Reference:2006-08-10 Ron "randomos" Meiners Town Hall

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(08/10 09:58:50) DRCLVortmax1: Hey Randomos!
(08/10 09:58:51) Greg: shorah
(08/10 09:59:00) Saruk: shorah
(08/10 09:59:01) CAGrayWolf: Shorah Eveyone!
(08/10 09:59:05) Sparrowhawk: Shorah
(08/10 09:59:09) Islander: Shorah
(08/10 09:59:13) Swimmery4 cheers without moving
(08/10 09:59:18) Boo'kie claps his hands
(08/10 09:59:26) Julia: Hi there
(08/10 09:59:34) Greg points to large pile of weapons that he threw into the garbae can
(08/10 09:59:35) randomos: wow this is a great turnout
(08/10 09:59:42) DRCLVortmax1: Let's all welcome Ron Meiners, URU Community Manager for GameTap!
(08/10 09:59:55) randomos waves
(08/10 09:59:57) Saruk: Shorah Ron
(08/10 09:59:59) Boo'kie claps his hands
(08/10 09:59:59) Sparrowhawk claps her hands
(08/10 10:00:03) peni: welcome!
(08/10 10:00:05) Julia: Whoo hooo
(08/10 10:00:08) Imaroth: Welcome.
(08/10 10:00:16) Islander: welcome ;)
(08/10 10:00:16) Swimmery4 cheers
(08/10 10:00:25) randomos: it's great to be here... great to be back, isn't it?
(08/10 10:00:35) DRCLVortmax1: It's GREAT to have you back too :)
(08/10 10:00:49) Boo'kie cheers
(08/10 10:01:00) CAGrayWolf: G'morning Ron ... thnak you for joining us.
(08/10 10:01:12) randomos: thank you so much- it's been great to have such a warm welcome
(08/10 10:01:12) DRCLVortmax1: So Ron, why don't you fill everyone in ona bit of your history with Uru
(08/10 10:01:47) randomos: OK- I began working with Uru and the community at Ubisoft, towards the end of the original Beta
(08/10 10:01:54) DRCLVortmax1: Also: GrayWolf will be handling the queue this meeting, so if you have any questions, PM him with 'question'
(08/10 10:02:17) CAGrayWolf waves
(08/10 10:02:30) randomos: I had been working with communities online previously, and was very excited by the opportunity
(08/10 10:02:56) randomos: I felt then, as now, that the Uru community, and Cyan Worlds, was creating something very new
(08/10 10:03:15) randomos: and very important- a new way to gather and build community online
(08/10 10:03:55) randomos: and a whole new outlook on being together in a virtual space. And I'm still amazed on a daily
(08/10 10:04:18) randomos: baisis by this community... such tremendous creativity and positive energy
(08/10 10:04:46) randomos: So, working with the community during Beta and Prologue was awesome, and getting to know people
(08/10 10:05:31) randomos: Beginning to put some really great ideas into place... then, of course, we lost our world... at least for a little while.
(08/10 10:06:20) randomos: That was terrible for all of us that went through it. I was amazed though at how well the community stayed together after that.
(08/10 10:07:05) randomos: Khatie and Aloys and I were the original Ubisoft team... we worked together after that through To D'ni and TPOTS and all
(08/10 10:07:40) randomos: I went from Ubisoft to There- and mostly hung out with Soosi and June and the other TMP folks in There, lol
(08/10 10:08:21) randomos: When GameTap started their efforts to bring back Uru, Artemesia, aka Celia Pearce, who was working
(08/10 10:08:48) randomos: with them at the time as a consultant, pulled me in to help... originally I was just there to put in my two cents
(08/10 10:09:16) randomos: in the hopes of helping Uru succeed. GameTap decided they liked my contributions, and wanted
(08/10 10:09:48) randomos: a dedicated person to work with the community, so I was lucky enough to be hired as Community Manager.
(08/10 10:10:10) randomos: I think though, with the Uru community I mostly want to listen, and try to make the community
(08/10 10:10:30) randomos: voice heard in GameTap- which hasn't been hard at all. I've been very impressed and
(08/10 10:10:45) randomos: grateful at how highly the community is valued at GameTap.
(08/10 10:11:02) DRCLVortmax1: That's really great to hear
(08/10 10:11:03) randomos: They know this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and want it to start well.
(08/10 10:11:27) randomos: Absolutely. I've been really impressed.
(08/10 10:11:52) DRCLVortmax1: So, do you have any questions to answer that were sent in advance?
(08/10 10:11:58) randomos: So that's about it for now! I'm really grateful to be here, and really grateful that we get a second
(08/10 10:12:15) randomos: chance to see what we can all develope here.
(08/10 10:12:28) randomos: Yes, Wolfie sent me some questions I can start with
(08/10 10:13:15) randomos: the first one I have is: "What can Gametap do to help the old members entice new members
(08/10 10:13:38) randomos: into trying UL and get them just as hooked on it as we are? Free trial memberships maybe
(08/10 10:14:25) randomos: Answer: GameTap will be offering a free version of Uru Live, as a way of doing just that- introducing our friends to the Cavern.
(08/10 10:15:01) randomos: I'm not sure exactly what will be open to the free accounts, it will be a limited area. At least,
(08/10 10:15:26) randomos: that's my understanding now. So this will give us all a chance to do the hardest thing
(08/10 10:15:58) randomos: at least, I find it really hard to describe in words what's so special about Uru. Now we'll be able to show it to new people.
(08/10 10:16:53) randomos: OK Second Question: This is the one you really all want to know I suspect: "When do we all get to do Beta?"
(08/10 10:17:30) randomos: Answer: This is mostly being determined by the engineering team. We should begin letting
(08/10 10:17:54) randomos: limited numbers of people in soon, in order of Beta signup. But the main factor will be how
(08/10 10:18:25) randomos: the testing is going, with the intention of creating ideal testing conditions. We'll bring in
(08/10 10:19:03) randomos: people as soon as we can, but the main goal is testing, and bringing in new people carefully will help the testing go faster.
(08/10 10:19:47) randomos: The next question follows on that: "What exactly does the term "Holiday Season" mean? Turkey day? Christmas?
(08/10 10:20:24) randomos: Answer: Well, yes, lol.
(08/10 10:20:56) randomos: Answer: We're not sure, again, this will have to depend on how the Beta progresses. We want to make sure
(08/10 10:21:51) randomos: that the servers will scale happily, and that we've addressed outstanding issues, so that the launch is as close to flawless as we can get it.
(08/10 10:22:24) randomos: This is expected to happen late this year, but the real determining factor is the success of the engineering work.
(08/10 10:22:53) randomos: I think it will be the Holiday Season because it will be a Holiday when that happens!
(08/10 10:23:17) randomos: Next question is: "Will we have hugs with no text on screen?"
(08/10 10:23:57) randomos: Answer: Right now we're focusing everything we have on the Beta, and in polishing Uru for launch.
(08/10 10:24:59) randomos: We're not really looking at a lot of new features yet, and my understanding is that this one has some complicated aspects to it, in how it's implemented.
(08/10 10:25:27) randomos: So, it's known that this is important to people, but it's probably not going to be available for a while.
(08/10 10:25:59) randomos: One thing to remember is that showing support for Cyan with a GameTap account will help. Uru Live is not out yet,
(08/10 10:26:23) randomos: which makes signups now that much more meaningful... the more support we show for Cyan, the more
(08/10 10:26:42) randomos: funding is available for new engineers, and new features. And thanks, by the way, to all who
(08/10 10:27:13) randomos: have shown their support through these years... Cyan knows we wouldn't be here without you.
(08/10 10:27:49) randomos: and a footnote from me... I think hugs will come, before too long. We're at the dawn of a new age, as it were!
(08/10 10:28:05) DRCLVortmax1: I'd like to add that Cosmic Osmo and The Manhole will be coming to GameTap next month, and surely that will be worth paying for until Live comes out! :)
(08/10 10:28:13) randomos: We're starting a new home, one that could be here for years! we hope it will be.
(08/10 10:29:39) DRCLVortmax1: So are you ready to take some questions now, Ron?
(08/10 10:31:51) CAGrayWolf: Oh dear
(08/10 10:31:53) Saruk: poof
(08/10 10:32:03) Swimmery4: i dont think he's ready
(08/10 10:32:06) DRCLVortmax1: Okay everyone, just stay calm :)
(08/10 10:32:08) Greg: can i take that as a no
(08/10 10:32:16) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(08/10 10:32:16) A.Lingo: Greg, what did you do?
(08/10 10:32:29) Greg: Ummmm it wasnt me
(08/10 10:32:34) A.Lingo laughas
(08/10 10:32:40) DRCLVortmax1: Just to reiterate it: If you're in the US, signing up for GameTap ASAP is a GOOD THING for Cyan.
(08/10 10:32:44) Greg points to the pile of weapons in the garbage can
(08/10 10:33:02) Julia rolls on the floor
(08/10 10:33:06) DRCLVortmax1: They have about 600 games, plus the GameTap TV service with lots of fun things to watch.
(08/10 10:33:11) Greg: plus liko was watching me the whole time
(08/10 10:33:20) Swimmery4: he wanted to get out before the shooting started again
(08/10 10:33:39) DRCLVortmax1: And with Cosmic Osmo and The Manhole coming next month, by the time your free month ends, you should have something worth paying for, even if you haven't found anything else you liek on GameTap
(08/10 10:33:48) walt: is UU on gametap now?
(08/10 10:33:55) Greg: Did wolfie just sidestep away a lttle but?
(08/10 10:34:00) Greg: *bit
(08/10 10:34:07) DRCLVortmax1: No walt, but they do have Myst, Riven, Myst 3, and Uru ABM on there.
(08/10 10:34:22) Saruk: I went ahead and joined when Live was first announced back in May.
(08/10 10:34:24) DRCLVortmax1: And Uru Live will be there this "holiday season" sometime
(08/10 10:34:47) Saruk: I found several games my grandkids could play and learn from
(08/10 10:34:48) DRCLVortmax1: So yeah, head on over to and sign up for GameTap from their link there, if you haven't already!
(08/10 10:34:56) CAGrayWolf: Please remember to use the /shout command during the meeting and when asking questions.
(08/10 10:35:25) Julia live in Australia and notes someone has tied her hands behind her back
(08/10 10:35:39) walt: I did that - does Cyan get "credit" id we sign up using that link?
(08/10 10:35:51) walt: If
(08/10 10:35:52) DRCLVortmax1: Yes!
(08/10 10:35:53) CAGrayWolf: Yes, walt
(08/10 10:36:03) Greg: I just adde you
(08/10 10:36:13) DRCLVortmax1: The big rush right now is that Turner is going through their budgeting process now.
(08/10 10:36:14) Jane: Vort do you know if randomos is trying to come back?
(08/10 10:36:23) CAGrayWolf: You also get the first month free by using the UrU Live link.
(08/10 10:36:32) Julia notes who is standing behind her....
(08/10 10:36:33) DRCLVortmax1: The more support we show for Cyan now, the more money they'll get for the next year.
(08/10 10:36:33) walt: Great. I did something right for a change <GRIN>
(08/10 10:36:40) DRCLVortmax1: Jane: I'm sure he is.
(08/10 10:36:53) Jane: :)
(08/10 10:37:03) Deg: Randomos is almost back... :) He's trying, folks.
(08/10 10:37:04) Greg: well he's back
(08/10 10:37:15) Swimmery4: if we signup for the uru support, and stay only for the free trial, does that show enough support? i don't think i can pay for gametap right now
(08/10 10:37:17) CAGrayWolf: Thanks Deggers
(08/10 10:37:46) CAGrayWolf: Swimmery, hold that question for Ron. :)
(08/10 10:37:54) Swimmery4: Aight :)
(08/10 10:38:01) Saruk: We won't know what to do with a more staable Live... LOL
(08/10 10:38:10) Swimmery4: aight (forgot to shout last time)
(08/10 10:38:37) DRCLVortmax1: No kidding Saruk!
(08/10 10:38:42) CAGrayWolf: Swimmery, I added you to the queue
(08/10 10:38:49) Swimmery4: oh ty
(08/10 10:39:00) Swimmery4: just thought id ask if anyone knew
(08/10 10:39:10) Jane: no poofing? what will we do with ourselves?
(08/10 10:39:30) A.Lingo: /dance, perhaps?
(08/10 10:39:30) CAGrayWolf: I don't, but have wondered this last night when I signed up for GameTap.
(08/10 10:39:53) Greg: He must not like us
(08/10 10:40:04) Greg: HE DOSENT LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(08/10 10:40:06) walt: BRB
(08/10 10:40:13) DRCLVortmax1: Well Greg, you ARE an assassin, after all :p
(08/10 10:40:20) Greg sobs
(08/10 10:40:23) Swimmery4 starts making armor while waiting, in case it gets violent
(08/10 10:40:23) Greg: Lol
(08/10 10:40:24) Deg: I'm talking to him on messenger now. He's trying as hard as he can, Greg. Travelling down to the Cavern can be rather dangerous, you know.
(08/10 10:40:33) Greg: I know
(08/10 10:40:37) CAGrayWolf: It worked great for me because I wasn't planning on subscribing till next month anyway. With the free month it still works out the same.
(08/10 10:40:53) Greg: I just read about it in The Myst Reader
(08/10 10:40:55) CAGrayWolf: Thanks for the updates, Degger
(08/10 10:40:56) Greg: Wich i finnaly got
(08/10 10:40:56) Swimmery4: thats great!
(08/10 10:41:07) Greg: YAY
(08/10 10:41:12) Greg: I feel loved now
(08/10 10:41:13) DRCLVortmax1: YAAAY! He's back!
(08/10 10:41:14) CAGrayWolf: WB Ron
(08/10 10:41:17) randomos: whew! back now
(08/10 10:41:18) Swimmery4: he's back!! yay
(08/10 10:41:23) A.Lingo waves.
(08/10 10:41:26) DRCLVortmax1: So are you ready to take some questions now?
(08/10 10:41:28) randomos: ty! that was Trillian, alas
(08/10 10:41:42) randomos: one more preloaded one, that is important:
(08/10 10:42:09) randomos: Question: "Will there be a payment alternatived to Credit cards for GameTap or Uru Live"?
(08/10 10:42:46) randomos: Answer: We're working on that... Theproblem is that the billing system is also used by another
(08/10 10:43:22) randomos: division of Turner... so it's a major change even to add new functionality. But GameTap does realize
(08/10 10:43:32) randomos: that this is important and is working on it.
(08/10 10:43:49) randomos: Ooops, one more- sorry
(08/10 10:44:28) randomos: Question: "How will Uru Live and it's community integrate into GameTap? For example, will there be a Cavern Action
(08/10 10:44:38) randomos: news segmenton GameTap TV?
(08/10 10:45:15) randomos: I think Uru Live and the Uru community will add a lot to community at GameTap- it's a real benefit for them.
(08/10 10:45:39) randomos: and who knows? An Uru channel some day maybe? We're veyr open to the possibilities.
(08/10 10:45:54) randomos: OK, that's it... first question?
(08/10 10:46:07) CAGrayWolf: Walt, you have a question?
(08/10 10:46:25) DRCLVortmax1: Walt is AFK at the moment, I believe.
(08/10 10:47:02) CAGrayWolf: alrighty then ... Vort, you have a question?
(08/10 10:47:16) walt: I'm back.
(08/10 10:47:37) CAGrayWolf: OK, Vort hold for a sec.
(08/10 10:47:41) DRCLVortmax1: Go ahead walt.
(08/10 10:48:28) walt: I was just wondering about the signup for gametap on the Uru Live site - Does Cyan get "credit" if we sigh up that way?
(08/10 10:49:04) randomos: yes, absolutely, and it's much appreciated. Next?
(08/10 10:49:09) CAGrayWolf: Vort, You have a question?
(08/10 10:49:11) DRCLVortmax1: Some of those who have signed up for GameTap have found their usual name already taken. Will they have to use their GameTap login for their avatar name in Uru Live, or will it be like it is now, with up to 5 avatars?
(08/10 10:50:37) randomos: I will have to double check this, but I'd guess that GameTap names will be the same as Cavern name. However,
(08/10 10:51:18) randomos: I believe we will be able to have more than one sub account, so people can have more than one avatar,
(08/10 10:51:35) DRCLVortmax1: Thanks
(08/10 10:52:07) randomos: or families can share an account- this is all still being worked out tho, so take what I say as not definitive. Next?
(08/10 10:52:16) CAGrayWolf: Swimmery, you have a question?
(08/10 10:52:21) Swimmery4: If someone were to sign up for GameTap through the Uru link, then quit after the trial period (so that they don't start paying for it), would it still show the same support as continuing to subscribe? I don't think I can start paying for GameTap right now.
(08/10 10:53:45) randomos: Well, all of those numbers will be tracked, and the cancellations won't help, for sure. But it's important to do what you can, and appreciated.
(08/10 10:54:28) Swimmery4: ty
(08/10 10:55:11) randomos: Of course, there's a financial piece to it too... we do have to support it,ansd every little
(08/10 10:55:31) randomos: bit helps. So does telling friends, lol. Next?
(08/10 10:55:36) CAGrayWolf: FordPerfect, you have a question?
(08/10 10:55:58) Ford Prefect: I know it's early yet, but can you give us some idea how testing is going?
(08/10 10:56:44) randomos: Well, my understanding is it's going well. But I'm not directly involved, that's Cyan's area.
(08/10 10:56:58) randomos: But they've seemed pretty happy lately! Next?
(08/10 10:57:05) CAGrayWolf: Islander, you have a question?
(08/10 10:57:09) Islander: If cavern names will be the same as GameTap names, what will happen to those outside the US, who don't sign up to GameTap, but just UL? In fact, what will the whole process be like for those outside the US?
(08/10 10:58:06) randomos: Good question, and this is still being worked out. I think the focus now is really on the Beta. Also,
(08/10 10:58:36) randomos: there are or will be international participants in the Beta, which will help us a lot in working out these details. Nex?
(08/10 10:58:41) CAGrayWolf: Walt, you have another question?
(08/10 10:58:43) Islander: Cheers ;)
(08/10 10:58:56) walt: will people have to buy the boxed version of the game, in addition to the monthly fee?
(08/10 10:59:46) randomos: My understanding is that Uru Live will be part of the GameTap service, and will be available for free download with subscription. And
(08/10 10:59:59) randomos: there will be a free trial version too. Next?
(08/10 11:00:04) CAGrayWolf: Ron, will GameTap be offering at some point subscription plans ... like annual or semi-annual payment plans?
(08/10 11:01:11) randomos: I can't answer this for certain yet, but we are working on it and know it's important. It's a big project, so there's a fair
(08/10 11:01:38) randomos: amount yet to be worked out, but GameTap is listening to your wants, and I'm here to make sure you get heard.
(08/10 11:01:53) randomos: So, I'm confident it will happen. Next?
(08/10 11:01:55) DRCLVortmax1: We'd like to thank Ron Meiners for being at the meeting this morning. It's good to have you back, randomos! :)
(08/10 11:02:02) CAGrayWolf claps his hands
(08/10 11:02:06) DRCLVortmax1 cheers
(08/10 11:02:13) Saruk claps his hands
(08/10 11:02:17) Greg claps his hands
(08/10 11:02:22) DRCLVortmax1: And thanks to all of you for coming this morning
(08/10 11:02:23) Islander claps his hands
(08/10 11:02:26) randomos: It's great to be back, under such exciting circumstances! Thanks for coming!
(08/10 11:02:26) Greg cheers
(08/10 11:02:28) walt: Welcom back, Randomos!!!!!
(08/10 11:02:31) Sparrowhawk claps her hands
(08/10 11:02:31) Julia cheers
(08/10 11:02:33) Greg woohoos
(08/10 11:02:34) CAGrayWolf: Ron will be back for a second meeting this eveing.
(08/10 11:02:36) Ural claps his hands
(08/10 11:02:40) randomos: It's pretty amazing, isn't it?

NOTE: The meeting officially ended here, but Ron stuck around for a while to chat with us.

(08/10 11:02:43) Swimmery4: if the meeting's over, can we celebrate with movements now?
(08/10 11:02:49) Greg: Lol
(08/10 11:02:53) DRCLVortmax1: Sure Swimmery :D
(08/10 11:02:54) CAGrayWolf does a dance
(08/10 11:02:55) Sparrowhawk cheers
(08/10 11:02:57) Swimmery4 cheers
(08/10 11:03:03) CAGrayWolf cheers
(08/10 11:03:06) Julia cheers
(08/10 11:03:06) Islander does a dance
(08/10 11:03:10) walt cheers
(08/10 11:03:22) Greg runs around to losen leg muscels
(08/10 11:03:38) CAGrayWolf: Thank you again, Ron! So great to have you back with us again.
(08/10 11:03:44) DRCLVortmax1: Stay tuned to the DRCL site at for the chatlog from today's meeting!
(08/10 11:04:00) Islander: cheers Ron ;)
(08/10 11:04:08) randomos: It's really something isnt' it? I'm here to do all I can to help
(08/10 11:04:09) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, welcome home, Ron
(08/10 11:04:27) randomos: great to be back, :-)
(08/10 11:04:31) A.Lingo claps.
(08/10 11:04:55) randomos: I'm still, honeslty... in a daze almost. Who would have thought we'd ever be back?
(08/10 11:05:14) randomos: It's all coming together really well
(08/10 11:05:23) Swimmery4: it is somewhat of a miracle
(08/10 11:05:28) DRCLVortmax1: So true. I wouldn't have believed this, two years ago
(08/10 11:05:36) randomos: I know, it's really true
(08/10 11:05:59) randomos: I find I appreciate it even more now...
(08/10 11:06:03) Saruk: I stuck around 'cause I thought it'd be back someday
(08/10 11:06:09) DRCLVortmax1: Until Uru was a minor miracle itself.
(08/10 11:06:09) Sparrowhawk (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(08/10 11:06:16) randomos: really drink in every scene
(08/10 11:06:25) randomos: yes, very true- a very important one tho
(08/10 11:06:31) Julia: Some dreams just won't give up
(08/10 11:06:46) randomos: the community support has meant a lot to the powers that be
(08/10 11:06:53) DRCLVortmax1: And now, the Cavern is full of life again! Hard to believe THIS isn't a dream!
(08/10 11:06:56) Islander: too true, Jane
(08/10 11:06:58) walt: Uru fans are a stubborn lot - we won't let it go away again!
(08/10 11:06:58) randomos: which is impressive
(08/10 11:07:27) DRCLVortmax1: I've been really impressed with Turner so far. One wouldn't expect this from such a huge megacorporation like Time Warner
(08/10 11:07:40) Swimmery4: "perhaps the ending has not yet been written.." that's certainly true
(08/10 11:07:50) Imaroth: In that, I agree.
(08/10 11:07:53) CAGrayWolf: They do seem to be a more people compnay.
(08/10 11:07:59) randomos: I agree... they really are good people, and committed to Cyan
(08/10 11:08:20) randomos: They really want to do it well
(08/10 11:08:45) Jane: and could I say--I initially had a little trouble getting GameTap to run, & the customer support was *awesome*
(08/10 11:08:50) DRCLVortmax1: It's nice to see that they're willing to commit to this, and put their cash behind it.
(08/10 11:08:52) randomos: I think too, they are really excited by the long-term potential of Uru... Imagine what this will be like in three years?
(08/10 11:09:04) DRCLVortmax1: Oh yeah Jane, GameTap support has been really incredible too
(08/10 11:09:06) Swimmery4: it will be hard to imagine
(08/10 11:09:24) Imaroth: Still, there's the thing with lag, here and there.
(08/10 11:09:24) DRCLVortmax1: Heh, I'm trying to imagine what it'll be like in 10 years :D
(08/10 11:09:27) randomos: I mean, if Cyan has a chance to make new content consistently? It's breathtaking
(08/10 11:09:36) randomos: LOL yup!
(08/10 11:09:40) Jane: lol Imaroth
(08/10 11:10:07) randomos: I think that's one of the main targets of the Beta
(08/10 11:10:12) Jane: maybe the ending will *never* be written :)
(08/10 11:10:14) randomos: wish them good hunting, lol
(08/10 11:10:27) walt: I'm glad to see the price, too. Back in 2003 we were talking about $10 per month as reasonable.
(08/10 11:10:36) Imaroth: It's already quite amazing how they can biuld such worlds and yet keep the lag at it's minimum, stream, however, might be a solution for the lag.
(08/10 11:10:57) Swimmery4: won't we have problems with the story if it runs so long it runs into myst 5?
(08/10 11:11:01) CAGrayWolf: squash squash squashing those bugs
(08/10 11:11:13) randomos: I have been impressed with GameTap- fun stuff. I hope I/we can help jazz up the community party tho
(08/10 11:11:33) randomos: *part
(08/10 11:11:40) randomos: though party works well too
(08/10 11:11:51) Eleri: *nodnod*
(08/10 11:11:53) CAGrayWolf: party works as well, Ron.
(08/10 11:11:59) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, don't we party all the time?
(08/10 11:12:02) CAGrayWolf: ?lol
(08/10 11:12:11) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(08/10 11:12:21) Swimmery4: every day in uru is a party!!
(08/10 11:12:32) randomos: I think that's a question more for GreyDragon or one of the Cyan folks- great question
(08/10 11:12:42) Imaroth: Well, even that has it's sideeffects.. I'm more one for exploring, while others just chat around..
(08/10 11:12:51) Imaroth: It's kind of disturbing, at times.
(08/10 11:12:56) Swimmery4: well i'll try to be there when i can ask that
(08/10 11:12:59) randomos: I'm not really as aware of all that is plannied, and how it will be announced
(08/10 11:13:19) DRCLVortmax1: Ah, but things ARE planned, and that's a vast improvement.
(08/10 11:13:28) randomos: oh, yes!
(08/10 11:13:36) randomos: that much I know, lol
(08/10 11:13:39) Swimmery4: maybe we will run into the stranger
(08/10 11:13:45) DRCLVortmax1: And remember, go sign up for GameTap if you can! </shill>
(08/10 11:14:09) Imaroth: I hope the strnager remains a mystery, it is, after all, Myst's best kept secret.
(08/10 11:14:13) randomos: LOL right! It's really for a great cause
(08/10 11:14:15) Imaroth: *stranger
(08/10 11:14:17) Jane: I've been impressed with GT--it's worth it!
(08/10 11:14:17) Swimmery4: yeah
(08/10 11:14:36) Swimmery4: well maybe he can be cloaked
(08/10 11:14:49) Eleri: is this your first time in cavern since Prologue?
(08/10 11:14:50) Swimmery4: like invisible
(08/10 11:15:07) Imaroth: Still, he, or she, I'd rather not find out, it's the hidden identity that's so cool
(08/10 11:15:25) Eleri:, you were at the thusday TH
(08/10 11:15:34) CAGrayWolf starts to laugh
(08/10 11:15:38) Swimmery4: maybe it's not even a human or D'ni
(08/10 11:15:40) randomos: oh, me? No I've been around a little
(08/10 11:16:06) Imaroth: Speaking of which, the stranger appearing in Uru.. how old must the stranger be then? 1,000 years?
(08/10 11:16:33) Swimmery4: i think he's a few hundred years old from myst to myst 5
(08/10 11:16:46) Imaroth: Atrus was about 250, in Myst 5, correct?
(08/10 11:16:57) Swimmery4: i think so
(08/10 11:17:21) DRCLVortmax1: Myst was set 150200 years ago I think
(08/10 11:17:22) Imaroth: Still, no one knows how young or old the stranger was on Myst island.. ah well.
(08/10 11:17:28) DRCLVortmax1: *150-200
(08/10 11:17:52) Swimmery4: there is that too
(08/10 11:18:15) Imaroth: At least some of us know how the star fissure appeared.. that's all I'll really say about it.
(08/10 11:18:24) DRCLVortmax1: And the Fall of D'ni was something like 300-400 years ago
(08/10 11:18:25) Swimmery4: maybe he lived in the fissure until the myst book fell, so he might not be human(oid)
(08/10 11:19:05) Swimmery4: i dont think its that long, maybe 200-300
(08/10 11:19:17) Imaroth: currently reading the myst reader, it does explain a bit about Atrus, about the cleft, etc, quite interesting to see it all back in here
(08/10 11:19:33) Swimmery4: yeah, if you want to know the backstory, pick up the myst reader
(08/10 11:19:43) Swimmery4: great book
(08/10 11:19:51) Imaroth: I have one question though, about a certain structure here in Uru..
(08/10 11:19:57) walt: where's Doctor Watson when you need him?
(08/10 11:20:03) Swimmery4: lol
(08/10 11:20:18) randomos: it will be interesting to see if the greater popularity of MMO's will help Uru Live to grow
(08/10 11:20:21) Imaroth: Is there any way to reach Kerath's Arch in the near future? I'd really like to stand at the feet of it..
(08/10 11:20:22) CAGrayWolf: I thought we had already found dates to confirm when the Fall of D'ni happened?
(08/10 11:20:52) randomos: I'm just as curious, lol
(08/10 11:20:58) Swimmery4: if you meet an admin on a private shard, they might bring you up there
(08/10 11:21:03) DRCLVortmax1: There's an interesting topic about that on the DRCsite forums, randomos. It talks about how Uru had to fail because of issues back then, so that it could live now.
(08/10 11:21:06) walt: Yes, Imartoh, but it's not "legal"
(08/10 11:21:32) Imaroth: I know, but that structure is weirdly enough one of the things that picks my interest most..
(08/10 11:21:46) Imaroth: Besides, I was asking for a link to it when Uru gets expanded. :p
(08/10 11:21:47) DRCLVortmax1: Imartoh, if you do an offline installation, and apply the flymode patch, you can see it up close :)
(08/10 11:21:47) randomos: It's ... amazing... how much more "right" it feels now... and how much works much better
(08/10 11:21:48) Swimmery4: anyone else remember sitting on the arch with an admin's help?
(08/10 11:22:21) Imaroth: You've been there??
(08/10 11:22:25) Imaroth: What was it like?
(08/10 11:22:27) DRCLVortmax1: Yeah, I'm really pleased with the GameTap partnership. It feels better this time. :)
(08/10 11:22:28) Swimmery4: like teledahn?
(08/10 11:22:29) Imaroth: T-T
(08/10 11:22:37) Swimmery4: bery low textured lol
(08/10 11:22:55) CAGrayWolf: I do recall, back during the first beta ... that Cyan had said they were not totally ready to release the game version and that they felt it was to early yet.
(08/10 11:23:03) Imaroth: I have about, twenty shots of that structure alone..
(08/10 11:23:50) CAGrayWolf hands Swimmery more berries to increase the desired texture
(08/10 11:25:04) Imaroth: Why do I have the feeling most of the people standing here are afk..
(08/10 11:25:04) Bennie: is it too late to ask a question ?
(08/10 11:25:23) Swimmery4: well, i gotta go because A) im scared that the guns will come out again B) RL reasons
(08/10 11:25:25) DRCLVortmax1: I'd go ahead Bennie. Randomos will answer, or not, depending on fate :D
(08/10 11:25:45) CAGrayWolf: I think I'm still here.
(08/10 11:25:45) randomos: sure
(08/10 11:25:55) Imaroth: He was just playing pacman on his KI, it seems.
(08/10 11:25:57) DRCLVortmax1: See ya Swimmery
(08/10 11:26:11) randomos: GameTap meets Ki
(08/10 11:26:13) Swimmery4: bye all, great meeting, thanks all speakers
(08/10 11:26:23) randomos: thanks, seeya!
(08/10 11:26:23) CAGrayWolf: bye Swimmery
(08/10 11:27:05) Imaroth: I've been thinking about something, though.. I'll ask it after Bennie ask his questionss.
(08/10 11:28:01) randomos: Imaroth maybe you can just go ahead
(08/10 11:28:03) CAGrayWolf: BrB
(08/10 11:28:09) Imaroth: Maybe I should..
(08/10 11:28:13) Imaroth: Anyways
(08/10 11:28:14) randomos: I will answer both if I can
(08/10 11:29:06) Imaroth: Is there already some sort of collectors stuff that people get monthly or yearly once they subscribe with stuff about the D'ni, its story, background story, etc?
(08/10 11:29:09) randomos: golly it's gorgeous in here isnt' it? Never get tired of looking at it...
(08/10 11:29:40) randomos: I don't think so, not yet, but that's a great idea
(08/10 11:29:48) Imaroth: As in magazines or something, journals of other explorers, etc, etc
(08/10 11:29:57) randomos: I'll forward that along, and see if we can do somthing cool
(08/10 11:30:00) Imaroth: I'd be really interested in it.
(08/10 11:30:12) Imaroth: Hope so, I'd be the first to subscribe.
(08/10 11:30:15) Imaroth: <_<
(08/10 11:30:15) randomos: if Cyan's working on something- and they may be, but I don't know about it
(08/10 11:30:26) DRCLVortmax1: Heh, "D'ni Monthly" magazine appearing on your other bookshelf :D
(08/10 11:30:56) Imaroth: Well, it should help them as well, people can read more about the D'ni, while they can evade questions that way and concentrate on the games.
(08/10 11:31:22) Imaroth: And with the help of people who read it, they can expand, etc.
(08/10 11:31:37) randomos: yes- and there will be lots of new people coming in too
(08/10 11:31:59) Imaroth: that as well, it's another way to advertise Uru.
(08/10 11:32:05) Imaroth: Instead of only digital.
(08/10 11:32:15) walt: I have to put in a plug for The Lyst here....
(08/10 11:33:28) randomos: Presumably, the community will be growing a lot in a little while... I think a welcoming attitude will help a lot
(08/10 11:33:32) Deg: The Great Tree and D'ni Explorers Guild are working on a series of videos on the story of the D'ni Restoration (from 2002 onwards), but that's so far just a digital project.
(08/10 11:33:58) Greg: BOOM
(08/10 11:34:00) DRCLVortmax1: I'm really hoping we'll get a boost from the built-in GameTap audience
(08/10 11:34:07) Imaroth: Well, most of us will support anything the community has to offer.
(08/10 11:34:27) randomos: yes, I'm curious about that too Vort- how much they will cross over to join us
(08/10 11:35:13) randomos: well, GameTap does see Uru Live as a jewel in the crown for them- real premium content being added to consistently
(08/10 11:35:29) Deg: I think the in-cavern news channel on GameTap sounds cool and would help that crossover
(08/10 11:35:30) randomos: it is exciting- an evolving story
(08/10 11:36:02) randomos: I don't see why not- this community is clearly creative enough to pull that off
(08/10 11:36:05) walt: I'm not that familiar with GT - don't they feature mostly "shooters"? how many of those will cross over, do you think?
(08/10 11:36:24) DRCLVortmax1: They have all kinds of games, walt.
(08/10 11:36:43) randomos: GameTap has almost 600 titles from Carmen Diego to Splinter Cell
(08/10 11:36:43) DRCLVortmax1: Really covering just about any genre you want.
(08/10 11:37:08) randomos: I have been impressed to see some old faves- they're adding Sam and Max and the older Cyan titles too
(08/10 11:37:10) walt: I'll have to DL the software - I signed up but didn't go further than that.
(08/10 11:37:19) DRCLVortmax1: The ONE thing I wish they could pick up would be old Nintendo titles. But Nintendo won't let go of the rights :p
(08/10 11:37:20) Imaroth: Well, I believe I ran out of questions, somehow.
(08/10 11:37:29) CAGrayWolf: I looked through all the games on GT and was quite impressed. Good overall selection to start off with.
(08/10 11:37:52) walt: LOL I still enjoy the old Infocom text adventures!
(08/10 11:37:54) randomos: I'm really grateful, lol- I mean, it really is a good value
(08/10 11:37:59) Imaroth: Zork, huh?
(08/10 11:38:00) CAGrayWolf: and more will be added over time.
(08/10 11:38:08) randomos: and Uru Live too? very cool.
(08/10 11:38:14) walt: ork, and the original ADVENT....
(08/10 11:38:18) walt: ork
(08/10 11:38:25) Imaroth: *zork :p
(08/10 11:38:28) DRCLVortmax1: They add several games every week
(08/10 11:38:29) walt: Zork!
(08/10 11:38:37) Imaroth: yes!
(08/10 11:38:39) Imaroth: xD
(08/10 11:38:43) randomos: I can go back to playing Worms, lol
(08/10 11:39:11) Imaroth pokes Julia 'Ask something '
(08/10 11:39:44) randomos: I'm not sure- Deg that would be great
(08/10 11:39:56) randomos: OK, I should probably head out
(08/10 11:39:57) CAGrayWolf: Am I still here?
(08/10 11:40:05) DRCLVortmax1: Awww, bye randomos!
(08/10 11:40:12) walt: I think this has been asked, but are there any plans for a Linux version of URU?
(08/10 11:40:21) Imaroth: Later, randomos.
(08/10 11:40:24) CAGrayWolf: Bye Ron, and thank you again.
(08/10 11:40:27) randomos: thanks again for all the support folks, and for being here with so many great questions
(08/10 11:40:32) randomos: will see you soon
(08/10 11:40:37) walt: Thanks, Ron
(08/10 11:40:43) Imaroth: Thanks for answering them.
(08/10 11:40:56) Imaroth: and for the forwarding :p
(08/10 11:41:03) CAGrayWolf: See you tonight Ron ... though I'll be about 30 minutes late
(08/10 11:41:16) Julia: that poke froze me, Imaroth
(08/10 11:41:26) Imaroth: My apologies, Julia.
(08/10 11:41:28) Imaroth: >_<