/16 23:41:10) Myridean: Okay, let me explain a little better!
(09/16 23:41:11) Yutram: wel, time for me to catch some Zs, nitey-nite!!
(09/16 23:41:24) *Cubkyle: Night Yutram!
(09/16 23:41:24) Kam: Whether to kick you out of the cavern, Cub. You lost!
(09/16 23:41:28) Kam: ;P!
(09/16 23:41:37) Myridean: Library collections gather books into categories for easy browsing!
(09/16 23:41:37) *Cubkyle: I see that!
(09/16 23:41:39) Dalken Starbyne: A seach system for the library!!
(09/16 23:41:47) Dalken Starbyne: Like by Age title name, etc.!
(09/16 23:41:49) DRCLVortmax1: Heh, a card catalog :)!
(09/16 23:41:54) Dalken Starbyne: Exactly!
(09/16 23:42:07) Myridean: We came up with something in our proposal about that actually!
(09/16 23:42:09) vid: oooh, I like that... points in thel ibrary you could log into with your KI and search for books?
(09/16 23:42:14) *Cubkyle: Ah. I like a Nexus set up!!
(09/16 23:42:16) Kam: If someone says the "D'ni Decimal System" I will smack them!
(09/16 23:42:24) Eric L: too late. :)!
(09/16 23:42:26) Zadok: would be interesting to see more shelves in the Ae'gura library.. I mean, right now it doesn't look much like it could hold many books at all <.<
(09/16 23:42:28) vid: Kam, welcome to 6 months ago :)
(09/16 23:42:34) Myridean: Kam: Go hit RAWA, he came up with it first!
(09/16 23:42:46) Kam: Oh... I've been out of it for awhile >_<!
(09/16 23:42:47) *Cubkyle: I like having everything in front of me so I do not have to go looking for it!
(09/16 23:43:05) *Cubkyle: A nice neat list!
(09/16 23:43:07) Kam: lol, sounds like my roo, Cub!
(09/16 23:43:17) *Cubkyle: Ooh. Speaking of which...!
(09/16 23:43:19) Myridean: It's just the idea of handling the books, say you want to go to a new harvest age!
(09/16 23:43:20) Zadok: is the library has many many shelves, you'd only need help in finding which shelf has your book... much like you would with a real library
(09/16 23:43:24) Kam: *room... and oh, except for the neat part!
(09/16 23:43:52) Zadok: *if
(09/16 23:43:58) Myridean: So, you go to the harvest age section and browse the books till you see one you like and then link!
(09/16 23:43:59) *Cubkyle: A search feature for the Nexus would be nice!
(09/16 23:44:16) Dalken Starbyne: And in the KI's D'ni Decimal System (:P) it could say what level of the library the book is on!
(09/16 23:44:18) *Cubkyle: So I do not have to look forever to find a hood!
(09/16 23:44:50) Eric L: okay, I wanted to stay for a bit of this discussion, but I really must link out. :)!
(09/16 23:44:54) Zadok: can't wait for the time when we have many rows of shelves, each filled with books, each book being a linking book to an age
(09/16 23:45:03) vid: goodnight, Eric!
(09/16 23:45:06) Myridean: Okay, Eric, thanks for staying as long as you have!
(09/16 23:45:06) Zadok: bye Eric
(09/16 23:45:08) Eric L: good night, everyone! :)!
(09/16 23:45:09) Sorceress: night Eric!
(09/16 23:45:10) *Cubkyle: Aw. Goodnight Eric!
(09/16 23:45:10) DRCLVortmax1: So long Eric! Thanks for coming tonight :D!
(09/16 23:45:11) Eric L waves
(09/16 23:45:12) Dalken Starbyne: YES, Cub! I dunno how many times I've thought "gee, I wish this had a seach box..."!
(09/16 23:45:13) Janine: goodnight!
(09/16 23:45:14) Dalken Starbyne: Bye Eric!!
(09/16 23:45:15) Shonda: Thanks, Eric!
(09/16 23:45:15) Kam: Okay, good night Eric :)!
(09/16 23:45:20) AvaricII: Bye Eric!
(09/16 23:45:25) Ling: good bye Eric -- thank you
(09/16 23:45:29) *Cubkyle: Thanksfor listening to us!
(09/16 23:45:42) Zadok: there he goes
(09/16 23:45:55) Shonda: Poofed again...!
(09/16 23:45:56) Zadok: he did a good job in making his avatar look like him, hehe
(09/16 23:46:11) Dalken Starbyne: Indeed!
(09/16 23:46:15) DRCLVortmax1: Okay, I'm going to stick around for 15 minutes more, if anyone has any other ideas!
(09/16 23:46:18) *Cubkyle: Will there be a chat log somewhere?!
(09/16 23:46:41) Dalken Starbyne: Probably the DRCL site!
(09/16 23:46:45) Myridean: I posted a raw log on AgeBuilder but I missed the first ten minutes of this morning's meeting!
(09/16 23:46:46) *Cubkyle: I really want a seach feature for the Nexus Vort!
(09/16 23:46:58) From markcuss: What about tran porttation......what option?
(09/16 23:47:01) DRCLVortmax1: Yes, logs should be up at the DRCL site soon!
(09/16 23:47:06) *Cubkyle: Cool!
(09/16 23:47:11) From markcuss: Boats
(09/16 23:47:22) To markcuss: We didn't discuss much about that, but if you have ideas on how to create/use them, suggest it! Eric will be able to see this
(09/16 23:47:26) Myridean: I'll post this one soon as well!
(09/16 23:47:47) Sorceress: it's late, im gonna head for dreamland!
(09/16 23:47:48) vid: ...EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
(09/16 23:47:51) DRCLVortmax1: Myri: Is the DDTF still working on a classification system?!
(09/16 23:47:59) Dalken Starbyne does a dance
(09/16 23:48:05) *Cubkyle: Goodnight Sorceress!
(09/16 23:48:08) vid does a dance
(09/16 23:48:09) Sorceress: night all!
(09/16 23:48:15) Dalken Starbyne: 'Night Sorceress!
(09/16 23:48:15) AvaricII does a dance
(09/16 23:48:22) vid: ev...ev...ev... EVERYBAH-DY DANCE NOW!!
(09/16 23:48:28) Dalken Starbyne does a dance
(09/16 23:48:44) Myridean: Well, the meetings were concluded but I've been as well as other members of the V of D have been too busy to actually create the proposal itself!
(09/16 23:49:01) *Cubkyle: Yes. A mass crash! Everyone dance!
(09/16 23:49:01) Dalken Starbyne: So are we out of ideas, then?!
(09/16 23:49:02) Myridean: I was speaking with Hailahh she thinks it might be too late to send it to RAWA!
(09/16 23:49:07) markcuss does a dance
(09/16 23:49:12) Dalken Starbyne: Oh!!
(09/16 23:49:15) DRCLVortmax1: Awwww!!
(09/16 23:49:21) DRCLVortmax1: Hopefully you can still get it in!
(09/16 23:49:22) Dalken Starbyne: ...our own custom avvies...!
(09/16 23:49:40) Kam: I just want my Squee!
(09/16 23:49:59) Myridean: It would be nice because a lot of great ideas on collection management and organization came out of those meetings just nothing was really made into a single cohesive proposal for a system!
(09/16 23:50:10) From markcuss: What about being able to take jpeg of yourself inmport to your chararter face?
(09/16 23:50:11) Myridean: Which is probably why it was difficult to get it started!
(09/16 23:50:15) Dalken Starbyne: Or at least the ability to port a face texture onto an avvie or something of that nature...!
(09/16 23:50:24) To markcuss: I like that idea, more customization
(09/16 23:50:28) Kam: They're so cute. I'd love a friendly little Squee on my shoulder or head :)!
(09/16 23:50:39) Kam: And Julia could have her koala!!
(09/16 23:50:40) From markcuss: Yes them people could really s
(09/16 23:50:43) Dalken Starbyne: I want my jacket.!
(09/16 23:51:08) DRCLVortmax1 wants to make a shirt with a skull 'n' crossbones on it, with "digital pirate" written in binary under it.
(09/16 23:51:18) Dalken Starbyne: lol!
(09/16 23:51:19) From markcuss: Thank you for lettimg me listen.....i like the concept art...
(09/16 23:51:32) Myridean: Actually Vort, you probably have a better idea where the DRC ((OOC Cyan)) are in terms of fan-generated ages content being included in the game!
(09/16 23:51:43) From markcuss: Thank-you everyone;
(09/16 23:51:44) DRCLVortmax1: Honestly, no clue.!
(09/16 23:51:47) markcuss waves
(09/16 23:51:52) DRCLVortmax1: So long markcuss!!
(09/16 23:52:42) Myridean: Because if they're still busy with the engine and beta-testing to work bugs out than focusing on included fan made ages then there's still the possibility to suggest a system if the DRC ((OOC Cyan)) haven't come up with one on their own!
(09/16 23:52:44) DRCLVortmax1: Neither the DRC nor Cyan has said much on it, other than that they want it to happen, but it'll be quite some time.!
(09/16 23:53:05) Myridean: But here's a vote of confidence though from our talks and with our chat with RAWA!
(09/16 23:53:09) DRCLVortmax1: I'd say you've still got a shot. I wouldn't expect to see fan-created stuff for at least six months :D!
(09/16 23:53:14) DRCLVortmax1: Probably longer!
(09/16 23:53:24) DRCLVortmax1: *after launch!
(09/16 23:53:26) Myridean: We were on the right track!
(09/16 23:53:57) DRCLVortmax1: But that's just a guess on my part, nothing official.
(09/16 23:54:10) Myridean: Because I kept him apprised of what we were thinking and when he came down to talk there that the DDTF and Cyan were thinking along the same lines!
(09/16 23:55:06) DRCLVortmax1: Okay folks, I'm going to head out. Thanks to ALL of you for attending!
(09/16 23:55:14) Myridean: But yeah, if I can devote some time and sit down and actually put it together into a package for them to think about, I think it would be great!
(09/16 23:55:24) Kam: Night Vort
(09/16 23:55:37) DRCLVortmax1: Stay tuned to our site at for info on our next Town Hall, coming relatively soon
(09/16 23:55:58) DRCLVortmax1: And remember to check out the DRCsite forums for Election info!
(09/16 23:55:59) Myridean: I know that RAWA was very focused on that the librarians of the group would be more in tune with a sense of "discovering" than "creating" a system!
(09/16 23:56:07) Myridean laughs
(09/16 23:56:22) ...Chat.log stopped.