Reference:2003-12-02 Michael Engberg, Rand, and Dr. Kodama in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

Knottyboy: Micheal come out come out where ever you are
(12/02 09:26:57) Dane: hey, he’s working
Michael Engberg: can’t talk sorry
Strazsha: We’d like to ask a few questions
Michael Engberg: I must depart.
Michael Engberg: soon.. i will come and chat very soon
Strazsha: Have you spoken to Douglas Sharper recently?
(12/02 09:27:54) Knottyboy: Well be here
(12/02 09:28:00) Knottyboy: we’ll sorry
(12/02 09:28:02) albert: GWEN where are you ? :)
Michael Engberg: douglas.. no, why?
albert: ATRUS help us
(12/02 09:29:23) albert: :)
(12/02 09:29:27) albert est mort de rire
Michael Engberg: I was about to link away..
Michael Engberg: Whats up with Douglas?
Strazsha: Not sure (12/02 09:30:08) albert: salut rick
(12/02 09:30:10) Dane: they are probably just wanting the pub to open…
(12/02 09:30:22) albert: lol
Michael Engberg: i need to talk to him about shroomie..
Dane: like loc ness?
Michael Engberg: But have you heard anything else?
Strazsha: She’s been around but not too close
(12/02 09:31:03) Knottyboy: same here, are you planning on killing her?
(12/02 09:31:22) Knottyboy: Brian said something about hunting last night
Michael Engberg: I heard a Rumor Doglas is.. if thats the case we really need to talk to him about it..
Knottyboy: We’ll make sure he gets the message
Michael Engberg: Brian?
Michael Engberg: Whos Brian?
Knottyboy: I would hope the drc isn’t santioning the destruction or capturing of a novel speices here (12/02 09:32:52) Knottyboy: Brian Fioca
Michael Engberg: Knotty, we wouldn’t dare
Knottyboy: Just checking, seems like we”re the last to know
Michael Engberg: What was Brian saying?
Knottyboy: We want this transition to go as smoothly as you do
Michael Engberg: Thanks Knotty
Knottyboy: To be careful
Michael Engberg: careful of shroomie?
Knottyboy: np, we do appreciate all your hard work believe us (12/02 09:35:09) Knottyboy: Not exactly
Michael Engberg: Knotty, then of what?
Knottyboy: Of people that don’t have our best interests at heart
Michael Engberg: Does Brian?
Knottyboy: I believe he does
(12/02 09:36:42) Dane: Michael, sorry to change the subject but, who would know what other linking books will be placed in the ‘hoods?
Michael Engberg: our best interest?
Michael Engberg: Dane not at this time.
Knottyboy: Yes, Micheal everyone’s
(12/02 09:37:11) Dane: Ok.
Michael Engberg: Knotty, you mean the DRC?
Knottyboy: Michael can I give you some advise?
Michael Engberg: I’m always willing to listen
Knottyboy: The main difference about the DRC and the others, brian, douglas etc… is
(12/02 09:38:55) Knottyboy: That they mingle with us, talk up close and personal
(12/02 09:39:19) Knottyboy: It’s hard to feel warm and fuzzy about the drc when you’re standing behind the barriers
(12/02 09:39:45) Knottyboy: It would be a start in painting a more trusting picture of what the DRC is doing
Michael Engberg: Douglas isn’t for the same thing the DRc is?
Knottyboy: True, but at least he’s taking a chance and coming to visit with us personally
(12/02 09:41:41) Knottyboy: You’re body language speaks volumes to all of us
Michael Engberg: KNotty.. I asked.. have you heard if dougls doesn’t want to listen to the DRC?
Knottyboy: We will relay a message to him
Michael Engberg: Knotty I am asking you
Knottyboy: honestly I can’t tell you
(12/02 09:43:24) kelm: hi everybody
Michael Engberg: HMm.. So I am suppose to come be chatty with people who don’t tell me whats going on, and keep secrets behind the DRC backs?
Strazsha: Knotty can’t speak for someone else
(12/02 09:43:52) Knottyboy: Well if you keep treating us like children what do you expect?
Michael Engberg: I must leave
Rand:Whoa, this sounds deep!
Knottyboy: We’re all adults here, some are older than you, we want information to make good decisions, you’re not helping by being cagey
Michael Engberg: Knotty thank you for the insight.
Rand:What’s up with him?
Strazsha: good question!
(12/02 09:45:11) Knottyboy: He’s not pleased with me
Rand:What did you do?
Knottyboy: this cat and mouse game has gone on for far to long
(12/02 09:45:40) albert: il est ou?
Rand:I link in at least every day, sometimes more. Just checking things out.
Knottyboy: shorah rand
(12/02 09:52:33) Dane: ok.
Rand:What was the argument with Engberg?
Rand:Hey Knotty!
Knottyboy: Precisely this
Knottyboy: That we’re wanting to helps this operation and Endberg is demanding information we don’t have
Rand:What does he want to know. I don’t get it.
Knottyboy: He wants more information about Douglas
Rand:Douglas has somethin’ going on I’ve heard.
Knottyboy: Some of us saw Brian Fioca last night and he cautionted us not to get to close with the drc
(12/02 09:55:27) Knottyboy: Just to be careful
Rand:Always good to be careful, but…
J’nilou: we hope to see you in the first french neigorhood : Guilde URUNIVERS(1) , I think you know BlasterCalm wich is the webmaster of great french site
(12/02 09:56:30) Knottyboy: but what?
(12/02 09:57:00) Knottyboy: Why doest he ask douglas himself
Rand:Seems’s like stuff is goin’ on - on both sides.
Knottyboy: whoa
Dr. Kodama: Can I help you?
Rand:All I know is that I trust Watson. I’ve known him for a long time.
Knottyboy: Thats all well and good, but its seems like Michael has a lot of contempt for us being here
(12/02 09:59:17) Knottyboy: Like we’re holding him up
Rand:They are moving slowly… the DRC. I think they were forced into letting everyone in
Rand:Zandi forced the issue
Strazsha: Dr. Kodama is here too now
(12/02 10:00:13) Crazy Toque waves
(12/02 10:00:21) Knottyboy: Well I can’t see their point, but a thousand eyes is better than a few
Rand:Yeah. Watson just has this thing about safety…
Knottyboy: Its very frustrating to feel powerless in a place that has so much to offer
Rand:But at least he’s nice about it
Kha’tie: Hi everyone
Rand:Not like some other DRC members
Knottyboy: Thats cool, I’m with you on that
(12/02 10:01:41) Knottyboy: most of us are
(12/02 10:02:21) Dane: hello
From Rand:I still think something is going on with the DRC.
Knottyboy: look at you Rand, you’re here, out with the masses and talking. Michael’s talking to us from behind barriers. Doesn’t make for good DRC relations in my books
To Rand:You got it
To Rand:and we do know more than we are telling
Rand:Yeah, sometimes I don’t understand them either.
To Rand:for now we’re holding our cards close to the chest
Rand:Kodama is here though, where is he?
l-vizz: hi all
From Rand:probably better that way
To Rand:Gotcha
Rand:Any new stuff lately?
albert: I don’t know
Rand:I heard about a Yeesha page somewhere.
Taliametris: Hi there
(12/02 10:05:28) Taliametris: Dr Kodama went through the door over there
(12/02 10:05:31) Knottyboy: Yes was in the hoods for a while
(12/02 10:05:41) Taliametris points
Rand:…for a while?
Knottyboy: now its gone again, what’s she up to?
(12/02 10:05:47) albert: on est 16 en ville
albert: 17
(12/02 10:05:56) Taliametris: No one needs a key apparently
(12/02 10:06:01) Taliametris: he refused to open it for me
(12/02 10:06:06) Taliametris: or give me a key
(12/02 10:06:16) Dane: their had been one down in the hallway, by the docks
(12/02 10:06:26) Dane: a page I mean…
Rand:It’s gone too?
Taliametris: I see Rand is in the city - is he upstairs?
(12/02 10:06:39) Dane: seems to be…
(12/02 10:06:51) Kha’tie: Where is everyone?
(12/02 10:06:51) Dane: but at least I used it.
Rand:Any word on when the barrier at the top will be removed?
Crazy Toque: they are all upstairs
(12/02 10:07:06) Knottyboy: But only a few got it, but they’ve been generous with sharing it
Dane: What was it?
Taliametris: Upstairs I believe they must be
(12/02 10:07:27) Knottyboy: Shorah Kha/tie
(12/02 10:07:29) Dane: it was a dock on the side of the relto island
Rand:How do you share it?
Rand:Thats cool. Like Myst!
Dane: you can share relto pages?
(12/02 10:08:05) Knottyboy: Preach got a link in his Teledahn book, then he would let us link to this relto and use it
(12/02 10:08:16) Dane: yes Rand minus the water and stoneship… (
12/02 10:08:17) Cyron Xerrox: Why is the game so ###### slowy all over sudden?
(12/02 10:08:34) Dane: ‘heek?
Rand:Oh, a Bahro Linking Stone. Not a Yeesha page.
l-vizz: really slow (12/02 10:08:59) Knottyboy: yes, but the link leads to the Yeesha page
Rand:Oh, gotcha!
Dane: I’m lost where is the new Bahro stone?
(12/02 10:09:35) Cyron Xerrox: oic
(12/02 10:09:59) Knottyboy: Rand, thanks for showing up. Nice to see a friendly face
(12/02 10:10:13) Tijara: hi everyone
(12/02 10:10:29) Cyron Xerrox: hi Tijara
Rand:Haven’t been in much at this time. I’ll try it more often.
Knottyboy: Shorah tijara
(12/02 10:11:10) Strazsha: he’s probably upstairs behind the barriers
(12/02 10:11:11) Tijara: what’s going on?
Rand:(I’ve heard rumors of bug fix and lag fixes coming - that’ll help.)
Knottyboy: Rand man’s in the hizzouse
(12/02 10:11:53) Spider: hi
(12/02 10:12:00) Tijara: Hi Rand
(12/02 10:12:02) Cyron Xerrox winkt
(12/02 10:12:11) Knottyboy waves
(12/02 10:12:12) Taliametris waves
Rand:Hi Tijara
Strazsha: Engberg said ‘this week, very soon”
Rand:I hope so.
Taliametris: It would really help to know when there is a common problem
(12/02 10:13:08) Taliametris: At the moment I keep getting kicked out with an auth response failure
Rand:Took a picture. :)
Cyron Xerrox: Mee too :)
(12/02 10:13:40) l-vizz: me too :-)
(12/02 10:14:00) Knottyboy: How many people were put in this time? New explorers
Rand:What is Kodama up to - where is he?
Cyron Xerrox: I just saw someone sitting. How can I do this?
(12/02 10:14:13) Strazsha: Engberg said we wouldn’t be able to get to the library
Rand:I don’t know.
Tijara: Cyron tyoe / sit (without the space)
Rand:I been to the library
Strazsha: so maybe JUST the courtyard will be opened
(12/02 10:14:44) Cyron Xerrox: Sorry I have the german version of the game
Rand:No problem Cyron
Cyron Xerrox: so english commands won’t work
Rand:I wish I spoke German. :)
Rand:…and French. :)
l-vizz: cyron just enter /sit. even in the german version
(12/02 10:15:39) Cyron Xerrox klatscht
(12/02 10:15:46) Cyron Xerrox: Gee thanks
(12/02 10:15:52) l-vizz: works fine cyron :-)
Rand:When did Engberg say?
Knottyboy: posted in our KI’s in a couple of days
(12/02 10:16:53) Knottyboy: he confirmed that too
(12/02 10:17:30) Strazsha: Kodama is probably behind the barriers upstairs\
(12/02 10:17:42) Taliametris: I saw him go through the door downstairs
Rand:Wow. DRC is trying to work fast.
Tijara: teasing us ;)
(12/02 10:18:06) Taliametris: I asked him to let me in, but he refused
(12/02 10:18:16) Cyron Xerrox: Does someone know how I can get to D’ni Rudenna?
Rand:He’s usually working on something.
Strazsha: german ‘sit’
(12/02 10:18:51) Dane: well, it is a big place. staff and all how many are rebuilding down hear?
(12/02 10:18:58) Yor Feix: hi, where is everyone?
Rand:Rudenna is a portion of the cavern.
G’ildor: Dr. K. just walked past us!
(12/02 10:19:27) Taliametris: I saw him sink through the floor
(12/02 10:19:28) Knottyboy: fell into the floor
Dr. Kodama: You have quite a crowd Mr. Miller.
Dr Kodama points
Rand:Hi Dr. Kodama.
Knottyboy: Shorah Dr. Kodama
Rand:How’s the city restoration going?
Dr. Kodama: On schedule.
Rand:What’s behind the door you went through?
Dr. Kodama: Docks.
Tijara: will they be opened sometime in the near future?
Rand:Is the DRC working on the Ferry area?
Dr. Kodama: Hopefully. We’re working on them. Yes.
Rand:Any boats left?
Tijara: what’s that in your right hand Dr. ?
(12/02 10:22:00) Tadd: is there anyone who can help me with the Relto dock page?
Dr. Kodama: Sunken boats.
Dr. Kodama: Pipe
Rand:Any chance of raising them - be fun to float around the harbor.
Dr. Kodama: We have talked about it. Future plans.
Knottyboy: is the algae brightening up as you’d hoped, Dr. Kodama?
(12/02 10:24:07) Tijara: what’s the pipe for/from?
Dane: it would also let us see many historical sights
Dr. Kodama: Good question. We are currently running tests on lake light levels. Should have an answer soon.
Rand:Is the bridge still broken, Dr. Kodama?
Dr. Kodama: Which bridge Mr. Miller?
Rand:The one in the canyon.
Dr. Kodama: Ah. Yes. It’s a major break. Will be broken for some time.
Rand:It’s a very cool bridge. Interesting design and construction.
Dr. Kodama: We might have a temporary fix however.
Dr. Kodama: The D’ni were masters at their craft.
Rand:I’ve got to go. Nice visiting with you all!
Dr. Kodama: As do I. Work to do.
Cyron Xerrox: Bye Mr. Miller
(12/02 10:28:18) Knottyboy: Ciao rand
(12/02 10:28:18) CharlieB waves
(12/02 10:28:23) Tijara: Nice to see you Rand. Take Care
(12/02 10:28:23) Taliametris waves
(12/02 10:28:31) Cyron Xerrox winkt
(12/02 10:28:31) walt: Thanks, both of you!