Reference:2003-12-11 Henderson, Sharper, and Laxman in a hood

From Guild of Archivists

Douglas Sharper does a dance
Douglas Sharper: Hello MrFan.
Douglas Sharper: Up here.
Douglas Sharper waves
Douglas Sharper: Glad to see you are wearing the shirt
MrM3FaN: Shorah Phil and Doug
phend: hello
MrM3FaN: Yep
Douglas Sharper: Fioca - up here
Brian Fioca: hmm
(12/11 19:03:25) MrM3FaN claps his hands
(12/11 19:03:25) MrM3FaN: there you go Brian
(12/11 19:03:31) Brian Fioca: there are a lot more people around today
Douglas Sharper claps his hands
Brian Fioca: thanks
Douglas Sharper: A large group was allowed down
phend: there are many more people today
phend: have you seen them?
MrM3FaN: Yes I know a couple
Douglas Sharper: More who need to decide.
Brian Fioca: i’ve been talking to as many as i can
(12/11 19:04:02) MrM3FaN: haven’t bumped into then yet though
phend: have they seen her?
Douglas Sharper: Good.
Brian Fioca: most have, some havent
(12/11 19:04:33) Brian Fioca: but they will in time
(12/11 19:04:39) MrM3FaN: I saw here at the end of the beginning of my Journey
phend: yes
MrM3FaN: and why do you keep refering to “her” in the third person?
Douglas Sharper: So do you both really think she is alive?
Douglas Sharper: Truly?
Brian Fioca: well, i did see her at the cleft
(12/11 19:05:16) Tweek: I dont know any more Douglas
phend: it seems right for me to do that - i don’t know why
MrM3FaN: Well she seemed alive when I saw her in Tohmana
Douglas Sharper: Hello Tweek
Douglas Sharper: UP here.
MrM3FaN: many more ppl are wearing her shirt
Douglas Sharper: I’ve noticed. Very good.
MrM3FaN: great now you got me doing it Phil
Douglas Sharper: Eggplant - what kind of name is that - we’re up here.
phend: i’ve seen many more shirts
TheEggplant: It is a nickname
(12/11 19:06:40) Tweek: up where Doug? I cannot see you
(12/11 19:06:41) TheEggplant: up where?
(12/11 19:06:47) MrM3FaN: Yet you haven’t started wearing it yourself yet Phil..why?
(12/11 19:06:50) Brian Fioca: up on the balcony above the fountain
Douglas Sharper: Above the fountain.
phend: because my side is known
Brian Fioca: no one questions where phil stands
(12/11 19:07:15) Tweek waves
(12/11 19:07:16) MrM3FaN: thats true
(12/11 19:07:43) Tweek: hello Mr Phil and Mr Doug
(12/11 19:07:55) MrM3FaN: So how have things been going for the both of you?
phend: hello tweek, how are you?
Tweek: Iam well Phil thankyou and yourself?
To Douglas Sharper: Have you stopped work on that pub in Ae’gura?
phend: douglas talks of many things
Douglas Sharper: Still working on the pub.
Brian Fioca: good to hear
(12/11 19:08:49) Tweek: good good I was wondering what would be happening with that Doug
(12/11 19:09:05) MrM3FaN: Did mean to PM that..I asked if Doug had stoped work on the pub in Ae’gura
(12/11 19:09:11) MrM3FaN: Didn’t*
(12/11 19:09:15) MrM3FaN: I am tired!
Douglas Sharper: It’s a long process. Still in Phase One.
Douglas Sharper: Waiting for approvals from the DRC boys.
Brian Fioca: lovely
(12/11 19:09:49) Tweek: Well if Kodama gives you trouble bop him over the head with a cone.
(12/11 19:09:51) Brian Fioca: red tape
(12/11 19:10:00) MrM3FaN: Do they acted differently around you now Doug?
Douglas Sharper: Kodama. Anyone seen him recently?
Brian Fioca: no
Douglas Sharper: I still haven’t seen any of them.
Brian Fioca: they’ve been laying low lately
Douglas Sharper: I would assume they have heard I went on the journey.
Brian Fioca: haven’t even seen Engberg
(12/11 19:10:34) Tweek: I havent seen Kodama since I have been down here.I have only met you two Dr Sutherland and Mr Engberg
phend: where have they been?
Brian Fioca: wonder what they think of that, Douglas
Douglas Sharper: I’m sure they’re talking right now, trying to figure out what to do about it.
Brian Fioca: hmmm
(12/11 19:11:14) Tweek: I think they are to busy wondering about your office
phend: i save them and they wanted to talk to me - but I wasn’t ready
Brian Fioca: what can they do?
phend: i saw them
phend: but that was days ago
Tweek: I havent spent much time in the city of late..except to look around the Hall of Kings
(12/11 19:12:27) MrM3FaN: ya what happened in Ae’gura that said you heard something..that Victos didn’t seem to hear..what was it?
(12/11 19:12:40) Thanakar: sorry i’m late..something prevented me from coming here…twice
phend: i heard a cry
MrM3FaN: A Least cry?
phend: and i wasn’t ready to go with victor
phend: i needed to continue my journey
MrM3FaN: i see
phend: maybe a least cry
Brian Fioca: well I’m glad you spoke with us before you speak to them
(12/11 19:13:49) Tweek: They really should know whats going on tho Phil
(12/11 19:13:50) Dan’ni: hello everyone!
(12/11 19:13:54) Tweek: Hi Dan
(12/11 19:14:01) Thanakar: They who Tweek?
(12/11 19:14:06) Tweek: the DRC
(12/11 19:14:08) LaReh: Hi Cyman
phend: i will speak to them to - but they wanted me to go with them…
Tweek: of course they do
phend: i couldn’t go with them
Tweek: I dont think they want us hearing what you have to say
Douglas Sharper: Cyman - no shirt?
Douglas Sharper: Kami - have you seen the shirt?
Cyman: Shirt? what shirt
(12/11 19:14:58) Brian Fioca: yeesha’s shirt
(12/11 19:14:59) Thanakar: kami was wearing her’s yesterday
Douglas Sharper: Tah - hello. You don’t wear her shirt either.
Thanakar: Cyman, have you completed teh begeinning journey?
(12/11 19:15:14) Brian Fioca: the balcony, above the fountain
(12/11 19:15:15) Cyman: I like the riven one
(12/11 19:15:27) Cyman: No i dont think so
(12/12 01:15:36) Tah: Douglas I am a greeter helping the new people from yesterday
(12/12 01:15:43) Douglas Sharper: This isn't about fashion. YOu think I would wear this uncomfortable thing?
(12/12 01:15:45) Dan'ni: hey everyone!
(12/12 01:15:45) LaReh (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/12 01:15:50) Dan'ni: WHOA! so many shirts!
(12/12 01:15:51) Tweek: almost didnt get my shirt back from the dry cleaners this morning
(12/12 01:15:53) Dan'ni: That's sooo great!
(12/12 01:16:05) Tweek: actually I quite like this shirt
(12/12 01:16:21) Douglas Sharper: It is scratchy though.
(12/12 01:16:26) Tweek: but then im british..we have no taste in clothing wink.gif
(12/12 01:16:26) Brian Fioca: it breathes well
(12/12 01:16:33) Dan'ni: lol
(12/12 01:16:34) Thanakar: what about the other symbol yeesha showed us? the closed hand?
(12/12 01:16:41) kami: oooohhhhhh i clash'
(12/12 01:16:52) Douglas Sharper: The shirts are growing my friends!
(12/12 01:17:00) Tweek: Thanakar> Thats the Symbol DJC has taken
(12/12 01:17:04) Brian Fioca: yes, word travels fast here
(12/12 01:17:05) Dan'ni: DRC is gonna flip lol
(12/12 01:17:15) TheEggplant: e pluribus unum
(12/12 01:17:15) Thanakar: ahh..didn't know wthat Tweek
(12/12 01:17:27) Douglas Sharper: We'll have to get a picture of this and send it to them. Ha!
(12/12 01:17:33) Thanakar: yeesha pluribus unum
(12/12 01:17:36) Dan'ni: Tweek- remember to give the symbol back some day
(12/12 01:17:47) Dan'ni: I jave just taken a picture
(12/12 01:17:48) Guivin: HOwdy.
(12/12 01:17:52) Tweek: Thana> Yes it started when I began to publish my journals online of when I started on the journey
(12/12 01:17:54) Guivin: How'd everyone get up there?
(12/12 01:17:55) Dan'ni: I will post a link to it on THEIR forums!
(12/12 01:17:59) Dan'ni: YEAH!
(12/12 01:18:07) Tweek: Dan> worry me
(12/12 01:18:08) MrM3FaN: tongue.gif
(12/12 01:18:21) Douglas Sharper: Ladies you should be wearing the shirts.
(12/12 01:18:22) Thanakar: phil.where is your shrit?
(12/12 01:18:28) Dan'ni: Tweek - rmemeber what you have taken but be given back
(12/12 01:18:29) Douglas Sharper: Join the cause.
(12/12 01:18:37) Douglas Sharper: It's the only worthy one.
(12/12 01:18:46) Thanakar: yes..the cause..what exactly is the cause? besides finishing the journey?
(12/12 01:18:48) Tweek: Well the symbol represents the end of that journey..I think its appropriate for the d'ni jazz club to use such a symbol..for now
(12/12 01:19:03) Tweek: Doug> do we get free party sandwiches?
(12/12 01:19:07) Eltheras: we've been welcoming the new explorers
(12/12 01:19:09) Tweek: i like cheese
(12/12 01:19:17) Guivin: Some guy just jumped over the hazard sign.
(12/12 01:19:18) phend: how many new explorers?
(12/12 01:19:23) Dan'ni: many
(12/12 01:19:25) Brian Fioca: I lost count
(12/12 01:19:26) Thanakar: tjat os jpw upi get i[ Givom
(12/12 01:19:28) Eltheras: I've met many tonight
(12/12 01:19:30) Dan'ni: I've met some today
(12/12 01:19:31) Guivin: Ah, okay.
(12/12 01:19:31) Thanakar: er..taht is how you get up Guivin
(12/12 01:19:33) Douglas Sharper: The cause is a new way to run D'ni. The way of Phil.
(12/12 01:19:37) Douglas Sharper: The way of Yeesha.
(12/12 01:19:43) Douglas Sharper: The way of me.
(12/12 01:20:00) Douglas Sharper: Christoph - you need the shirt.
(12/12 01:20:01) phend: it is her way
(12/12 01:20:03) Tweek: hmm i think my plans for domination over D'ni have just gone out the window
(12/12 01:20:17) Christoph05: I haven't been able to get in my closet lately
(12/12 01:20:34) Tweek: curses I was gonna plant a Mc Donalds and Starbucks down here too <shudders>
(12/12 01:20:36) LaReh: When will we see her again?
(12/12 01:20:39) phend: i like the shirt of greeting - it is good
(12/12 01:20:42) Tah: Chris...I have closet problems also
(12/12 01:20:48) Eltheras: I'm glad Phil
(12/12 01:20:51) Tah: Thank You Phend
(12/12 01:21:00) Tah: We are pleased to help newcomers
(12/12 01:21:12) Tweek: I like meeting the new explorers
(12/12 01:21:13) MrM3FaN: I only wear my GoG Shirt when I am on duty
(12/12 01:21:15) Cyman: what is the phil way
(12/12 01:21:18) Thanakar: and how exactlyare you going to implement the cuase Doug?
(12/12 01:21:25) Dan'ni: will Yeesha show us Rebek? Soemthing the DRC has decided to keep as TEIR secret?
(12/12 01:21:25) phend: the DRC is helping the newcomers too?
(12/12 01:21:25) Cyman: is that like against the DRC
(12/12 01:21:27) Douglas Sharper: With you.
(12/12 01:21:29) Thanakar: you, we, us..that is
(12/12 01:21:35) Tweek: Mr> I wear mine on Duty and when new explorers are down here
(12/12 01:21:43) LaReh: We Greeters are independent of DRC
(12/12 01:21:51) TheEggplant: I'm curious.... what comes after the journey?
(12/12 01:21:56) Tah: I wear mine when a new group comes in and when on duty
(12/12 01:21:59) Tweek: Yes...the DRC aknowledge us
(12/12 01:22:02) Dan'ni: a new Journey!
(12/12 01:22:04) Douglas Sharper: The journey will continue.
(12/12 01:22:24) TheEggplant: it never ends, does it?
(12/12 01:22:29) phend: douglas is reight - the journey continues
(12/12 01:22:40) TheEggplant: "the ending can never truly be written"
(12/12 01:22:51) phend: yes, i have heard that
(12/12 01:22:54) Douglas Sharper: Good point Eggplant.
(12/12 01:22:58) Dan'ni: Where will the journey lead us now Phil?
(12/12 01:23:01) Douglas Sharper: Eggplant?
(12/12 01:23:04) TheEggplant: yes?
(12/12 01:23:25) Douglas Sharper: Sorry, just fun to say Eggplant.
(12/12 01:23:29) phend: if I knew where it would lead then it wouldn't be your choice
(12/12 01:23:29) Tweek: lol
(12/12 01:23:30) Thanakar: chuckle
(12/12 01:23:31) kami: lol
(12/12 01:23:36) LaReh: lol
(12/12 01:23:44) TheEggplant: life isn't any fun without getting a little lost
(12/12 01:23:53) phend: yes
(12/12 01:24:00) Thanakar: lost is my constant state
(12/12 01:24:00) Tweek: True Phil..but Im sure you have seen things we havent...been places we havent
(12/12 01:24:05) MrM3FaN: Phil>When do you think this "chapter" of the journey will end (I myslef have called this time of the Journey "The Following"
(12/12 01:24:14) Brian Fioca: I imagine, for now, we are gathering... in time we will be able to act
(12/12 01:24:17) Tweek: I look forward to new places..very much so
(12/12 01:24:29) Tweek: Uru afterall Brian yes
(12/12 01:24:45) Douglas Sharper: Phil, tell them a little of what you have told me.
(12/12 01:24:50) Dan'ni: I hope the DRC takes the Journey - they need to learn....
(12/12 01:24:55) phend: okay douglas
(12/12 01:24:58) LaReh: I told Engberg, there's a difference between being lost and not wanting to be found, when talking about Phil and Doug
(12/12 01:25:11) Douglas Sharper: They need to know.
(12/12 01:25:15) phend: many things will come - new journeys and new choices
(12/12 01:25:31) phend: she will control what she can and lead where she can
(12/12 01:25:38) phend: and teach who she can
(12/12 01:26:00) Pa'lua: Is there anything we need to do to have her teach us?
(12/12 01:26:00) phend: but in the end - it will be decided by you
(12/12 01:26:12) Douglas Sharper: The people.
(12/12 01:26:22) phend: she has spoken - do you understand it?
(12/12 01:26:27) phend: she will speak more
(12/12 01:26:35) phend: others will come
(12/12 01:26:38) Thanakar: phil.what is it we are seeing in these reflections?
(12/12 01:26:39) phend: they will speak
(12/12 01:26:49) Pa'lua: Do you know where or where she will speak?
(12/12 01:26:52) Brian Fioca: others?
(12/12 01:26:54) phend: they will speak further for her
(12/12 01:26:55) Guivin: Question everything, think for yourself.
(12/12 01:27:05) phend: just as douglas speaks further for me
(12/12 01:27:07) Thanakar: I listen to her everyday trying to glean more out of what she says
(12/12 01:27:24) Brian Fioca: how will we know the others?
(12/12 01:27:33) phend: you will listen to those who come - if they are with her
(12/12 01:27:39) Thanakar: is Douglas continuing on here for you?
(12/12 01:27:40) Tweek: Allem? maybe..she is Yeesha's cousin afterall..
(12/12 01:27:43) Dan'ni: Brian : I think it's we who will be yhe others
(12/12 01:27:51) Pa'lua: Yes, I will listen.
(12/12 01:28:00) Dan'ni: we have to persuade others to join Yeesha
(12/12 01:28:04) phend: listen to douglas - if he is with her
(12/12 01:28:11) phend: then he speaks for me and her
(12/12 01:28:31) Thanakar: adnby wearing the shirt he is 'with her'?
(12/12 01:28:33) phend: many voices
(12/12 01:28:41) phend: but one voice
(12/12 01:28:49) Douglas Sharper: Of course, I will always speak for Phil and her.
(12/12 01:28:57) Pa'lua: Phil, are we the many voices speaking as one?
(12/12 01:28:57) kami: hmmmmmm when we gonna hear fom yeesha
(12/12 01:29:09) Thanakar: you are hearing from here right now kmai
(12/12 01:29:25) Douglas Sharper: Together we will do great things.
(12/12 01:29:25) Guivin: I am surprised Yeesha trusts so easily....
(12/12 01:29:27) Thanakar: from her I mean
(12/12 01:29:44) Douglas Sharper: We will break the DRC and their hold on this cavern.
(12/12 01:29:51) Brian Fioca: good!
(12/12 01:29:53) Thanakar: Doug, in her messages Yeesha warns us about pride and power...
(12/12 01:29:56) Dan'ni: FREAT!
(12/12 01:29:58) Guivin: Yes, and then what?
(12/12 01:29:58) LaReh: Yes!
(12/12 01:30:03) LaReh cheers
(12/12 01:30:04) Dan'ni: DRC has to go
(12/12 01:30:05) Tweek: hmm
(12/12 01:30:07) Guivin: Break their hold and return it to the Bahro?
(12/12 01:30:07) Dan'ni cheers
(12/12 01:30:11) Douglas Sharper: Which is what we fight.
(12/12 01:30:13) Douglas Sharper cheers
(12/12 01:30:17) Guivin: Or break their hold and take it back?
(12/12 01:30:17) Brian Fioca: pride and power of the DRC...
(12/12 01:30:26) Thanakar: was it the Bahro's in the first place Guivin?
(12/12 01:30:27) Tweek: Im afraid I still feel we need the DRC...need to work together
(12/12 01:30:31) Dan'ni: DRC will not control us!
(12/12 01:30:32) Eltheras: How do the other DRC members feel about this Doug? Nick, Tricia, ect...
(12/12 01:30:39) Brian Fioca: the DRC will come around
(12/12 01:30:50) TheEggplant: full circle
(12/12 01:30:50) Douglas Sharper: They will have to tell you how they feel. I can't speak for them.
(12/12 01:30:56) Douglas Sharper: Many are still deciding.
(12/12 01:31:02) Douglas Sharper: Listening.
(12/12 01:31:08) Pa'lua: Yes and some are against us.
(12/12 01:31:11) Guivin: What about the D'ni themselves? What do they think about this? I wonder if they are apologetic? After all, they chose not to rebuild the cavern and moved along.
(12/12 01:31:15) Brian Fioca: the more of us there are to spread the message, the more they will listen
(12/12 01:31:20) Tweek: better to look before you leap Doug
(12/12 01:31:23) Thanakar: the D'ni are long gone Guivin
(12/12 01:31:30) Dan'ni: the DRC has to listen or else they're fools
(12/12 01:31:37) Guivin: Actually, they are living in another age that Atrus wrote.
(12/12 01:31:39) phend: maybe the DRC will be part of this voice... and maybe not...
(12/12 01:31:40) kami: marie said there was one about
(12/12 01:31:42) Cyman: Wow second day here, im kinda confused but maybe some can help me understand. I listen to her again.
(12/12 01:31:47) Douglas Sharper: I am leaping Tweek. There is no stopping now. I have looked.
(12/12 01:31:59) Thanakar: one in Noloben
(12/12 01:32:13) phend: others can tell Cyman what has happened
(12/12 01:32:16) Dan'ni: I wonder what the DRC did to the D'ni on Noloben
(12/12 01:32:25) Thanakar: ask Marie
(12/12 01:32:28) Dan'ni: they don't seem to be willing to talk about this
(12/12 01:32:28) Douglas Sharper: Once the DRC allows others to talk to the D'ni in Noloben we will, of course, speak with him or her.
(12/12 01:32:31) Pa'lua: I don't know, Marie wouldn't say.
(12/12 01:32:32) Tweek: Doug> good for you. Im glad you can make your decision...myself however...I shall continue to listen, to learn..
(12/12 01:32:34) Guivin: What about Releeshan?
(12/12 01:32:36) Douglas Sharper: Hopefully it will not be too late.
(12/12 01:33:08) Douglas Sharper: Hopefully their warped views will not persuade this living D'ni.
(12/12 01:33:18) Dan'ni: if it wasnt for the messsage you left in your office Doug we'd never find out about the D'no on Noloben - the DRC would keep it a secret... maybe even forever!
(12/12 01:33:24) Tweek: Doug> What are the DRC's views?
(12/12 01:33:25) Brian Fioca: we need to get them to allow us access
(12/12 01:33:30) Pa'lua: Can Yeesha reach this D'ni on Noloben?
(12/12 01:33:37) Douglas Sharper: Very well Tweek. Do not make a decision until you are sure you want to.
(12/12 01:33:46) Douglas Sharper: Yeesha can reach anywhere.
(12/12 01:33:53) Thanakar: hrm..must be only getting half that...
(12/12 01:33:53) Brian Fioca: ahh
(12/12 01:34:08) Thanakar: Having second thoughts Tweek?
(12/12 01:34:14) LaReh: My decision is made, I side with the daughter of Atrus
(12/12 01:34:18) MrM3FaN: Doug>Will we ba able to do that in time?
(12/12 01:34:20) kami: well i kinda like her to reach in here
(12/12 01:34:36) Dan'ni: *high fives LaReh*
(12/12 01:34:42) Pa'lua: Then Yeesha should seek the D'ni on Noloben and convince him to not listen to the DRC.
(12/12 01:35:30) Tweek: interesting...yes yes..we are most interested...but there seem to be a lot of tapping of the feet and no actual dancing however
(12/12 01:35:39) Douglas Sharper: In that case.
(12/12 01:35:40) Dan'ni does a dance
(12/12 01:35:41) Douglas Sharper does a dance
(12/12 01:35:45) Thanakar does a dance
(12/12 01:35:49) MrM3FaN does a dance
(12/12 01:35:50) Dan'ni does a dance
(12/12 01:35:51) Pa'lua does a dance
(12/12 01:35:54) Cyman does a dance
(12/12 01:35:55) Cyman: lol
(12/12 01:35:57) Douglas Sharper does a dance
(12/12 01:36:00) Pa'lua does a dance
(12/12 01:36:02) Thanakar laughs
(12/12 01:36:03) Dan'ni: what were oyu saying Tweek?
(12/12 01:36:06) Douglas Sharper does a dance
(12/12 01:36:07) Tweek claps his hands
(12/12 01:36:10) Brian Fioca does a dance
(12/12 01:36:11) Tweek: bravo
(12/12 01:36:12) Quintin laughs
(12/12 01:36:14) Eltheras cheers
(12/12 01:36:19) Pa'lua cheers
(12/12 01:36:26) Dan'ni cheers
(12/12 01:36:27) From Thanakar: I think he's been sending private comments to Sharper
(12/12 01:36:30) kami: ooohhh the happy shimmy
(12/12 01:36:31) Douglas Sharper cheers
(12/12 01:36:32) Thanakar cheers
(12/12 01:36:37) TheEggplant cheers
(12/12 01:36:37) LaReh cheers
(12/12 01:36:38) Tweek: Perhaps I should use a different terminology next time heh
(12/12 01:36:39) Dan'ni: YAY for Yeesha!
(12/12 01:36:42) Dan'ni cheers
(12/12 01:36:47) Douglas Sharper: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:36:49) Douglas Sharper: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:36:50) MrM3FaN cheers
(12/12 01:36:53) Douglas Sharper: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:36:53) Thanakar: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:36:55) Douglas Sharper cheers
(12/12 01:36:58) Quintin cheers
(12/12 01:37:00) LaReh: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:37:02) Dan'ni: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:37:02) Pa'lua: Yeesha!
(12/12 01:37:03) Christoph05 cheers
(12/12 01:37:03) Christoph05: Yeesha
(12/12 01:37:04) TheEggplant: Booyeah!
(12/12 01:37:07) MrM3FaN: Yessha!
(12/12 01:37:12) To Guivin: I trust Yeesha
(12/12 01:37:16) Douglas Sharper: D'ni will live again!
(12/12 01:37:19) Douglas Sharper: As it should.
(12/12 01:37:21) Pa'lua: Yes.
(12/12 01:37:25) Dan'ni: woohoo!
(12/12 01:37:28) Brian Fioca cheers
(12/12 01:37:37) MrM3FaN: yeah!
(12/12 01:38:03) Tweek: Tweeks lack of hope for mankind doesnt seem to bode well down here.
(12/12 01:38:03) LaReh: Eyes that have SEEN will know what we mean......
(12/12 01:38:05) Thanakar: in for a penny, in for a pound...
(12/12 01:38:34) From Guivin: Yeah, I choose Yeesha, but that doesn't make me trust Doug.
(12/12 01:38:45) Pa'lua: Yes, we have begun our jouney...
(12/12 01:38:49) Douglas Sharper: There are many new visitors today. We must speak with them. Get to them before the DRC.
(12/12 01:38:56) Brian Fioca: yes
(12/12 01:39:11) Dan'ni: Victor already visited one of the hoods Doug
(12/12 01:39:23) Dan'ni: I'm afraid they already got to some of the new exlorers
(12/12 01:39:23) Pa'lua: Yes a good number have been admitted today.
(12/12 01:39:29) Thanakar: refresh time..who is victor?
(12/12 01:39:34) Dan'ni: Victor Laxman
(12/12 01:39:38) MrM3FaN: Victor Laxman
(12/12 01:39:39) kami: hmmmmmm
(12/12 01:39:44) Thanakar: Lax Luther!
(12/12 01:39:45) MrM3FaN: from the DRC
(12/12 01:39:51) LaReh: LOL Than
(12/12 01:40:08) MrM3FaN: he is mostly in charge of all things Ki related
(12/12 01:40:12) Dan'ni: but I'm sure the nw explorers will find decide to trust Yesha in the end
(12/12 01:40:16) Pa'lua: We must help Phil and Doug spread the word.
(12/12 01:40:18) Thanakar: 'hrm..phil has become a stature
(12/12 01:40:23) Thanakar: statue
(12/12 01:40:30) Dan'ni: we all have to talk to them and spread the word!
(12/12 01:40:30) TheEggplant: hmmm
(12/12 01:40:44) kami: how come doug dose not lag
(12/12 01:40:54) Pa'lua: He does...
(12/12 01:41:20) Dan'ni: Victor is still in one of the hoods...
(12/12 01:41:26) Dan'ni: I bet he visited the Guild of Greeters hood
(12/12 01:41:27) Pa'lua: So is there anything specifically we should do Phil?
(12/12 01:41:30) Thanakar: that way
(12/12 01:41:31) Dan'ni: there wee lots of people there
(12/12 01:41:34) LaReh: jump
(12/12 01:41:44) Guivin: Hey, does anyone here know where to find the island page for your Relto?
(12/12 01:42:09) Douglas Sharper: Quite a place.
(12/12 01:42:14) sobeone: sweet
(12/12 01:42:24) Douglas Sharper: I have been to a lot of places in the world and nothing compares.
(12/12 01:42:26) Dan'ni: Phil, the pages are gone again... perhaps you could make them repapear? It'd definatelly please the new explorers
(12/12 01:42:48) Thanakar: eh kami?
(12/12 01:42:52) Pa'lua: Yes, it needs to be nurtured and cared for.
(12/12 01:43:12) LaReh: Not "ruled"
(12/12 01:43:17) Douglas Sharper: But at the same time, not hoarded by the few.
(12/12 01:43:19) kami: i'm kinda of a smart alec
(12/12 01:43:31) Douglas Sharper: Yes LaReh
(12/12 01:43:35) Douglas Sharper: Exactly.
(12/12 01:43:37) Thanakar: shared with all who wish to explore it
(12/12 01:43:40) Dan'ni: It's a beautiful place... it'd be a shame if it fell again...
(12/12 01:43:41) Douglas Sharper: Yes!
(12/12 01:43:54) Dan'ni: we cannot let that happen...
(12/12 01:44:03) Dan'ni: we cannot let DRC make the same mistakes D'ni did
(12/12 01:44:07) Douglas Sharper: We must not let that happen.
(12/12 01:44:13) Thanakar: yes, I got a taste of the DRC's control method the very first night hwen talking to Kodoma
(12/12 01:44:16) Brian Fioca: so we must gather more followers, I"m afraid the DRC are doing just that as we speak
(12/12 01:44:26) Douglas Sharper: What did he say?
(12/12 01:44:28) Pa'lua: Thank is something I learned about IMForeman....he was one of the very few explorers that the DRC let in and I don't think he likes the rest of us being here.
(12/12 01:44:30) Tweek: would anyone complain if I put green food colouring in the lake?
(12/12 01:44:42) Thanakar: he said the DRC currently controls the link books so we have to play by their rules
(12/12 01:44:46) Douglas Sharper: In time you may be able to Tweek
(12/12 01:44:50) Thanakar: I liked the word 'currently'
(12/12 01:44:55) kami: lol
(12/12 01:44:59) TheEggplant: Green water is not pretty to look at though.
(12/12 01:44:59) Tweek: Doug> spiffy ^_^.gif
(12/12 01:45:12) Dan'ni: DRC doesn't control them... Yeesha can do anythig she wants
(12/12 01:45:14) Dan'ni: I believe in her
(12/12 01:45:17) Tweek: it wouldnt be'll be yukky brown
(12/12 01:45:24) Dan'ni: and I believe that she won't let the DRC hold the Ages from us
(12/12 01:45:27) Douglas Sharper: There is a Silo in the cavern. You'll be surprised at what you can do there.
(12/12 01:45:33) Thanakar: 'ooooo!
(12/12 01:45:37) Thanakar: nice
(12/12 01:45:41) Thanakar: Silo...
(12/12 01:45:47) kami: silo?
(12/12 01:45:48) Pa'lua: Do you know when we'll have access?
(12/12 01:45:50) Dan'ni: interesting... anoher secret of the DRC?
(12/12 01:45:54) MrM3FaN: Thats would be cool to go and see
(12/12 01:46:14) Douglas Sharper: Another piece of information they do not share.
(12/12 01:46:24) TheEggplant: where is the silo?
(12/12 01:46:27) Thanakar: lots of stuff inthe cavern they don't share
(12/12 01:46:29) Dan'ni: they just take without giving anything back..
(12/12 01:46:38) Pa'lua: The do not share much of anything.
(12/12 01:46:39) Douglas Sharper: Uran District, I believe.
(12/12 01:46:44) Douglas Sharper: I don't remember.
(12/12 01:46:57) Tweek: D'ni is vast...and they know alot...but I doubt Kodama's proposal will release as much info as they have..
(12/12 01:46:58) Thanakar: they seem to have a finder's keeper's mentality
(12/12 01:46:58) Douglas Sharper: An industrial district. There has been work there.
(12/12 01:47:17) Dan'ni: Doug - did the DRC ry to contact you after you took the Journey?
(12/12 01:47:24) Tweek: I have seen photos from the industrial district
(12/12 01:47:27) Dan'ni: ah - The Industrial Complex
(12/12 01:47:28) Douglas Sharper: Even if it would, they don't listen to Kodama even. One of their own.
(12/12 01:47:37) Pa'lua: Is that the light we can see at the end of the tunnel in the courtyard?
(12/12 01:47:38) Douglas Sharper: His proposal is never talked about.
(12/12 01:47:50) Tweek: Kodama should join us
(12/12 01:47:56) Dan'ni: yes!
(12/12 01:48:04) Dan'ni: We should reach Kodama - tell him to join us!
(12/12 01:48:19) Thanakar: that woudl be interesting
(12/12 01:48:20) Tweek: Watson would be the hardest
(12/12 01:48:20) Dan'ni: we'd then show the DRC that their time is over
(12/12 01:48:28) Thanakar: convincing him to take the journey
(12/12 01:48:35) Dan'ni: I bet it's Watson who's controlling everything
(12/12 01:48:45) Tweek: the DRC doesnt need to be over...just changed
(12/12 01:48:49) LaReh: Mr. Laxman is here
(12/12 01:48:58) Thanakar: Hello Victor
(12/12 01:49:01) Douglas Sharper: Interesting.
(12/12 01:49:03) Dan'ni: Hello Victor
(12/12 01:49:12) Tweek: Hello Mr Laxman
(12/12 01:49:15) MrM3FaN: Hi Victor
(12/12 01:49:16) kami: hey victor
(12/12 01:49:21) Christoph05: Hi Victor
(12/12 01:49:25) Douglas Sharper: Mr. Laxman decided to meet the people huh?
(12/12 01:49:25) Cyman: So there was a shirt. How did she know i like black smile.gif
(12/12 01:49:43) Victor Laxman: hello everyone
(12/12 01:49:54) Tweek: Hey I like your top Mr Laxman
(12/12 01:50:03) Brian Fioca: do you have news about when the rest of the city will be open?
(12/12 01:50:06) Cyman: Hi
(12/12 01:50:10) Dan'ni: Nice to meet you Mr. Laxman - we've never met yet
(12/12 01:50:38) Thanakar: and what do we ow hte pleasure of this visit to?
(12/12 01:51:11) Dan'ni: perhaps you'd like to join us?
(12/12 01:51:11) Brian Fioca: phil, the DRC members have been busy lately, no? you haven't been around
(12/12 01:51:12) Pa'lua: Hello Mr. Laxman.
(12/12 01:51:12) Thanakar: hrm..there's a firefly circlign that light
(12/12 01:51:14) Victor Laxman: I've been visiting neighborhoods - guaging interest in apossible restoration project in the city
(12/12 01:51:15) Brian Fioca: oops
(12/12 01:51:18) Brian Fioca: victor i mean
(12/12 01:51:20) Brian Fioca: haha
(12/12 01:51:27) Victor Laxman: have I interruptede something?
(12/12 01:51:32) Thanakar: nope
(12/12 01:51:33) Brian Fioca: not at all
(12/12 01:51:38) Brian Fioca: what sort of restoration project?
(12/12 01:51:41) Pa'lua: What sort of restoration project?
(12/12 01:51:52) Tweek: Victor> Yes we were about to start the 2003 D'ni tiddly winks champeonships
(12/12 01:51:58) Thanakar: like fixingthe cracks in the floors?
(12/12 01:52:10) Pa'lua: LOL @ Tweek.
(12/12 01:52:15) Tweek: hmm note to self start d'ni tiddly winks championship
(12/12 01:52:22) Victor Laxman: Odd for Mr. Sharper to disappear wihtout a word
(12/12 01:52:22) Dan'ni: they left......
(12/12 01:52:25) Thanakar: aren't your feet cold Eltheras?
(12/12 01:52:31) Victor Laxman: and was that Phil I saw?
(12/12 01:52:36) Tweek: Yes
(12/12 01:52:39) Brian Fioca: no
(12/12 01:52:43) Thanakar: maybe?
(12/12 01:52:44) Christoph05: maybe so
(12/12 01:52:46) Dan'ni: it was Mr. Anderson
(12/12 01:52:46) Eltheras: not really, i like the feel of stone on my toes smile.gif
(12/12 01:52:46) Brian Fioca: different phil
(12/12 01:52:51) Dan'ni: Not Mr. Henderson
(12/12 01:52:56) Brian Fioca: yes
(12/12 01:52:57) Christoph05: lol@Dan'ni
(12/12 01:52:58) Dan'ni: It was Phil Anderson yeah
(12/12 01:52:59) Jensen: Douglas is in his relto age
(12/12 01:53:01) Victor Laxman: it's a tiddly winks table for Explorer Tweek
(12/12 01:53:08) Jensen: how did he get a relto book?
(12/12 01:53:17) Victor Laxman: I see
(12/12 01:53:18) Tweek: Oo
(12/12 01:53:30) Jensen: Phend is in a relto also
(12/12 01:53:38) LaReh: They are always interesting to speak with
(12/12 01:53:45) Thanakar: dang..adn we thought you came here to visit us!
(12/12 01:53:49) Christoph05: So back to the topic, what is the project Victor?
(12/12 01:53:52) Brian Fioca: so, the restoration?
(12/12 01:53:52) Victor Laxman: well I'm sorry to intrude - I'm getting the feeling this isn't the crowd that would be interested
(12/12 01:53:56) Victor Laxman: sorry to bother
(12/12 01:54:02) Thanakar: now wait
(12/12 01:54:06) Brian Fioca: Victor!
(12/12 01:54:07) TheEggplant: that didn't seem very nice
(12/12 01:54:08) Brian Fioca: wait
(12/12 01:54:10) Christoph05: At least tell us what the project is Victor!
(12/12 01:54:11) Thanakar: anything that imprvoes D'ni would interest us
(12/12 01:54:12) Brian Fioca: have you taken the journey?
(12/12 01:54:12) Dan'ni: you're not interrupting - we're very interested to hear what you have to say
(12/12 01:54:14) Jensen: I know... all these journey shirts!
(12/12 01:54:17) Quintin: Im interested
(12/12 01:54:23) Brian Fioca: victor?
(12/12 01:54:27) Brian Fioca: have you?
(12/12 01:54:42) Brian Fioca: answer the question
(12/12 01:54:48) Jensen: I have a log of what he said in the last age
(12/12 01:54:51) TheEggplant: why won't you tell anyone?
(12/12 01:55:00) Christoph05: Victor, do tell us what you have in mind!
(12/12 01:55:08) Jensen: .... er.... hood
(12/12 01:55:09) Brian Fioca: have you taken the journey, victor?
(12/12 01:55:20) TheEggplant: "There is no ignorance. There is knowledge."
(12/12 01:55:22) Jensen: haha!
(12/12 01:55:26) Quintin: Let us know more about you , Mr. Laxman.
(12/12 01:55:28) Jensen: no book
(12/12 01:55:30) Brian Fioca: why won't you answer
(12/12 01:55:33) TheEggplant: Please...
(12/12 01:55:38) Christoph05: I don't see a book there victore, you are stuck here!
(12/12 01:55:55) Brian Fioca: whis have you been gone so long anyway
(12/12 01:56:00) Victor Laxman: My apologies - it's been a very busy time for us - and I have much to get back to. If you're interested in the resoration,
(12/12 01:56:00) Brian Fioca: it's been weeks
(12/12 01:56:03) Dan'ni: So please tell us more Victor.
(12/12 01:56:05) MrM3FaN: Of course on of use might be willing to get you to the Nexus
(12/12 01:56:07) Brian Fioca: busy doing what?
(12/12 01:56:09) Victor Laxman: I was just describing a possibility to the guild of greeters
(12/12 01:56:11) Brian Fioca: just curious
(12/12 01:56:23) Victor Laxman: perhaps they can fill you in
(12/12 01:56:34) Pa'lua: What possibility is that Victor?
(12/12 01:56:34) Christoph05: Well I am a greeter, I couldn't get to our hood
(12/12 01:56:36) Brian Fioca: why don't you? while your here...
(12/12 01:56:40) Brian Fioca: you're
(12/12 01:56:41) Christoph05: I would rather hear from the source
(12/12 01:56:49) Dan'ni: I see - so you think we're not worthy or important enough to twell us this in person?
(12/12 01:56:58) Jensen: do you need a link so you can get back to the nexus?
(12/12 01:57:02) Brian Fioca: you've been gone long enough to have been.... on a journey
(12/12 01:57:09) Quintin: It is our pleasure to have you with us.
(12/12 01:57:09) Brian Fioca: just a coincidence?
(12/12 01:57:38) Brian Fioca: been anywhere interesting lately smile.gif
(12/12 01:57:51) Christoph05: Would you like a book to help you get back to wherever you need be Victor?
(12/12 01:58:05) sobeone: can victor sleep standing up?
(12/12 01:58:10) Dan'ni: lol
(12/12 01:58:21) Brian Fioca: hmmm, well, I've been places myself
(12/12 01:58:22) Victor Laxman: it's not that at all Dan'ni - it's just that it's plain to see where your interests lie
(12/12 01:58:31) Thanakar: I see his nexus link book
(12/12 01:58:38) Deg: I'm just glad the ID glitch is gone.
(12/12 01:58:39) Jensen: all the Yeesha shirts?
(12/12 01:58:43) Quintin: three cheers fo Mr Laxman.
(12/12 01:58:49) Solaris cheers
(12/12 01:58:53) Dan'ni: Victor - well we are willing to listen
(12/12 01:58:53) Christoph05 cheers
(12/12 01:58:56) Victor Laxman: oh the nexus book is easily corrected - I have one hear somewhere...
(12/12 01:58:57) sobeone: sheesh, I guess I came to the wrong hood sad.gif
(12/12 01:59:00) Dan'ni: DRC is never willing to listen to us
(12/12 01:59:01) Solaris: we will listen
(12/12 01:59:01) Thanakar: Victor, if its the restoration of D'ni, then its of interest ot an one where
(12/12 01:59:01) Brian Fioca: victor
(12/12 01:59:13) Christoph05: take mine victor
(12/12 01:59:17) Brian Fioca: why won't you tell us where you have been?
(12/12 01:59:19) Dan'ni: but we are willing to listen to both sides... whatchoice we make is our decision
(12/12 01:59:26) Brian Fioca: we're all just curious
(12/12 01:59:30) Brian Fioca: we were worried about you
(12/12 01:59:34) Solaris: please speak
(12/12 01:59:39) Victor Laxman: I've been working on an area of Ae'gura that is not yet open Mr. Fioca
(12/12 01:59:42) Thanakar: do re me fa SI LO ti do
(12/12 01:59:51) Brian Fioca: hmmm, which one?
(12/12 01:59:53) Pa'lua: Mr. Laxman, none of us are necessarily against the DRC.
(12/12 02:00:16) Eltheras: Some here are still undecided, would you risk alienating us?
(12/12 02:00:22) Brian Fioca: what phase is it in, almost done?
(12/12 02:00:38) Christoph05: I have always voiced my intrest in helping the DRC to restore areas
(12/12 02:00:38) Victor Laxman: please understand that we can tear ourselves away from these things so seldom - that when we get a chance to visit and are constantly harangued by tactless questions and veiled accusations....
(12/12 02:00:50) Quintin: This is true alot of us here are not necessarily against the DRC.
(12/12 02:00:54) Brian Fioca: i didn't mean to imply anything
(12/12 02:01:00) TheEggplant: He makes a good point
(12/12 02:01:07) Victor Laxman: ah there's that book
(12/12 02:01:08) Brian Fioca: i'm sure all of us are simplly concerned with how the restoration is going
(12/12 02:01:20) LaReh: Then tell us about the Silo
(12/12 02:01:23) Thanakar: whgo is implying what? YOu implied none of us would be interested in a restoration project just by the shirt we wear
(12/12 02:01:34) Pa'lua: We are just trying to understand all that has happened.
(12/12 02:01:35) Jensen: the book is back
(12/12 02:01:40) TheEggplant: Everyone does seem to jump on everybody else.
(12/12 02:01:47) Jensen: I didn't even see it appear... haha
(12/12 02:01:56) Pa'lua: I did
(12/12 02:02:02) Tweek: Egg> yeah sorry about that didnt see you at the bottom of those stairs wink.gif
(12/12 02:02:12) Victor Laxman: in any case - it invovles the Great Zero
(12/12 02:02:23) LaReh: Excellent
(12/12 02:02:26) Pa'lua: Yes, Marie spoke of that the other day.
(12/12 02:02:30) Tweek: interesting
(12/12 02:02:36) Victor Laxman: I believe I've devised a way to involve interested explorers in its restorarion
(12/12 02:02:39) Thanakar: is the great zero near the arch?
(12/12 02:02:39) MrM3FaN: Sound important
(12/12 02:02:47) Dan'ni: cool! We've seen some tshots from the Great Zero - it looks great
(12/12 02:02:57) Christoph05: I have always spoken that I would like to help
(12/12 02:02:59) LaReh: You will find many volunteers I'm sure
(12/12 02:03:02) From Thanakar: where? I';ve not seen those yet
(12/12 02:03:02) Quintin: It is at he top of the gallery, no?
(12/12 02:03:05) Tweek: The great Zero is towards the Guild Hall and up I believe
(12/12 02:03:14) Victor Laxman: it's a massive project. perhaps I can persuade the council to post some images from the site
(12/12 02:03:19) To Eltheras: watch the URULive preview
(12/12 02:03:21) Victor Laxman: that's correct Tweek
(12/12 02:03:32) Tweek: Mr Laxman> That would be great.
(12/12 02:03:35) Thanakar: 1 point for tweek ;p
(12/12 02:03:48) Tweek: aww shucks..
(12/12 02:03:49) LaReh: We are here and willing to help
(12/12 02:03:50) Thanakar: what all woudl be invovled in its restoration?
(12/12 02:03:59) MrM3FaN: And the restoration of the Great Zero..what purpose dose it have?
(12/12 02:03:59) Victor Laxman: I've only begun to talk with the council about recruiting help and I'm here today just guaging interest in that sort of thing
(12/12 02:04:10) Victor Laxman: it's not a new Age and many are here interested only in those I'm afradi
(12/12 02:04:11) Solaris: I am interested
(12/12 02:04:19) kami: uhmmm what would begreat is if we could participate
(12/12 02:04:22) Victor Laxman: at least that's how it seems from the questions I receiev
(12/12 02:04:31) Quintin: We appreciate your candor with us on the Great Zero
(12/12 02:04:34) Tweek: Tweeks just interested in I said all along
(12/12 02:04:37) Victor Laxman: that's precisely what I'm proposing kmai
(12/12 02:04:39) Victor Laxman: kami
(12/12 02:04:40) Dan'ni: I would be interested too
(12/12 02:04:40) Pa'lua: Many are interested in the restoration of D"ni.
(12/12 02:04:41) Jensen (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/12 02:04:41) Deg: I would be interested to help with the Restoration.
(12/12 02:04:44) From Thanakar: recruiting..I wonder if it woudl invovle a commitment to the DRC
(12/12 02:04:49) Dan'ni: I'm very inteeested in getting to know both sides
(12/12 02:05:00) kami: well im in
(12/12 02:05:06) MrM3FaN: New ages is not what most seek just the opportunity for further exporation..might just be my opinion though
(12/12 02:05:08) Victor Laxman: i truly wish we did not have to speak of sides at all
(12/12 02:05:15) Cyman: I would help you sir mr Laxman
(12/12 02:05:24) Dan'ni: Well I don't like the sides stuff too
(12/12 02:05:32) Dan'ni: but it's happening and there's nothing we can do about it
(12/12 02:05:34) sobeone: I agree Victor
(12/12 02:05:35) Thanakar: True Fan...whether it be a new age, or parts of existing ages not open really doesn't matter
(12/12 02:05:36) Quintin: two /cheers for Mr Laxman
(12/12 02:05:39) Pa'lua: No, I would like to be able to work together.
(12/12 02:05:45) Tweek: I seek more history...I been studing D'ni for the last 6 years and I have bairly scratched the surface..
(12/12 02:05:48) Dan'ni: Don't get me wrong Victo - I have nothing against you or Marie or anyone from the DRC...
(12/12 02:05:54) Quintin: I agree and that is what Engberg has told us.
(12/12 02:05:56) kami: happy dance for victor
(12/12 02:06:04) Dan'ni: I just don't like the DRCs methods... DRC as an organisation
(12/12 02:06:27) sobeone: what have they done wrong?
(12/12 02:06:40) Dan'ni: perhaps I don't like the whole secrecy stuff
(12/12 02:06:40) Tweek: Dan> If I make the D'ni Jazz CLub into an organization will you dislike it to?
(12/12 02:06:47) Pa'lua: Yes, we'd just like to have more information than what has been forthcoming.
(12/12 02:06:51) Dan'ni: and contolling what we do where we go, etc.
(12/12 02:06:57) Deg: I don't see what's wrong with their "methods". They are doing the best they can.
(12/12 02:07:03) Quintin: Yes, they are just like any great establishment . They have rules, what wrong with that.
(12/12 02:07:11) Solaris: Will working on the Great Zero involve our KI's or something else?
(12/12 02:07:11) Victor Laxman: it's a fact of life - when a romantic tries and fails, he is awarded and loved - when a pragmatisit tries and succeeds he is despised
(12/12 02:07:12) TheEggplant: We need them.
(12/12 02:07:13) From Thanakar: hrm...this is strange...DRC trying ot be the nice what we did fory ou, we aren't all that bad are we....
(12/12 02:07:16) sobeone: what if it is all in the name of safety?
(12/12 02:07:23) TheEggplant: and they need us.
(12/12 02:07:28) Victor Laxman: It will Solaris
(12/12 02:07:29) Cyman: I guess the question is what is the DRC plans are , The DRC have invited me down and i will follow there rulz what choice do we have
(12/12 02:07:30) Deg: Danni, that's just because they are focusing on their work instead of PR of keeping 1000 of people up to date.
(12/12 02:07:43) Tweek: interesting...yes yes
(12/12 02:07:55) Dan'ni: Deg - maybe they should?
(12/12 02:07:59) LaReh: Victor> WIll the KI be improved soon?
(12/12 02:08:00) Victor Laxman: I'm sorry this discussion began so roughly
(12/12 02:08:01) Thanakar: not much choice at all Cyman as long as teh DRC controls the link books
(12/12 02:08:01) Dan'ni: at least once a week
(12/12 02:08:12) Dan'ni: post something about the restoratin - post something, reveal something
(12/12 02:08:24) Dan'ni: anything
(12/12 02:08:35) Victor Laxman: we have many improvements in mind for the KI - as to when...I'm not very good at predictions of that sort
(12/12 02:08:43) Dan'ni: so far there're only screts and silence...
(12/12 02:08:45) TheEggplant: have patience
(12/12 02:08:46) Pa'lua: Many great relationships have started roughly, Mr Laxman.
(12/12 02:08:53) Deg: I would volunteer to help the DRC with that. Some sort of link between the explorers and the DRC so info can flow easier.
(12/12 02:09:16) Solaris: What kind of improvements?
(12/12 02:09:18) Callista: aeh.. hi
(12/12 02:09:19) Callista: aeh.. hi
(12/12 02:09:21) Callista: aeh.. hi
(12/12 02:09:22) Tweek: Pa'lua> thats and my pet cactus started out badly...he kept stinging me everytime I hugged him...
(12/12 02:09:24) Deg: Danni, but shouldnt restoration be more infortant than information
(12/12 02:09:25) Callista: aeh.. hi
(12/12 02:09:25) Thanakar: will we able to finally use KI mail?
(12/12 02:09:27) Dan'ni: I am also willing to help the DRC... simple reason - seeing how they work from the inside will allow me to learn more about wh they really are
(12/12 02:09:33) Callista: aeh.. hi
(12/12 02:09:40) Dan'ni: Deg - I think both should be balanced
(12/12 02:09:42) Jensen yawns
(12/12 02:09:46) Dan'ni: one cannot exist without the other
(12/12 02:10:01) Victor Laxman: mostly suggestions from explorers like yourselves - things to make chatting easier
(12/12 02:10:11) Pa'lua: The point is that each party in the relationship has to put forth effort to make it work.
(12/12 02:10:24) Callista: what are u doing here?
(12/12 02:10:25) Callista: what are u doing here?
(12/12 02:10:27) Callista: what are u doing here?
(12/12 02:10:31) Callista: what are u doing here?
(12/12 02:10:34) Solaris: How is that tied in with the Great Zero?
(12/12 02:10:39) Callista: what are u doing here?
(12/12 02:10:40) Solaris: or is it?
(12/12 02:10:42) Dan'ni: Pa'lua is right - you cannot expect us tobe with th DRC if the DRC doesn't open itself to us
(12/12 02:10:43) Cyman: Chatting with Mr Laxman Callista
(12/12 02:10:46) Pa'lua: I can't not be a one-sided relationship.
(12/12 02:10:49) Victor Laxman: Callista seems to have a malfunction
(12/12 02:10:53) Tweek: A DRC bulletin should be passed around waring all of my sense of humor...people have taken offense to it...
(12/12 02:11:11) Tweek: Mr Laxman> yes thats been happening a lot recently
(12/12 02:11:17) sobeone: Out of curiosity, did the DRC ever test some of the suits that were found in Gahreson (sp?) ?
(12/12 02:11:30) Quintin: Yes that happens often, Mr. Laxman.
(12/12 02:11:38) LaReh: Over-cautiousness breeds suspicion, honesty is always the best policy
(12/12 02:11:38) Tweek: I'd love to wear one of them suits...muhaha
(12/12 02:11:42) Victor Laxman: it's interesting you ask that sobeone
(12/12 02:11:58) Victor Laxman: that might can be arranged Tweek
(12/12 02:12:06) Victor Laxman: we have many exciting things coming
(12/12 02:12:16) Tweek: lovely
(12/12 02:12:32) sobeone: what were the benifits of the suit?
(12/12 02:12:41) Victor Laxman: your patience is critical at this time...I wish I could say more - I know our silence doesn't help our position
(12/12 02:13:01) sobeone: I know you dont want to get our hopes up smile.gif
(12/12 02:13:09) Solaris: Will the Great Zero pinpoint the exaxt location of someone so we can link to them somehow?
(12/12 02:13:12) Thanakar: yes..the silence is had to bear at times
(12/12 02:13:18) Tweek: I think just the old word to the explorers would help alot Mr Laxman
(12/12 02:13:28) Pa'lua: The lack of information is difficult to deal with.
(12/12 02:13:39) kami: might there be a little something more victor......
(12/12 02:13:47) Victor Laxman: the Great Zero is critical in all the city's technologies that utilize coordinate systems
(12/12 02:13:50) Tweek: *odd even
(12/12 02:13:57) Dan'ni: how big is The Great Zero?
(12/12 02:14:03) Victor Laxman: we won't know everything it effects I'm afraid until we ...turn it on
(12/12 02:14:04) Cyman: LIke a tracking devise of some sort
(12/12 02:14:05) Thanakar: critical to teh link books themselves tehn?
(12/12 02:14:06) Dan'ni: it looks huge from what I have seen so far
(12/12 02:14:10) Victor Laxman: with all of your help I hope
(12/12 02:14:28) Pa'lua: We will help if we can.
(12/12 02:14:34) kami: yes ......when can we help
(12/12 02:14:37) Eltheras: How do we begin?
(12/12 02:14:37) LaReh: We are always willing to help
(12/12 02:14:38) Dan'ni: If oyu let us help...
(12/12 02:14:40) Christoph05: Here, here
(12/12 02:14:48) Dan'ni: If you only let us help....
(12/12 02:14:50) Tweek: Dan> I dont dunno how you could size up the Great Zero...I know its a temple on top of Ae'gura apparently
(12/12 02:14:53) Cyman cheers
(12/12 02:15:01) Thanakar: and if it doesn't require me to change shirts...
(12/12 02:15:03) Deg: Victor, How can we help? What specific things can we do to assist the DRC?
(12/12 02:15:06) Victor Laxman: we begin by me convincing the council to let me enlist your help
(12/12 02:15:11) Tweek: Well I'd be happy to help in any way I can Mr Laxman
(12/12 02:15:32) kami: politics eh?
(12/12 02:15:39) Eltheras: Is there any chance we may sit in on a council meeting in the future?
(12/12 02:15:46) Pa'lua: How difficult do you feel this will be Mr. Laxman?
(12/12 02:15:52) Victor Laxman: If you see other council members, express to them your willingness to assist
(12/12 02:16:07) Dan'ni: I only hope they will listen
(12/12 02:16:12) Christoph05: I feel when I have, it has fallen upon deaf ears victor
(12/12 02:16:13) MrM3FaN: Sounds good to me
(12/12 02:16:22) Tweek: I have only seen yourself Mr Engberg and Dr Sutherland since I first came down here
(12/12 02:16:25) Thanakar: would they be willing to listen to us more if we weren't wearing the shirt?
(12/12 02:16:42) Dan'ni: Thanakar> being with Yeesha doesn't mean being against the DRC
(12/12 02:16:51) Victor Laxman: well, the shirt can be a barrier to some
(12/12 02:17:00) MrM3FaN: Yes are we just being casted aside because of the shirt we wear?
(12/12 02:17:02) Christoph05: It is a shirt, and nothing more
(12/12 02:17:02) Pa'lua: No, and the DRC need to realize this.
(12/12 02:17:03) kami: oh geeeezzzzz i gotta change again
(12/12 02:17:12) Dan'ni: well then perhaps the DRc should take the Journey too to understand why so many war the shirts?
(12/12 02:17:17) Thanakar: To some it IS a barrier Tweek
(12/12 02:17:19) Deg: Not of the shirt, but of what it represents
(12/12 02:17:26) Tweek: Well with the typical english weather we've been having apparently I should really wear a coat
(12/12 02:17:27) Dan'ni: because how can you restore D'ni if you don't know everything?
(12/12 02:17:29) Callista: Do i seem to be the only one who can talk??
(12/12 02:17:30) Callista: Do i seem to be the only one who can talk??
(12/12 02:17:32) Callista: Do i seem to be the only one who can talk??
(12/12 02:17:36) Callista: Do i seem to be the only one who can talk??
(12/12 02:17:36) Victor Laxman: not castes aside MrM3
(12/12 02:17:39) Christoph05: The shirt is a gift, that is why I will choose to wear it
(12/12 02:17:44) Callista: Do i seem to be the only one who can talk??
(12/12 02:17:53) Thanakar: Victor is here Snert
(12/12 02:17:58) Solaris: I noticed to docks in out realto pages. Will the Great Zero be used to nagivage some sort of airship?
(12/12 02:18:27) Cyman: I have not seen the docks
(12/12 02:18:29) Tweek: Airship? hmm interesting
(12/12 02:18:37) LaReh: Don't judge a book bu it's cover
(12/12 02:18:49) Tweek: I have a dock in my RElto...I have a link to it if you want it Cyman
(12/12 02:18:58) Victor Laxman: I honestly am not certain why a philosophy is dividing the explorers so - but again, I'm an engineer through and through - I'm much more at home with my projects - and any who are interested in those sorts of things I will endeavor to include
(12/12 02:19:15) Thanakar: Jenu...we all hear you
(12/12 02:19:26) Dan'ni: well I am an IT student so I love all the IT stuff...
(12/12 02:19:36) Dan'ni: and the technological things
(12/12 02:19:43) Cyman waves
(12/12 02:19:46) Thanakar: Victor..will you allow us to help you adn allow us to wear our gift?
(12/12 02:19:50) Dan'ni: that is..when I'm on the surface...
(12/12 02:20:08) Pa'lua: No, just as we should not judge someone for the color of their skin, we should not judge by the clothing we wear.
(12/12 02:20:20) Dan'ni: bingo Pa'lua!
(12/12 02:20:21) Deg: Victor, please do yourbest to convience the Council that we can help.
(12/12 02:20:24) Dan'ni claps his hands
(12/12 02:20:31) LaReh: Well said Paula
(12/12 02:20:33) Deg: but the tshirt represents an idea
(12/12 02:20:36) LaReh claps his hands
(12/12 02:20:39) kami: thank you paula
(12/12 02:20:41) Deg: they are judge against the idea, not the shirt
(12/12 02:20:42) Victor Laxman: of course Thanakar, but it does make the political aspects of my job harder
(12/12 02:20:44) sobeone: except you can change your shirt smile.gif
(12/12 02:20:45) Snerticus: t-shirt?
(12/12 02:21:08) Dan'ni: there're so many people here... from different cultures sociaties... and they all work togther
(12/12 02:21:08) Thanakar: I think you should take the journey we took..its very enlightening
(12/12 02:21:10) Dan'ni: they're all together
(12/12 02:21:28) Kehrin: I found I had more questions after the journey.
(12/12 02:21:30) Dan'ni: why should the whole side stuff divide us now?
(12/12 02:21:31) Pa'lua: Yes, but I should be judged for myself and my abilities.
(12/12 02:21:47) Tweek: Thanakar> I agree..
(12/12 02:21:59) Victor Laxman: I'm not much of a soul searcher I'm afraid - give me a wrench some bottled lightning - that's all the philosophy I need
(12/12 02:22:18) Thanakar: how bout some bottled white lightening
(12/12 02:22:21) Dan'ni: *gives Victor a wrench*
(12/12 02:22:25) Kehrin: A practical man. I can appreciate that.
(12/12 02:22:27) Deg: My philosophy is CAD programs
(12/12 02:22:36) Dan'ni: wink.gif
(12/12 02:22:55) Thanakar: as an engineer then, do the strange reflections in the clocks bother your sense of order?
(12/12 02:23:35) LaReh: Will there be any timetable on the Great Zero team?
(12/12 02:23:37) Victor Laxman: well I'll see what I can do with the council in regard to opening up this project - its clear despite the ideological differences that we all have some common ground eh?
(12/12 02:23:49) Thanakar: yes..the restoration of D'ni
(12/12 02:23:51) Dan'ni: yepsies
(12/12 02:23:54) Eltheras: Agreed Victor
(12/12 02:23:58) Kehrin: Yes! And many of us would love to help.
(12/12 02:23:58) Deg: agreed
(12/12 02:23:59) MrM3FaN: Yes
(12/12 02:24:01) sobeone: indeed
(12/12 02:24:03) kami: yes
(12/12 02:24:04) Christoph05: I'm with the purpouse
(12/12 02:24:08) Pa'lua: Yes, we do have common ground.
(12/12 02:24:28) Victor Laxman: thanks everyone - be safe!