11 Ways To Totally Defy Your Chaise Sectional

From Guild of Archivists

Add Comfort and Style to Your Living Room With a Chaise Sectional

A chaise sectional is a blend of the best of both worlds. It's half sofa and half lounge chair. Select from two or four-piece designs to fit your seating needs and living space.

Note that the furniture industry uses terms like left-arm facing and right-arm facing to describe pieces that are asymmetrical. This is simply a reference to which side the armrest is on when you're facing the piece not sitting in it.


A chaise sectional can be used to enhance any living space style. It can be used in an informal family space that blends rustic and modern styles, or as the finishing touches to a chic living room designed after mid-century design. There are many color and material options available, whether you're looking for a button-tufted leather sofa or an upholstered fabric sofa. Performance fabrics are simple to clean, and they resist staining. They're an excellent choice for families who have children or pets.

A chaise sectional is a large and comfortable area where you can relax after a long day. It's also an excellent spot to relax with a book or catching up on your favorite shows. With the addition of a pull-out bed you can convert the sofa into a guest sleeping area.

The unique design of the chaise sectional can be used to create a focal point in the living room or as a complement to other furniture pieces like rugs and coffee tables. Include a statement-making accent chair and a few stylish table lamps to bring the look together. Some chaise sectionals have built-in shelves for storing magazines and books.

Certain sectionals come with a chaise longue attached to one end. Others are designed to let you add a lounge later. You can also purchase an additional chaise lounge as part of a separate piece which allows you to design a arrangement that is suitable for your living space.

Greyleigh Anchoretta modular sofa sleeper is a fantastic alternative if you're looking for a sectional sofa that can double as a chaise or sofa. Its sleek silhouette and high-performance fabric make it a fashionable and practical choice for the modern home. Think about the Milford chaise-sectional from CB2 to get more of a relaxed look. The arms with wide tracks and deep seating provide complete comfort as you sink into the plush cushions.

A chaise sectional is the ideal solution for a small space because it takes up less space than larger L or HONBAY U-Shaped Sectional Couch Double Chaise Lounge alternatives. It is also a great choice for open floor plans that could overwhelm a room with too much furniture.


Sectional sofas are a great way to create a cohesive style that is both comfortable and stylish. The space is enhanced when the seating arrangement includes a chaise. This design is ideal for modern homes because it offers family members an opportunity to relax their feet and relax in a half sitting, half lying position. Chaise sectional sofas come in various styles, from two-piece designs that are ideal for smaller living spaces to larger four-piece sets. Sectionals like these look great the middle of coffee tables or media consoles to create a symmetrical style that anchors the space.

To add a touch of elegance to a room, consider placing a chaise sectional with its back against a wall. This is a great option for many spaces and helps keep the seating area spacious and visually bright, which is a great option for smaller rooms or open concept areas. This look can be paired up with a matching chaise to create a comfortable retreat or reading corner.

Another option to include a chaise sectional to your home is to buy an item with a bumper chaise end. This option is similar in design to an L-sectional, but it has an extra chaise lounge which can be used as a footrest or seat. This kind of sectional is best for smaller spaces, or it can be placed near a window to create an impressive accent.

If you want a more formal look you can opt for a sectional couch with decorative details such as exposed nail heads or leather upholstery. These types of sectionals tend to be more expensive than standard sofas, but they provide a luxurious appearance that complements many living spaces.

When decorating the chaise sectional, it is important to think about the overall colour scheme of your home. Throw pillows can be an affordable and simple way to add color or texture. Experiment with different colors and textures to discover the perfect combination for your space. Place pillows in groups of three to achieve a balanced look that is both comfortable and appealing.


Chaise sectionals can elevate a room's style with their curving curves and vintage elegance. They can draw attention with striking colors, like vibrant blues and deep reds, or they can be reduced to a more subtle hue like Dark Brown L-Shaped Sectional Couch with Chaise greys. A tip to use accent pillows to bring out the best in your chaise sectional.

If they're placed alongside a sofa or used as an extra long chaise lounge, they add the perfect finishing finish to any living space. They let families relax in a semi-sitting or lying half-way. Originally, they were called fainting couches, they were developed in the 16th century by French furniture artisans as an emblem of wealth for patrons. They come in a variety of styles to fit every preference and space.


A sectional sofa may be an ideal choice for your living room when you have a small space or want to make your existing furniture arrangement more efficient. Chaise lounges are ideal for awkward corners, providing extra seating and comfort while watching movies or reading a book. They are also ideal for bringing seating into your home if you have guests staying for during a long weekend.

Some sectional couches have a chaise lounge built in and some have the option of adding one to their layout. A chaise sectional is an ideal way to unwind. However, it's crucial to think about the seating requirements of your family prior to purchasing this type of furniture.

A chaise's shape is elongated, and can take up more room than a sofa, and it can also encroach on smaller rooms. If you are working with smaller space, go for a two-piece sectional with an upholstered chaise instead of a four-piece option. This will allow you to make room to accommodate other furniture and seating such as a coffee or media console. table.

Other configurations, like L-shaped sectionals, work well in large spaces and oversized living rooms, but they can leave little space for other furniture or seating. For the most seating space in a room that is larger, choose a four-piece sectional with an incline or left-facing chaise. This will provide ample seating, but still leave room for the coffee table or other decorative pieces for the room.

To have additional seating, you can use an upholstered chaise sectional that has the option of a bumper chaise. A bumper chaise sectional sofa includes arm rests on each side, and a chair with no arms or back. This arrangement is ideal for small spaces or in front of a large window to balance a sectional sofa.

A few chaise sectional designs, such as the Pasadena Full Dual Chaise sectional with chaise and recliner with Pullout in Brimfield Denim Left Facing, are designed to convert into sleeper sofas. Sectionals like these are great for guest rooms and guests staying overnight, but they're not the best choice for the main living space.