Reference:2007-01-18 Cate Alexander in the Uru Obsession Hood
This chat log is only partially preserved. |
(01/18 19:54:02) Cate Alexander: What would you like to see on it?
(01/18 19:54:07) Whilyam: Perhaps more frequent updates from the DRC, such as issues inside Ages.
(01/18 19:54:07) Vortmax: and perhaps a few more moderators in the forum. Perhaps some explorers?
(01/18 19:54:19) pHluid13: restoration dates would be great..
(01/18 19:54:21) J'mee: Yes, progress reports about Age restoration
(01/18 19:54:26) Whilyam: I liked reading about little news bits likt "moved styrofoam to Teledahn" etc.
(01/18 19:54:35) J'mee: Details about problems as well as successes
(01/18 19:54:51) Cate Alexander: Very well...
(01/18 19:55:03) pHluid13: yeah, since we never really get to see them restoring the ages, would like to hear some accounts on what they are actually doing in restoration
(01/18 19:55:05) Whilyam: Perhaps less pushing of the DRC as well, Mrs.
(01/18 19:55:15) Whilyam: Pushing only leads to mistakes.
(01/18 19:55:17) From DonnaDillon in Uru Obsession's Bevin: The more details the better ;-)
(01/18 19:55:23) Cate Alexander: Pushing?
(01/18 19:55:43) Whilyam: Indeed. No need to make Victor pll out any more of his hair.
(01/18 19:55:50) Whilyam: pull*
(01/18 19:56:23) Cate Alexander: Let us worry about schedules and when we need to be pushed...
(01/18 19:56:34) Vortmax: Could we get a look at some Age reports on the site? That could be interesting to read.
(01/18 19:56:42) Cate Alexander: Right.
(01/18 19:56:43) J'mee: Perhaps the DRC could post some pictures as they are restoring Ages, even before they are ready for Explorers
(01/18 19:56:57) From DonnaDillon in Uru Obsession's Bevin: Oh that would be nice!
(01/18 19:57:00) Whilyam: Progress and updates to reflect the current situation.
(01/18 19:57:06) pHluid13: as i understand it.. when someone says they should have something ready, it should be ready, right?
(01/18 19:57:07) Cate Alexander: It seems the consensus is more information on Ages we are working on. More information of any kind...
(01/18 19:57:10) Cate Alexander: Very well...
(01/18 19:57:15) Vortmax: Well, even early reports from current Ages could be very fun to read.
(01/18 19:57:17) Cate Alexander: I'll make a note of it.
(01/18 19:57:27) J'mee: I'd like info on any wildlife they encounter.
(01/18 19:57:32) Whilyam: Perhaps Victor could add some sounds and pictures from an Age?
(01/18 19:57:36) BrettM: Yes, and I would like to see the old Age detail pages restored.
(01/18 19:57:47) pHluid13: yeah it seems like most of the time we just sit here and wait for the drc to do something.. it would be nice to have something to do in the meantine
(01/18 19:58:04) J'mee: One thing that I've been wishing - the old timeline that one could clickon to see the old Age reports
(01/18 19:58:05) Vortmax: Could I ask an unreleated question?
(01/18 19:58:16) Cate Alexander: Shoot away.
(01/18 19:58:57) Vortmax: Many of the explorers have expertise which could be useful to the Restoration, and would love to volunteer. Would you be interested in making use of them? Many would be happy just helping to clear rubble
(01/18 19:59:20) Vortmax: Down the road, not next week or anything
(01/18 19:59:41) J'mee: Cate, would you be able to shed any light on what has happened to Dr. Watson?
(01/18 19:59:41) Cate Alexander: Right... it's in our long range plans but difficult to implement.
(01/18 19:59:53) Cate Alexander: I can not... I have no idea where Dr. Watson is.
(01/18 19:59:54) J'mee: Has anyone spoken with him recently?
(01/18 19:59:58) Whilyam: And about pushing. Yes, it is your responsbility, however, take care to remember the past, Cate. We don't need a repeat of Phil's "incident."
(01/18 20:00:01) Cate Alexander: No that I'm aware of.
(01/18 20:00:28) BrettM: Ms. Alexander, are you taking any steps to investigate Dr. Watson's or Phil Henderson's whereabouts?
(01/18 20:00:34) Cate Alexander: Thank you Whilyam - I'm well aware of proper safety measures...
(01/18 20:00:42) J'mee: No sign of Phil was ever found...
(01/18 20:00:42) Cate Alexander: No.
(01/18 20:01:03) Cate Alexander: This can be a dangerous place.