Reference:2003-12-03 Michael Engberg in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

Moranda: is there anything going on we should know about Michael?
(12/03 21:45:07) Chwith: I see the DRC has its forcefields up to so you can’t go into their “tent-O-love.”
(12/03 21:45:27) theGreatTree: yes you can
(12/03 21:45:39) theGreatTree: jump the rope
(12/03 21:46:13) Moranda: Michael are the DRC secretly monitoring our movement in URU?
Michael Engberg: Moranda, other then I am very upset about people on the top of the tent. Nope
Abble: you can get the dni font from the cyan worlds website
(12/03 21:46:33) Moranda: ah..........if they break it makeem fix it
(12/03 21:46:37) plinthon: i cant seem to get very far… very fast....
Michael Engberg: uru?
Contessa Wilhelmina: ah, well, yea, get off the tent you people
(12/03 21:46:59) Tazzy: oh, alphabet…i get it now!
(12/03 21:47:01) Moranda: tje cotu
(12/03 21:47:04) Abble: i think that there just supports with a blue light on them for looks
(12/03 21:47:04) Contessa Wilhelmina waves
(12/03 21:47:14) Moranda: oops D/ni
(12/03 21:47:16) Tazzy: they look good though
(12/03 21:47:22) Moranda: some of us call it URU
(12/03 21:47:31) Contessa Wilhelmina: whoop … must go afk, sorry
(12/03 21:47:34) Abble: ya, it looks really nice
(12/03 21:47:39) Tazzy: ok…my kitten is walking over my feet :)
(12/03 21:47:47) Kioe: I’ve been stuck at facing a wall for 2 minutes here…
(12/03 21:48:04) Tazzy: ki…move around a bit at a time
(12/03 21:48:07) Abble: get more memory
Michael Engberg: The DRC is not BIg Brother
Kioe: you have the money to give me? bleh.gif
(12/03 21:48:36) scraper: \waves
(12/03 21:48:37) Moranda: just curios Michael, I have heard things
(12/03 21:48:42) Tazzy: how much memory do you have, abble?
(12/03 21:48:46) Abble: sorry, i only have enough for my computer
(12/03 21:49:03) Abble: im running on 512
(12/03 21:49:10) Kioe: Thanks for the advice Tz, but I’m trying
(12/03 21:49:22) Tazzy: ah, i have 1 gig…and it’s still somewhat laggy
(12/03 21:49:35) Abble: ok ill be back, im going to translate some of the writings
(12/03 21:49:42) Tazzy: have fun!
(12/03 21:50:14) Abble: but its good to find out what names they are
(12/03 21:50:25) Gearogine: anyone find anything new relto pages here?
(12/03 21:50:49) Mr. Lag: Hi Plinth!
(12/03 21:50:50) Tazzy: al’my…you went through the floor!
(12/03 21:50:57) Abble: acctuly i will stay, i can take my time to translate
(12/03 21:51:27) Moranda: has there been a problem with gravitational faults here in the Ctiy Michael....movement seems awkward at best
(12/03 21:51:29) Chwith: Micheal, thanks to the DRC for opening the courtyard up.
(12/03 21:52:14) Snerticus: hi plinth
(12/03 21:52:19) Snerticus waves
(12/03 21:52:33) plinthon: hi snert
(12/03 21:52:45) Snerticus: how come so quiet?
(12/03 21:52:51) plinthon: not easy to get anything done right now
(12/03 21:53:00) plinthon: i might find a spot and just sit
(12/03 21:53:02) plinthon: lol
(12/03 21:53:05) Snerticus: good idea
(12/03 21:53:13) Chwith: Heaven forbid they catch us trying to thwart the barricades. ;-)
(12/03 21:53:53) Moranda: that might hurt yourself
(12/03 21:53:56) plinthon: if i can move at all that is
(12/03 21:53:57) Mr. Lag: Mr. Engberg, I asked Phil Henderson if Yeesha was using the DRC, and he replied Yes. How does that fit in with your views?
(12/03 21:53:58) plinthon: hehehe
(12/03 21:54:23) Chwith: Twas a joke. I’m a good boy. (yeah right.)
(12/03 21:54:29) Mr. Lag: Yes Taz :)
(12/03 21:55:15) plinthon: i might see if i can make it to the hall of kings
(12/03 21:55:20) Tazzy: done :)
(12/03 21:55:24) Chwith: You can
(12/03 21:55:38) Beefo laRue: hehe yea
(12/03 21:55:38) Kehrin: I don’t know much. I’ve read some logs.
(12/03 21:55:58) Kehrin: I’ve never been here when a character has shown up.
(12/03 21:56:24) Kehrin: This is the first time I’ve seen the plaza open
(12/03 21:56:27) Tweek: Beefo> I was with Phil yesterday
(12/03 21:56:37) Moranda: MIchael, is Mr. Laxman or some other techies working on the KI’s to make them more funcitona?
(12/03 21:56:38) Tweek: Hullo Mr Engberg
(12/03 21:56:39) Tazzy: it’s great
Michael Engberg: Moranda yes..
Michael Engberg: Hello all
Moranda: good.......that will help with oveall safety issues I think
(12/03 21:57:41) Snerticus: hello Mr. Engberg
(12/03 21:58:04) JesusAddict3791: Hello Mr. Engberg
(12/03 21:58:27) Tweek: Michael, Have you lot spoken to Phil yet?
Michael Engberg: Everyone happy?
Kehrin: I think he respects Yeehsa, but I haven’t seen him actually say he was following a journey she’d sent him on.
(12/03 21:58:45) Tazzy: yes thank you
(12/03 21:58:55) JesusAddict3791: Very happy
Michael Engberg: Tweek , no I haven’t
Snerticus: yes, thanks much!
(12/03 21:58:55) Queue: you seem unhappy Mike
(12/03 21:58:55) JesusAddict3791: thank you very much
(12/03 21:58:55) Mr. Lag: Phil Henderson said that Yeesha was ‘using’ the DRC. How does that come into play with the restoration, Mr. Engberg?
(12/03 21:59:00) Moranda: very happy
(12/03 21:59:16) Tweek: Ah, He’ll speak to you when hes ready I think
Michael Engberg: phil said that?