Business Blogging - How To Blog About Your Passion And Build A Profitable Online Business

From Guild of Archivists

One of the very first things people are told to do is make a list. Make a list of everyone they know. Then they are told to contact the people on their list and tell them about their new network marketing business. They are told to share their business with the people on their list and get them to join their new business.

However as the internet grew and build a website more and more people started using the internet the range of bloggers diversified. Some bloggers started using the blog to write about every day events like a diary while others wrote stories or poems as a form of expression. New blogs started appearing using the latest scripts and a whole new use for the simple web log was born. Webmasters started adding blog plug-ins and a whole range of features and technology to see just how far blogging could be pushed. First came photo blogs where users could post their pictures for friends and family to see, and then came video blogs. Video blogs seem to be the latest craze for those who are not camera shy and most video blogs are very amusing or educational, you can find hundreds of them online.

Either one of these methods will allow you to find website news. If you wish to be continuously updated on website news, a good way to keep in the loop is by joining social media updates. The main social media used is currently Facebook and Twitter.

Read your newspapers or community boards regularly for possible venues to go to. Spend as much time as you can helping others while serving a greater purpose. You will feel good about yourself and the impact you are making, and meet many others who respect and admire your service in the process.

As a leader set high standards yourself - or set the standard that you want from your team. Take responsibility for your own actions and don't take credit for things yourself - give that to your staff. Being a leader is not about you anymore it's about your team. Make your team the heros not you. Admit mistakes and don't blame others. Know your weaknesses and don't be afraid to admit them. You need to build a team of people to complement each other not a team of people who have the same strengths. Good leaders will know their own strengths and weaknesses as well as everybody in their team.

However arguing 'the point' will ONLY make matters worse. It is best in this situation, as in all others, to simply thank them for their advice and let the matter go. You cannot change another person's mindset it's just not possible and quite futile to argue the point. Let go. Move on.

You can BLog about a business that you have or you can start an online business with your blog. Blogging is a great way to promote your business online and gain new customers.

If you are someone whose never had to deal with addiction issues in your family or yourself then do not try to take this on your own. Seriously, you are not qualified to help someone detox over and over.

They complain about this and that, but they never take an active role to actually improve these things. They focus on problems not to learn from them or fix them, but to make excuses for why their lives are miserable and unpleasant.