Reference:2006-02-27 Wheely Engberg in the UO neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(02/27 21:18:40) Chat.log started...
(02/27 21:18:50) Jawn: Hi Kyven
(02/27 21:18:52) Anthony: nice to meet you Wheely
(02/27 21:18:59) ireenquench: Hey Wheely nice to meet you.
(02/27 21:19:18) Wheely: Nice to meet you all =D
(02/27 21:19:19) Michael: Hi all
(02/27 21:19:20) ireenquench: Did you ever get to read Sharper's journal?
(02/27 21:19:26) Wheely: I did!
(02/27 21:19:34) Jawn: They keep coming in... :D
(02/27 21:19:42) ireenquench: Oh and what did you think about it?
(02/27 21:19:49) Vortmax: I think I saw you the other night on here Wheely, but it's nice to actually say hi
(02/27 21:20:04) Wheely: It was interesting..
(02/27 21:20:16) Wheely: I now know where Shroomie came from
(02/27 21:20:23) Anthony: oh where
(02/27 21:20:36) Geert: Shorah all
(02/27 21:20:38) Wheely: Well, the name Shroomie
(02/27 21:20:42) Wheely: I just thought it was a name people came up with
(02/27 21:20:48) Wheely: Shorah!
(02/27 21:20:53) Anthony: oh nope
(02/27 21:21:01) ireenquench: Hm, were you interested in what he said about your Dad and his colleagues, too? I though that was very interesting.
(02/27 21:21:47) Wheely: I must have skipped over that part..I really wanted to find out what happend to Shroomie
(02/27 21:21:53) Wheely: I'll have to go back and read over it
(02/27 21:22:02) Wheely: Something good I hope =D
(02/27 21:22:04) Geert: And wheely?
(02/27 21:22:13) Wheely: Yes?
(02/27 21:22:26) Geert: What did you find out?
(02/27 21:22:27) essjay waves
(02/27 21:22:36) essjay: Did you find Sharpers City office Wheely?
(02/27 21:22:37) Michael waves
(02/27 21:22:43) Wheely: Well he trapped Shroomie =(
(02/27 21:22:51) essjay: Hi Whil
(02/27 21:22:55) Wheely: And then killed Shroomie =(
(02/27 21:23:00) essjay: Yes he did and actually shot and killed him!
(02/27 21:23:02) Anthony: yup sad
(02/27 21:23:05) essjay: It's all in his journal
(02/27 21:23:06) ireenquench: an he killed the mother of the animal there now
(02/27 21:23:12) Wheely: Which surprised me because at first he didn't seem like he was going to
(02/27 21:23:16) essjay: Very shocking and it was yes...a female shroomie
(02/27 21:23:21) ireenquench: did you ever see the animal?
(02/27 21:23:26) Wheely: Yes!
(02/27 21:23:31) essjay: Now there won't be any more..just the last one.
(02/27 21:23:32) <sniffle> essjay is sad
(02/27 21:23:33) Wheely: Just braely, but I saw it off in the distance
(02/27 21:23:34) Whilyam: Gee, 16 people in a 'hood. I wonder if Wheely's here?
(02/27 21:23:47) Wheely: Lol. Yep I'm here
(02/27 21:23:49) Anthony: lol
(02/27 21:24:02) ireenquench: yes, she seems to cry i a lonely way, maybe she is calling for her mom
(02/27 21:24:25) Geert: is sharper bad?
(02/27 21:24:37) Whilyam: I don't think so. He's just a big hunter
(02/27 21:24:37) Michael: Surely there are other shroomies around Teledahn?
(02/27 21:24:44) Wheely: I saw one
(02/27 21:24:45) Whilyam: There are a good ammount
(02/27 21:24:53) Wheely: But Sharper, I don't think is bad necesarily
(02/27 21:24:55) Whilyam: His journal says he saw a pod of them
(02/27 21:25:03) Whilyam: including a huge one.
(02/27 21:25:05) Wheely: He had just stayed in Teledahn too long..;)
(02/27 21:25:12) Wheely: Is what I guess
(02/27 21:25:15) Whilyam: Too little to do.
(02/27 21:25:16) Geert: lol
(02/27 21:25:19) Whilyam: Or too much
(02/27 21:25:22) Wheely: Exactly
(02/27 21:25:35) Anthony: tele can drive you a little bonkers
(02/27 21:25:41) Whilyam: mainly from the DRC (no offense) putting such strict rules on him
(02/27 21:25:41) ireenquench: Hm, maybe, I am not convinced.
(02/27 21:25:51) Vortmax: Especially when you keep randomly linking to the surface :p
(02/27 21:25:56) Anthony: lol
(02/27 21:25:58) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:26:15) Anthony: seems its an unstable link to that age
(02/27 21:26:21) Wheely: Yeah, killing a Shroomie will always put a bad mark on you in my book
(02/27 21:26:38) Whilyam: Rule #3842 of Teledahn: Carry a thick book when riding the buckets. I suggest War and Peace. Or something by Tolstoy.
(02/27 21:26:45) Vortmax laughs
(02/27 21:26:48) Wheely: lol
(02/27 21:26:56) ireenquench: Wheely, have you ever heard about a person named Phil Henderson?
(02/27 21:26:58) Whilyam: p.s. or the dictionary
(02/27 21:27:03) Anthony: whats your record in the bucket
(02/27 21:27:08) Whilyam: 8 spins....
(02/27 21:27:12) Anthony: nice
(02/27 21:27:15) Vortmax: I always wondered what happened to Henderson...
(02/27 21:27:20) Geert: Only 8?
(02/27 21:27:23) ireenquench: me too
(02/27 21:27:23) Wheely: No, I haven't heard of Phil Henderson/ Who's that?
(02/27 21:27:25) Whilyam: He's out there somewhere
(02/27 21:27:48) Whilyam: He was a restoration engineer who eventually turned to Yeesha's side
(02/27 21:27:49) ireenquench: Phil used to work for the DRC, he had an accident.
(02/27 21:27:52) Geert: His body was never found
(02/27 21:28:01) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:28:04) Whilyam: He was reportedly killed by a collapse in the Guild Hall
(02/27 21:28:06) Vortmax: "accident" my rear end...
(02/27 21:28:08) Anthony: was his KI foind
(02/27 21:28:09) Wheely: He was killed? After turning to Yeesha's side?
(02/27 21:28:15) Wheely: Oh
(02/27 21:28:16) Geert: Maybe he just linked out in time
(02/27 21:28:19) Anthony: found
(02/27 21:28:20) Whilyam: His body wasn't found
(02/27 21:28:26) Jawn: waht? you think the wall was dynamited?
(02/27 21:28:30) Whilyam: and Yeesha has the ability to link peope at will
(02/27 21:28:41) ireenquench: He took the Journey, yes, but Sharper might have taken his book from him, so he was usafe while exploring.
(02/27 21:28:46) Vortmax: I don't know what happened, but something always seemed off to me
(02/27 21:28:48) Wheely: A mystery waiting to be solved
(02/27 21:28:55) ireenquench: indeed
(02/27 21:28:58) Geert: phil had a linkbook with him didn't he?
(02/27 21:29:02) Whilyam: No
(02/27 21:29:09) Vortmax: No, Sharper had it, I think
(02/27 21:29:12) Whilyam: I think he left it in Sharper's spy room
(02/27 21:29:19) Geert: Not his relto book
(02/27 21:29:22) Geert: An other
(02/27 21:29:26) ireenquench: No, it is believed Sharper took it from him and never gave it back.
(02/27 21:29:27) Whilyam: No
(02/27 21:29:33) Whilyam: He had no linking book
(02/27 21:29:42) Wheely: Hmm
(02/27 21:29:50) Whilyam: If he left the Guild hall before its collapse, he was linked by the Bahro or Yeesha
(02/27 21:29:51) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:30:05) Anthony: but they never found him so
(02/27 21:30:07) Anthony: who knows
(02/27 21:30:13) Alhon: Hello
(02/27 21:30:14) ireenquench: And the DRC didn't like the way Phil ws exploring.
(02/27 21:30:23) Whilyam: They found his KI, though
(02/27 21:30:26) Anthony: they were worried about him
(02/27 21:30:35) Whilyam: They kidnapped him...
(02/27 21:30:36) Wheely: Yeah, I would be
(02/27 21:30:46) Vortmax: It's been a few years, but I could've sworn he fell from the bridge...
(02/27 21:30:47) Wheely: Who kidnapped him?
(02/27 21:30:49) ireenquench: They thought it unsafe, but I think they wanted to cover up something or were afraid of Yeesha.
(02/27 21:30:51) Whilyam: The DRC
(02/27 21:30:53) Anthony: oh the DRC
(02/27 21:31:00) Whilyam: Watson and Laxman, I think
(02/27 21:31:05) Anthony: they wanted to talk to him they said
(02/27 21:31:07) Whilyam: Bridge in Ae-Gura
(02/27 21:31:13) Vortmax: Yes
(02/27 21:31:18) Geert: why was phil warned not to use the linkbook by the Drc at time of the accident?
(02/27 21:31:21) Jawn: You were around at the time, Vort?
(02/27 21:31:25) Whilyam: I believe that was just before he went to the Hall?
(02/27 21:31:48) Wheely: Hmm
(02/27 21:31:48) Vortmax: Yes Jawn, I was. I missed the actual events, but I heard about them shortly thereafter.
(02/27 21:31:50) ireenquench: They didnt say what kind of book it wa.
(02/27 21:31:58) Jawn: Oh.
(02/27 21:32:01) Geert: Right
(02/27 21:32:06) Jawn nods his head
(02/27 21:32:19) Anthony: its sad really
(02/27 21:32:31) Anthony: really upset Dr. Watson too
(02/27 21:32:31) Whilyam: Wheely. Just curious. Do you have a Relto book like we do?
(02/27 21:32:35) Alhon: I'm out of the loop here... We talking about Phil Henderson?
(02/27 21:32:38) Wheely: Yep!
(02/27 21:32:38) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:32:42) Alhon: cool.
(02/27 21:32:49) Wheely: Not much in it though...
(02/27 21:32:56) ireenquench: Have you met Yeesha?
(02/27 21:32:57) Whilyam: How did you get it?
(02/27 21:33:07) Geert: Still think Phil is alive :)
(02/27 21:33:33) Wheely: I got it in that cave in the cleft
(02/27 21:33:35) essjay: Don't forget the Webcams too
(02/27 21:33:35) Alhon: I'm assuming they never found his body?
(02/27 21:33:49) Anthony: ever seen the star fissure
(02/27 21:33:50) Geert: Right
(02/27 21:33:55) Alhon: Got it.
(02/27 21:33:58) Vortmax: Webcams??
(02/27 21:33:59) Wheely: I saw the video imager thing of Yeesha
(02/27 21:34:16) Wheely: Star fissure?
(02/27 21:34:28) ireenquench: Yess Wheely, have you seem her again, appearing less like a hologram, and has she told you about the Bahro?
(02/27 21:34:38) Anthony: oh its a very interesting object
(02/27 21:34:44) Alhon: Take the journey. Then you shall know.
(02/27 21:34:46) GingerDiva: Ok that time someone used voice :(
(02/27 21:34:54) Geert: did you complete Yeesha's journey yet?
(02/27 21:35:02) Wheely: No
(02/27 21:35:04) Wheely: Not yet
(02/27 21:35:12) Jawn: Not another crash Ginger? :(
(02/27 21:35:15) Geert: You should complete that first
(02/27 21:35:24) ireenquench: Ah, well there is a lot of things you can learn on that Journey.
(02/27 21:35:24) Geert: She will award you
(02/27 21:35:25) GingerDiva: yeah :(
(02/27 21:35:29) GingerDiva cries
(02/27 21:35:36) Wheely: Hmm. I like rewards =D
(02/27 21:35:37) Anthony: did you ever read cathrines journals they mention the Star fissure
(02/27 21:35:56) Vortmax: I think I've been missing part of thsi conversation :(
(02/27 21:35:59) Wheely: Nope, haven't read them
(02/27 21:36:02) Geert: Maybe we could help you to complete the journey
(02/27 21:36:13) Whilyam: Have you found any of the Relto pages?
(02/27 21:36:15) Alhon: I would be honored to help.
(02/27 21:36:26) Wheely: Not yet
(02/27 21:36:30) Wheely: But I've been looking
(02/27 21:36:39) Anthony: there might be one in the hood
(02/27 21:36:40) Vortmax: When you finish the Journey, you also get a nifty shirt!
(02/27 21:36:44) ireenquench: I would love to help, some parts you can only journey alone but other parts you can do with help.
(02/27 21:36:48) Wheely: In this good?
(02/27 21:36:50) GingerDiva: yeah, anytime you wanna go hunting, just ask, any of us will be happy to help :)
(02/27 21:36:52) Wheely: *hood
(02/27 21:37:08) Wheely: Where!?
(02/27 21:37:11) Whilyam: Why are you using a Relto book? Last time I heard the DRC didn't trust those things.
(02/27 21:37:32) Vortmax: This way
(02/27 21:37:32) GingerDiva: yes i think its there now, in the garden
(02/27 21:37:33) Vortmax waves
(02/27 21:37:37) Jawn: After a while, the DRC must see the do work.
(02/27 21:37:38) Wheely: My dad told me I needed a Relto Book
(02/27 21:37:41) ireenquench: Wheely, do you see Ashtar?
(02/27 21:37:43) Whilyam: It's there
(02/27 21:37:48) ireenquench: hi ashtar
(02/27 21:37:54) Ashtar: Shorah All
(02/27 21:37:59) Vortmax: Shorah Ashtar
(02/27 21:38:00) Wheely: Yes
(02/27 21:38:01) Kyven: Shorah, Ashtar
(02/27 21:38:04) Alhon: II have not checked here, but it is there over at CCN.
(02/27 21:38:04) Geert: shorah ashtar :)
(02/27 21:38:05) Michael: Hi Ashtar
(02/27 21:38:06) Old Man: Hello Ahstar
(02/27 21:38:15) Vortmax: Wheely, it's over this way, in the Light Garden
(02/27 21:38:19) Alhon: Hello Ashtar.
(02/27 21:38:23) Old Man: oops Ashtar
(02/27 21:38:28) ireenquench: He is wearing a shirt that you get when you have completed teh Journey, just like Vortmax
(02/27 21:38:34) Geert: Have to go
(02/27 21:38:38) Anthony: so if you want it Wheely
(02/27 21:38:43) Wheely: brb
(02/27 21:38:50) Geert: Biorythm of an european :)
(02/27 21:38:51) Jawn: bye Geert
(02/27 21:38:51) ireenquench: lol
(02/27 21:38:51) Geert: cu
(02/27 21:38:54) GingerDiva: hi again OM :)
(02/27 21:39:01) ireenquench: night Geert
(02/27 21:39:01) Ashtar: Thats OK OM, no worries :)
(02/27 21:39:10) Vortmax: Seems like she's got some bad lag
(02/27 21:39:13) Ashtar: Hi ess
(02/27 21:39:14) Whilyam: Up here, Wheely
(02/27 21:39:33) Whilyam: on the window ledge
(02/27 21:39:44) Vortmax: Look at the side of the window over there
(02/27 21:39:45) Anthony: on the side of the window
(02/27 21:39:46) Whilyam points
(02/27 21:39:50) Wheely: I don't see anything
(02/27 21:39:55) GingerDiva: hiya Ora! :)
(02/27 21:39:57) Alhon: This page created an entire event at the D'ni Olympics.
(02/27 21:39:58) Wheely: Wait
(02/27 21:40:00) Wheely: I see it
(02/27 21:40:04) Oracle: Shirah Gang
(02/27 21:40:08) Whilyam: Let her breathe, men!
(02/27 21:40:08) ireenquench: touch it
(02/27 21:40:08) Anthony: cool
(02/27 21:40:10) Wheely: Got it!
(02/27 21:40:13) Alhon: hello, Oracle.
(02/27 21:40:14) Michael: Hello Oracle
(02/27 21:40:15) Oracle: Shorah
(02/27 21:40:15) GingerDiva cheers
(02/27 21:40:16) Wheely: Thanks!
(02/27 21:40:16) ireenquench cheers
(02/27 21:40:18) Vortmax: Just making sure it was still there :p
(02/27 21:40:19) Anthony cheers
(02/27 21:40:21) Whilyam: You will now have islands in your Relto
(02/27 21:40:22) Vortmax claps his hands
(02/27 21:40:22) Wheely: Thats my first one
(02/27 21:40:22) Alhon cheers
(02/27 21:40:24) ireenquench claps her hands
(02/27 21:40:28) Anthony: cool
(02/27 21:40:33) Wheely: Ty, ty!
(02/27 21:40:34) Vortmax: Congrats! There are several more in the other Ages
(02/27 21:40:54) GingerDiva: sheesh, i never have much crashiness, past hour been 4 or 5 times tho
(02/27 21:41:02) Ashtar: So is Wheely getting her Yeesha page?
(02/27 21:41:09) Alhon: I know of one in Gahreesen, down the large crack.
(02/27 21:41:12) Wheely: I got it!
(02/27 21:41:14) GingerDiva: first one Ashtar :)
(02/27 21:41:15) Anthony: the island page
(02/27 21:41:17) Ashtar cheers
(02/27 21:41:20) Whilyam: Wheely, why are you using a Relto book? Just curious.
(02/27 21:41:20) ireenquench: :)
(02/27 21:41:21) Wheely: Island?
(02/27 21:41:23) Jawn: Is it usually like so, or is tonite just special?
(02/27 21:41:34) Wheely: My dad said I should, it was good to have one
(02/27 21:41:37) Vortmax: That page gives you smaller islands around your Relto island
(02/27 21:41:41) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:41:43) Alhon: Hmmm.......
(02/27 21:41:53) ireenquench: Your Dad must have learned a lot, then.
(02/27 21:41:56) Anthony: the wonders of the Art
(02/27 21:42:01) Ashtar: Congrats Wheely!
(02/27 21:42:03) Wheely: Are there people who don't use the Relto book?
(02/27 21:42:06) Whilyam: I guess Phil changed a few minds
(02/27 21:42:08) Wheely: Thanks!
(02/27 21:42:12) Vortmax: The Relto book has saved me on more than one occasion
(02/27 21:42:14) Whilyam: The DRC never used Reltos
(02/27 21:42:16) Anthony: the DRC didn't to start
(02/27 21:42:25) Whilyam: Said they were too dangerous
(02/27 21:42:25) Wheely: My dad has one
(02/27 21:42:29) GingerDiva: so you been meeting lots of new people Wheely?
(02/27 21:42:32) Whilyam: When did he get his?
(02/27 21:42:36) Alhon: It was Zandi and Phil who spread them, kinda.
(02/27 21:42:43) Wheely: I don't know, not sure
(02/27 21:42:47) Whilyam: Hmm
(02/27 21:42:53) Jawn: reltos are like safety ropes, i guess - always good to have nearby - and ON YOU, not on the rock beside you...
(02/27 21:42:54) Alhon: BTW, have you seen Zandi recently?
(02/27 21:43:02) GingerDiva: lol Jawn
(02/27 21:43:07) Whilyam: The only one the DRC had last time I checked was one that Laxman was studying
(02/27 21:43:13) Wheely: Not since I was wandering round in the desert
(02/27 21:43:23) Anthony: hmm
(02/27 21:43:41) Wheely: Doesn't the rest of the DRC use them now?
(02/27 21:43:46) Whilyam: I'm not sure
(02/27 21:43:52) Whilyam: They haven't come down here
(02/27 21:44:02) ireenquench: We don't know.
(02/27 21:44:06) Jawn: Well, that's what seems to have happened to Phil, according to Sharper.
(02/27 21:44:13) Anthony: so did your dad get his P.hD while he was free or is he working on it
(02/27 21:44:21) Wheely: Is would seem silly not to
(02/27 21:44:29) Whilyam: It would, wouldn't it :P
(02/27 21:44:33) Anthony: lol
(02/27 21:44:38) Alhon: Ug... college...
(02/27 21:44:41) Wheely: What would happen when they fell off a cliff
(02/27 21:44:43) Whilyam: They didn't think that before
(02/27 21:44:50) Wheely: I think he has a masters
(02/27 21:44:52) Whilyam: They just assumed they wouldn't I guess
(02/27 21:44:53) ireenquench: They do not speak to us much. Wheely, they seem busy.
(02/27 21:44:55) Anthony: yes I know I'm in college now
(02/27 21:45:11) Anthony: well maybe some day he will do it
(02/27 21:45:11) Alhon: ><
(02/27 21:45:31) Wheely: Idk this is more fun than that =D
(02/27 21:45:33) Whilyam: Aaah, shut off the lag! >.<
(02/27 21:45:46) Vortmax: Heh, I'm with you on that one Wheely.
(02/27 21:45:48) GingerDiva: hehe yeah
(02/27 21:45:52) Whilyam thanks you
(02/27 21:45:54) Alhon: yeah, nicer ambiance than common halls.
(02/27 21:46:03) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:46:23) Ashtar: Having fun Jawn? :)
(02/27 21:46:24) Jawn: Sorry bout the 2nd time - got lagged myself
(02/27 21:46:27) Anthony: though some one needs to fix the algae
(02/27 21:46:32) Wheely: Lol
(02/27 21:46:35) GingerDiva: phwe - thought id crashed *again*
(02/27 21:46:39) Jawn: *blushed*
(02/27 21:46:44) Alhon: Are they actually broken?
(02/27 21:46:46) ireenquench: A bit sickly they are, yes.
(02/27 21:47:01) Anthony: they are supposed to do a day night cycle
(02/27 21:47:03) Vortmax: Well according to the books, they once brightened and darkened on a "day/night" cycle
(02/27 21:47:24) Alhon: the D'ni had weak eyes; pwerhaps this is normal.
(02/27 21:47:30) Wheely: The algae in the lake?
(02/27 21:47:31) Alhon: *perhaps
(02/27 21:47:34) Whilyam: Yes
(02/27 21:47:39) Vortmax: Yeah, the glowing algae
(02/27 21:47:40) ireenquench nods her head
(02/27 21:47:48) Vortmax nods his head
(02/27 21:47:52) Anthony: I don't think so the DRC said they were still working on it
(02/27 21:47:55) Whilyam: I still want to know what that fish is in there...
(02/27 21:47:57) Anthony: before the pull out
(02/27 21:48:06) Vortmax: It'll probably take a while to fix that.
(02/27 21:48:10) Anthony: yup
(02/27 21:48:19) Alhon: Unfortunately, I wasn't here when the DRC was.
(02/27 21:48:20) Old Man: That doesn't stop members from linking in.
(02/27 21:48:33) Alhon: So I'm a little behind on the progress of the Restoration.
(02/27 21:48:40) essjay: We would hope that they members would be there already.
(02/27 21:48:54) essjay: Who wanted to participate.
(02/27 21:48:58) Anthony: we've had a long time to memorize this stuff
(02/27 21:49:03) Whilyam: *sighs* I've got to go to Relto. Bed-time... still need to fix a few things as well. See you guys.
(02/27 21:49:05) Alhon: :)
(02/27 21:49:07) Vortmax: Or forget it, like me
(02/27 21:49:10) Vortmax: Night Whil
(02/27 21:49:12) Whilyam: Have fun, Wheely
(02/27 21:49:17) Whilyam: 'night all.
(02/27 21:49:17) GingerDiva: night Whilyam, good to see you :)
(02/27 21:49:18) Alhon: good night, Whilyam.
(02/27 21:49:19) ireenquench: Sensitive organisms. But I don' think it was ever their number 1 priority.
(02/27 21:49:19) Ashtar: G'nite Whilyam
(02/27 21:49:20) Michael: Bye Whilyam
(02/27 21:49:20) Whilyam waves
(02/27 21:49:28) ireenquench: bye whilyam
(02/27 21:49:29) Anthony: not really
(02/27 21:49:31) Old Man: Take care, Whilyam.
(02/27 21:49:38) Alhon: Yeah, should probably stabilize the buildings first.
(02/27 21:49:45) Anthony: yes
(02/27 21:50:04) Vortmax: And in doing that, they'll hopefully find some more ages.
(02/27 21:50:17) GingerDiva: lol always hopeful huh ;)
(02/27 21:50:20) Vortmax: Always
(02/27 21:50:21) ireenquench: Maybe there's a book left.
(02/27 21:50:22) essjay: have control
(02/27 21:50:29) Anthony: so Wheely did you enjoy the myst games
(02/27 21:50:35) Alhon: Perhaps some from Katran's journals?
(02/27 21:50:39) Anthony: or did you play them
(02/27 21:51:01) Old Man: Custom parade hoods with little or no members would get around that problem but may add other problems.
(02/27 21:51:04) essjay: You can also figure that the hoods are a part of aguera just as all neighborhoods are a part of the city.
(02/27 21:51:16) ireenquench: she poofed?
(02/27 21:51:17) GingerDiva: aaargh she go crashy like me!