Reference:2003-12-05 Douglas Sharper on a balcony

From Guild of Archivists

John Lynch: hi.
Douglas Sharper: Hey
From Douglas Sharper: You. Up here
To Douglas Sharper: Hello Mr Sharper. Where exactly is up here? I’m near the classroom
From Douglas Sharper: Look up. Right there. Turn left
To Douglas Sharper: I’m trying to look up. Still can’t see you… Can you see me?
From Douglas Sharper: look up
To Douglas Sharper: on the balcony?
From Douglas Sharper: right. Above the clasroom
To Douglas Sharper: HA! Very clever. Now how on earth am I suppose to get up there? so am I suppose to try to work out how to get up there?
From Douglas Sharper: That’s up to you.