How To Make A Blog - A Beginner s Guide To Creating A Money Making Blog From Scratch

From Guild of Archivists

Your blog is guaranteed to have a sharp increase in visitors lol. A pity might be you will be in court to settle the fines, rather than collect money from your advertisements.

Choosing the right type of activity: Life after retirement can be boring for most people. As a result of this most aged people should choose activities that they enjoy doing and those that keep them happy. Activities like gardening, painting, watching movies, listening to music etc can help a person to stay happy and relaxed.

In order to achieve at a personal level you have to be able to focus on your dreams and your goals with laser like accuracy. This means you have to limit the number of distractions keeping you from success. For some people they have chosen to remove TVs, or limit their access to distracting sites online like Facebook, etc. All of these can be good, but what they often over look is the time that the five people closest to them take up. Friends are needed and can be positive, but only if they are a not a source of distraction from your focus. Really reflect on your five closest people and see if they help you stay focused or are a distraction for you.

Being morally upright as a leader will instill respect and confidence in people. It will give them the assurance that the leader is fair and just. Cheating is a characteristic that people disagree on. If a leader is morally upright, he/she gains the people's respect. Moral uprightness ought to be an ultimate goal and always kept up.

Blogging interviews can be very informative and you will typically be able to catch a popular blogger willing to share information on the fly. Make sure that you prepare some interesting questions ahead of time. The advantage here is that you will more than likely be posting a link to his/her website. With any luck, they will bring up your post and BAM! in comes some awesome traffic for your efforts. Not only that, but the way interviews are structured typically is easy on the eyes, and makes you look like a real professional.

Wear good quality shoes: Choosing the right type of shoe is very important for people of any age group. Aged people should give a lot of attention to this factor. Good quality athletic shoes can maximize shock absorption and arch support. It is better to use shoes with over-the-counter gel inserts and foam insoles instead of summer walking or jogging shoes which gets harder and stiffer in cold weather.

find website When ultimately deciding what to blog about, what is your goal? Are you more interested in making money or talking about your interests or popular topics. You can almost always combine both but if you're purely interested in making money, chances are you'll be blogging about something that isn't a close interest.

The next thing to do is to find out how much competition there is for those key words that you have found. There are some free online tools that Google provide for you to do this. Once you have your keywords, the next step is to start writing some articles based around each keyword that you have found. Then publish the articles on your blog, then get it published on one of the great article sites that are available (this is a great site to start with).

Housework. I guess when we BLog about what we accomplished, it makes us feel like, well, like we accomplished some things! But reading a good blog post is about escaping housework! Unless of course, your blog is about homemaking, and you are just sharing some great tips!

Finally, don't forget that images are also an important kind of intellectual property. With the advent of Google Image Search and other similar tools, it is easy for people to stumble on photos that you have taken and copy and paste them to their own websites having never seen your page.