
Lara documents/Lara 002.007

From Guild of Archivists

Translated by Whilyam

In the year 6138 DE (D'ni Era) during the reign of King Asemlef, the great people of D'ni traded with the natives of the age of Ishveer. Ishveer was a grand world of sparkling salt pillars in an endless prairie and its people were a tall, powerful race who were masters of a non-cultured[1] race they referred to as the Low-speakers. The low-speakers were monsters[2] with wide, flat heads, and an eye or either side. Their black-furred skin dotted with bright orange scales. Though, by a miracle of the Art, they had an inerrant[3] mastery[4] of the D'ni language, their customs were primitive and they were unfaithful to god[5].

So it was a tragedy when the low-speakers rebelled against the Ishveer people and formed their own group. The king of the Ishveer spoke to an advisor to King Asemlef and requested weapons and food to assist with the low-speaker uprising. And Asemlef's advisor took the requests to the King and he agreed. Unfortunately, while the resources helped the Ishveer, the low-speakers triumphed and the Age of Ishveer was over-run by them.

King Asemlef called a meeting of his advisors.

"What does D'ni do now?" Asemlef pointed to a pile of the wares of the Ishveer. "What age will my people find things such as these?"

A prophetess stepped up amongst Asemlef's advisors. "Our duty as D'ni is to honor god. If we are blinded by goods, we slide towards sin. These people do not believe in god and do not honor him."

And so King Asemlef ordered the low-speaker's death. An order, he said, for to trade goods with them would be an insult to god. A force of our Maintainers arrived and quickly ended the low-speakers. After the battle, the prophetess told the king that god was thankful and that their souls were at rest.


  1. Seems like a D'ni way of saying "barbaric" –Whilyam
  2. "bahro" literally. –Whilyam
  3. literally "ever present" –Whilyam
  4. Mastery in the skilled sense, not as in master and slave. –Whilyam
  5. Haven't seen many documents on this, but it seems they had a combination of more barbaric rituals from a human perspective (animal sacrifices) and newer surface ideas (females were equal to males in respect to pecking order, debate was encouraged, and it seems some more complex philosophical ideas were coming from the race). The Ishveer masters, though, also seem to have their share of moral issues that seem to have been glossed over. –Whilyam