Reference:2007-02-16 Victor Laxman in Eder Delin

From Guild of Archivists

Victor Laxman: Hello
Cycreim: What brings you to Delin, man?
(02/16 22:07:53) Arthur Kalnins: Whoops.. Sorry
Victor Laxman: Just checking some readings.
Victor Laxman: Hello Arthur
Cycreim: What kind of readings?
(02/16 22:08:30) Arthur Kalnins bows
(02/16 22:08:30) Arthur Kalnins: Hello, Mr. Laxman
(02/16 22:08:37) Cycreim: Anything we can help out with?
Victor Laxman: Related to air pressure and such.
Victor Laxman: Interesting readings.
Cycreim: Yeah?
(02/16 22:09:33) Cycreim: Weren’t there… weather issues or something?
(02/16 22:09:36) Arthur Kalnins: Do you think it has anything to do with the reports of snow?
Victor Laxman: Delin is interesting. Conditions can change here quickly.
Cycreim: Wait, conditions? Is this something we should be worried about?
Victor Laxman: We had to delay because of weather issues that we didn’t understand.
Victor Laxman: Nothing serious, but we’re seeing similar readings again.
Victor Laxman: Pressure is falling.
Arthur Kalnins: If you don’t mind, sir, may I ask a completely un-related question?
(02/16 22:11:33) Cycreim: Fast?
(02/16 22:11:43) Cycreim: Hey Xanos!
(02/16 22:11:48) Xanos: Shorah everyone
(02/16 22:11:52) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Xanos
Victor Laxman: We saw this before and the weather changed unexpectedly - within days.
Victor Laxman: Hello Xanos
Xanos: Hello Mr. Laxman
Victor Laxman: So I’m curious if there is a pattern, or it’s more complex - chaotic.
Cycreim: Hmm, that’s something we can watch out for…
(02/16 22:13:50) Arthur Kalnins: Indeed.
Victor Laxman: Thought I would monitor a bit more closely this time.
Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Robert.
(02/16 22:14:07) Cycreim: Cool. I should tell the other Great Tree members about this…
(02/16 22:14:21) Arthur Kalnins: Do you have any theories about what causes this?
Victor Laxman: Well, just so you’re all aware.
Kestr’l: shorah
(02/16 22:15:00) Cycreim: And, uh, sorry to pepper you with questions, but is this related to why Tsogahl was delayed?
Victor Laxman: It certainly is weather related, but I don’t know the big picture in this age.
Kestr’l: It’s an honor to finally meet you, Dr. Laxman
Victor Laxman: Thank you Kestr’l.
Victor Laxman: Nice to meet you as well.
Victor Laxman: From what I can tell, if the pressure continues to fall we should see changes within a few days.
Victor Laxman: But I’m not a weatherman.
Arthur Kalnins: Hmm.. Any danger to the Explorers?
(02/16 22:16:57) Cycreim: Do you want us to let you know if anything happens?
Victor Laxman: Only if they’re wearing shorts.
Victor Laxman laughs
(02/16 22:17:18) Arthur Kalnins starts to laugh
(02/16 22:17:38) Robert F. Caine: Dr Laxman, this is a bit off topic but do you have an ETA for GZ calibration?
(02/16 22:17:40) Arthur Kalnins: Anything like what the northeast is seeing?
(02/16 22:17:43) Cycreim: How long does it take until the pressure rises again?
(02/16 22:17:59) Cycreim: Or, well, how long did it take last time?
Victor Laxman: Anyway, there aren’t many Delin Ages so you may have quite a few visitors.
Cycreim: Ooh, lots of victi-I mean guests. :)
(02/16 22:18:46) Austruck: I can hear you guys. ;)
(02/16 22:19:08) Kestr’l: sorry to walk in on the middle of things - what is the pressure you are speaking of?
(02/16 22:19:14) Arthur Kalnins: Air pressure
(02/16 22:19:23) Austruck: My blood pressure
(02/16 22:19:33) Austruck: j/k
(02/16 22:19:34) Kestr’l chuckles
(02/16 22:19:42) Cycreim: Yeah it looks like Delin’s gonna get a cold spell.
(02/16 22:19:52) Kestr’l: I noticed that anohay’s water has been poisoned… can you tell us anything about that?
(02/16 22:20:00) Xanos: I suppose the sandals would not be recommended footwear either.
(02/16 22:20:15) Austruck: Why not? My kids try that in Pittsburgh all winter long. ;)
(02/16 22:20:36) Kestr’l: (noticed from the DRC site)
Victor Laxman: It was days last time, but I have no idea if that means anything.
Xanos: Liability, maybe? :)
(02/16 22:21:18) Kestr’l: what’s the D’ni equivalent of a Groundhog? Maybe wek can make it last 6 weeks longer… heheh
(02/16 22:21:23) Cycreim: Hmm.
Victor Laxman: One event does not provide information for a pattern.
Cycreim: So uh, what’s the deal with these cloths here, anyway? That’s what most people have been coming to see.
Victor Laxman: So if it changes again we’ll watch it. May be able to see a pattern develop…
Austruck: Cycreim, I dn’t think they’re here to open the door. :(
Victor Laxman: If there is one.
Austruck: Finally found a Delin, and I stumble into a board meeting. Just my luck. ;)
(02/16 22:22:32) Cycreim: Hey Marchetto!
(02/16 22:22:34) Arthur Kalnins: I see Nick is on.
Victor Laxman: Nick and I were in yesterday as well.
Arthur Kalnins: Victor, there are reports that someone’s asking about Nick’s salary. Wanting to talk in private
(02/16 22:23:17) Arthur Kalnins: Any information on that?
Victor Laxman: The cloths are not DRC related.
Arthur Kalnins: I gathered that.
(02/16 22:23:29) Kestr’l: Dr. Laxman, eplorers like myself have so many questions to ask you… would it be possiblefor you to give a guided lecture on a particular age someday?
(02/16 22:23:39) Xanos: Dr. Laxman, is the DRC aware how the cloths got here?
(02/16 22:23:59) Cycreim: Yeah, well, obviously… but… were they around before you guys started investigating this Age, or did they suddenly appear, or what? I’m just curious about your take on that…
(02/16 22:24:10) Cycreim: Your personal take, I mean, not the DRC’s :)
Victor Laxman: I’d enjoy that at some point. Cate would prefer us to get the kinks out before we take such a break.
Thend: Hello all
Victor Laxman: Excuse me a moment.
Cycreim: No problem man
Victor Laxman: Sorry, checking KI-mail.
Kestr’l: Dr Laxman, You mentioned that there may be snow in Delin, is that correct?
(02/16 22:26:15) Arthur Kalnins: So, Victor. Do you know anything about the KI message an explorer got about someone wanting to know Nick’s salary?
(02/16 22:26:34) Cycreim clears his throat.
Victor Laxman: I’m not predicting the weather neccesarily. Just watching the pressure change.
Victor Laxman: But there could be changes.
Victor Laxman: I’ve got to leave. I’m afraid I’m on call. I’ll try and get back later. Cheers!
Kestr’l: fascinating… could the DRC bring some meteorological equipment into Delin to record the changes?
(02/16 22:28:06) Arthur Kalnins: Shorah, Victor.
(02/16 22:28:12) Xanos: Thanks for dropping by Dr. Laxman.
Victor Laxman waves goodbye.