Reference:2003-12-17 Douglas Sharper and explorers break into the Kahlo pub

From Guild of Archivists

Douglas Sharper: It’s time to raise some trouble! Are you ready to show the DRC who is who?!?
Douglas Sharper: I hope I set this up right.
Douglas Sharper: Push! Push!
Deg: You shouldnt go in there… it’s not safe!
Douglas Sharper: Down with the DRC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deg: Shaper… you’re as crazy as Phil! This is unwise and unsafe!
Douglas Sharper: Deg, stop enjoying it then.
Katherian: Doug…What about the private rooms in your hood? Any word on that?
Douglas Sharper: I have some more “tricks” to work on - mainly in my neighborhood - a safe area for Deg. A finished area. I’ll try to get that tomorrow.
Katherian: Good!
Douglas Sharper: In the meantime enjoy the pub!
Katherian: Thank you douglas for representing us and giving us hope!
Deg: Now you’ve got an empty room of rubble… without the DRC, nothing would get restored. Just tons of rubble.