
Lara documents/Lara 002.004

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Translated by Whilyam

A D'ni man was depressed. He took solace in drinks and sin and did nothing in his sadness. For many years he was like this and then God appeared before him.

"Why do you sit, child?" God asked him.

"I can do nothing, my master." The man replied.

"You have done nothing, child. But why do you sit?"

"You know, my master. My business has failed, my home is no longer mine, my wife has left me and will not return. I cannot continue as I am, my master."

"No, you cannot. But why sit?"

"Have I not said so?"

"You have said what has happened in the past, but not what has forced you to do nothing to change your future."

"I can do nothing."

"That is an excuse."

"That is what is real." The man protested. "All I try to improve fails."

"For you attempt believing you will not succeed."

"I believe I will succeed. I want to succeed! Do you believe I enjoy being so low?"

"You want to succeed, but you do not believe you will."

"Would anyone not understand if they heard what has occurred?"

"That is an excuse. Do not craft them before me. Put your energy into glorifying me and your fortunes will change."

And so the man did with the belief that God was before him, the lighter for him. And so he rose in his power and wealth and his wife returned for she had left him for his sin. And even though he was a low one[1], he went to be influential and active and all looked up to him.


From what I can find, this story was published with the first two I restored. They seem to be written either when the D'ni first arrived as a form of motivation to build more and glorify Yahvo (which doesn't match up with the mention of the J'taeri district in the piece about the D'ni painter, though it could have had a more modern re-writing) or it could have been created during the reign of Kedri. The paper and ink styles from Ri'neref's period seem to have had a revival during that period (the paper is more rough, as is the ink, made relatively crudely and with basic materials). –Whilyam

  1. It is unclear whether 'low one' here means low of class, or refers to the lowness of depression and immorality the man had sunk to. –J.D.