Reference:2006-12-23 Wheely Engberg in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

Wheely: Hi!
Dan’nee: Shorah, Wheely
(12/23 15:15:35) Matthew Miller: Shorah all
Wheely: Shorah!
Dan’nee: How are things going?
Wheely: Great now that I’m back in the cavern
Wheely: :)
Dan’nee: I’ll second that.
(12/23 15:16:23) Matthew Miller: Good to have the cavern so full :)
(12/23 15:16:29) Dan’nee: Is your semester over?
Wheely: Yep
ian1: Guys. You are not supposed to be beyond the barriers (Except wheely)
(12/23 15:17:22) Fra’ni: Oh, OK ian1, we’re sorry.
(12/23 15:17:22) Dan’nee: ian, MIchael said they are taking their lives into their own hands.
(12/23 15:17:30) Dan’nee: So, I guess it’s up to them. :)
Wheely: my dad said that?
Dan’nee: Something like that , yeah
(12/23 15:18:24) Matthew Miller: Well, it’s pretty dangerous for regular explorers to get back there.
Wheely: He must think it’s safe. He let me in here ;)
Wheely: Of course, he doesn’t always know where I am
Dan’nee: Well, he said he’s a little overly cautious, for your sake
(12/23 15:19:26) Malakh: It looks like you like the santa hats Wheely
Wheely: Oh yeah
Wheely: my dad takes good care of me ;)
Hitana: lol
(12/23 15:20:22) Dan’nee: Good to hear.
(12/23 15:20:31) Malakh: Your father put up a tree in Sharper’s old office, have you seen it?
(12/23 15:20:35) Mark Dev: well, here I go again…
(12/23 15:20:39) ian1: Have you been in any ages we haven’t?
(12/23 15:20:41) Mark Dev: see you
Wheely: I haven’t seen it yet
Dan’nee: Does your dad, or the DRC, give you any particular tasks down here?
(12/23 22:21:07) Hitana: how are you wheely
Wheely: Not yet, I’m on Christmas vacation
Wheely: I’m good, how about you?
Hitana: i’m fine but curious
(12/23 22:21:51) Hitana grins
Wheely: :)
Hitana: so there wont be anything before x-mas is over, wheely?
(12/23 22:22:51) Malakh: If you asked where Sharper’s office is Wheely it is accessable from Teledahn
Wheely: ok cool, thanks
Wheely: and not sure what you mean Hitana, updates or..
Malakh: Your very welcome
(12/23 22:23:51) Dan’nee: I was wondering, are the DRC down here for th weekend?
Wheely: yeah, my dad came and got me
Wheely: but everybody is here
Matthew Miller: I hope the DRC at least have christmas off
(12/23 22:24:41) Malakh: Say hit to them for us
(12/23 22:24:50) Malakh: Hi that is
Wheely: i think dr.kodama said he’s going back to the surface for christmas
Malakh: Or Shorah even :)
(12/23 22:25:12) Hitana: just if there would be any changes the next days, wheela
(12/23 22:25:17) Hitana: wheely!
(12/23 22:25:21) Fra’ni: I hope everyone at Cyan gets to have a Merry Christmas. They’ve earned it.
(12/23 22:25:32) Hitana: yes thats true!
(12/23 22:25:46) Malakh: Yes wish them Happy Holidays if we do not get to see them
Wheely: who is Cyan? ;)
ian1: Have you heard of the incident on the 19th yet, wheely?
(12/23 22:26:06) Matthew Miller: Well I hope kodama enjoys his christmas on the surface.
(12/23 22:26:06) Hitana: lol
Wheely: Yeah, my dad told me about it
Wheely: Pretty weird
Matthew Miller: Have you been on yeeshas journey Wheely?
(12/23 22:26:54) Dan’nee: I wonder why the DRC isn’t more concerned about it.
(12/23 22:27:05) Hitana: did he speak about the moving of some barriers wheely?
Wheely: I went out to the desert today, but i haven’t finished yet since i’ve been back down
Wheely: they always talk about moving the barriers..or argue should i say
Matthew Miller: Well I think the DRC are pretty concerned about it Dan’nee considering they barricaded most of the city
(12/23 22:27:59) Dan’nee: Yeah, but in our chats they’ve sounded kind of ho-hum
Wheely: my dad told me to be really careful
Dan’nee: But at least they are concerned about our safety
(12/23 22:28:23) Hitana: thats good to hear although many wish that they would move them
(12/23 22:28:29) Dan’nee: Maybe they are just trying not to scare us more than we already are
(12/23 22:28:35) ian1: Do any of your friends from school know about D’ni, or do you not tell anyone?
(12/23 22:28:53) Hitana: yeah safety goes first
Wheely: Some of my good friends know
Jahuti: Seems strange to be concerned about safety when we all have Relto books.
Wheely: but my dad doesn’t like me to say too much
Dan’nee: Wheely, I’ve got to leave.
(12/23 22:29:37) Hitana: i can guess
(12/23 22:29:42) Dan’nee: But I =’d just like to say it was nice meeting you.
Wheely: Nice meeting you as well
Dan’nee: Shorah, b’shehmtee
(12/23 22:30:34) Hitana: i can think of him saying: “They will ask you a lot of questions!”
(12/23 22:30:45) Frolain: So, where are the santa hats? I can’t remember from 3 years ago :)
(12/23 22:31:03) Dan’ni: You should have one in your wardrobe, Frolain.
(12/23 22:31:09) Malakh: they are in your closet
Wheely: Just in our closets
Hitana: i like these hats!
(12/23 22:31:26) Frolain: Ok, thought that might have ben it, but forgot to check
(12/23 22:32:10) ian1: Do you bring your relto book with you when you leave d’ni to go back to school?
(12/23 22:32:11) Hitana: whats up with other ages, wheely? will they give access to some soon?
(12/23 22:32:17) jahmen: neighbor
(12/23 22:32:33) Malakh: What is your favorite thing about the Cavern Wheely?
(12/23 22:32:36) Oldman waves
Wheely: No, I give it to my dad when I go to the surface
Wheely: my dad has mentioned a few, but i haven’t been to them yet
Hitana: k, thats nice of you. will he be in the cavern some time?
(12/23 22:33:28) Hitana: do you remember the names?
Wheely: I love to explore in the city, Malakh
Hitana: hey oldman!
Wheely: I think they were eders or something
Oldman: Sorah all
Wheely: I don’t know what my dad’s schedule is today
Dan’ni: Eder Delin and Eder Tsogahl :)
(12/23 22:34:51) Matthew Miller: Forgive us for all the questions Wheely, we don’t mean to be grilling you or anything ;)
(12/23 22:35:02) Hitana: well not only today
Wheely: That’s okay, I don’t mind :)
Malakh: Yeah we just want to show a warm welcome :)
(12/23 22:35:19) Hitana: now the eder ages would be nice!
(12/23 22:36:30) Malakh: I am looking forward to assisting with the Great Zero calibration
(12/23 22:36:36) Hitana: did the drc find out more about the bahro?
Wheely: I don’t know if they found out anymore about them, but those screams are pretty creepy
Hitana: yes i can think of that
(12/23 22:37:22) Malakh: I like the screeches
(12/23 22:37:31) Malakh: They don’t seem scary to me
(12/23 22:37:31) ian1: But don’t worry. I don’t think the bahro are bad.
(12/23 22:37:37) Hitana: you can’t say what they want to do perhaps…
(12/23 22:37:54) Matthew Miller: Do you know anything more about this “error” we have in our ki’s wheely? It’s been in there for a few days
(12/23 22:37:54) jahmen: what Skreeches?
(12/23 22:37:55) Hitana: no i’m not scared of them
(12/23 22:38:15) Matthew Miller: Well, the long screech was kind of scary, especially since everyone was linked
(12/23 22:38:15) Hitana: yeah this downloading thing!?
Wheely: yeah, i have it too
Wheely: i think it’s some kind of a glitch
Malakh: Matthew I understand that was an error from when the DRC first tried to upload images to the classroom imagers
(12/23 22:39:15) jahmen: i wasn’tlinked
(12/23 22:39:15) Matthew Miller: Strange
(12/23 22:40:07) jahmen: Ust disappeared wondered what that was about
(12/23 22:40:10) Matthew Miller: I wonder if something is wrong with the lattice…
(12/23 22:40:15) jahmen: everyone
(12/23 22:40:37) jahmen: freaked me out
(12/23 22:40:38) Malakh: Yeah I think there are some bugs in the lattice
(12/23 22:40:42) ian1: I don’t know if the bahro screech was the cause of the incident. It could have just be reacting to it.
Wheely: What is the lattice? Mr. Laxman talks about it all the time
Oldman: hi Pia
(12/23 22:40:57) Hitana: why should it have been an error to send this downloading thing?
(12/23 22:41:00) Oldman: Wave
(12/23 22:41:00) ian1: They may have been just as surprised as we were.
(12/23 22:41:07) Oldman waves
(12/23 22:41:14) jahmen waves
(12/23 22:41:20) Ian A. Pertwee: hi everybody
(12/23 22:41:22) LoneWolf: I believe the error is still there because they do not know what happened. Attempting to remove it without knowing what caused the error would perhaps cause more errors.
(12/23 22:41:26) Pia123 waves
(12/23 22:41:27) Malakh: The lattice crontrols the KI’s from what I understand
(12/23 22:41:36) Malakh: kind of like a computer server
Wheely: ooh, ok
Hitana: do you know if any other drc people will come in the next days wheely?
(12/23 22:42:46) Uberdose! waves
(12/23 22:43:10) Malakh: What do yo plan to do while you are down here Wheely?
Wheely: i don’t know for sure, but I know they seem to be spending a lot of time talking to people
Wheely: explore and rexplore
Matthew Miller: Yeah, we’ve seen them a lot more lately
Wheely: see if I missed anything :)
Fra’ni hopes the DRC has a few days with their families.
(12/23 22:43:58) Malakh: cool, that is alwasy fun
Wheely wants to be in D’ni for Christmas
Hitana: lol
(12/23 22:44:45) Fra’ni: giggle>
(12/23 22:44:47) Moleque: hehe
(12/23 22:44:49) jahmen: most of my crashes happened from going into and out of Bahro Cave. Any one else?
(12/23 22:45:07) Hitana: but your family wants to celebrate traditionally dont they? wheely?
(12/23 22:45:26) Ian A. Pertwee: I like D’ni but it’s not really my idea of “festive”. A Christmas in Kadish, though—
Wheely: well I’ll celebrate with my dad here
Moleque: I want a Heek table for Christmas
(12/23 22:46:08) ian1: :)
(12/23 22:46:20) Hitana: is that true? can other join your party, wheely?
Wheely: well it’s not really a party, just our own little clebration
Wheely: *celebration
ian1: Well, goodbye. I think I’ll explore elsewhere now. It was nice meeting you Wheely. :)
Wheely: Nice meeting you too!
Wheely: That’s probably why he brought the tree and the hats
Wheely: makes it more christmasy for us
Wheely: :)
Hitana: and can others come, wheely?
(12/23 22:47:57) Hitana grins
(12/23 22:48:14) Ian A. Pertwee: I’m just glad it’s not Sharper’s old tree, the one he cut off from his Relto.
Wheely: Well, are you going to be alone for christmas?
Hitana: or is it private?
(12/23 22:48:43) Hitana: no but or celebration will be over when you begin
(12/23 22:48:59) Hitana: our
Wheely: well, my dad is probably looking forward to just the two of us
Hitana: other time zone you know…
Wheely: but I can ask ;)
Hitana: would be nice of you :)
(12/23 22:50:47) Mario: How do u get over there????~?!?!?!!?!?!
Wheely: I don’t think you can jump it Mario
Mario: :-(
Wheely: but my dad gave me a Nexus link
Ian A. Pertwee: by climbing over the Tokotah… something the DRC doesn’t approve of, but that doesn’t stop the daring explorers
(12/23 22:51:43) Hitana: NOOO!
(12/23 22:51:43) Whilyam: He thinks it’s safe enough for you?
(12/23 22:51:48) Mario: What the ehck is a length
(12/23 22:51:51) Migo: That was very kind of you dad
(12/23 22:51:56) Matthew Miller: So wheely, do you know if the DRC are getting any new members that you heard about? With the disappeance of Dr.Watson and all
(12/23 22:52:01) Migo: your*
(12/23 22:52:11) Mario: Whats a link?
Wheely: I’ve only been down here today, and I haven’t seen anybody new
Wheely: but then again I haven’t seen everybody
Hitana: you know, we long for a link!
(12/23 22:52:42) Migo: Welcome
(12/23 22:52:52) Whilyam: Wheely, what’s your favorite Age?
(12/23 22:52:54) Mario: Man im never going to know
Wheely: Kadish
Whilyam: Was that your soccer ball some people saw there?
(12/23 22:53:17) Mario: I wish i could just follow some 1
(12/23 22:53:31) Hitana: where does that link goes to, wheely?
Wheely: I love the room where the lights shine down
Wheely: ? Soccer ball?
Hitana: kadish is very beautiful!
(12/23 22:54:08) Migo: Kadish is so beautiful
(12/23 22:54:09) Matthew Miller: Oh there was a soccer ball down here a few weeks back. before the bahro scream
Wheely: What link?
Ian A. Pertwee: There was a soccer ball in Kadish some days ago… I guess they took it away after the scream
(12/23 22:54:23) Hitana: the link your dad gave you
Wheely: In Kadish?
Hitana: damn i like soccer
(12/23 22:54:50) Migo: the nexus link?
(12/23 22:54:51) Mario: Dont say damn
Wheely: It’s a Nexus link to here
Hitana: soory
(12/23 22:55:02) Whilyam: The ball was in Kadish. Hitana’s talking about the nexus lin
(12/23 22:55:04) Ian A. Pertwee: Probably some ResEng forgot it there
Wheely: the alley
Whilyam: k
(12/23 22:55:15) Hitana: the alley!
Wheely: That would be fun to play with in there (the soccer ball)
Wheely: wish I could’ve been here for that
Mario: *sigh*
(12/23 22:55:35) Hitana: no more superjumps…
(12/23 22:55:54) Ian A. Pertwee: Maybe they’ll put one back if we ask.
(12/23 22:55:55) Whilyam: Wheely, you think you could move some of these barriers? ;)
Wheely: If you can’t, I can’t :)
Hitana: is he thinking of giving that link or did he do it already, wheely?
Wheely: that’s how I got here
Wheely: there was a link in my nexus
Migo: It must be safe then!
(12/23 22:56:51) Hitana: yes in YOURS!
(12/23 22:57:06) Migo: He wouldn’t test on you
(12/23 22:57:07) Hitana: but is it in everyones?
(12/23 22:57:10) Whilyam: So if your dad thinks it’s safe for you, why not us?
(12/23 22:57:18) Hitana: right!
(12/23 22:57:34) Ian A. Pertwee: If Laxman wants to open the Gallery doors, I guess he thinks this place is almost safe for re-opening.
(12/23 22:57:40) Klarren: We are bodyguards of wheely :)
(12/23 22:57:41) Dan’ni: guys relax, will ya? We’ll be let in in no time. :) Be patient.
(12/23 22:57:41) Malakh: You’ll probably have to ask Engberg
Wheely: He probably thinks it’s safer here for me without you here :)
Hitana: lol
(12/23 22:57:57) Whilyam: I know, just curious
(12/23 22:57:58) Matthew Miller: lol
(12/23 22:57:59) Migo: lol
(12/23 22:58:00) T’layeh: lol
(12/23 22:58:02) Ian A. Pertwee: and he’s probably right! ;)
Wheely: lol
Hitana: well we’ll see
(12/23 22:58:35) Hitana: and wait…
(12/23 22:58:43) Matthew Miller: Wheely, what do you study at college?
(12/23 22:58:45) Hitana: and watch out
(12/23 22:58:52) Ian A. Pertwee: We waited three years for this, we can wait a few more days.
(12/23 22:58:59) Matthew Miller: Exactly Ian
Wheely: I’m a freshman in high school actually
Dan’ni: hey at least the pub’s open ;)
(12/23 22:59:00) Whilyam: Yes
(12/23 22:59:02) Hitana: thats right
(12/23 22:59:03) Dan’ni grins
(12/23 22:59:05) Matthew Miller: Oh, I’m sorry
Wheely: Np
Wheely: :)
Ian A. Pertwee: Atrus waited 40 years to get back to D’ni. We get it easier. :)
(12/23 22:59:40) Whilyam starts to laugh
Wheely: I look older when I wear my santa hat
Wheely: ;)
Matthew Miller: That must be it ;)
(12/23 22:59:56) Hitana: hows it going there wheely? :)
(12/23 22:59:56) Migo: very sophisticated hat
(12/23 23:00:11) Whilyam: And you’re pretty tall, too! ;)
Wheely: :)
Wheely: My dad doesn’t let me drink coffee
Ian A. Pertwee: I like the new ResEng hats… they’d be quite useful in Eder Gira!
(12/23 23:00:50) Whilyam: Good. I hate the stuff
(12/23 23:00:57) Hitana: everythins fine at college?
(12/23 23:01:03) Hitana: lol
Wheely: Highschool :)
Whilyam: What’s your dad working on now?
(12/23 23:01:31) Migo: eating all your vegetables?
(12/23 23:01:32) Hitana: coffee is poison believe me!
Wheely: Lonewolf, where’d you get your cool hat?
Whilyam: That’s from Kadish
(12/23 23:02:01) LoneWolf: In Kadish
Wheely: He’s been really busy checking out the city
Hitana: lol sorry, i dont know those american school forms well
Wheely: the hoods
Ian A. Pertwee: The helmet comes from the alternate vault in Kadish Tolesa.
Wheely: he thinks there’s damage, and wants to make sure there’s not
LoneWolf: In the Kadish vault there is a book behind the crates
(12/23 23:02:48) Matthew Miller: Yeah, it’s one of those strange instances that’s been talked about. Alternative universes or something
Wheely: I’ll have to find it. Thanks :)
Hitana: lol
(12/23 23:03:20) Ian A. Pertwee: Yep… alternate universes don’t scare as much when it’s something totally different.
(12/23 23:03:27) Hitana: well it’s getting late here…
(12/23 23:03:36) Hitana: i shall go now…
(12/23 23:03:37) Ian A. Pertwee: But go to an Age that is exactly like the last one save for a minor detail… and it’s creepy.
Wheely: my dad said something about that
T’layeh: Bye Hitana
Wheely: the city ages or something
Hitana: bye everyone
Wheely: what’s happening?
Ian A. Pertwee: bye Hitana
Wheely: goodbye Hitana
Malakh: What did he say Wheely?
(12/23 23:04:05) LoneWolf: It is good helmet to have as a precaution against falling rocks and such.
Wheely: Nice meeting you
jahmen: Bye
(12/23 23:04:08) Hitana: bye wheely it was a pleasure to talk to you!
Wheely: you as well :)
Whilyam: Yeah, Victor Laxman told us about the instances yesterday.
(12/23 23:04:45) Ian A. Pertwee: It seems that Yeesha wants us to respect the city limitation in the Nexus. :)
(12/23 23:04:53) Matthew Miller: It seems after the bahro scream there are different instances of the city. Some links go to this city and others go to a different one with no people
Wheely: that’s weird, and kinda cool
Hitana: damn thats all so interesting
(12/23 23:05:22) T’layeh: indeed
Wheely: how do you get to the ones with no people?
Ian A. Pertwee: Some people say the City instances are hood related.
(12/23 23:05:26) Hitana: i can’t go!!!
(12/23 23:05:36) Ian A. Pertwee: Using your City book in Relto, Wheely.
(12/23 23:05:41) Hitana: lol
(12/23 23:05:42) Ian A. Pertwee: Or the Bahro stones.
(12/23 23:05:47) Matthew Miller: Yes, I heard that. That they are related to your neighborhood
(12/23 23:06:02) Hitana: so we get this parellel universe thing…
Wheely: So is the city private like my other books?
Wheely: on my shelf?
Migo: so…empy hoods?
(12/23 23:06:38) Hitana: thats not nice!
(12/23 23:06:46) T’layeh: not private, but another city, kinda
(12/23 23:06:58) Hitana: parallel city…
Wheely: hmm..interesting
Whilyam: People are still testing the instancing. Some people go to others when shared.
(12/23 23:07:15) Ian A. Pertwee: It’s like your neighborhood. Only people in your ‘hood can go there.
Wheely: that’s cool
T’layeh: oooh like the GZ
(12/23 23:07:28) Hitana: strange…
Wheely: I think I’m going to go try that out
Wheely: see if I have one
Whilyam: Some can get to THIS city through the Bahro stone if another shares their stone
Wheely: :)
Matthew Miller: Okay then wheely, have fun and be careful :)
(12/23 23:07:55) LoneWolf: Signs of instability, these different instances. Possibly this city we are in now might disappear one day. Hopefully not while we are in it.
(12/23 23:07:58) Whilyam: Be safe, Wheely.
Wheely: Thank you
Malakh: Have fun Wheely
(12/23 23:08:03) Mario: :,(
Wheely: I’ll try
Hitana: bye NOW, its enough!
(12/23 23:08:15) T’layeh: Bye Wheely, have fun and be careful
Wheely: Nice chatting with all of you
Hitana: have fun wheely!
Wheely: I’ll definetly be back
Matthew Miller: Same to you wheely :)
(12/23 23:08:25) Klarren waves
(12/23 23:08:26) Migo: take care
Wheely waves