Reference:2007-01-09 Cate Alexander and Victor Laxman in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

(01/09 19:27:43) Victor Laxman: Excuse me - quick check. Are all of the Nexus book MT stations working?
(01/09 19:27:53) BrettM: Yes, Mr. Laxman.
(01/09 19:27:58) ian1: I think so
(01/09 19:28:07) Isyldar: the last time i checked, they were
(01/09 19:28:26) BrettM: The stations that are available to us, anyway. B-)
(01/09 19:28:35) Victor Laxman: Ferry Terminal station is working?
(01/09 19:28:41) Deathsbedbug: i finally saw them in my nexus book when i came in
(01/09 19:28:48) Deathsbedbug: yes mr laxman
(01/09 19:28:48) Thanakar: Yes it is Victor
(01/09 19:28:49) ian1: probably.
(01/09 19:28:52) BrettM: Yes, sir. Just crowded.
(01/09 19:28:53) Dudemom_2000: yes, Mr. Laxman
(01/09 19:28:56) Isyldar: it is.
(01/09 19:29:04) Isyldar: Robert and I checked it out a few minutes ago
(01/09 19:29:05) Deathsbedbug: i think we flooded it with news of your arrival :S
(01/09 19:29:13) ian1: any exact dates on the new age that is supposed to be coming out?
(01/09 19:29:27) ian1: supposed to be opened up
(01/09 19:30:13) Dudemom_2000: Mr. Laxman, the lake seems brighter to me these days. Any comments on the restoration of the algae there>?
(01/09 19:30:37) Victor Laxman: Just worried about GZ and lattice issues right now.
(01/09 19:30:55) Victor Laxman: Always tougher than it looks.
(01/09 19:31:00) BrettM: Mr. Laxman, any comments about the condition of the scopes in the hoods?
(01/09 19:31:12) Victor Laxman: Blasted D'ni technology.
(01/09 19:31:50) ian1: I've been wondering. How exactly did you get the KIs to work in english?
(01/09 19:32:05) BrettM: Will you be able to open the GZ on Ms. Alexander's schedule?
(01/09 19:35:09) Victor Laxman: Can someone see if the Tokotah Alley station recognizes your KI?
(01/09 19:35:25) Baldan: it did
(01/09 19:35:36) Victor Laxman: No problems?
(01/09 19:35:45) Baldan: said it added a link to my Nexus
(01/09 19:36:05) Victor Laxman: Thank you. That helps.
(01/09 19:37:04) Victor Laxman: I'm going to come check it.
[While Laxman appeared to be stuck, Cate Alexander appeared in the Nexus. Laxman finally vanished.]
[Laxman finally re-linked in to Tokotah Alley.]
(01/09 19:55:27) ian1: Welcome victor
(01/09 19:55:52) Victor Laxman: thankk you ian
(01/09 19:56:07) Mike2: hello Victor
(01/09 19:56:16) BrettM: Glad you could finally get linked in.
(01/09 19:56:42) BrettM: Mr. Laxman, will you be able to meet Ms. Alexander's schedule for activating the GZ?
(01/09 19:57:12) Victor Laxman: Trouble, nothing but trouble. No promises.
(01/09 19:57:34) BrettM: We're sorry to hear that.
(01/09 19:57:50) BrettM: What can the community do to assist?
(01/09 19:57:55) Victor Laxman: Yeah, it's always something.
[At this point Cate Alexander linked in at the Ferry Terminal. Before she could reach the Plaza, Laxman Reltoed in a great hurry.]
(01/09 19:58:15) Victor Laxman: I've go to go.
(01/09 19:58:44) ian1: hello cate.
(01/09 19:59:27) Cate Alexander: Anyone seen Victor?
(01/09 19:59:33) BrettM: Good evening, Ms. Alexander. He just left.
(01/09 19:59:35) Thanakar: he just Reltoed out
(01/09 19:59:41) Mike2: How are this evening Ms. Alexander
(01/09 19:59:54) Cate Alexander: Hmm...
(01/09 20:00:02) J'iim: He's in his Relto now
(01/09 20:00:04) Butch: No, Ms. Alexander. I do not believe he is currently in the city.
(01/09 20:00:20) Cate Alexander: How long was he here?
(01/09 20:00:31) naru'dak: whats the problem ms alexander
(01/09 20:00:33) BrettM: Mr. Laxman seemed rather stressed. He wasn't here long.
(01/09 20:00:55) ian1: I think its something about the latus
(01/09 20:00:56) Cate Alexander: He's working hard but evidently not hard enough.
(01/09 20:01:10) Cate Alexander: I was expecting some things to be done that aren't yet.
(01/09 20:01:23) Lyn'et: He even ignored our offers to help
(01/09 20:01:35) Dudemom_2000: He said something about the Nexus, Ms. Alexander
(01/09 20:01:52) BrettM: He was complaining of troubles.
(01/09 20:01:57) Cate Alexander: Did he say anything about the Great Zero?
(01/09 20:02:04) Deathsbedbug: no cate he did not
(01/09 20:02:05) Finn: Indeed he did
(01/09 20:02:09) BrettM: Very little.
(01/09 20:02:09) Dudemom_2000: Yes, He mentioned the Great Zero
(01/09 20:02:11) ian1: He asked if the terminals in the city were working properly.
(01/09 20:02:26) Mike2: he said its very troublesome
(01/09 20:02:38) Thanakar: he mentioned no promises but lots of trouble
(01/09 20:02:40) Moleque: He said "troubles, nothing but troubles. no promises."
(01/09 20:02:44) Dudemom_2000: ah, but the Bahro sense something, they are very active tonight
(01/09 20:03:00) Cate Alexander: I'm sure he'll tell me the same thing when I find him.
(01/09 20:03:12) BrettM: I believe Mr. Laxman is uncertain about meeting your schedule.
(01/09 20:03:12) Dudemom_2000: but they don't sound unhappy to me
(01/09 20:03:13) Butch: Ms. Alexander, is there anything we can do to help you tonight?
(01/09 20:03:14) Deathsbedbug: what can we do to help cate?
(01/09 20:03:34) Cate Alexander: Consider this a warning - I don't expect us to open the Great Zero on time.
(01/09 20:03:45) ian1: Yeah. I think we may be able to help
(01/09 20:03:47) Cate Alexander: I apologize.
(01/09 20:03:58) Moleque: erm... Ms. Alexander
(01/09 20:03:59) Dudemom_2000: Anything we can do, Ms. Alexander....
(01/09 20:04:02) Butch: Thank you for your honesty. We appreciate that.
(01/09 20:04:14) Mike2: im just happy it will be here eventually
(01/09 20:04:16) Cate Alexander: I'm pushing him to work the weekend so I hope it will still be soon.
(01/09 20:04:45) BrettM: Technology takes time. We don't begrudge the time to get it right.
(01/09 20:05:01) Dudemom_2000 nods
(01/09 20:05:09) Cate Alexander: You are more forgiving than me.
(01/09 20:05:10) ian1: The new age will be on schedule though, right?
(01/09 20:05:16) Armadeon: The Bahro are especially active tonight.
(01/09 20:05:25) Cate Alexander: I'd like us to meet our deadlines.
(01/09 20:05:38) BrettM: How long does it take to catch a fish?
(01/09 20:05:50) Cate Alexander: I'm not sure Ian. That's why I'm a little irritated tonight.
(01/09 20:05:59) Lyn'et: as long as it takes
(01/09 20:06:04) Cate Alexander: I need to talk to Victor.
(01/09 20:06:08) Thanakar: Cate, what is holding things up?
(01/09 20:06:16) Cate Alexander: Ask Victor.
(01/09 20:06:30) Dudemom_2000: If we see him again, we will tell him you need to see him right away
(01/09 20:06:31) J'iim: Victor is in the Nexus now Cate
(01/09 20:06:52) Cate Alexander: Thanks J'iim. I'm off.
(01/09 20:06:54) Vixen Online: poor victor
(01/09 20:07:06) Mike2: bye Cate
(01/09 20:07:06) Vixen Online gives victor a hug
(01/09 20:07:12) BrettM: It was good to see you, Ms. Alexander.