Reference:2007-03-09 Douglas Sharper in the UO neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

Douglas Sharper: Three is a crowd.
(03/10 01:32:20) Kazahiro nods his head
Douglas Sharper: And there were two of you in here.
Abathyr: lol, so you decided to make a crowd? Excellent
(03/10 01:32:37) Kazahiro: so you been takin care of yoursels?
Douglas Sharper: I have.
Kazahiro: there was a sighting of yeesha a little while back to be honest
Douglas Sharper: That a new sign?
Abathyr: everybody’s excited that you’re back
(03/10 01:33:12) Kazahiro: but there are rumors the drc set it all up
(03/10 01:33:13) Kazahiro: yep
(03/10 01:33:17) Kazahiro: got a clock now too
Douglas Sharper: Well, that’s nice to hear.
(03/10 01:33:22) Kazahiro points
(03/10 01:33:24) Abathyr: I guess some folx couldn’t figure out where the classroom was
(03/10 01:33:25) Abathyr: lol
(03/10 01:33:30) Kazahiro: lol
Douglas Sharper: Ha!
Douglas Sharper: Not much has changed in here…
Kazahiro: I only got here recently sir
Douglas Sharper: Well welcome then.
Kazahiro: so I wouldnt be too sure
(03/10 01:34:42) Kazahiro: thank you
Douglas Sharper: Enjoying the place?
Kazahiro: oh definately…ive always been an avid explorer
Douglas Sharper: Good, good.
Kazahiro: especially kadish…its so beautiful down there
Douglas Sharper: Ah yes.
Kazahiro: and from what I heard
(03/10 01:35:40) Kazahiro: the good dr is still uptight
Douglas Sharper: K?
Kazahiro: mmhmm
Douglas Sharper: Puts on a good show, Kodama.
Kazahiro: yep..him and catherine
(03/10 01:36:44) Kazahiro: I saw the shroomie you mentioned
(03/10 01:36:53) Kazahiro: quite an…interesting species that is
Douglas Sharper: Very.
Kazahiro: I think theyve learned though
(03/10 01:37:23) Kazahiro: even with the machinery off they dont come too close anymore
(03/10 01:37:27) Abathyr: can you tell us anything about the animals in Negilahn or have you had time to look into the predator situation there?
Douglas Sharper: I’ve noticed.
Douglas Sharper: Not sure why.
Douglas Sharper: Ah no. Not yet.
Douglas Sharper: Plan on taking some trips there soon though.
Kazahiro: hmmm
(03/10 01:38:09) Abathyr: I gather you’re the predator expert
Douglas Sharper: Ha
Douglas Sharper: Not sure about that.
Douglas Sharper: Not afraid of them at least.
Abathyr: we just haven’t seen much in the way of life there
(03/10 01:38:39) Kazahiro: by the by…word got out about your office…thought id let you know....everyone knows about the fishtank
Douglas Sharper: That’s what I hear.
Douglas Sharper: Sure they do.
Abathyr: I guess nothing’s private anymore
(03/10 01:39:19) Abathyr: heh
(03/10 01:39:28) Kazahiro shakes his head
Douglas Sharper: I think everyone knew about it a few years ago.
Kazahiro: How long has this project been going on?
Douglas Sharper: First time Cate came to my office she didn’t even knock. Just used the fish tank.
Kazahiro: ha
(03/10 01:40:08) Abathyr: sheesh
Douglas Sharper: It’s like walking through a door now.
Abathyr: she’s got brass
(03/10 01:40:19) Kazahiro: thats cate for you
Douglas Sharper: Ah, she’ll be fine.
Douglas Sharper: I not afraid of predators.
Douglas Sharper: Ha!
Abathyr: lol
(03/10 01:40:48) Kazahiro: what have you been doing all this time?
(03/10 01:40:50) Abathyr: that’s good, since they sense your fear eh?
(03/10 01:40:52) Abathyr: lol
Douglas Sharper: Things.
Douglas Sharper: Some trips.
Douglas Sharper: Friends.
Kazahiro: mmm personal..I understand
Douglas Sharper: Family.
Kazahiro: I will to…eventually
(03/10 01:41:26) Abathyr: gonna get back into all the politics here again?
Douglas Sharper: No!
Douglas Sharper: Don’t have the stomach for that again.
Kazahiro: I wouldn’t even touch the politics here with a ten foot pole
(03/10 01:41:57) Kazahiro: its bad enough on the surface
(03/10 01:42:02) Kazahiro: down here
(03/10 01:42:11) Kazahiro shakes his head in disgust
Douglas Sharper: Let’s not go there.
Kazahiro: good idea
Douglas Sharper: I’m enjoying the cavern still.
Douglas Sharper: Ha
Abathyr: have you been to the city today?
(03/10 01:42:39) Kazahiro: the bahro have been…quiet as of late
Douglas Sharper: Not to the city.
Kazahiro: and the hat is for st. patties answer earlier....I wont be on the surface for it
Douglas Sharper: You two are the first non-DRC I’ve seen down here.
Douglas Sharper: So there ya go.
Kazahiro: we try to keep our distance from those guys
(03/10 01:43:34) Abathyr: we keep hearing rumors that they’ll be repairing some areas, but so far it all looks the same
(03/10 01:43:49) Kazahiro: yep
(03/10 01:43:50) Abathyr: heheh, Kaz was just talking revolution a bit ago
Douglas Sharper: They’ve got their hands full. I will say that.
Kazahiro: lol
(03/10 01:44:29) Abathyr: yeah, and with so many people running all over demainding new stuff…
(03/10 01:44:32) Kazahiro: they sure do
(03/10 01:44:47) Kazahiro: Its hard to know if there are sides here
(03/10 01:44:55) Kazahiro: yeesha’s been running around saying the drc is evil
Douglas Sharper: No need for sides.
Douglas Sharper: Yeesha…
Kazahiro: the drc isnt really acknowledging her
Douglas Sharper: Well…
Kazahiro: and well…its been a little confusing down here as of late
(03/10 01:45:39) Abathyr: what do you think of Yeesha?
Douglas Sharper: I don’t know.
Douglas Sharper: Don’t much trust her.
Kazahiro: thats the thing
(03/10 01:46:03) Kazahiro: I dont trust anyone but my friends here
(03/10 01:46:05) Kazahiro: like ab
Douglas Sharper: Prefer things I can touch and feel, not this mystical stuff.
Douglas Sharper: But she hasn’t done anything to hurt me.
Douglas Sharper: Seems to be helping here and there.
Kazahiro: hmm
Douglas Sharper: I don’t know.
Douglas Sharper: Fine woman I suppose.
Douglas Sharper: Ha
Kazahiro: Haha
Douglas Sharper: Well fish and guests start to stink…
Douglas Sharper: I need to move along.
Abathyr: I guess it’s easy for some folx to idolize her and make her a sort of god
(03/10 01:47:09) Abathyr: ok, well, nice chatting with you
(03/10 01:47:12) Kazahiro: Good luck with your journey
(03/10 01:47:15) Abathyr: thanks for coming by
Douglas Sharper: See if the DRC has a stout down here anywhere.
Douglas Sharper: Ha
Kazahiro: take care…it was nice chatting ith you
(03/10 01:47:26) Kazahiro: I hear you on that one
(03/10 01:47:28) Abathyr: lol, I was hoping for a coffee shop
Douglas Sharper: That would be fine too.
Kazahiro: tell me about it
Douglas Sharper: Good meeting you both.
Douglas Sharper: Take care.
Abathyr: if you find a double latte anywhere, give me a holler
(03/10 01:47:51) Abathyr: cya
Douglas Sharper: I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.
Kazahiro: same
(03/10 01:48:04) Kazahiro: be careful
Douglas Sharper: Always