Reference:2003-12-18 Dr. Watson and Rand in a neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(12/18 11:18:20) Rand: I think he is coming
(12/18 11:18:29) VereaTurus: great, thks a lot
(12/18 11:18:54) U'szpo: amazing moment...
(12/18 11:19:02) Rand: He's busy of course, but I know it helps he talks to you.
(12/18 11:19:07) McBeorn: Fine, thx
(12/18 11:19:18) VereaTurus éternue
(12/18 11:19:20) Iku: I hope everybody is enjoying our French Hood?
(12/18 11:19:37) McBeorn: Its nice here
(12/18 11:20:04) VereaTurus: Rand, will the DRC become more international ?
(12/18 11:20:16) VereaTurus: With french scientists, for example ?
(12/18 11:20:23) Iku: WE are from french europe and Quebec!
(12/18 11:20:44) From U'szpo: merci
(12/18 11:20:55) Rand: Ask Dr. Watson when he arrives.
(12/18 11:21:00) Yoro: iku, it's really nice here!
(12/18 11:21:00) MohichanTravels: hes here
(12/18 11:21:12) VereaTurus: okay right smile.gif
(12/18 11:21:22) imporeto applaudit
(12/18 11:21:26) VereaTurus fait un signe de la main
(12/18 11:21:33) Dr Watson: hey, rand
(12/18 11:21:42) VereaTurus: hello Mr watson
(12/18 11:21:43) cram60: j'ai cliqué sur le relto de neocelt puis sur son livre dans le relto mais je ne fais pas partie du quartier. Pourquoi ?
(12/18 11:21:43) Dr Watson: hello everyone
(12/18 11:21:46) MohichanTravels: greeting mr. watson
(12/18 11:21:48) McBeorn klatscht
(12/18 11:21:51) Rand: Hi Dr. Watson - thanks. They've got lots of questions.
(12/18 11:22:01) J'nilou: shorah Dr watson
(12/18 11:22:04) VereaTurus: as usual
(12/18 11:22:04) Rand: And I don't speak for the DRC
(12/18 11:22:18) Dr Watson: I'm sure they do, I'll answer what I can for a few minutes.
(12/18 11:22:32) J'nilou: where is Phil ?
(12/18 11:23:30) MohichanTravels: what is the importance of his being held
(12/18 11:23:58) Lestat: salut
(12/18 11:25:03) Iku: Dr. watson. the question is simple: we want tp explore
(12/18 11:25:23) VereaTurus: And what is the best interrest of phill for the DRC ?
(12/18 11:25:32) VereaTurus: Being kidnapped ?
(12/18 11:25:39) McBeorn: Hi Talia
(12/18 11:25:40) U'szpo: where is the question iku
(12/18 11:25:47) Dr Watson: We're just trying to figure out what has happened to him, and what we can do to help him best.
(12/18 11:25:57) Yoro: ok i've to accept this. but it's not the finest art just to put him away with no explanations
(12/18 11:26:12) McBeorn: Why do you think he need help?
(12/18 11:26:14) Dr Watson: we didn't do it for you all
(12/18 11:26:15) VereaTurus: Okay, so we agree. Have learn something about what happened to him ?
(12/18 11:26:38) Yoro: do you consider phis as a danger for us??
(12/18 11:26:49) U'szpo: or you...?
(12/18 11:27:13) Dr Watson: i don't think phil is a danger to anyone
(12/18 11:27:17) Yoro: or for the DRC?
(12/18 11:27:29) VereaTurus: So why don't let him free ?
(12/18 11:27:39) McBeorn: Do you nned his knowledge?
(12/18 11:27:45) VereaTurus: Only dangerous people should be keep away from the others
(12/18 11:27:47) Yoro: but you don't want him to talk with us
(12/18 11:28:27) Dr Watson: We want to talk with him privately for a while. We have tried and been unable to do that since his return.
(12/18 11:28:56) McBeorn: Maybe he had a reason not to talk to you
(12/18 11:28:58) VereaTurus: understandable, but will you tell us what he will say ?
(12/18 11:29:39) Yoro: lol beorn, exactely what i wanted to say
(12/18 11:29:55) Dr Watson: phil is being well taken care of. he has not nor will he be harmed in any way.
(12/18 11:30:11) U'szpo: We're sure of this
(12/18 11:30:22) Yoro: i'd prefer to hear this from himself
(12/18 11:30:23) McBeorn: But it is not HIS will beeing taken off
(12/18 11:30:26) VereaTurus: of course. But why keep him so long ?
(12/18 11:30:46) Dr Watson: yoro, he'll have the chance to do that. but not yet.
(12/18 11:30:52) Solaris: Can someone see him?....... perphaps Rand?
(12/18 11:30:57) U'szpo: Do you know when Phil will be able to go back the city ?
(12/18 11:31:24) Dr Watson: i do not know that for certain.
(12/18 11:31:36) Yoro: and how long do you plan to hold him away from us?
(12/18 11:32:07) Rand: I'd be happy to.
(12/18 11:32:14) Dr Watson: solaris, sure. I don't think anyone on the council would mind if Rand were to check on him.
(12/18 11:32:17) VereaTurus: Okay. Rand was saying us he thinks that you consider us like children, it's true. Why don't you let us explore ?
(12/18 11:32:36) Rand: But people may think I'm biased.
(12/18 11:33:02) Dr Watson: verea, that's ridiculous. We're opening areas for you to explore as soon as they're ready.
(12/18 11:33:14) VereaTurus: I don't think so, and it is my words, so no problem smile.gif
(12/18 11:33:33) McBeorn: When tehey are ready, what is then to explore?
(12/18 11:33:39) VereaTurus: Don't you think it's ridiculous yo pen D'ni, with nothing to do ?
(12/18 11:33:43) Rand: I've got to go - I'll come back again. Thanks.
(12/18 11:33:46) Dr Watson: If you don't care for the DRC and the work we've done. then don't use any of theBooks with DRC stamps on them
(12/18 11:33:58) Taliametris waves
(12/18 11:34:03) U'szpo: bye rand
(12/18 11:34:13) VereaTurus: by rand
(12/18 11:34:20) McBeorn: cu, Rand
(12/18 11:34:34) Yoro: rand, before you go, will you always show up in this hood?
(12/18 11:34:37) Dr Watson: verea, we're not the ones that said that D'ni was ready for everyone to start coming. Talk to Zandi about you being here before there's "anything to do"
(12/18 11:34:54) VereaTurus: It's not that we don't care, it's just not faire from the DRC to never tell us it's intentions
(12/18 11:35:12) MohichanTravels: i guess your right on that one Dr.
(12/18 11:35:32) VereaTurus: Okay, but the DRC don't let us know what they are really doing, like descriptions, or report about new ages
(12/18 11:35:40) Dr Watson: we're extremely clear about our intentions, to restore D'ni... it's not just a clever name
(12/18 11:35:42) McBeorn: I think they want find out how to write books
(12/18 11:35:55) Solaris: Any ideas when we can start helping Laxman with the Great Zero project?
(12/18 11:36:09) VereaTurus: The DRC don't want us here
(12/18 11:36:11) Dr Watson: mcbeorn, we don't know how to do that yet either, why would they expect to be able to?
(12/18 11:36:36) McBeorn: I think to make the big money
(12/18 11:36:42) Dr Watson: solaris, laxman is working on that as his top priority. don't know how soon it will be ready
(12/18 11:36:44) Yoro: lol
(12/18 11:37:08) Solaris: What information can you give us on the "silo" or the living D'ni person?
(12/18 11:38:20) Dr Watson: solaris, the silo is coming along nicely.
(12/18 11:38:59) VereaTurus: Mr watson, the DRC doen't want us here, but we are here, so he should consider us....
(12/18 11:39:10) Dr Watson: It's been a real pleasure chatting with you all,but i need to get back to work.