
From Guild of Archivists

Profile[edit | edit source]

Name Pharap
IPA /ˈfɛː.ɹæp/
D'ni* feråp

Links[edit | edit source]

Skills & Experience[edit | edit source]

I have around a decade's worth of programming experience. My primary programming languages are C++, C#, Lua, Haskell, and my favourite topics are language design, parsing, and compiler construction.

Historically I don't have much experience with editing wikis. I've done the odd bit of editing on UESP, but my work here on the Guild of Archivists is the most I've ever contributed to a single wiki, and as a result I've learnt a great deal in a short time, particularly about templates, modules, and Semantic MediaWiki properties.

I have limited knowledge of D'ni, but hope to improve it. The extensive D'ni Dictionary here has been one of my big reasons for using and wanting to contribute to the wiki. I'm not a trained linguist, but I can read IPA, and I can pronounce the /ɾ/ (alveolar tap) occasionally found in D'ni words like Todelmer and rahwah due to having some experience with Japanese.

Wiki Improvement Proposals[edit | edit source]

My Wiki Improvement Proposals subpage contains a list of things I would like to propose as improvements to the wiki. Many of these involve the creation or modification of templates, which is why I feel that perhaps they ought to be reviewed by other wiki contributors first, to be sure that I wouldn't be treading on anyone's toes by making the changes.

Phrasebook[edit | edit source]

Visit my Phrasebook subpage for a collection of D'ni phrases of varying usefulness and correctness.

Useful Pages[edit | edit source]