Reference:2007-01-11 Nick White in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

Nick White chats with explorers. He mentions having spoken to Douglas Sharper.

Deius: How is the restoration going?
Nick White: Good. Coming along.
Deius: Any new D'ni texts?
Nick White: Not really.
Deius: Shame...
Nick White: Too much other stuff to do I guess.
Deius: PAh well, more will turn up I suppose
Nick White: We've got plenty - just no time to translate.
Deius: Any chance of letting the DLF have a crack st some?
Nick White: What's the DLF?
Deius: D'ni Linguistic Fellowship...explorers who study the D"ni texts
Nick White: Ah... not sure. Not my decision. I wouldn't hold my breath though... things are pretty tight.
Malakh: Good day Nick
(01/11 10:29:38) Nick White: What's with these two?
(01/11 10:29:40) Malakh: Are you allowed to talk about what the DRC has you working on these days
(01/11 10:29:49) Ragdrazi: Which two
(01/11 10:29:52) JKC: I think I'm ghosting
(01/11 10:29:57) Nick White: Pretty much. I'm not doing anything too exciting right now.
(01/11 10:30:01) Nick White: Just trying to get stuff open.
(01/11 10:30:08) Nick White: Palace area I thought was already open.
(01/11 10:30:11) Nick White: Should be soon.
(01/11 10:30:12) JKC: everyone is very still
(01/11 10:30:18) Nick White: I was just checking it out.
(01/11 10:30:24) Leonor waves
(01/11 10:30:27) JKC: take a look around
(01/11 10:30:42) Malakh: It reach about from arround the barriers. But don't tell the others :)
(01/11 10:30:48) JKC: all frozen
(01/11 10:31:04) Nick White: I don't care if you get past the barriers.
(01/11 10:31:37) Malakh: Really, some how that doesn't surprise me
(01/11 10:32:00) From Leonor: Is Nick talking, I can't hear him?
(01/11 10:32:08) Nick White: I'm gonna head up the stairs.
(01/11 10:32:14) Deius: See ya Nick
(01/11 10:32:50) Bontoo: Never got there befor
(01/11 10:32:55) Nick White: Anything exciting here?
(01/11 10:33:25) Nick White: Guess not.
(01/11 10:33:28) turt ole: you are Nick White
(01/11 10:33:55) Malakh: Yeah not much interesting ogoing on in the city right now
(01/11 10:35:25) Guru: Is anyone else here awaiting for further contact with Yeesha?
(01/11 10:35:28) Kyven nods his head
(01/11 10:36:17) turt ole waves
(01/11 10:36:21) Mazza: Hi Donna
(01/11 10:36:24) Malakh: it open
(01/11 10:36:35) Nick White: About time
(01/11 10:36:42) Malakh: I did not know the foyer was opened
(01/11 10:37:04) To Neereus: arg
(01/11 10:37:05) Nick White: I think they just opened it.
(01/11 10:37:19) Leonor: Me neither. Cool!
(01/11 10:37:25) Nick White: Now we just need to get this baby open.
(01/11 10:37:41) Malakh: terminals appear to be having issues, hope laxmen is working on that
(01/11 10:37:41) Nick White: Cool area.
(01/11 10:37:43) Ragdrazi: Now, see, I thought you were DRC.
(01/11 10:37:45) Leonor: I would love to see the Concert Hall.
(01/11 10:37:50) Nick White: Laxman is over his head right now.
(01/11 10:38:03) Nick White: And running from Cate.
(01/11 10:38:11) Nick White: Pretty funny...
(01/11 10:38:12) Ragdrazi: Ah.
(01/11 10:38:19) Malakh: yeah I bet
(01/11 10:38:34) Malakh: lots of technical stuff to be worked on
(01/11 10:38:41) Nick White: You don't tell Cate something is going to be done if it's not going to be done.
(01/11 10:38:45) Nick White: He's finding that out.
(01/11 10:38:47) Ragdrazi: So... Hey... Can I harrass you?
(01/11 10:38:59) Nick White: Uh... depends what you mean by that...
(01/11 10:39:07) Malakh: have you heard anyword about the concert hall opening sinse you mentioned it?
(01/11 10:39:22) Ragdrazi: I was wondering what the DRC knows about the cavern ceiling.
(01/11 10:39:31) Nick White: It's a ways off - still in Kodama's hands as far as I know..
(01/11 10:39:35) Nick White: What about it?
(01/11 10:39:42) From Leonor: Are you logging?
(01/11 10:39:51) Malakh: Ah I see.
(01/11 10:39:58) To Leonor: Yes
(01/11 10:40:24) Ragdrazi: Well. There appear... to me at least... to be large chunks of it sitting on the floor of the ferry terminal and I was wondering how much the DRC knows about the ceilings stablity.
(01/11 10:40:51) Nick White: I haven't heard about ceiling being in the ferry terminal - not sure, to be honest.
(01/11 10:41:03) Nick White: I wouldn't think they woul let people down here though it that was an issue.
(01/11 10:41:37) Nick White: Yeah, I just assumed it was normal debris.
(01/11 10:41:42) Nick White: Not sure though.
(01/11 10:42:01) Ragdrazi: Yeah. But the DRC's weard like that. They say, get a hard hat if you need one... only way to get a hard hat is to go though a dangerous area or find someone who's done it for you...
(01/11 10:42:34) Nick White: I don't think they really expect anyone to be wearing hard hats down here.
(01/11 10:42:37) Nick White: Not in open areas.
(01/11 10:42:47) Nick White: Unless it's a fashion statement.
(01/11 10:42:54) Bontoo: Please open up the stairway
(01/11 10:42:55) Leonor laughs
(01/11 10:42:59) Bontoo: Pritty please
(01/11 10:43:01) Nick White: How much did they open?
(01/11 10:43:02) Malakh: Yeah it seems to be structuraly sound here for now.
(01/11 10:43:08) Kyven: Do you know anything about the history of Eder Delin?
(01/11 10:43:34) Nick White: Eder Delin?
(01/11 10:43:37) Nick White: Not much...
(01/11 10:43:44) Nick White: I haven't done much from there.... I don't think.
(01/11 10:44:02) Altydwarber: this is nice
(01/11 10:44:25) Malakh: Careful
(01/11 10:44:48) Leonor: Warning us of what?
(01/11 10:44:58) Ragdrazi: No, DRC doesn't expect me to wear one, but they told me "if I need one"...
(01/11 10:45:11) Malakh: So you said the DRC doesn't have you doing much. Are you working on anything at all currently? Or just enjoying your time in the cavern?
(01/11 10:45:21) Nick White: Working on stuff...
(01/11 10:45:31) Nick White: Wherever they need me.
(01/11 10:45:39) Nick White: I've been in Delin a little.
(01/11 10:45:47) Nick White: Been in Er'Cana...
(01/11 10:45:49) Altydwarber: nick how can you walk and see in your KI at the same time
(01/11 10:46:03) Ragdrazi: Could you stop quoting Yeesha?
(01/11 10:46:07) Nick White: Uh... I don't think I do.
(01/11 10:46:17) Malakh: (alty that is a bug)
(01/11 10:46:36) Altydwarber: can anyone hear me?
(01/11 10:46:44) Ragdrazi: NO.
(01/11 10:46:44) Nick White: They'll probably have me work with someone to replace the bridge again...
(01/11 10:46:45) Deius: Yes Alty
(01/11 10:46:48) Nick White: Yes, we can hear you.
(01/11 10:46:56) Ragdrazi: And by no. I mean... no...
(01/11 10:46:58) pappou: shorah
(01/11 10:47:01) Altydwarber: ok I thought that I was a ghost
(01/11 10:47:06) Malakh: thay have you doing manual labor?
(01/11 10:47:06) Ragdrazi (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(01/11 10:47:11) Deius: you look solid to me ;)
(01/11 10:47:13) Nick White: Yeah, pretty much...
(01/11 10:47:21) Ragdrazi: Pretty up here.
(01/11 10:47:25) pappou: I imara
(01/11 10:47:30) Altydwarber blush...thank you
(01/11 10:47:30) Malakh: I thought you were a translater? I would think they would have the ReEng's doing the dirty work
(01/11 10:47:37) Altydwarber starts to laugh
(01/11 10:47:38) Nick White: You'd think...
(01/11 10:47:38) pappou:
(01/11 10:47:47) Malakh: Hmm
(01/11 10:47:55) pappou: the broken bridge is open
(01/11 10:48:08) Malakh: SO your not happy with the way things are going with the DRC?
(01/11 10:48:15) Altydwarber: no it's not you will fall
(01/11 10:48:19) Nick White: No I'm fine with it.
(01/11 10:48:20) pappou: No rope bridge to cross, however.
(01/11 10:48:27) Nick White: No complaints.
(01/11 10:48:37) Nick White: I don't mind doing some manual labor here and there - seeing new places.
(01/11 10:48:41) Nick White: Not looking at words all day.
(01/11 10:48:58) pappou: hi leonor
(01/11 10:49:00) Leonor: I never though I would see a DRC member jumping some barriers and throwing some cones off the bridge. :)
(01/11 10:49:06) Deius: I forgot my rope in my relto...could have started making a new rope bridge
(01/11 10:49:09) Malakh: Yeah I can understand that. Guess I was reading to much into your statements
(01/11 10:49:25) Nick White: We all have complaints...but that's any job.
(01/11 10:49:39) Malakh: Yeah
(01/11 10:49:42) Altydwarber: lol
(01/11 10:49:42) Ragdrazi: Wow. It's so dark in here I almost didn't see this edge...
(01/11 10:49:48) Nick White: Don't tell anyone Leonor. : )
(01/11 10:49:55) Ragdrazi: One barrior. Way to go DRC.
(01/11 10:49:59) Leonor: Hehe. I won't.
(01/11 10:50:14) Altydwarber: you came to close to the edge I think
(01/11 10:50:21) Ragdrazi: ... well they're three over there...
(01/11 10:50:29) To Nick White: I don't suppose you have heard from Sharper? A lot of us miss him, hope he is doing well.
(01/11 10:50:31) Ragdrazi: Are we not... supposed to be here?
(01/11 10:50:46) Bontoo: Hi hufsa
(01/11 10:50:49) From Nick White: Funny you say that. I just did.
(01/11 10:51:00) hufsa: nick white is in...
(01/11 10:51:03) Halvor2: shorah Nick
(01/11 10:51:05) To Nick White: Really?! How is he?
(01/11 10:51:08) Nick White: Hey.
(01/11 10:51:14) Halvor2: changed your hair?
(01/11 10:51:23) Nick White: Cut it.
(01/11 10:51:34) Altydwarber: lol
(01/11 10:51:44) Nick White: See ya JKC
(01/11 10:51:54) Nick White: He's good Malakh - no need to keep private.
(01/11 10:51:59) Nick White: Didn't say much.
(01/11 10:52:08) Malakh: Ok
(01/11 10:52:10) Nick White: I didn't even know he had my phone still.
(01/11 10:52:21) Nick White: He had just gone to the Pats game and was seeing how things were down here.
(01/11 10:52:29) Malakh: Did Sharper say if he was going to come to the cavern?
(01/11 10:52:32) Nick White: Had heard stuff was happening.
(01/11 10:52:35) Nick White: Nah...
(01/11 10:52:43) Altydwarber: brrr... scary very deep
(01/11 10:53:04) Nick White: Was just seeing how I was doing and I gave him a quick update of events down here.
(01/11 10:53:08) Nick White: It was a quick call.
(01/11 10:53:09) Malakh: Well glad to hear is doing well.
(01/11 10:53:10) Bontoo: Hmm
(01/11 10:53:33) Nick White: Yeah he sounded good - although the Pats just won too. : )
(01/11 10:53:39) Nick White: What was that?
(01/11 10:53:55) Ragdrazi: He's working. We're here to bother him while he's working.
(01/11 10:53:55) Malakh: Yeah that would make him happy :)
(01/11 10:54:01) Nick White: Do the cones serve a purpose?
(01/11 10:54:09) Ragdrazi shakes his head
(01/11 10:54:14) Malakh starts to laugh
(01/11 10:54:36) Nick White: I think the cones are to warn you that this area is not officially opened.
(01/11 10:54:37) Altydwarber: what are we all wating for ....for someone to get a rope?
(01/11 10:54:43) Ragdrazi: ...
(01/11 10:54:46) Ragdrazi: Like... this area?
(01/11 10:54:50) Nick White: Right.
(01/11 10:54:53) Deius: and a grappling hook
(01/11 10:54:55) Ragdrazi: ...
(01/11 10:55:00) Malakh: ZipLine!
(01/11 10:55:03) Ttreb: C'at seems to have his tongue.
(01/11 10:55:07) JKC: yeah, that was a bad idea to go over that barrior over there
(01/11 10:55:09) Altydwarber: and maybe tarzan
(01/11 10:55:12) JKC: I got stuck :/
(01/11 10:55:14) Nick White: I say we go for a cliff jump.
(01/11 10:55:16) Deius: and Jane
(01/11 10:55:18) Nick White: I gotta get going anyway.
(01/11 10:55:24) Malakh: haha
(01/11 10:55:25) Deius: and a few monkeys
(01/11 10:55:30) Malakh: jeranimo
(01/11 10:55:34) Ragdrazi: ...
(01/11 10:55:37) Altydwarber: or bahro's
(01/11 10:55:44) Nick White: Hmm
(01/11 10:55:57) Nick White: Good talking to you guys - see ya later.
(01/11 10:56:00) Kyven: Shorah, Nick
(01/11 10:56:05) Leonor: Bye, Nick
(01/11 10:56:06) Malakh: Later man