Reference:2003-12-22 Brian Fioca relaying Douglas Sharper's message to explorers

From Guild of Archivists

(12/22 11:59:40) Saxy: You're taking a step in the right direction, Bri.
(12/22 11:59:43) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: can you hear me talking?
(12/22 11:59:55) To Brian Fioca: Yes
(12/22 11:59:56) <sniffle> Bad Speller is sad
(12/22 12:00:10) Saxy: We'll show the DRC what we stand for...
(12/22 12:00:10) Norfren: have heard the latest rumours?
(12/22 12:00:33) Brian Fioca: i'm glad you're all here to hear this
(12/22 12:00:41) kami: yes this room shall be shared with all of the explorers
(12/22 12:00:43) Brian Fioca: this is a very upsetting turn of events
(12/22 12:01:00) Serif: Has Sharper arrived?
(12/22 12:01:03) Alyphe: Lol
(12/22 12:01:17) Brian Fioca: i suppose we know this might happen
(12/22 12:01:26) Alyphe: He is connected
(12/22 12:01:38) Brian Fioca: but we can't keep letting the DRC take things away from us
(12/22 12:01:40) Serif: How has the DRC closed off the Baron's office...
(12/22 12:01:43) Serif: ?
(12/22 12:01:52) Brian Fioca: why are they doing this? to punish us?
(12/22 12:01:57) Saxy: I believe that's still open, Serif.
(12/22 12:02:03) Brian Fioca: what are we guilty of other than curiousity
(12/22 12:02:28) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: it seems quiet, am i the only one talking?
(12/22 12:02:52) To Brian Fioca: Only a few people are talking. I can hear you just fine, though.
(12/22 12:02:52) Heloise: Did DRC send messages about this?
(12/22 12:03:13) Saxy: Can you all hear Brian?
(12/22 12:03:13) kami: no the drc does not want us to meet
(12/22 12:03:22) Bad Speller: yes
(12/22 12:03:24) Brian Fioca: he is here, i Douglas? maybe you can shed some light on things
(12/22 12:03:54) Serif: Yes. The lage maes it hard to type.
(12/22 12:04:01) Brian Fioca: what can we do? we can't let them keep doing this to us
(12/22 12:04:07) Serif: lag makes*
(12/22 12:04:09) Saxy: But we're all here. That's what's important ^_~
(12/22 12:04:55) kami: hello douglas
(12/22 12:04:57) Serif: Hello Sharper!
(12/22 12:04:58) Brian Fioca: he is here but it is crowded
(12/22 12:05:07) Brian Fioca: give him a second
(12/22 12:05:08) Saxy: Shorah Sharper
(12/22 12:05:25) Bad Speller: Hi Sharper:)
(12/22 12:05:28) Serif: How many people do you think are here?
(12/22 12:05:46) Serif: What was the number you saw when you reentered from the Nexus, Bri?
(12/22 12:06:09) Brian Fioca: he is very upset right now, how can the DRC do this to us? we're just here to explore? why must they punish us?
(12/22 12:06:20) Lotta Lagg: Hello sharper
(12/22 12:06:30) Serif: There must be 30, at least...
(12/22 12:06:38) Saxy: We're doing something about it... pushing the envelope...
(12/22 12:06:42) Lotta Lagg: I read you
(12/22 12:07:02) Serif: Yes, the DRC seems to be taking punitive actions, sending warnings...
(12/22 12:07:16) kami: it is good to see you again douglas
(12/22 12:07:54) Bad Speller: nice to meet you Douglas
(12/22 12:08:02) Saxy: Wonderful turn-out, Kami and Bri.
(12/22 12:08:48) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: is he talking?
(12/22 12:09:07) kami: annie by the clock
(12/22 12:09:27) Serif: This will escalate,
(12/22 12:09:42) Serif: especially when she gets involved.
(12/22 12:10:41) Saxy: Yes
(12/22 12:10:41) Brian Fioca: what can we do? ... why are we all just standing here
(12/22 12:10:48) Saxy: Er, no.
(12/22 12:10:51) Goeran: What do you say Sharper, What can we do?
(12/22 12:11:02) Saxy: A man of few words, it seems.
(12/22 12:11:05) kami: axy and you too.....wee
(12/22 12:11:19) Goeran: We can kick cones and jump up and down
(12/22 12:11:33) To Brian Fioca: Wow, he's even cuter in person ^_~
(12/22 12:11:48) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: lol
(12/22 12:11:51) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: i wish he would talk
(12/22 12:11:56) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: i'm worried
(12/22 12:12:12) To Brian Fioca: Yeah, why's he so quiet?
(12/22 12:12:48) Brian Fioca: i think we're setting new attendance records in the neighborhood
(12/22 12:13:01) Brian Fioca: i hope it can hanlde all of us
(12/22 12:13:08) To Douglas Sharper: Is everything okay, Mr. Sharper? You're very quiet.
(12/22 12:13:08) AcidArrow: Well we surely broke the old one to piecies :-)
(12/22 12:13:15) Bad Speller: me too. verry laggy
(12/22 12:13:17) Tarl Raven: we're setting new memory usage records too
(12/22 12:13:25) AcidArrow: little tiny ones too :-)
(12/22 12:13:31) Bad Speller: how much?
(12/22 12:13:37) Brian Fioca: it's great that we're all here
(12/22 12:13:39) Saxy: Patience is a virtue.
(12/22 12:13:42) Tarl Raven: Vm is now 1gb
(12/22 12:13:46) Brian Fioca: that alone shows the DRC we can gather
(12/22 12:13:54) Goeran: Are you the master of Teledahn, Sharper?
(12/22 12:13:55) Alyphe: Oh
(12/22 12:13:56) jpshark (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/22 12:14:01) Brian Fioca: he's coming back
(12/22 12:14:04) Bad Speller: oh no
(12/22 12:14:06) Saxy: Okay
(12/22 12:14:08) Brian Fioca: don't worry
(12/22 12:14:11) Bad Speller: cool
(12/22 12:14:12) Alyphe: Ok
(12/22 12:14:17) Tarl Raven: maybe we all sit down and not move for a bit?
(12/22 12:14:20) Brian Fioca: it's just very crowded in here
(12/22 12:14:38) AcidArrow: umm, also, people maybe we should try keeping this in character...
(12/22 12:14:40) Alyphe: Don t be afraid. santa is still there
(12/22 12:14:45) Saxy: Yeah, the less we move, the less lag.
(12/22 12:15:00) Saxy: Thanks, Santa!
(12/22 12:15:09) Alyphe: Everybody sit down so
(12/22 12:15:17) kami: lol.we lagged douglas
(12/22 12:15:24) Goeran: Is Sharper and DRC enemies?
(12/22 12:15:24) Tarl Raven: We can edit out anything not in character acidarrow
(12/22 12:15:24) Bad Speller does a dance
(12/22 12:15:27) Saxy: Santa, baby, hurry down the chimney tonight *singing*
(12/22 12:15:37) Bad Speller does a dance
(12/22 12:15:54) Brian Fioca: not enemies... they just disagree
(12/22 12:15:54) Bad Speller does a dance
(12/22 12:16:14) Saxy: Santa cutie, one little thing... a ring... I don't mean on the phone...
(12/22 12:16:25) Saxy: *entertains*
(12/22 12:16:26) Alyphe: Lol
(12/22 12:16:30) Goeran: and Phil and Sharper are buddies?
(12/22 12:16:58) Saxy: Goeran, I suggest getting caught up on all the logs that have been posted to the UO and DRC forums.
(12/22 12:17:14) Saxy: Although that will be quite a job.
(12/22 12:17:24) Goeran: Haven't time to read all that
(12/22 12:17:25) Saxy: Squeebee?
(12/22 12:17:41) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: are you recording this to?
(12/22 12:17:54) To Spider: Wouldn't miss it for the world ^_~
(12/22 12:18:23) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: should I stop my log then?
(12/22 12:18:26) Saxy: Phil took Sharper on the journey.
(12/22 12:18:44) To Spider: You can keep yours going, just in case.
(12/22 12:18:49) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: k
(12/22 12:19:17) Saxy: Phil and Sharper are collegues, at least.
(12/22 12:19:29) Saxy: And they seem to have made friends.
(12/22 12:19:59) Marjan: i can
(12/22 12:20:05) Saxy: Phil used to work for the DRC until he walked into the Bahro cave in Kemo and have not returned in over a year.
(12/22 12:20:28) Alyphe: has doug left us to watch a patriot's match?
(12/22 12:20:30) Saxy: He returned, but a changed man.
(12/22 12:20:34) Saxy: *lol*
(12/22 12:21:02) Saxy: Phil seems to have knowledge, passed down from Yeesha, the Bahro, or something else...
(12/22 12:21:03) jpshark: oops
(12/22 12:21:09) Saxy: And the DRC wants it.
(12/22 12:21:25) Goeran: Thank's for the story Saxy
(12/22 12:21:29) Saxy: No problem ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:21:49) Alyphe: And what about the living d'ni found in teledahn?
(12/22 12:22:00) Saxy: After Phil returned and before he was taken by the DRC, Phil took Sharper on his journey.
(12/22 12:22:43) Saxy: A few days later, Phil was nabbed.
(12/22 12:22:56) Saxy: But Sharper has been able to open the Pub and his egg room since then.
(12/22 12:23:09) Saxy: We're still waiting for Phil.
(12/22 12:23:13) kami: more than the city
(12/22 12:23:17) Saxy: And that's the long and the short of it.
(12/22 12:23:33) From Brian Fioca in Brian Fioca's Relto: sorry
(12/22 12:23:37) From Brian Fioca in Brian Fioca's Relto: on my way back
(12/22 12:23:39) From Brian Fioca in Brian Fioca's Relto: everyone still there?
(12/22 12:23:52) To Brian Fioca in Brian Fioca's Relto: Yes ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:23:55) Saxy: We're waiting.
(12/22 12:24:01) Saxy: Brian is on his way back.
(12/22 12:24:27) Jaharen: Does anyone know how to open the private rooms?
(12/22 12:24:38) Saxy: That's what we're here for.
(12/22 12:24:46) Saxy: With so many people in here, the DRC has to notice.
(12/22 12:24:52) Saxy: And perhaps Sharper will help.
(12/22 12:25:02) kami: waffels....
(12/22 12:25:06) Saxy: *lol*
(12/22 12:25:13) From Brian Fioca in Nexus: on my way back
(12/22 12:25:18) From Brian Fioca in Nexus: he wants me to say a few things
(12/22 12:25:20) From kami: what happened to bri?
(12/22 12:25:35) Bad Speller: CTD... that is the game they want to play is it...
(12/22 12:25:41) To kami: he crashed
(12/22 12:25:45) jpshark: i think he got lagged instead of fragged....hehe
(12/22 12:26:00) To Brian Fioca: Okay.... he's not coming, then?
(12/22 12:26:09) From kami: dang.....i tink doug did to
(12/22 12:26:16) Bad Speller waves
(12/22 12:26:25) Tarl Raven: You do realise when we have to move, none of us will be able to smile.gif
(12/22 12:26:36) jpshark: smile.gif
(12/22 12:26:36) Bad Speller: lol
(12/22 12:26:37) To Brian Fioca: 'tis a pity...
(12/22 12:26:40) To Brian Fioca: Oops
(12/22 12:26:55) jpshark: we can all hear you smile.gif
(12/22 12:27:17) To kami: 'tis a pity...
(12/22 12:27:21) Brian Fioca: hello again all
(12/22 12:27:22) jpshark: he clammed up
(12/22 12:27:27) To kami: Guess I just gotta be patient in meeting him ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:27:29) Farlesis: shorah Brian
(12/22 12:27:41) Brian Fioca: thank you all for being here
(12/22 12:27:47) Saxy: Welcome back, Bri.
(12/22 12:27:50) Jeff K.: Hi! What's the news?
(12/22 12:27:56) kami: welcome back bri
(12/22 12:28:08) Brian Fioca: unfortuanetly Sharper had to go, but he left me with a few words for you all
(12/22 12:28:14) Saxy nods her head
(12/22 12:29:12) jpshark: do tell
(12/22 12:29:12) Brian Fioca: this is the largest group of explorers I've seen yet in one place
(12/22 12:29:24) Jeff K. cheers
(12/22 12:29:25) Raewyn: It's probably because none of us can move now. smile.gif Lag.
(12/22 12:29:25) kami cheers
(12/22 12:29:26) Brian Fioca: and our idea about breaking into the private "egg' rooms intrigured sharper
(12/22 12:29:26) Norfren: lotta, can you read me?
(12/22 12:29:26) Brian Fioca: he is working on making that happen
(12/22 12:29:28) Brian Fioca: however
(12/22 12:29:28) Goeran: Tell me more tell me more .....
(12/22 12:29:33) Raewyn: What is an "egg" room?
(12/22 12:29:36) jpshark: agh....
(12/22 12:29:49) Bad Speller: the but
(12/22 12:29:50) Norfren: annie, can you read my?
(12/22 12:29:51) Brian Fioca: in the last few days, the DRC have become unhappy with the way things are going down here
(12/22 12:29:53) Saxy: Let Bri finish, guys.
(12/22 12:29:58) Brian Fioca: they don't want us in those rooms
(12/22 12:30:11) Brian Fioca: they don't want them to be open. why? I'm not sure
(12/22 12:30:15) Brian Fioca: but they're safe
(12/22 12:30:26) Brian Fioca: I have tried to show as many as I could
(12/22 12:30:32) Brian Fioca: and hopefully word will get out
(12/22 12:30:36) Brian Fioca: but they are now gone
(12/22 12:30:41) Brian Fioca: the DRC have taken them back
(12/22 12:30:48) kami: yes they are safe............and wondrus
(12/22 12:30:57) Brian Fioca: as well as the Great Tree Pub, that Sharper was goign to let us see
(12/22 12:31:16) Brian Fioca: the first new area for any of us
(12/22 12:31:17) Goeran: Who pay's the DRC?
(12/22 12:31:26) Goeran: I think we was!!!
(12/22 12:31:32) From Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: can you hear any of this?
(12/22 12:31:40) Brian Fioca: but they have taken it
(12/22 12:31:41) To Brian Fioca in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: Yes...
(12/22 12:31:57) Brian Fioca: and it won't be open any time soon
(12/22 12:31:57) Saxy: I wish Goeran would stop interupting, though >.<
(12/22 12:32:06) Brian Fioca: why?
(12/22 12:32:13) Saxy: laaaahhhhggggg
(12/22 12:32:15) Brian Fioca: because they want to control us.
(12/22 12:32:24) Brian Fioca: there's no other explanation
(12/22 12:32:32) jpshark: that's doubt
(12/22 12:32:38) Jeff K. (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(12/22 12:32:39) Brian Fioca: there is nothing in those rooms, other than our ability to speak privately
(12/22 12:32:50) Brian Fioca: that could hurt us
(12/22 12:32:59) Brian Fioca: they can only hurt them
(12/22 12:33:08) Brian Fioca: by not letting them hear us
(12/22 12:33:20) Brian Fioca: so what do we do?
(12/22 12:33:24) Bad Speller: they want to keep track of us is that it?
(12/22 12:33:27) Brian Fioca: how can we make them listen?
(12/22 12:33:41) Brian Fioca: how can we keep them from punishing us for being curious about the D'ni
(12/22 12:33:50) Brian Fioca: by meeting like this
(12/22 12:33:53) Brian Fioca: by sticking together
(12/22 12:34:12) Brian Fioca: Sharper is working on opening the private rooms in this hood
(12/22 12:34:22) Brian Fioca: but it'll take some time again
(12/22 12:34:26) Brian Fioca: and in the mean time
(12/22 12:34:33) Brian Fioca: we have to gather together
(12/22 12:34:45) kami: we must protest in an oppropriate manner
(12/22 12:34:54) Brian Fioca: because divided, they can keep taking our privileges awy
(12/22 12:35:33) Brian Fioca: the fact that they took back a safe room, that can be used to talk privately disturbs me
(12/22 12:35:54) Brian Fioca: and the fact that they take away things that we were going to be able to see, disturbs me
(12/22 12:36:18) Brian Fioca: if they can do that, then when will they ever share anything with us?
(12/22 12:36:25) Brian Fioca: they can't deny that we are here
(12/22 12:36:30) Brian Fioca: they can't ignore us forever
(12/22 12:36:35) Brian Fioca: we have to stick together
(12/22 12:36:41) Brian Fioca: to show them that we want to help
(12/22 12:36:48) Brian Fioca: that we deserve to help
(12/22 12:36:59) Brian Fioca: we've all been on the journy
(12/22 12:37:14) Brian Fioca: they haven't
(12/22 12:37:23) Brian Fioca: they don't know some of the things we know
(12/22 12:37:30) Brian Fioca: whether they know it or not
(12/22 12:37:37) Brian Fioca: i believe they need our help
(12/22 12:37:54) kami: yes.....together.....we have all seen
(12/22 12:38:07) Brian Fioca: but they won't let us
(12/22 12:38:35) Brian Fioca: so we have to keep resorting to this
(12/22 12:38:37) Brian Fioca: it's all we have
(12/22 12:38:37) Brian Fioca: it's all we can do
(12/22 12:38:38) Brian Fioca: but it works
(12/22 12:38:43) Brian Fioca: and I believe it's the right thing to do
(12/22 12:38:48) Brian Fioca: it's what Phil wants us to do
(12/22 12:38:57) Brian Fioca: it's why whe're here
(12/22 12:39:02) Saxy: It requires energy of spirit, and that's something the DRC can't take away.
(12/22 12:39:23) Brian Fioca: i understand not all will agree
(12/22 12:39:23) Farlesis: Amen Saxy
(12/22 12:39:31) Saxy: smile.gif
(12/22 12:39:35) Goeran: amen
(12/22 12:39:56) Brian Fioca: but thos who do
(12/22 12:40:02) Brian Fioca: can help
(12/22 12:40:04) Brian Fioca: can be a part of this
(12/22 12:40:09) Goeran: we are here to explore
(12/22 12:40:12) Brian Fioca: if you want to be a part of this, to help take back what the DRC have taken
(12/22 12:40:24) Goeran: yes
(12/22 12:40:27) Saxy: I'm with you, Brian.
(12/22 12:40:34) Farlesis: definitely
(12/22 12:40:36) Brian Fioca: i am starting a list of true supporters
(12/22 12:40:50) Brian Fioca: it will be up on my website... at
(12/22 12:40:53) Bad Speller: YES!!!
(12/22 12:40:56) Brian Fioca: i will be starting a thread
(12/22 12:41:05) Brian Fioca: and everyone who wants their name nkow can post
(12/22 12:41:15) Brian Fioca: with their KI numbers
(12/22 12:41:23) Brian Fioca: and they will be given signs of their support
(12/22 12:41:33) Brian Fioca: Jackets, with the Great Tree on them
(12/22 12:41:46) Brian Fioca: it will be our sign to the DRC that we deserve to be here
(12/22 12:41:58) Brian Fioca: i am going to set that up now
(12/22 12:42:04) Bork Hoborg: sounds good
(12/22 12:42:08) Brian Fioca: i'm sorry i can't see all of your words, my ki is broken
(12/22 12:42:13) Brian Fioca: but, please tell others
(12/22 12:42:14) Saxy: Thanks for everything, Bri.
(12/22 12:42:24) Brian Fioca: and and help show our support
(12/22 12:42:27) Brian Fioca: as explorers
(12/22 12:42:34) Brian Fioca: we can be heard
(12/22 12:42:46) jpshark: now you're talkin mate
(12/22 12:42:47) Brian Fioca: thank you all so much
(12/22 12:42:50) kami: very good bri.......i will wear the jacket
(12/22 12:42:58) Saxy: So will I.
(12/22 12:42:58) From Bork Hoborg: looks like my timing is good... just got here a few minutes ago
(12/22 12:43:06) Bad Speller: as will i
(12/22 12:43:10) Bork Hoborg: me too
(12/22 12:43:13) To Bork Hoborg: You sure did ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:43:13) Brian Fioca: tell others, remember there will be a thread in the Cavern board
(12/22 12:43:17) Brian Fioca: thanks
(12/22 12:43:33) Farlesis claps his hands
(12/22 12:43:43) Kyven cheers
(12/22 12:43:43) Saxy claps her hands
(12/22 12:43:43) Bork Hoborg cheers
(12/22 12:44:56) Farlesis: thank you Brian
(12/22 12:44:57) Bad Speller claps his hands
(12/22 12:44:58) kami thanks you very much!
(12/22 12:44:58) From Bork Hoborg: how much did I miss?
(12/22 12:45:21) Bork Hoborg: yeah, BUNCH Of people here
(12/22 12:45:39) Tarl Raven: anyone able to get a bodycount?
(12/22 12:46:07) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: stoplog?
(12/22 12:46:08) Farlesis: 40+ when I was in the nexus
(12/22 12:46:10) Bad Speller: 48 at one point
(12/22 12:46:10) Raewyn: Same here. 40 when I linked in from the Nexus.
(12/22 12:46:11) Raewyn: Maybe more since arriving.
(12/22 12:46:19) Bad Speller: so i was told
(12/22 12:46:20) Farlesis: smile.gif
(12/22 12:46:29) Saxy: The most important thing is that we must be peaceful and sincere in everything we do...
(12/22 12:46:29) Tarl Raven: So we can go with 'at least 50' then
(12/22 12:46:40) Farlesis: yes I agree Saxy
(12/22 12:46:42) Saxy: Or else we will lose credibility.
(12/22 12:46:43) jpshark: indeed
(12/22 12:46:55) Saxy: smile.gif
(12/22 12:47:00) Bork Hoborg: absolutely. Gotta run... glad I made it.
(12/22 12:47:07) Saxy: See you later, Bork.
(12/22 12:47:16) jpshark: cu bork
(12/22 12:47:25) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: I've stopped the chat.log
(12/22 12:47:28) Farlesis: shorah everyone, see you all soon
(12/22 12:47:35) Saxy: Shorah, Farlesis.
(12/22 12:47:39) Tarl Raven: was nice that people kept interruptions to a minimum too, shows we can behave smile.gif
(12/22 12:47:40) Chas: I think brian's walking a fine line on the "peaceful" issue...
(12/22 12:47:40) To Spider: Okay ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:47:54) Kyven: Shorah
(12/22 12:47:57) Raewyn: I think we need to keep our eyes open no matter who talks to us.
(12/22 12:48:00) jpshark: :^)
(12/22 12:48:16) Saxy: Of course what we're doing is going to alarm the DRC, Chas, but if we're peaceful...
(12/22 12:48:29) Saxy: The DRC can't do much. As long as we have our spirit.
(12/22 12:49:04) From Spider in The URU Obsession (39) Neighborhood: are you going to send in your log to uo forums?
(12/22 12:49:11) Chas: I don't think the DRC is punishing "us" because we're curious. They're upset because we're challenging them.
(12/22 12:49:14) jpshark: take care Jah
(12/22 12:49:16) Saxy: Anyways, I have to be off. Glad to be in ^_^.gif
(12/22 12:49:31) To Spider: Yes, unless someone else wants to post it.