Reference:2003-12-15 The DRC takes custody of Phil Henderson

From Guild of Archivists

(12/16 00:08:44) phend: up high
(12/16 00:08:44) Domahreh: cool
(12/16 00:08:45) Domahreh: Rudenna?
(12/16 00:08:56) Domahreh: Is that where you are?
(12/16 00:10:25) Domahreh: I can't see anyone from the courtyard floor...
(12/16 00:10:29) The Psion: I'll catch everyone later, have a lovely night
(12/16 00:10:37) Daedalus: can you tell us where you are, phil?
(12/16 00:11:04) Brian Fioca: near the bridge?
(12/16 00:12:09) phend: no, up higher
(12/16 00:12:29) Domahreh: Phil, are you in the bahro cave? The one that overlooks the great lake?
(12/16 00:12:48) phend: bye Douglas
(12/16 00:12:54) Brian Fioca: Phil, the way is blocked, i think
(12/16 00:13:10) phend: you can't come here
(12/16 00:13:28) Domahreh: How did you get there, if we can't come?
(12/16 00:13:44) phend: it's difficult
(12/16 00:14:08) Domahreh: the journey to where you are is difficult?
(12/16 00:14:14) phend: but it's amazing
(12/16 00:14:27) Domahreh: Is Doug there with you, Phil?
(12/16 00:14:28) Daedalus: can you clear a path for us phil?
(12/16 00:14:58) Domahreh: (poor guy getting barraged with questions... )
(12/16 00:15:16) phend: the Great King was buried here
(12/16 00:15:55) phend: the Great King was buried here
(12/16 00:16:01) Domahreh: The temple!
(12/16 00:16:05) Pa'lua: Phil, do you have a message from Yeesha?
(12/16 00:16:29) Domahreh: and that's where the great zero is, isn't it?
(12/16 00:17:00) Daedalus: the Guild house?
(12/16 00:17:19) Domahreh: Oh, that might be it... He did establish the guild system...
(12/16 00:17:20) phend: this is good - this place
(12/16 00:17:28) plinthon: "this is starting to resemble cult behavior Mulder!"
(12/16 00:17:34) phend: yes
(12/16 00:17:43) Domahreh: The Guild House, Phil?
(12/16 00:18:08) Pa'lua: Phil, when will be able to see the Guild house?
(12/16 00:18:38) plinthon: "the voice from above spoke to me scully!"
(12/16 00:18:46) phend: i only am standing here - beneath it
(12/16 00:19:00) Domahreh: Engberg's here!
(12/16 00:19:21) Pa'lua: Phil, are you in the Hall of Kings?
(12/16 00:20:51) phend: no - i am up beneath the guild hall
(12/16 00:21:14) Tutelary: Which is the guild hall?
(12/16 00:21:24) an'nie: where is the guild hall??
(12/16 00:21:29) phend: it is the place of the king - his tomb
(12/16 00:21:38) Domahreh: Anyone have the Dakota notebooks memorized/handy?
(12/16 00:21:42) Tutelary: Top, bottom?
(12/16 00:21:47) an'nie: please help us Phil we want to see you
(12/16 00:21:55) Domahreh: The guild hall was built on top of the tomb
(12/16 00:22:19) theGreatTree: the round building that has the front covered and blocked off?
(12/16 00:22:21) Domahreh: so if he's in the tomb, he's beneath the guild hall, but still above us on the courtyard...
(12/16 00:22:24) phend: he will return
(12/16 00:22:32) Domahreh: Who? The Great King?
(12/16 00:22:54) Daedalus: who... the king?
(12/16 00:23:03) Pa'lua: Which king will return Phil?
(12/16 00:23:05) Tutelary: Where is the tomb?
(12/16 00:23:35) plinthon: Elvis?
(12/16 00:23:35) Domahreh: That's preposterous, it flies in the face of millenia of D'ni culture...
(12/16 00:23:39) Jeff K.: IIRC, The tomb of the Great King is where the Terahnee book was stored.
(12/16 00:23:50) plinthon: Brian will be happy if ELvis returns
(12/16 00:23:51) phend: Douglas should return to see this - where did he go?
(12/16 00:24:06) Jeff K.: According to the stories of Atrus.
(12/16 00:24:07) Domahreh: (I thought that was in the tomb of Ahlsendar?)
(12/16 00:24:16) Jeff K.: He was the Great King.
(12/16 00:24:25) Domahreh: No, Kerath was the Great King, I thought.
(12/16 00:24:26) theGreatTree: looks like douglas is in realto
(12/16 00:24:46) Domahreh: Ack, I've gotta run...
(12/16 00:24:49) Pa'lua: Victor Laxan is in the Nexus.
(12/16 00:25:17) Domahreh: You're right!
(12/16 00:25:20) Domahreh: My bad.
(12/16 00:25:33) Domahreh: bye all -- hope phil opens up a bit...
(12/16 00:25:47) theGreatTree: phil, are you somewhere that we can get to?
(12/16 00:26:02) phend: this is where he was - i feel the honor of this place
(12/16 00:26:57) Pa'lua: Phil, I have to say, all this mystery is getting a little tiresome.
(12/16 00:27:10) plinthon: indeed
(12/16 00:27:15) Tutelary: Phil - why should we side with Yeesha? What reasons can you give us?
(12/16 00:27:30) plinthon: where is the DRC when you need them!
(12/16 00:27:54) Pa'lua: Victor Laxman is in the Nexus, but I don't know where he'll link to.
(12/16 00:28:14) phend: because she knows more
(12/16 00:28:26) Tutelary: Knows more about what?
(12/16 00:28:41) Pa'lua: Phil, that's what you keep saying, but we've not seen any proof.
(12/16 00:29:06) phend: knows more than all of us - who would know more than her?
(12/16 00:29:42) Equisilus: I once knew something. But I forgot what it was.
(12/16 00:29:43) Tutelary: That's being pretty vague, and it almost sounds like you're trying to deify her
(12/16 00:30:58) Tutelary: Does Yeesha want our support or our worship? She does share Gehn's blood, after all
(12/16 00:31:31) phend: no - do you deify your parents? They know more than their child
(12/16 00:31:36) Daedalus: can you teach us, Phil?
(12/16 00:32:14) Tutelary: But you talk about her knowledge almost as if it's omniscience.
(12/16 00:32:43) Tutelary: Maybe Dr Watson will be kind enough to chip in?
(12/16 00:33:10) phend: I don't know more than her, but she does not know all
(12/16 00:33:51) phend: oh, hello Dr. Watson. how are you
(12/16 00:34:54) Dr Watson: I'm doing fine. Phil. It's been a while. Glad to hear you're back.
(12/16 00:35:06) Pa'lua: Mr. Laxman is here, does anyone know where he's at?
(12/16 00:35:16) Tutelary: Maybe Dr Watson can explain why we should support the DRC and not Yeesha? Likewise you Phil - you've still not given us a good reason why we should support you and Yeesha.
(12/16 00:35:25) phend: yes. my journey continues. today i have seen even more.
(12/16 00:37:31) phend: where are you Dr. Watson?
(12/16 00:38:04) Pa'lua: Mr. Engberg, how are you?
(12/16 00:38:33) Dr Watson: I'm helping inspect an area near the bridge, Phil.
(12/16 00:38:43) phend: i'm near the guild hall
(12/16 00:38:55) biLLyat: follow a shaved'head tattooed 250yr old hippie?
(12/16 00:39:02) phend: near the tomb
(12/16 00:39:04) Tutelary: Why don't you both come and see the people?
(12/16 00:39:17) Dr Watson: I've heard. That isn't the safest of places to be, you know.
(12/16 00:39:20) phend: i feel him here
(12/16 00:39:43) phend: the safety doesn't matter
(12/16 00:40:22) Dr Watson: it matters to me.
(12/16 00:40:37) phend: i know - i'm sorry
(12/16 00:41:03) Dr Watson: we've already lost you once from lack of following safety procedures.
(12/16 00:41:40) phend: yes, but that was good
(12/16 00:42:01) Tutelary: Where is that, Pa'lua
(12/16 00:42:39) phend: it was good
(12/16 00:43:07) phend: it had to be - for my journey - and i was safe
(12/16 00:43:22) Dr Watson: I'm not so sure. And even if it was, you might not be so lucky the next time.
(12/16 00:44:01) phend: sometimes it's luck, and sometimes it's not
(12/16 00:44:40) Tutelary: You guys sure are good at avoiding the question
(12/16 00:45:22) Beatfox: does anyone see where Watson & Phil are?
(12/16 00:45:45) biLLyat: beats me beatfox
(12/16 00:45:45) biLLyat roars with laughter
(12/16 00:45:45) phend: Tutelary - you are good at avoiding the answer
(12/16 00:46:22) Tutelary: I'm a philosophy graduate, so I tend to be sceptical about there being one
(12/16 00:46:26) Pa'lua: See the bridge over there Beatfox? Dr Watson is inspecting that... Phil is in the Guild Hall and we can't get there either.
(12/16 00:46:53) phend: are there no answers?
(12/16 00:47:21) phend: that you can accept?
(12/16 00:47:30) Beatfox: Phil, many of us have been seeking them
(12/16 00:47:38) Beatfox: but we have great difficulty finding any
(12/16 00:48:16) Tutelary: I wouldn't go that far, but there are questions that have no answer, and answers that have no questions. I get the impression you're trying to give us an answer while avoid us having to ask the right questions
(12/16 00:48:20) Pa'lua: Phil, I realize you think you are giving us answers, but they are too vague and confusing for us to understand.
(12/16 00:48:34) Tutelary: To understand the answers though, we need to know the questions.
(12/16 00:48:47) Tutelary: Otherwise it's just words.
(12/16 00:49:01) biLLyat: that bridge has seen better days
(12/16 00:49:13) phend: what is your question?
(12/16 00:49:18) Brian Fioca: Phil, does Yeesha have the answers?
(12/16 00:49:27) phend: yes
(12/16 00:49:37) Pa'lua: Yes, there used to be a wooden and rope bridge that spanned the broken parts, but it's gone now.
(12/16 00:49:39) Brian Fioca: when will she give them to us?
(12/16 00:49:44) Tutelary: What does Yeesha want from us? What can she give us, and what does she expect in return?
(12/16 00:50:13) Pa'lua: Dr. Watson, how does the bridge look?
(12/16 00:50:26) Mils: hey greenguy i see you jumping over the barrier
(12/16 00:50:38) biLLyat: how are they gunna close the gap?
(12/16 00:50:39) Mils: it works?
(12/16 00:50:41) plinthon shakes her head
(12/16 00:50:49) plinthon: crazy mad
(12/16 00:50:54) Daedalus: lol
(12/16 00:51:05) phend: that is a long answer, with many parts. and you know some of the answer already.
(12/16 00:51:06) biLLyat: don't want one of those Cleft style rope bridges
(12/16 00:51:06) Pa'lua: I don't know...
(12/16 00:51:14) Dr Watson: I'm sure it's looked better. At the moment it needs a great deal of work.
(12/16 00:51:16) biLLyat: they aren't safe -- i found out
(12/16 00:51:27) plinthon: laa laa
(12/16 00:51:28) Tutelary: Avoiding the questionb again, Phil.
(12/16 00:51:30) Greenguy: works well
(12/16 00:51:53) Tutelary: I want to want to support you, but I have so little to go on.
(12/16 00:52:08) phend: i will answer with what you know - she wants you to know what D'ni was...
(12/16 00:52:33) Daedalus: Phil - will you teach us?
(12/16 00:52:46) Tutelary: But she is more than the D'ni ever was?
(12/16 00:52:48) phend: ...she wants you to understand what power does - the power of the books
(12/16 00:52:50) Pa'lua: Dr. Watson, I'd like to help with the Great Zero restoration....we heard from Mr. Laxman that you were considering letting us help.
(12/16 00:53:35) Jeff K.: Indeed. What is this Great Zero exactly? Some kind of positioning system?
(12/16 00:53:44) Beatfox: Phil, not to sound rude, but... how are we to know that her intentions are truly noble?
(12/16 00:53:53) Tutelary: Does she want us to understand the powe of the D'ni's books, or her books?
(12/16 00:53:57) Brian Fioca: is the power of the books in danger?
(12/16 00:54:14) plinthon: The DRC are doing a fantastic job Dr Watson. I"m glad to be a part of it all! the wonder of it all is awe inspiring!
(12/16 00:54:41) an'nie: We want to help, please let us!
(12/16 00:55:02) phend: all the books, the power is dangerous
(12/16 00:55:07) Brian Fioca: are the DRC trying to keep the power of the books for them selves
(12/16 00:55:08) Daedalus: how can we use her teachings, Phil?
(12/16 00:55:24) phend: don't you understand that?
(12/16 00:55:28) plinthon: if you need any support in any way.... just ask us... i'm sure there is plenty of explorers willing to go the extra mile for the DRC
(12/16 00:55:37) phend: she was clear
(12/16 00:55:38) Dr Watson: Pa'lua, Yes, Mr. Laxman believes that there will be a way for you to help.
(12/16 00:55:45) Tutelary: Can Yeesha teach us how to write? Safely, of course. To better understand the books.
(12/16 00:56:04) phend: why?
(12/16 00:56:05) Jeff K.: I heard that once the DRC knows enough about the books, the plan on trying to write them.
(12/16 00:56:15) an'nie: Dr Watson can we all help!!??
(12/16 00:56:18) Dr Watson: brian, the DRC wants no such thing. We're just trying to be deliberate in our restoration efforts.
(12/16 00:56:27) Pa'lua: Dr. Watson, there are many of us that believe we can help you with the restoration, and would like to be given the chance to do so.
(12/16 00:56:27) phend: can you handle it? have you shown her that?
(12/16 00:57:01) an'nie: yes we can handle it
(12/16 00:57:01) Beatfox: Phil, I agree with Yeesha in that the power of the books is one that can easily be abused... yet how are we to know that she may not unknowingly do the same?
(12/16 00:57:17) Pa'lua: Phil, we can hardly show Yeesha anything....she's never around.
(12/16 00:57:22) Tutelary: Has she earned the right for me to show her anything? She has shown me nothing, except how to use me unwittingly.
(12/16 00:57:30) Beatfox: She has been known to boast about her abilities
(12/16 00:57:31) Brian Fioca: Phil, what can we do to help, once we've gathered?
(12/16 00:58:02) Jeff K.: Yes, I would have liked a bit more information on her Bahro campaign than she offered me.
(12/16 00:58:19) phend: she has shown you nothing?
(12/16 00:58:45) Brian Fioca: She has shown us much, but there is much we don't understand it seems
(12/16 00:58:47) Dr Watson: Pa'lua, we are looking for ways that you can contribute.
(12/16 00:58:47) phend: maybe others have seen more
(12/16 00:59:04) Daedalus: she has shown us how the power of the books can be abused
(12/16 00:59:04) Tutelary: Yes, she has shown me nothing worth seeing. Except the potential she promise.
(12/16 00:59:04) Jeff K.: Well, not nothing, but I felt like I was blindly following her orders. That makes me rather uncomfortable.
(12/16 00:59:08) Beatfox: She has shown us many things, yet she hasn't show us the evidence we need in order to trust her
(12/16 00:59:12) Brian Fioca: the Bahro?
(12/16 00:59:21) Pa'lua: Thank you Dr. Watson, we appreciate the opportunity.
(12/16 00:59:39) Brian Fioca: she has shown us the Bahro
(12/16 00:59:42) Daedalus: how people can mistreat the books for their own purposes, outside of what they know is right
(12/16 01:00:09) phend: perhaps you see what you want to - or don't want to
(12/16 01:00:18) Tutelary: She used us with the Bahro. I want to know what purpose I was used for.
(12/16 01:00:43) Tutelary: I want to see clearly, yet I see only words of smoke and mirrors.
(12/16 01:01:47) phend: you can not see clearly yet. so while you see dimly - only trust fills in the blank spaces
(12/16 01:01:53) Beatfox: Phil, this is an issue of utmost importance we're talking about here... we need real, solid facts so that we can make the right decisions intelligently
(12/16 01:02:25) Jeff K.: Well, I trust Yeesha to know what she's doing and to do the right thing.
(12/16 01:02:37) an'nie: We have a choice.......our power of free will is valuable too...we are a resource you can tap into.......will you????
(12/16 01:02:37) Brian Fioca: so we must decide who we trust
(12/16 01:02:58) Beatfox: we don't have enough for us to go on using simple trust
(12/16 01:03:02) phend: that is how life is - we can never see everything. So we choose what to trust.
(12/16 01:03:05) Tutelary: Trust must be earned. Otherwise it is unwise to give it
(12/16 01:03:10) an'nie: and they must decide if they trust us
(12/16 01:03:18) Jeff K.: It's just the Bahro gave me an uneasy feeling. Probably just my instincts.
(12/16 01:03:43) phend: can it be earned completely?
(12/16 01:03:56) Tutelary: Never, but it can be earned.
(12/16 01:04:27) Daedalus: it takes someething beyond trust, Phil
(12/16 01:04:50) Tutelary: Yeesha can not trust us until she gives us a chance to show that we are worthy of her trust.
(12/16 01:04:53) Beatfox: I feel like not enough has been done to deserve our trust
(12/16 01:05:04) phend: so you must weigh - based on partial knowlege - who you will trust
(12/16 01:05:13) Pa'lua: Dr. Watson, I am looking to the right of the bridge, in a split between the rock and I think I see a light mounted on a domed building.
(12/16 01:05:33) Tutelary: Then I can only conclude that I trust myself, and no other.
(12/16 01:06:10) Brian Fioca: well, yeesha has given us the most knowledge so far
(12/16 01:06:10) phend: there will be a magic line that you will cross - and then trust will happen?
(12/16 01:06:11) Daedalus: Phil -- it is more than that
(12/16 01:06:19) phend: if you trust only yourself then you will fail
(12/16 01:06:34) Jeff K.: Well, I trust the DRC to make D'ni safe for us, and I trust Yeesha to rectify the D'ni's past.
(12/16 01:06:43) Brian Fioca: we are powerless alone
(12/16 01:07:12) Tutelary: If what you say is true, when I creoss that line I will simply know who to trust. My chance of failure is greater if I give in to blind trust of people I do not know.
(12/16 01:07:12) Jeff K.: I mean, her own grandfater was an example of what excessive pride and the power of the books can do together.
(12/16 01:07:28) phend: yes
(12/16 01:07:34) Beatfox: Phil... I trust Atrus... and from his letter, it appeared that he was beginning to lost trust in Yeesha
(12/16 01:07:49) Jeff K.: Not to mention her brothers...
(12/16 01:08:01) Tutelary: Where is Atrus now?
(12/16 01:08:09) Jeff K.: I think he's dead.
(12/16 01:08:38) Tutelary: Never! He 'll carry on forever, like the Queen...
(12/16 01:08:57) phend: but be careful of what you think you must know - sometimes it simply lets you trust only in yourself
(12/16 01:09:05) Tutelary: Hi Douglas. What's your take on this trust debate?
(12/16 01:09:10) Jeff K.: Yes, but Atrus never had cybernetic parts! :-)
(12/16 01:09:59) Tutelary: I must know what will happen to me if I trust wisely, and what will happen if I trust unwisely.
(12/16 01:10:19) Brian Fioca: why would anyone ever trust unwisely?
(12/16 01:10:40) Beatfox: if that trust leads to destruction
(12/16 01:10:42) phend: you will never KNOW
(12/16 01:10:52) Pa'lua: Brian, you wouldn't ask that question if you'd ever met my ex=husband.
(12/16 01:11:01) Daedalus: we are not mind readers
(12/16 01:11:55) an'nie: trust can be built with small steps....
(12/16 01:11:58) Beatfox: Phil, throughout our life we have trusted in many people... and many times, that trust has led to destruction
(12/16 01:12:16) Tutelary: What is knowledge except true, justtified belief? You want our belief, we want justificascation. Only time will tell if there is truth.
(12/16 01:12:27) Beatfox: we don't want to be hurt again
(12/16 01:12:42) Tutelary: Darn lag is making me typo
(12/16 01:12:59) Dr Watson: Phil, I'd really like to speak to you in private. can you come to the bridge?
(12/16 01:13:18) Guiun: my, but there's a lot of words today
(12/16 01:13:21) Douglas Sharper: What's this about Watson?
(12/16 01:13:38) Daedalus: Phil--why do you trust Yeesha?
(12/16 01:13:45) Brian Fioca: He's trying to get phil to meet with him in private, Douglas
(12/16 01:14:03) Brian Fioca: not sure why he can't meet in public
(12/16 01:14:51) phend: knowlege is only limited perception of truth. and yes... only time will tell if there is truth
(12/16 01:15:50) Tutelary: Are you saying knowledge is less than truth, rather than truth less than knowledge?
(12/16 01:16:36) Douglas Sharper: What's going on here?
(12/16 01:16:38) phend: knowlefge is less than truth
(12/16 01:16:54) Guiun: What would the point be, Brian?
(12/16 01:16:57) Daedalus: yes phil, you speak in riddles
(12/16 01:17:26) phend: you want to see me Dr. Watson?
(12/16 01:17:28) Daedalus: please be straightforward to us
(12/16 01:17:33) Tutelary: That's a very controversial view. How do you support it? Truth is a part of knowledge. It is very hard to see how it can be anything more than it.]
(12/16 01:17:47) Daedalus: thats what establishes trust
(12/16 01:17:48) Dr Watson: Douglas, I'm interested in speaking with Phil about his experinces. Privately.
(12/16 01:17:56) Brian Fioca: why privately?
(12/16 01:18:03) Tutelary: Any truth is also knowledge, if it is know. If it is not known, then is it anything?
(12/16 01:18:07) Douglas Sharper: I'm interested in speaking with him as well. Privately.
(12/16 01:18:08) Beatfox: Tutelary: truth is constant, while knowledge is only what we know of that truth
(12/16 01:18:10) phend: truth is absolute - our understanding is not
(12/16 01:18:19) Daedalus: why can't Phil tell all of us?
(12/16 01:18:23) Douglas Sharper: Phil, what are you doing?
(12/16 01:18:43) Dr Watson: yes, Phil come to the brige when you're ready.
(12/16 01:19:07) Tutelary: Truth is not constant. At least not usually. Truth can come and go all the time.
(12/16 01:19:08) phend: okay, wait
(12/16 01:19:50) Tutelary: These are issues I certainly do not claim to know about. I just speculate wildly
(12/16 01:19:54) Beatfox: Tutelary, you appear to have a relativistic worldview. Am I right?
(12/16 01:20:28) phend: truth is what is true - it is what is behind, beneath all, what reality is built on
(12/16 01:20:39) Tutelary: I'm actually a hard determinist, so not really. But if I am wrong in my determinism, then I would have a relativistic view, especially of morals.
(12/16 01:21:18) Beatfox: Tute, do you believe that there is no constant truth at all?
(12/16 01:21:48) phend: but we only know pieces of truth - so knowlege is limited...
(12/16 01:22:08) Beatfox: I agree with you on that, Phil
(12/16 01:22:35) phend: ...and belief is a combination of knowlege and faith - what we belive to be true...
(12/16 01:22:35) Tutelary: I'd not argue with that.
(12/16 01:22:58) Daedalus: but when we learn the truth, how do we know that it is the REAL truth?
(12/16 01:23:14) Daedalus: trust?
(12/16 01:23:30) Douglas Sharper: Who brought Plato and Aristotle out tonight?
(12/16 01:23:32) Beatfox: yes, many things can masquerade as truth
(12/16 01:23:55) phend: hello douglas
(12/16 01:24:13) Douglas Sharper: Phil - what's going on up here?
(12/16 01:24:19) Tutelary: I prefer to think of myself as a spinoza rather than a plato
(12/16 01:24:48) phend: and i am only phil
(12/16 01:24:56) Douglas Sharper: spinoza - is that the italian ice cream?
(12/16 01:26:17) Douglas Sharper: Phil, are we leaving?
(12/16 01:26:18) Tutelary: And yet I find myself jealous of you phil, and what you have seen.
(12/16 01:26:18) phend: Dr. Watson - are you neadr the bridge?
(12/16 01:26:18) Dr Watson: I'm on the bridge, Phil, ready to meet with you.
(12/16 01:26:19) Beatfox: lol Doug
(12/16 01:26:23) Tutelary: A real pleasure talking to you Phil.
(12/16 01:26:38) Guiun: Equisilus, I agre.
(12/16 01:26:45) Douglas Sharper: Phil, what are you doing?
(12/16 01:26:56) Douglas Sharper: This isn't a good idea.
(12/16 01:27:00) phend: thank you tutelary - i enjoyed it
(12/16 01:27:01) Tutelary: I hope philodophy doesn't take a back east to history in the work to uncover the story of the d'ni.
(12/16 01:27:41) phend: hello Dr. Watson
(12/16 01:27:46) Douglas Sharper: I have a bad feeling here.
(12/16 01:27:49) Victor Laxman: /shout I'm here Dr. Watson. Is Sharper with you too?
(12/16 01:27:55) Tutelary: *back seat
(12/16 01:28:00) Dr Watson: hello, phend. how've you been?
(12/16 01:28:09) Douglas Sharper: Phil get out of here! Jump!
(12/16 01:28:10) Beatfox: Doug, what's wrong?
(12/16 01:28:29) Douglas Sharper: C'mon
(12/16 01:28:42) phend: what?
(12/16 01:28:52) Daedalus: what the...
(12/16 01:29:31) Douglas Sharper: Phil...get away from them.
(12/16 01:29:40) phend: why is victor here?
(12/16 01:29:42) Tutelary: Douglas: We aren'r infectious...
(12/16 01:30:21) Tutelary: Annoying maybe... not infectious mthough.
(12/16 01:30:21) phend: douglas - what is wrong?
(12/16 01:30:26) Douglas Sharper: Phil, I'm telling you. Get over here and jump. Get away from Laxman and Watson.
(12/16 01:30:33) Douglas Sharper: I have a bad feeling.
(12/16 01:30:33) Beatfox: What's all this about?
(12/16 01:30:40) Douglas Sharper: Follow me. Over here.
(12/16 01:30:45) Douglas Sharper: C'mon.
(12/16 01:30:53) phend: okay
(12/16 01:31:02) Victor Laxman: Douglas there's no need to make a scene.
(12/16 01:31:02) Dr Watson: Phil, you should come with Laxman and me.
(12/16 01:31:15) phend: hey
(12/16 01:31:15) Douglas Sharper: Laxman, I know your game.
(12/16 01:31:36) Douglas Sharper: Phil, don't go with them.
(12/16 01:31:52) Al'my: Phil run..., follow Douglas!
(12/16 01:31:54) Victor Laxman: My game? I assure you this is no game Douglas.
(12/16 01:32:12) Douglas Sharper: Exactly.
(12/16 01:32:18) Tutelary: I'll go, with either of you... There Phil, much more trusting
(12/16 01:32:18) Douglas Sharper: Phil, get away from them now!
(12/16 01:32:28) phend: i'm coming douglas
(12/16 01:33:10) Shawnzy: I guess he jumped..
(12/16 01:33:13) Dr Watson: come with us, phil
(12/16 01:33:18) Daedalus: he jumped...
(12/16 01:33:18) Victor Laxman: Phil stop.
(12/16 01:33:29) Brian Fioca: don't go with them
(12/16 01:33:39) Al'my: Phil run...
(12/16 01:33:40) Daedalus: phil...
(12/16 01:33:41) phend: hey! douglas?
(12/16 01:33:58) Victor Laxman: I'll take that.
(12/16 01:34:04) Pa'lua: I guess I need glasses....I can't see a thing.
(12/16 01:34:11) Beatfox: me neither
(12/16 01:34:20) Dr Watson: just come with us, Phil. Please.
(12/16 01:34:25) Brian Fioca: Victor...
(12/16 01:34:27) phend: no, give me that book - what....
(12/16 01:34:33) Al'my: Phil!
(12/16 01:34:35) Guiun: oooo! I hope they took his Relto book
(12/16 01:34:36) Daedalus: HEY!
(12/16 01:34:44) Al'my: nooo
(12/16 01:34:52) Shawnzy: heheh, Guiun
(12/16 01:34:58) Guiun does a dance
(12/16 01:35:01) Victor Laxman: everything will be OK...just some questions
(12/16 01:35:12) Brian Fioca: don't listen to him
(12/16 01:35:21) Guiun: It's an intervention or something.
(12/16 01:35:23) phend: where...
(12/16 01:35:24) Brian Fioca: don't force him to go anywhere
(12/16 01:35:50) Beatfox: Phil, they won't harm you... don't put up a fight
(12/16 01:35:55) Guiun: Give Phil some food. He's too skinny.
(12/16 01:36:04) Shawnzy: Why not let Phil make his own choices?
(12/16 01:36:07) Beatfox: for your own good and for ours
(12/16 01:36:16) Tutelary: Is that force being used there?
(12/16 01:36:41) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: What happened to Phil?
(12/16 01:36:46) Beatfox: they just want to understand what's going on
(12/16 01:36:50) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: He didn't jump?
(12/16 01:36:58) Beatfox: they have no bad intentions
(12/16 01:37:12) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: No, they take his book
(12/16 01:37:20) Tutelary: I suppose just asking doesn't seem to get anyone anywhere...
(12/16 01:37:26) phend: why are you taking me? Ow!
(12/16 01:37:39) Brian Fioca: STOP
(12/16 01:37:43) Victor Laxman: sorry Phil. Just come with us.
(12/16 01:38:00) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: They are doing something, but i can't see...
(12/16 01:38:01) Tutelary: Let's just hope the DRC don't want a martyr on their hands...
(12/16 01:38:03) Brian Fioca: Why can't you talk to him here?
(12/16 01:38:03) Beatfox: Phil, don't try anything stupid... please
(12/16 01:38:23) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: What the ???
(12/16 01:38:28) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: This is bad!
(12/16 01:38:30) Victor Laxman: I hardly think this is the place for rational discourse.
(12/16 01:38:45) Tutelary: Wow, low blow.
(12/16 01:39:05) Brian Fioca: right, insult us
(12/16 01:39:14) Brian Fioca: and then forcibly abduct phil
(12/16 01:39:18) Brian Fioca: what next?
(12/16 01:39:28) Beatfox: Vicrot, surely you don't mean what you just said
(12/16 01:39:44) Beatfox: Victor even
(12/16 01:39:44) Dr Watson: It's ok, Phil. Let's use this Book.
(12/16 01:39:49) Tutelary: They'll do something really drastic, like take away our cones....
(12/16 01:39:50) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: It's very bad, they are taking him by the force
(12/16 01:39:57) Victor Laxman: give me your hand Phil.
(12/16 01:40:02) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: They will pay for this.
(12/16 01:40:05) phend: why? no...
(12/16 01:40:08) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Dearly.
(12/16 01:40:19) Brian Fioca: NO!
(12/16 01:40:19) Dr Watson: You're going to be fine, Phil.
(12/16 01:40:23) Beatfox: Victor, I hope for all our sake you know what you're doing
(12/16 01:40:41) phend: nooooo.....
(12/16 01:40:49) Tutelary: No we shall see just how much power yeesha wields.
(12/16 01:41:14) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Dr. Watson is going to use the book
(12/16 01:41:15) Brian Fioca: We have to stop them!
(12/16 01:41:21) Beatfox: Tute, this is no time to start a rift
(12/16 01:41:26) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: What book?
(12/16 01:41:38) Brian Fioca: we can't! we don't have access!
(12/16 01:41:40) Tutelary: *now
(12/16 01:41:57) Brian Fioca: I would if i could!
(12/16 01:42:03) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Phil's relto book
(12/16 01:42:16) Beatfox: My gosh, people! What are we, a bunch of revolutionaries??
(12/16 01:42:19) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: They are going to Phil's Relto?
(12/16 01:42:27) Beatfox: We don't even know anything!
(12/16 01:42:45) Dr Watson: Don't worry, folks. No harm will come to Phil. We just need to speak with him.
(12/16 01:43:04) Tutelary: I don't want to start a rift. As if I could do anything but widen it anyway.
(12/16 01:43:09) Pa'lua: Please take good care of Phil, Dr. Waston.
(12/16 01:43:13) Brian Fioca: how can we trust you? you are abducting him
(12/16 01:43:17) Beatfox: I have confidence in you, Dr. Watson.
(12/16 01:43:28) Beatfox: I konw you'll do the right thing.
(12/16 01:44:22) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: still not, they said that are going to use the book..
(12/16 01:44:23) Tutelary: Beat: You sound like you want to get started on relativism again
(12/16 01:44:38) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Are they still in the city?
(12/16 01:45:02) Beatfox: I sincerely hope you don't betray that confidence
(12/16 01:46:00) Beatfox: Tute: I trust the DRC, because I've seen everything they've been doing for us and I have a pretty darn good idea of their intentions
(12/16 01:46:02) Beatfox: I'm afraid I can't say the same for Yeesha, et al
(12/16 01:46:05) Beatfox: yet
(12/16 01:46:20) From Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Is anyone there?
(12/16 01:46:46) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: Dr. Watson and PHil are stinll in the city,
(12/16 01:47:20) To Douglas Sharper in Douglas Sharper's Relto: sorry i'm laging a lot
(12/16 01:47:22) From Douglas Sharper (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/16 01:47:52) Tutelary: I trust Dr Watson, though not necessarily the DRC. Idon't trust Yeesha, though I did enjoy talking to Phil.
(12/16 01:48:22) Guiun: Hello Groo
(12/16 01:48:23) Pa'lua: Hi missed it.
(12/16 01:49:03) From Douglas Sharper in Nexus: What is your id?