Reference:2006-12-24 Stanley Murray in the UO neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

Foo: Stan!
(12/24 20:22:55) Atriz: We’ve got no snow here.
(12/24 20:23:02) shrimpy: i gotta worok in thatand 9 million people are going to be traveling
(12/24 20:23:02) Atriz: Isn’t that strange? o_o
(12/24 20:23:07) shrimpy: tommorw
(12/24 20:23:07) BrettM: Hi, GS! Glad you could drop by!
(12/24 20:23:12) Foo: How’re you doing? Haven’t heard from you in a while!
(12/24 20:23:47) Atriz: So who runs this here hood?
(12/24 20:23:47) shrimpy: well we got 4 feet of snow where i live
Stanley Murray: Is this the right place?
Stanley Murray: Samuel?
Foo: Right place for what?
(12/24 20:24:05) BrettM: All the members are owners. You’re one now, Atriz.
(12/24 20:24:06) 4runner: its the right place
(12/24 20:24:07) Foo: Yea!
(12/24 20:24:12) Atriz: That’s pretty sick D:
Stanley Murray: HA! Yes this is the right place!
Stanley Murray: I thought the Nexus sent me somewhere else again.
BrettM: Yeah. Some have suggested that hood ownership have more limits.
(12/24 20:24:33) Foo: Wait, did you send me a message?
Stanley Murray: Oh you got it?
shrimpy: hi julsborn
(12/24 20:24:52) BrettM: Music on TeamSpeak,, Classic Rock channel.
(12/24 20:25:05) BrettM: Mystery solved!
Stanley Murray: Thought you didn’t. Something weird happened to my KI. Started downloading something and then went crazy for a couple of minutes.
Kam Uraki: Speaking of downloading
(12/24 20:25:36) Foo: Kinda. There was no name on it, and a lot of strange characters.
(12/24 20:25:44) Atriz: Rock it out.
(12/24 20:25:46) BrettM: Downloading message is still with us.
Stanley Murray: Strange.
Stanley Murray: How is everyone?
Kam Uraki: I still have that downloading message too
(12/24 20:26:15) Foo: Not too bad. Where’ve you been?
(12/24 20:26:15) 4runner: Thats suppose to be error
(12/24 20:26:17) julsborn: Fly like an eagle! do do do do
(12/24 20:26:17) BrettM: Some people have reported problems after clicking on it.
Stanley Murray: Here and there, Samuel. Long story.
BrettM: Steve Miller Band rulez.
(12/24 20:26:50) Foo: Still in the gas business?
(12/24 20:27:01) shrimpy: so wat is that downloading thing?
Stanley Murray: No. The Gas Station’s gone for years now.
4runner: Just an error
(12/24 20:27:31) julsborn: downloading message is an error; just ignore it
(12/24 20:27:38) shrimpy: ohhhhhh ok
(12/24 20:27:39) Foo: Oh, that’s a shame. I hear a few of the DRC were regulars back when.
(12/24 20:27:45) BrettM: Darn. At $2-3 per gallon, it must be a great time for station owners.
(12/24 20:27:50) shrimpy: i gotta go help someody so ill see u guys l8r
(12/24 20:27:52) shrimpy: bye!
Stanley Murray: Yes. That is how I got here in the first place.
Foo: Bye shrimpy
(12/24 20:28:00) BrettM: Bye, Shrimpy.
(12/24 20:28:02) Atriz: Later shrimpy
(12/24 20:28:02) 4runner: bye
(12/24 20:28:12) skylark: bye shrimpy
Stanley Murray: But that was a long time ago. Things changed since then. People changed too.
BrettM: Anything interesting to tell us, GS?
(12/24 20:28:41) Foo: People do.
Stanley Murray: It’s strange seeing this place coming back to life again.
Foo: Did you leave when everyone else did?
(12/24 20:29:31) julsborn: I should be able to dance til I tell myself to stop!!!
(12/24 20:29:35) BrettM: It’s wonderful! I’m sorry I passed on Prologue and UU. What WAS I thinking??
Stanley Murray: I did stay for some time after the dissapearance of Dr. Watson.
Foo: So, are you just back, or have you been down here a while?
(12/24 20:30:18) Atriz: Guys, I’m out for a bit
(12/24 20:30:26) BrettM: Cya, Atriz.
(12/24 20:30:29) Atriz: Showing my dad the game
Stanley Murray: I’m just passing by. I won’t be staying here for long.
Foo: Bye Atriz
(12/24 20:30:37) skylark: cul atiz
(12/24 20:30:37) Atriz: See ya. Thanks again guys
(12/24 20:30:40) Dovahn: Shorah Atriz
(12/24 20:30:45) 4runner: bye
(12/24 20:30:52) Foo: It seems you’re always moving!
Stanley Murray: Bye Atriz!
Foo: People like you, Standley Murray, end up never going home.
Stanley Murray: Well I do. It’s just that my home seems to be in many places now.
Foo: Wherever you hang your hat?
Stanley Murray: But it’s a long story. Not for this day… So tell me. How are things down here? I heard the DRC is back in control once again?
Foo: Well… control.
(12/24 20:32:28) mp3 waves
(12/24 20:32:31) Dovahn: I suppose.
(12/24 20:32:36) skylark: hi mp3 didn’t see you there
(12/24 20:32:45) skylark waves
(12/24 20:32:49) mp3: Hi skylark
(12/24 20:32:51) Dovahn: I’d like to see the DRC control hundreds of angry explorers
(12/24 20:32:52) BrettM: It’s a kinder, gentler DRC.
(12/24 20:33:04) BrettM: But not too much more forthcoming. B-)
(12/24 20:33:10) Dovahn: They’ve all taken the Journey.
(12/24 20:33:10) Foo: I don’t think the DRC has huge amounts of control.
(12/24 20:33:20) Foo: The real kings down here seem to be the Bahro.
(12/24 20:33:23) Dovahn: Just barrier control.
(12/24 20:33:39) mp3: What have you been up to skylark.
(12/24 20:33:39) Foo: Were you down here for the scream?
Stanley Murray: Let me guess. They locked Ae’gura again?
Stanley Murray: No. I was in Italy when it happened.
Foo: Nothing above the great stairs are open. The harbour is shut off too.
(12/24 20:34:08) Dovahn: I just heard about the scream. I have yet to hear it.
(12/24 20:34:10) BrettM: And took away the scope from the hood, so we can’t see.
(12/24 20:34:18) Foo: Ah, you’ve heard about it then. That spooked the DRC.
(12/24 20:34:27) Foo: Spooked me too.
(12/24 20:34:33) Dovahn: You were there?
(12/24 20:34:36) Jockel: not only the DRC I think…
(12/24 20:35:03) BrettM: All electronics were apparently damaged. KI’s, imagers, heek table.
(12/24 20:35:05) skylark: very busy mp3 we have 4 over from france stayeig as house guestsand many of the rest of the family call in every day
Stanley Murray: What is interesting is that....
Stanley Murray: I mean… The reason I am here
Stanley Murray: is that I was sent to Relto on 19th.
skylark: btw it is christmas morning here already
(12/24 20:35:32) BrettM: From Italy??
(12/24 20:35:34) Foo: From Italy?!?
Stanley Murray: I took my Relto book with me when I left the cavern few years ago.
Mookie: Shorra neighborinos!
(12/24 20:35:47) Dovahn: Interesting.
(12/24 20:35:49) BrettM wants an interrobang real bad.
(12/24 20:36:01) BrettM: Hi, Mookie.
(12/24 20:36:02) Foo: I bet that could come in handy, what with the crazy things you do.
(12/24 20:36:04) Dovahn: Interrobang!
Stanley Murray: It’s not all that crazy, Sam.
Stanley Murray smiles.
Darryl Pogue: interrobangs are the coolest things ever!
(12/24 20:36:46) Foo: Still, nice to know danger is never too close for comfort?
(12/24 20:36:46) BrettM thinks that’s a pretty cryptic grin.
(12/24 20:36:48) Thanakar: oops, I just killed eddie
(12/24 20:36:55) Dovahn: What?
(12/24 20:37:00) Mookie: I was wondering… what happened just there?
Stanley Murray: That is why I took the book with me.
Mookie: You and Eddie flashed around real fast
(12/24 20:37:11) Mookie: XD
(12/24 20:37:13) Thanakar: phew..found him
(12/24 20:37:28) Dovahn: Oh, right. The beach ball.
(12/24 20:37:32) Thanakar: eddie went over the rail and landed on the stair below thankfully
(12/24 20:37:33) BrettM wonders why he forgot the chatlog command. Rectified.
(12/24 20:37:40) Darryl Pogue: Someone had better have a chatlog of this
(12/24 20:37:43) Mookie: man
(12/24 20:37:47) Mookie: you are stuck in KI mode
(12/24 20:37:56) Foo: I was logging the party for a Cavern Today post
(12/24 20:38:02) Mookie: there ya go
(12/24 20:38:04) Darryl Pogue: ‘k
(12/24 20:38:11) Dovahn: There was a party?
(12/24 20:38:18) Darryl Pogue: so what’s up with Mr. Murray?
(12/24 20:38:21) BrettM: This is the party!
Stanley Murray: Poor Jeff was surprised when I didn’t leave the book at his trailer that time…
Foo: This is the party! Stan, you have pretty good timing.
(12/24 20:38:25) Dovahn: Oh!
(12/24 20:38:27) Dovahn does a dance
(12/24 20:38:39) BrettM: Music on TeamSpeak,, Classic Rock channel.
(12/24 20:38:49) Darryl Pogue: which has good music btw
(12/24 20:38:56) kami: Hello an merrrrrryyyyyy christmas uru obsession
(12/24 20:38:59) Foo: I guess he thought you were still down here somewhere?
(12/24 20:39:02) Atriz: Heyguysquesition
(12/24 20:39:06) Atriz: questionrather
Stanley Murray: Well as they say… timing is everything…
Dovahn: Yes?
(12/24 20:39:10) BrettM: What, Atriz?
(12/24 20:39:10) Foo: Hey kami
(12/24 20:39:20) Atriz: HowdoIgetbacktothecleft?
(12/24 20:39:28) Atriz: (myspacebarisn’tworking)
(12/24 20:39:32) Dovahn: You have to complete the journey.
(12/24 20:39:36) BrettM: You have to finish the journey and return the poles.
(12/24 20:39:37) Foo: Only Yeesha can help you there, Atriz.
(12/24 20:39:47) Atriz: I just wanna show it to my dad
(12/24 20:39:53) Atriz: So it’s gone for good now?
(12/24 20:40:03) Dovahn: Until you finish the journey, yes.
(12/24 20:40:14) Atriz: Dang
(12/24 20:40:40) 4runner: You could always start a new avatar
(12/24 20:41:11) Atriz: Woah, whats going on?
(12/24 20:41:44) Thanakar: just taking eddie for a walk
Stanley Murray: Right. I will be going now. We should meet one day, Sam, catch up on things. Get the gang back together too.
Foo: Yeah. That’d be good.
(12/24 20:42:07) BrettM: Glad you could stop by, GS.
(12/24 20:42:11) BrettM: Merry Xmas.
(12/24 20:42:16) Foo: Just like those old times.
(12/24 20:42:16) julsborn: Hey dee hoe; nieghbor
(12/24 20:42:32) Matthew Miller: Shorah all
(12/24 20:42:37) Foo: If you find anything interesting, you know we always love to hear from you!
(12/24 20:42:38) Darryl Pogue: bye Mr. Murray. Thanks for stopping by
(12/24 20:42:46) Darryl Pogue: merry Christmas
(12/24 20:42:50) skylark: shorah imara
(12/24 20:43:05) imara: shorah
(12/24 20:43:11) Foo: Take care of yourself. Don’t let that Relto book away from you for a second!
Stanley Murray: All right. Time to go. Wife is calling. So impatient.
4runner: bye
(12/24 20:43:31) Thanakar: STANLEY!
(12/24 20:43:34) Dovahn: Shorah Stanely
(12/24 20:43:34) Foo: Ok. See you soon!
Stanley Murray: See you all soon again I hope. Goodbye!