Reference:2007-01-03 Cate Alexander introduction

From Guild of Archivists

(01/03 20:28:26) Cate Alexander: I am Cate Alexander and I've been working with the DRC for months now, somewhat behind the scenes.
(01/03 20:28:37) Cate Alexander: Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to take a quick minute to officially introduce myself.
(01/03 20:28:42) LegoAddict: eternal link in lag
(01/03 20:28:46) LegoAddict: she's here!
(01/03 20:29:05) Cate Alexander: I figured it's time to bring my role out in the open and let everyone know who I am and what I'm doing.
(01/03 20:29:26) Cate Alexander: As you know this restoration effort was threatened not long ago.
(01/03 20:29:36) Cate Alexander: To make a long story short, I was able to play a key role in procurring funding for a continued effort.
(01/03 20:30:32) Cate Alexander: I'm not officially associated with the DRC at this point although given my role, I do have some clout. : )
(01/03 20:31:18) Cate Alexander: Much of the last few months I've spent examing the current state of affairs and working with other companies, such as Turner, to come up with a plan.
(01/03 20:31:41) Cate Alexander: The plan is not finished but we have come a long way.
(01/03 20:32:06) Cate Alexander: You'll be seeing some of the results of that in the near future. In many ways you already have.
(01/03 20:33:12) Cate Alexander: It's my job to make sure this effort succeeds and that it succeeds in a timely and safe fashion.
(01/03 20:33:19) Cate Alexander: And I will do that.
(01/03 20:33:25) TomahnaGuy claps his hands
(01/03 20:33:29) amonre claps his hands
(01/03 20:33:31) Cate Alexander: I've got a lot of money vested in this.
(01/03 20:33:32) LegoAddict claps his hands
(01/03 20:33:35) Vivicus claps his hands
(01/03 20:33:41) Islander cheers
(01/03 20:33:41) Tofer claps his hands
(01/03 20:33:43) Eleri thanks you very much!
(01/03 20:33:47) Sorceress claps her hands
(01/03 20:33:57) IceNine claps his hands
(01/03 20:34:31) Cate Alexander: I know it's been frustrating and it will continue to be at times. However, we are all going to work hard to make sure it works.
(01/03 20:34:42) L'lee tries to clap hands but appears to be stuck at the moment
(01/03 20:34:59) Cate Alexander: Thanks to each of you for being patient up to this point. We very much appreciate your support.
(01/03 20:35:42) Cate Alexander: I know a lot of you have questions but I won't be able to answer them right now.
(01/03 20:36:14) Whilyam: Eh?
(01/03 20:36:15) Cate Alexander: However, I will say that the Courtyard has just been opened.
(01/03 20:36:20) LegoAddict cheers
(01/03 20:36:35) Islander: Thank you, Cate ;)
(01/03 20:36:35) Cate Alexander: The Canyon area will be opening tomorrow.
(01/03 20:36:43) ResEng Enorton claps her hands
(01/03 20:36:57) Tofer cheers
(01/03 20:36:57) LegoAddict double cheers
(01/03 20:36:57) L'lee cheers
(01/03 20:37:08) IceNine cheers
(01/03 20:37:08) Eilis smiles
(01/03 20:37:09) Cate Alexander: And I'm pushing Laxman to have the Great Zero next week.
(01/03 20:37:12) amonre cheers
(01/03 20:37:12) Jeremy can't even think about cheering, he's sto stuck.
(01/03 20:37:14) TomahnaGuy: Oh
(01/03 20:37:14) TomahnaGuy cheers
(01/03 20:37:27) amonre claps his hands
(01/03 20:37:29) Cate Alexander: And I'm pushing our entire team to have a new Age ready next week as well.
(01/03 20:37:35) L'lee hoot and hollers like a giddy schoolgirl!
(01/03 20:37:40) TomahnaGuy: Wonderful news
(01/03 20:37:41) Lan cheers
(01/03 20:37:41) Sorceress cheers excitedly
(01/03 20:37:42) Vivicus cheers
(01/03 20:37:42) Nadnerb cheers
(01/03 20:37:43) amonre: Thank you so much Cate!
(01/03 20:37:47) LegoAddict cheers
(01/03 20:37:48) TomahnaGuy cheers
(01/03 20:37:51) Vivicus: that's amazing!
(01/03 20:37:56) TomahnaGuy: This is very good to hear Cate
(01/03 20:37:58) L'lee is amazed
(01/03 20:38:10) TomahnaGuy: thank you ever so much
(01/03 20:38:11) L'lee nods her head
(01/03 20:38:22) Tofer: Thank you Cate, very much
(01/03 20:38:23) Nadnerb: All efforts are tremendosly apprecieated!
(01/03 20:38:23) Vortmax cheers
(01/03 20:38:26) Cate Alexander: We're under a lot of pressure here so continue to be patient but I think it's time we get moving.
(01/03 20:38:35) L'lee: Yes, very good news indeed!
(01/03 20:38:44) Whilyam: And what role will YOU be taking?
(01/03 20:38:46) L'lee claps her hands
(01/03 20:38:47) Islander: Amazing - thank you so much!
(01/03 20:39:09) Lan: thank you for supporting us so much
(01/03 20:39:11) Cate Alexander: It's been said before but I will say it again - we need people here.
(01/03 20:39:30) Cate Alexander: This is not an inexpensive effort.
(01/03 20:39:34) Dan'nee: We're here to support the cavern. And it's nice meeting you Cate
(01/03 20:39:37) BrettM: We look forward to getting to know you in the future.
(01/03 20:39:45) Cate Alexander: We're stepping up our efforts and thank you for stepping up yours.
(01/03 20:40:18) TomahnaGuy: Is there any sign of Dr.Watson?
(01/03 20:40:20) L'lee: Now that the coutyard and canyon will be open, it will be easier to get visitors down here, I think!
(01/03 20:40:21) Cate Alexander: I would also like to offically thank the DRC for all of their work as well.
(01/03 20:40:23) Cate Alexander claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:24) Sorceress: Yes, don't be a stranger here! :)
(01/03 20:40:27) Sorceress claps her hands
(01/03 20:40:27) Victor Laxman claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:28) L'lee claps her hands
(01/03 20:40:29) LegoAddict claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:32) amonre claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:32) Tofer claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:33) Lan claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:35) D'Lanor cheers
(01/03 20:40:37) Marie Sutherland claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:37) Vivicus claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:38) Dan'nee claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:39) Eleri: Anything we can do, please let us know. There's quite a few skillled explorers
(01/03 20:40:40) Nadnerb claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:40) Whilyam starts to laugh
(01/03 20:40:42) Michael Engberg claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:42) TomahnaGuy claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:44) claps her hands
(01/03 20:40:48) BrettM claps his hands
(01/03 20:40:52) Tweek claps his hands
(01/03 20:41:08) Sheila'R feels quite fain
(01/03 20:41:11) Sheila'R: t
(01/03 20:41:12) Vortmax cheers
(01/03 20:41:22) Cate Alexander: Thank you all again and I look forward to seeing you all in the future.
(01/03 20:41:28) Cate Alexander: Have a great day.
(01/03 20:41:30) Vivicus cheers
(01/03 20:41:32) ResEng Enorton claps her hands
(01/03 20:41:32) Tofer: would you mind posing for a group picture?
(01/03 20:41:34) LegoAddict cheers
(01/03 20:41:34) Sorceress: You too
(01/03 20:41:43) Dan'nee: Thank you Cate
(01/03 20:41:43) Ja'net cheers
(01/03 20:41:43) BrettM is boggled that Ms. Alexander and Dr. Sutherland clap "his" hands!
(01/03 20:41:44) Vivicus: c you!
(01/03 20:41:45) Dr. Kodama frowns at Tofer
(01/03 20:42:14) ireenquench chuckles at Kodama
(01/03 20:42:31) Cate Alexander: Did you get the picture?
(01/03 20:42:37) TomahnaGuy: Ty cate
(01/03 20:42:43) Maximus: Ok im here you guys can start now
(01/03 20:42:49) Eleri: no looking stern in photos Dr. Kodama ;)
(01/03 20:42:50) Sorceress starts to laugh
(01/03 20:42:56) Victor Laxman waves
(01/03 20:43:03) Leonor waves
(01/03 20:43:03) Lan waves
(01/03 20:43:07) Dr. Kodama frowns at Eleri
(01/03 20:43:08) Michael Engberg waves