Reference:2007-03-11 Nick White in the Great Tree's neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(03/11 19:06:40) LT Prine: Shorah, Nick
(03/11 19:06:51) MlaTromtee: Nick Whi.....the....Nick? As in translator extrordinare?
(03/11 19:07:01) LT Prine: The same... I blieve.
(03/11 19:07:10) Nick White: Hey, you're still around.
(03/11 19:07:15) rong: shorah
(03/11 19:07:16) Nick White: Good to see. I thought I had scared you off.
(03/11 19:07:22) Heaven: Lol, yah
(03/11 19:07:50) Nick White: What's going on?
(03/11 19:08:05) Heaven: Naw, just got stuck last time
(03/11 19:08:14) Nick White: Ah, got it.
(03/11 19:08:15) Marten: Not much really, least not for myself.
(03/11 19:08:26) Nick White: Nice, all green.
(03/11 19:08:41) Nick White: Sharper would like that.
(03/11 19:08:43) Marten: We try to keep it that way :)
(03/11 19:08:44) Heaven: Prepping for the Parade?
(03/11 19:08:50) Nick White: Oh right.
(03/11 19:08:59) MlaTromtee: Sir....
(03/11 19:09:05) MlaTromtee bows
(03/11 19:09:13) Nick White: Howdy.
(03/11 19:09:17) MlaTromtee: pleasure to meet someone from the DRC
(03/11 19:09:25) Marten waves hello
(03/11 19:09:31) LT Prine waves hello
(03/11 19:09:40) rong: hi folks
(03/11 19:09:42) rong waves hello
(03/11 19:09:52) Marten gives the two their space :)
(03/11 19:10:00) Nick White: So, what's the latest with the Great Tree folks?
(03/11 19:10:11) Marten: Depends. What do you want to know? :)
(03/11 19:10:22) Nick White: What do you want to tell me?
(03/11 19:11:05) Nick White: Ok, not much I take it.
(03/11 19:11:07) Marten: Hmm. Good question. Working on another documentary...
(03/11 19:11:15) rong 's ears perk up
(03/11 19:11:25) Heaven: Any news from Negilahn?
(03/11 19:11:40) Nick White: Hoping to make a trip this week. With Sharper and Rils.
(03/11 19:11:43) Marten: What else... oh, I was pleased to see Yeesha has graced us with our own imagers again.
(03/11 19:11:54) Nick White: I heard that.
(03/11 19:11:55) Marten: Oh, very cool. Did Rils get ahold of you finally? Or vice versa?
(03/11 19:12:03) Nick White: Yeah, I talked to him yesterday for a while.
(03/11 19:12:08) MlaTromtee: and the tree.....I think the tree is back too, I heard?
(03/11 19:12:24) Heaven: I have a tree in my Relto, hope it becomes Great someday :)
(03/11 19:12:26) Marten nods to Mla.
(03/11 19:12:44) rong: you have to talk to it :)
(03/11 19:12:47) Nick White: Oh it will....
(03/11 19:12:54) Marten: I thought you had to play Classical music fori t.
(03/11 19:13:02) rong: that helps too, yeah
(03/11 19:13:04) MlaTromtee laughs
(03/11 19:13:06) LT Prine shuffles feet nervously
(03/11 19:13:23) Marten: You know, Mythbusters did a test on playing music for plants. they could not disprove the myth!
(03/11 19:13:24) LT Prine: Are you and Rils going off to someplace we can follow, by any chance?
(03/11 19:13:33) MlaTromtee: so singing helps? good to know I've got it covered
(03/11 19:13:34) Heaven: The Great Sapling
(03/11 19:13:40) Nick White: No.
(03/11 19:13:47) Nick White: It'll be a trip for the three of us.
(03/11 19:13:54) Nick White: Rils has some expertise which will be nice.
(03/11 19:13:57) LT Prine: Drat. Closed location and all of that?
(03/11 19:13:59) Nick White: As does Sharper.
(03/11 19:14:07) Nick White: Me... I have no idea.
(03/11 19:14:13) rong: where's Rils expertise?
(03/11 19:14:15) Heaven: Outside the pod?
(03/11 19:14:18) White Rose: How soon are you leaving
(03/11 19:14:21) Nick White: I'll probably be the one they throw to the creature while they run.
(03/11 19:14:26) Marten: Yeesha graced us with the ability to visit Negilahn privately. And some people appreciate that. :)
(03/11 19:14:38) Nick White: Yeah, outside.
(03/11 19:14:44) Nick White: We're going hunting.
(03/11 19:14:48) White Rose: How soon are you leaving
(03/11 19:14:48) MlaTromtee: you just gotta run faster than them, first rule of survival
(03/11 19:14:53) Nick White: Is Jazz your sister?
(03/11 19:15:13) Marten: Do you know enough about the physiology of the Urwin to be sure you can tranquilize it?
(03/11 19:15:16) LT Prine: Err.... with the end result of killing? Or photographing?
(03/11 19:15:21) Jazz: ?
(03/11 19:15:23) Marten: In the event you have an encounter?
(03/11 19:15:30) Heaven: Hmmmm, hunting? with the fauna so scarce as it is?
(03/11 19:15:32) Nick White: Sorry you look similar.
(03/11 19:15:44) Jazz starts to laugh
(03/11 19:15:44) Nick White: Negilahn is pretty big.
(03/11 19:15:51) Jazz: Hi Heaven
(03/11 19:15:54) Nick White: There is lots of hunting space.
(03/11 19:15:56) rong: so is that urwin
(03/11 19:16:04) MlaTromtee looks between Jazz and Heaven, understanding why he'd think so
(03/11 19:16:18) Jazz: Colour of the hair might give it away
(03/11 19:16:23) Nick White: We're leaving this week. Hopefully.
(03/11 19:16:31) Nick White: We've got to get some paperwork from Rils.
(03/11 19:16:34) Blade Lakem waves hello
(03/11 19:16:45) rong waves hi
(03/11 19:17:20) Nick White: There we go.
(03/11 19:17:23) MlaTromtee laughs
(03/11 19:17:30) Jehrid: What kind of paperwork would that be? It's not a protected D'ni wildlife reserve, is it?
(03/11 19:17:32) MlaTromtee: Nick gets the hunnies, see.....
(03/11 19:17:33) Jazz: What's going on?
(03/11 19:17:39) rong: lol
(03/11 19:17:47) rong: perks of the job I guess
(03/11 19:17:49) Nick White: Not sure... seems everyone but you two are scared to stand near me.
(03/11 19:18:03) rong: lol
(03/11 19:18:08) MlaTromtee: well I figured you didn't want to be mobbed
(03/11 19:18:11) Jehrid: (Does that mean we can swarm him?)
(03/11 19:18:13) Heaven leans left
(03/11 19:18:20) Nick White: Grab a photo.
(03/11 19:18:27) LT Prine: We could try, Jehrid....
(03/11 19:18:27) Blade Lakem: haven't you heard of DRC cooties? ;)
(03/11 19:18:38) Marten starts to laugh
(03/11 19:18:47) Nick White: We'll send it to Cate.
(03/11 19:18:47) MlaTromtee: White Rose, I think you're in position for that
(03/11 19:18:51) Heaven: Cheese!
(03/11 19:19:00) Jazz: Gorganzola
(03/11 19:19:01) Marten: I'm more concerned at catching whatever you might pick up stomping around in the Negiliahn swamp :)
(03/11 19:19:09) TomahnaGuy: Oh
(03/11 19:19:12) Nick White: With a photo?
(03/11 19:19:39) Heaven leans left
(03/11 19:19:42) Nick White: I'm more concerned that Sharper has a big enough gun if we run into that thing.
(03/11 19:19:46) Marten: Hey Eleri, you have to go stand by Nick. After all, he's getting all the ladies. :)
(03/11 19:19:49) MlaTromtee: hey, I have a rock hard immune system.....I can take whatever he brings back
(03/11 19:19:51) Eleri: Shorah, Everybuggy
(03/11 19:20:01) MlaTromtee laughs
(03/11 19:20:03) Nick White waves hello
(03/11 19:20:09) TomahnaGuy waves hello
(03/11 19:20:15) Jehrid: Hello Eleri
(03/11 19:20:26) TomahnaGuy: Great shot of you and Heaven, Nick :)
(03/11 19:20:27) Blade Lakem: true, who knows what sort of extraterrestrial bacteria live in that swamp... Make sure you bring the antibiotic ointment ;)
(03/11 19:20:27) Marten: Oh, and there's Rose and White Rose. That could get confusing!
(03/11 19:20:44) Nick White: Break it down...
(03/11 19:20:44) MlaTromtee: come on up, give the man his day
(03/11 19:20:51) White Rose: would someone take it please
(03/11 19:20:56) Blade Lakem: apparently it's ladies night in the Nick White bevin ;)
(03/11 19:21:00) rong does a dance
(03/11 19:21:05) From TomahnaGuy: Could this be the first in cavern marriage?
(03/11 19:21:14) Marten cheers
(03/11 19:21:18) Eleri: Are we having another "Surround the ResEng with LAdies" event?
(03/11 19:21:18) MlaTromtee cheers
(03/11 19:21:20) TomahnaGuy: Will this be the first in cavern marriage?
(03/11 19:21:22) Rose: i'll join the party
(03/11 19:21:26) Thumbs up from Blade Lakem
(03/11 19:21:30) To TomahnaGuy: Neat pic, thx :)
(03/11 19:21:38) From TomahnaGuy: np ;)
(03/11 19:21:43) Nick White: None of that. DRC has rules.
(03/11 19:21:53) TomahnaGuy: Hehe
(03/11 19:21:53) Heaven: Poo
(03/11 19:21:55) Marten: So, any predictions on what you'll find, Nick? (They don't have to be accurate.)
(03/11 19:21:56) TomahnaGuy: They too strict
(03/11 19:22:01) White Rose: thanks Blade
(03/11 19:22:01) MlaTromtee: No marriges in caverm?
(03/11 19:22:08) Blade Lakem says okay
(03/11 19:22:08) TomahnaGuy: Makes me wonder how Engberg ever go wheelie
(03/11 19:22:12) LT Prine: Rules? The DRC? Whatever gave you that idea, Nick?
(03/11 19:22:14) TomahnaGuy: Got
(03/11 19:22:16) MlaTromtee coughs
(03/11 19:22:19) MlaTromtee: Cavern
(03/11 19:22:22) Eleri: too late, already been done :)
(03/11 19:22:44) MlaTromtee: Drat, wanted to get married to my girlfriend on the Stair......
(03/11 19:22:51) Eleri: The Kadish Moon Room is great for weddings :)
(03/11 19:22:51) MlaTromtee: ahh well
(03/11 19:22:55) TomahnaGuy: they wont stop explorer marriages
(03/11 19:22:56) Nick White: Just for employees.
(03/11 19:22:59) TomahnaGuy: ...i hope....
(03/11 19:23:03) MlaTromtee: ohh, yay!
(03/11 19:23:06) Marten: Mla: Maybe in your private city? The DRC can't stop you there.
(03/11 19:23:09) Blade Lakem: I can marry ya off. I'm a minister.
(03/11 19:23:11) White Rose: do you have any idea what is waiting out there for you
(03/11 19:23:11) MlaTromtee: .cheer
(03/11 19:23:19) Heaven: So, Nicky, will we ever be able to explore outside the Negilahn pod?
(03/11 19:23:34) Nick White: Hmm...
(03/11 19:23:36) Nick White: Not sure.
(03/11 19:23:42) Nick White: Might be a while.
(03/11 19:23:47) Jazz: That would be good. I'm always up for something exciting
(03/11 19:23:48) TomahnaGuy expected the "all in good time dear" reply
(03/11 19:23:56) Heaven: That pod is too stuffy
(03/11 19:24:04) LT Prine: I'd settle for nailing down the time of the portal dribe-bys.
(03/11 19:24:04) Nick White: Either of you two have any animal experience?
(03/11 19:24:12) LT Prine: *drive-bys
(03/11 19:24:13) White Rose: do you have any idea of what is waiting out there for you
(03/11 19:24:23) TomahnaGuy: theres a nice crack in the wall Heaven that you could clib out of
(03/11 19:24:24) Jehrid: Well, since you'll be out there anyway, could you at least put some wheels on the pod, Nick?
(03/11 19:24:28) Marten: The pod _is_ stuffy, but the crack lets in a nice breeze now and then.
(03/11 19:24:30) Nick White: We're looking for pretty specific skills to take out of the pod.
(03/11 19:24:32) Nick White: At least for now.
(03/11 19:24:34) Heaven: I have a cat
(03/11 19:24:40) TomahnaGuy: i like cats
(03/11 19:24:41) Jazz: I just joined the Zoological Soc
(03/11 19:24:47) MlaTromtee: animal experience? No.....but I am a sharpshooter
(03/11 19:24:47) Rose: me too, two
(03/11 19:24:53) TomahnaGuy: you could let your cat loose in Negilahn
(03/11 19:24:54) Nick White: Well, that's a start.
(03/11 19:24:56) rong: I can breakdance
(03/11 19:25:04) TomahnaGuy: it could play with urwin
(03/11 19:25:04) Jazz: Been chatting with Rils
(03/11 19:25:08) rong does the windmill
(03/11 19:25:10) Rose: cats are great predators
(03/11 19:25:27) TomahnaGuy: maybe youve already let your cat loose Heaven
(03/11 19:25:29) Nick White: Recently. ?
(03/11 19:25:36) MlaTromtee: I suppose I could find my way around a tranq gun of need be
(03/11 19:25:41) Eleri is used to tromping through the woods barefoot :)
(03/11 19:25:51) MlaTromtee shrugs, then shuts up
(03/11 19:25:52) rong: looks like you've got an army here nick
(03/11 19:25:55) Jazz is not sure she wants to know that about Eleri
(03/11 19:26:00) Blade Lakem: you would so catch he Negilahn death flu that way, Eleri.
(03/11 19:26:15) Heaven: I make an excellent Shirpa
(03/11 19:26:15) Eleri: HAH! Never!
(03/11 19:26:35) *Moietay: Hey everyone : )
(03/11 19:26:44) Jazz: Hi Tay
(03/11 19:26:47) Nick White: Well, note from Sharper.
(03/11 19:26:51) LT Prine: Shorah, Tay
(03/11 19:26:57) Jehrid: Shorah Moietay
(03/11 19:26:58) Marten: Ehhhhh, I think you mean sherpa.
(03/11 19:27:00) TomahnaGuy: hey tay
(03/11 19:27:01) Jazz: He's not going to drag you away again, is he?
(03/11 19:27:04) Nick White: Hate to run...really do. When else am I surrounded by Jazz and Heaven?
(03/11 19:27:05) Nick White: But...
(03/11 19:27:14) Jazz starts to laugh
(03/11 19:27:19) TomahnaGuy: aww
(03/11 19:27:19) Heaven needs a moment to breathe!
(03/11 19:27:21) LT Prine: You could always ask him to come HERE....
(03/11 19:27:27) Jazz nearly faints
(03/11 19:27:31) *Moietay: Yes...that would be a nice idea :D
(03/11 19:27:31) TomahnaGuy: we think you should stay here and have an unofficial wedding
(03/11 19:27:34) Nick White: Uh, that wouldn't work.
(03/11 19:27:45) TomahnaGuy: it never works
(03/11 19:27:46) TomahnaGuy shakes his head
(03/11 19:27:46) LT Prine: No? He doesn't link well?
(03/11 19:27:52) MlaTromtee: Jazz is heaven, you ever heard Loius Armstrong?
(03/11 19:28:03) MlaTromtee: oh yea, heaven on a record
(03/11 19:28:04) Nick White: Alright, so it's been a pleasure....
(03/11 19:28:13) Eleri chuckles
(03/11 19:28:14) Error: Don't know how to '/hug'
(03/11 19:28:18) rong: cya
(03/11 19:28:18) Nick White: And hope to see you all again soon.
(03/11 19:28:20) TomahnaGuy: r u 2 going back to Relto?
(03/11 19:28:21) Jazz: Certainly has
(03/11 19:28:21) Nick White: Have a good one.

Nick White returned to the neighborhood later that evening:

(03/11 21:07:52) Jazz: Welcome back Nick
(03/11 21:07:54) Thend starts to laugh
(03/11 21:07:54) Whilyam: Shorah, Nick
(03/11 21:07:59) *Moietay: Welcome back, Nick : )
(03/11 21:08:01) Noel Questa: Shorah Nick
(03/11 21:08:03) Thend: Hello Nick
(03/11 21:08:06) Rils: Hey Nick
(03/11 21:08:14) Nick White: wow we have a crowd here.
(03/11 21:08:15) MlaTromtee: pleasure to see you again
(03/11 21:08:17) Owehn: hi Nick
(03/11 21:08:24) belford: (hm. He's taller than I expected.)
(03/11 21:08:25) Whilyam points out Heaven is here by jumping around
(03/11 21:08:25) MlaTromtee: you're just that popular
(03/11 21:08:27) Nick White: Sharper's own politics will take precedence?
(03/11 21:08:29) Thend: We weren't jus talking about you or anything, uhm, maybe
(03/11 21:08:30) Nehaled: Oh hey Nick
(03/11 21:08:34) Dovahn: Shorah, Nick.
(03/11 21:08:35) Firesign: we were just talking about doug :)
(03/11 21:08:37) Rils: lol, you missed something...
(03/11 21:08:51) Marten: Oh, Nick is back. Shorah again :)
(03/11 21:08:54) Nehaled: Course not, Thend, we were also speculating and hypothesising about him.
(03/11 21:09:12) Firesign: or something
(03/11 21:09:17) Nick White: So what's the latest hypothesis?
(03/11 21:09:18) Firesign: :)
(03/11 21:09:35) MlaTromtee: which one, we have so many
(03/11 21:09:40) Firesign: lol
(03/11 21:09:40) Nehaled: i wasn't really paying attention. Trying to get all my timepieces re-set.
(03/11 21:09:43) Devokan: Just wondering if Sharper is going to get back into the polotics again
(03/11 21:09:53) Devokan: Politics*
(03/11 21:10:11) Jazz: Even though he says he won't
(03/11 21:10:18) Marten: Yeah. I find his comment about staying away from politics interesting. I'm sure he'll do his best to stay away, it might suck him in tho.
(03/11 21:10:19) Heaven: Hypothesis: an alien predator was introduced into the Negilahn ecosystem
(03/11 21:10:24) Thend: And how Rils may be assisting you guys - and OUTside the Pod?
(03/11 21:10:49) Rils: And what the blinking orange light is
(03/11 21:10:56) Devokan: Hey Nick. have you been outside the Pod yet? Do you know what the blinking lights are?
(03/11 21:10:58) Whilyam: Yes, how might Rils be helping you? And will other explorers be used in a similar way?
(03/11 21:11:10) Thend: And why DRC always look at their KI's when we ask them questions
(03/11 21:11:15) *Moietay starts to laugh
(03/11 21:11:15) Whilyam starts to laugh
(03/11 21:11:16) Firesign: lol
(03/11 21:11:16) Devokan: Lol
(03/11 21:11:17) MlaTromtee: we're just a buncha...GAH!
(03/11 21:11:18) Jazz starts to laugh
(03/11 21:11:20) Dovahn laughs
(03/11 21:11:22) Rose grins
(03/11 21:11:24) Thend shrugs
(03/11 21:11:24) Noel Questa: lol
(03/11 21:11:30) Nick White: Okay...
(03/11 21:11:36) Whilyam: Yes, we're just a bunch of gah...
(03/11 21:11:36) Thend: Question, rinse, repeat
(03/11 21:11:42) Nick White: Sharper says he won't get into politics... who knows....
(03/11 21:11:48) Nick White: I believe him right now.
(03/11 21:11:57) Jazz: Is he really that changed?
(03/11 21:12:00) Nick White: I've been outside the pod. Sent someone a photo even.
(03/11 21:12:03) Nick White: Forget who...
(03/11 21:12:09) Thend says DOH!
(03/11 21:12:12) Rils: lol
(03/11 21:12:22) Whilyam shrugs
(03/11 21:12:22) Whilyam: not me :P
(03/11 21:12:23) Owehn: what were you looking for?
(03/11 21:12:25) Firesign: wasnt me ;)
(03/11 21:12:33) Owehn: anything in particular, nick?
(03/11 21:12:33) Nick White: Rils will be helping us out with his expertise - his eyes and ears.
(03/11 21:12:35) Jazz eyes Rils
(03/11 21:12:38) Dovahn: Do you think any explorers (in or out of the DZS) will have the chance to go outside?
(03/11 21:12:45) Nick White: I think it was Mystlander.
(03/11 21:12:46) Rils ears Jazz
(03/11 21:12:50) Nick White: I honestly don't remember.
(03/11 21:12:52) Noel Questa: lol
(03/11 21:12:54) Marten: I saw a photo of the outside of the pod, and it looked like a pineapple.
(03/11 21:12:56) Jazz throws daggers at Heaven
(03/11 21:13:02) Ashtar: Shorah
(03/11 21:13:06) Rils: I pineapple under the sea?
(03/11 21:13:10) Rils: a*
(03/11 21:13:12) Devokan: Do you still have the pic that you could send to us?
(03/11 21:13:13) Owehn: i think that photo was doctored, Marten ;)
(03/11 21:13:13) *Moietay: Shorah Ashtar
(03/11 21:13:15) Heaven leans right
(03/11 21:13:16) Thend: Hello Ash
(03/11 21:13:28) Marten: Are you sure Owehn? The poster assured it was authentic...
(03/11 21:13:37) Jazz: Well I believed it. lol
(03/11 21:13:37) Marten: Mowog never lies does he? ;)
(03/11 21:13:41) Whilyam pokes Mystlander
(03/11 21:13:43) Noel Questa: shorah Ashtar
(03/11 21:13:56) Whilyam: Hello, Ashtar
(03/11 21:14:03) Owehn: it seemed a bit...cartoony
(03/11 21:14:05) MlaTromtee: Uh nick....
(03/11 21:14:08) Owehn: hi Ashtar
(03/11 21:14:18) MlaTromtee: Myst said she didn't get a pic
(03/11 21:14:24) MlaTromtee: so wasn't her
(03/11 21:14:28) Thend: Hey Owehn, there is nothing wrong with 'cartoony'
(03/11 21:14:33) Ashtar: Hi Nick
(03/11 21:14:36) Owehn: of course not
(03/11 21:14:43) Thend: :)
(03/11 21:14:43) Owehn: cartoons are great
(03/11 21:14:46) *Moietay: Also Nick, earlier we were saying how we miss seeing lots of translations from the DRC. It seems like lately we've just been seeing Ages, not exactly knowing the history behind them.
(03/11 21:14:55) Thend nods his head
(03/11 21:15:00) Whilyam nods his head
(03/11 21:15:03) Ashtar nods his head
(03/11 21:15:07) Marten nods his head
(03/11 21:15:12) Whilyam seconds Moi
(03/11 21:15:17) Thend nods off, then nods his head again
(03/11 21:15:18) *Moietay: IM TAY!
(03/11 21:15:22) Thend starts to laugh
(03/11 21:15:27) Noel Questa: lol
(03/11 21:15:32) Nick White: What would you like to know?
(03/11 21:15:33) Marten: Is Cate behind the focus on Age restoration, and less "intellectual" endeavors?
(03/11 21:15:38) Nick White: No...
(03/11 21:15:40) Owehn: if you have any d'ni texts that need translating, then there are several explorer organizations that can help out
(03/11 21:15:44) Owehn: the DLF for example
(03/11 21:15:44) Nick White: Just been the luck of the draw...
(03/11 21:15:47) Devokan: What is the 2 flashing "lights" outside the pod?
(03/11 21:15:49) MlaTromtee: was going to work up a petition......but...well, I'm not a lawyer
(03/11 21:16:01) Devokan: the ones we can see from the second floor window
(03/11 21:16:02) Nick White: Not sure they mean anything too crazy...
(03/11 21:16:09) Ashtar: The history behind some of the new ages like Negilahn would be nice.
(03/11 21:16:21) Whilyam: Why haven't we seen more of Cate, Kodama, etc.?
(03/11 21:16:24) Nick White: Well back in 4502, Lord...
(03/11 21:16:26) *Moietay: Nick, I think we'd all be interested in learning more about the Ages that are released. See things like journals or translations.
(03/11 21:16:27) Marten: OK. That is good to know. I was concerned the translations were suffering because of... well, other priorities.
(03/11 21:16:38) Nick White: They are Marten.
(03/11 21:16:53) Nick White: Not sure.
(03/11 21:16:55) Thend: Nick, has the 'Earth' Book (the one the D'ni used to link to the Cavern) ever been found and/or is it being sought out?
(03/11 21:17:00) Nick White: At least Cate showed up the other day.
(03/11 21:17:02) Nick White: I guess.
(03/11 21:17:17) Thend: I'm concerned someone may write in it and 'Destruct' our little Age here
(03/11 21:17:18) Whilyam: Yes, where is Earth's descriptive book?
(03/11 21:17:29) Owehn: rumor has it it's somewhere in Ae'gura
(03/11 21:17:32) *Moietay: Thats probably something we should watch carefully over
(03/11 21:17:34) Nick White: Really?
(03/11 21:17:37) Nick White: Quite a rumor?
(03/11 21:17:47) Ashtar: I agree tay
(03/11 21:17:49) Firesign: first ive heard of it.
(03/11 21:17:50) Rils: lol, many rumours these days
(03/11 21:17:54) Whilyam: You know where it is?
(03/11 21:17:56) Nick White: The Book that controls our entire planet sitting in Kodama's desk drawer.
(03/11 21:18:01) Whilyam starts to laugh
(03/11 21:18:03) Firesign: LOL
(03/11 21:18:03) Thend: O.o
(03/11 21:18:07) Jazz shudders
(03/11 21:18:07) Ashtar: That's a scary thought :)
(03/11 21:18:08) Owehn: cool
(03/11 21:18:11) Devokan: nick do you know if the Bahro have naything to do with the Negilahn animal problems?
(03/11 21:18:17) *Moietay: our lives are in the hands of Kodama! lol
(03/11 21:18:17) Nehaled: it could pretty much be in two places: Ae'gura or Garternay, right? If it here, that'd be nice.
(03/11 21:18:20) Rils: Can't wait for the day he just looks at it and sez NO.
(03/11 21:18:21) Nick White: Dev, I don't know.
(03/11 21:18:23) Thend: Nick, please don't joke. Really?
(03/11 21:18:25) Firesign: "can i see it?" "NO"
(03/11 21:18:33) Nick White: Really Thend. Really.
(03/11 21:18:42) Thend: oh. My. Gosh.
(03/11 21:18:44) Nick White: Really what?
(03/11 21:18:49) Whilyam: Yes, seriously, where IS the book? Has it even been fond?
(03/11 21:18:58) belford: Wouldn't it have been left behind in Garternay? By definition?
(03/11 21:19:03) Nick White: Does it feel weird to anyone else that we are standing in a big line on a bridge?
(03/11 21:19:10) Owehn: nope, could have been carried through by a linking book
(03/11 21:19:16) Nehaled: conga party! WOO
(03/11 21:19:18) Rils: Hope it holds up
(03/11 21:19:19) Dovahn: Would you rather stand somewhere esle?
(03/11 21:19:19) Thend: belford, someone may have returned for it before it was too late
(03/11 21:19:23) Dovahn: *else
(03/11 21:19:35) Rils: mooo.....
(03/11 21:19:35) Firesign: yeah, so lets stand by the clock ;)
(03/11 21:19:35) Whilyam: So?
(03/11 21:19:41) MlaTromtee: was popping my back...sorry
(03/11 21:19:55) Whilyam: Nick, does the DRC know where the descriptive book for earth is?
(03/11 21:20:13) Nick White: If they do, I dont.
(03/11 21:20:16) Nick White: don't
(03/11 21:20:19) Owehn: ok, thanks
(03/11 21:20:35) Marten: I'm sure the book would have been brought here, not left on Garternay. They wouldn't risk that someone else might take it before the planet died. Which reminds me of something I'm curious about.
(03/11 21:20:35) Whilyam thanks you
(03/11 21:20:36) Owehn: since we're by the clock, I've got another question:
(03/11 21:20:39) belford: Huh -- seems like it should be impossible for the descriptive book for an Age to be carried *into* that Age. Like, the universe should divide by zero.
(03/11 21:20:48) Marten: I wonder if any of the original Garternay residents refused to leave even as their planet was dying
(03/11 21:20:49) Dovahn: This reminds me of a press conference.
(03/11 21:20:50) Owehn: when was the hour zero, in relation to the algae cycle?
(03/11 21:21:03) Nick White: I believe some were left behind.
(03/11 21:21:08) Firesign: so when are you and sharper going hunting, nick? or is doug going alone?
(03/11 21:21:10) Nick White: I have no doubt.
(03/11 21:21:17) ~Ashelbane~: Hey, I have a question. What does Cate want out of running the DRC?
(03/11 21:21:19) ~Ashelbane~: Any ideas?
(03/11 21:21:27) Whilyam: $$$$
(03/11 21:21:44) Thend: Yes Whil
(03/11 21:21:45) Whilyam: Or should that be 5 $s sincewe're in D'ni?
(03/11 21:21:53) *Moietay: Hehe
(03/11 21:21:58) Whilyam: $ $ $ $ $
(03/11 21:22:03) ~Ashelbane~: Well, yes, but in what way?? Archaewology is not a big money industry
(03/11 21:22:04) Dovahn: 25, I think
(03/11 21:22:10) Nick White: Is this neighborhood public?
(03/11 21:22:14) Dovahn: That's an interesting question.
(03/11 21:22:14) Whilyam: Indeed
(03/11 21:22:14) Mystlander: Romeo (Nick), Romeo (Nick)... Wherefore art thou, Romeo (Nick)?
(03/11 21:22:15) ~Ashelbane~: Yeah.
(03/11 21:22:16) belford: I need to start looking through the Books we've got and trying to figure out the structure of the underlying logic.
(03/11 21:22:23) Firesign: it should be, yeah
(03/11 21:22:24) Marten: It should be Nick, but sometimes it locks itself.
(03/11 21:22:25) Devokan: Ya its public
(03/11 21:22:26) Mystlander waves hello
(03/11 21:22:28) Carrot: Isn't that abvious? :P
(03/11 21:22:33) ~Ashelbane~: Yes, it is, that's how I got here...
(03/11 21:22:37) belford: Just becuse the D'ni have a ten-thousand year head start on me...
(03/11 21:22:37) Owehn: i think it's public, but it might have fallen off the nexus list
(03/11 21:22:43) ~Ashelbane~ bows
(03/11 21:22:43) Nick White waves back.
(03/11 21:22:47) Thend: Ashel, it is if you have new and dangerous tech. Cate could deal arms - or rule the world. Theoretically
(03/11 21:22:48) Whilyam: Why are you curious. Nick?
(03/11 21:22:50) Carrot: obvious that is
(03/11 21:22:57) Nick White: There is quite a crowd here.
(03/11 21:22:58) ~Ashelbane~: Not much arms here either, right?
(03/11 21:23:06) Devokan: You are famous Nick!
(03/11 21:23:10) ~Ashelbane~: Not very big on killing eachother.
(03/11 21:23:12) Devokan: Lol
(03/11 21:23:14) Marten: Do you need me to go and check if it fell off the Nexus list?
(03/11 21:23:17) Thend: Depends on how one uses D'ni tech
(03/11 21:23:19) Owehn: many of us were here before you arrived
(03/11 21:23:20) ~Ashelbane~: Nick, how's Sharper doing on the Negilahn problem?
(03/11 21:23:25) Dovahn: What if the D'ni had some sort of massive weapon that we don't know about?
(03/11 21:23:26) Nick White: No big deal. Just curious.
(03/11 21:23:26) Nehaled: Ashel: Only the one recorded instance where they wrote up a biological agent to wipe out an entire species.
(03/11 21:23:27) Owehn: so it makes for an even bigger crowd than usual
(03/11 21:23:39) Nick White: The D'ni did have some weapons.
(03/11 21:23:40) Kii Probt: HIya
(03/11 21:23:41) ~Ashelbane~: And any chance of a sno-cone machine in the city?
(03/11 21:23:42) belford: The d'ni may not have been into killing each other, but they wound up *doing* it...
(03/11 21:23:46) sil_oh_wet: Are you stuck dwey?
(03/11 21:23:50) Nehaled: Speaking ofwhich: What IS the worst-case-sceanrio pla here?
(03/11 21:23:55) Dovahn: Nick, why did they have weapo
(03/11 21:23:58) Carrot: Are we talking Start Trek-esque weapons?
(03/11 21:23:59) Whilyam: So what does Cate hope to get in the form of a return on her investment? Set up kiddy rides in the GZ?
(03/11 21:24:01) Nick White: Wars.
(03/11 21:24:01) Dovahn: *weapons?
(03/11 21:24:04) ~Ashelbane~: Well, yes, i know, but they did not have weapons just lying around...
(03/11 21:24:08) Dovahn: Wars between who?
(03/11 21:24:08) Nick White: Two pretty major wars.
(03/11 21:24:14) sil_oh_wet: dewy -- are you stuck at the nexus book?
(03/11 21:24:14) ~Ashelbane~: At least that I KNOW of, nick'd know.
(03/11 21:24:14) Nick White: Pento War.
(03/11 21:24:15) Whilyam: brb
(03/11 21:24:20) Nick White: Mee-Dis War I think.
(03/11 21:24:21) Thend: The ability to link itself, is quite an exploitable ability
(03/11 21:24:23) Nick White: The two big ones.
(03/11 21:24:24) ~Ashelbane~: Ah, true. Have you found any as of yet?
(03/11 21:24:28) ~Ashelbane~: Weapons?
(03/11 21:24:42) belford: Ever throw a penny into the GZ laser? ZAP
(03/11 21:24:42) Nick White: Hey nice hoop jersey.
(03/11 21:24:45) Marten: Oh hey, THAT is a good question - is the DRC ever going to respond to Montgomery's letter?
(03/11 21:24:55) Kii Probt: I do not see you here
(03/11 21:24:59) La'Fitte: Yeah u should go get one too
(03/11 21:25:00) Nick White: What letter is that?
(03/11 21:25:04) La'Fitte: 07
(03/11 21:25:05) Kii Probt: oops...sorry all
(03/11 21:25:06) Owehn: the letter about Pento
(03/11 21:25:14) La'Fitte: I tried changing it but it wont let you.
(03/11 21:25:19) Nick White: I think we did.
(03/11 21:25:20) Devokan: What started the MeeDis war?
(03/11 21:25:22) Marten: he sent them a letter asking them for more information on Pento. Like... /which/ Pento age was discovered (since there were two), etc.
(03/11 21:25:22) ~Ashelbane~: What's Cate like to work for?
(03/11 21:25:24) Rils: I seem to recall we talked about that before...
(03/11 21:25:24) Dovahn: Nick, has the DRC found any of the weapons?
(03/11 21:25:32) Nick White: Cate is fine.
(03/11 21:25:35) Nick White: She's driven.
(03/11 21:25:36) Carrot: Still, only two wars in ten thousand years is pretty good
(03/11 21:25:38) Nick White: And that's good.
(03/11 21:25:40) ~Ashelbane~: Rils is famous now >.>
(03/11 21:25:45) Nick White: Two major wars.
(03/11 21:25:49) sil_oh_wet cheers
(03/11 21:25:51) Ashtar: Driven is an understatement
(03/11 21:25:54) Nick White: But yeah it is pretty good.
(03/11 21:25:56) ~Ashelbane~: Still, much better record than us, neh?
(03/11 21:25:58) ~Ashelbane~: Only 2?
(03/11 21:25:59) Firesign: (they found a bfg-9000 ;) )
(03/11 21:26:07) Devokan: Lol
(03/11 21:26:09) Rils is actually only pretending to be famous, but don't tell anyone
(03/11 21:26:14) sil_oh_wet: giggle
(03/11 21:26:17) Nehaled: Two major wars that we know of, right?
(03/11 21:26:25) Nick White: Good point.
(03/11 21:26:39) ~Ashelbane~: Hey, any encounters with actual surviving D'ni?
(03/11 21:26:52) ~Ashelbane~: I assume if anyone has met them, it'd be the DRC exploring.
(03/11 21:26:56) ~Ashelbane~: Or they might all be gone :(
(03/11 21:26:59) Whilyam: The one you talked to before ran away, correct?
(03/11 21:27:00) La'Fitte: are there any d'ni actully left?
(03/11 21:27:08) Nehaled: Just the one guy so far, yeah?
(03/11 21:27:10) Dovahn: Well, in Releeshan.
(03/11 21:27:14) Nick White: By yourself over here?
(03/11 21:27:16) ~Ashelbane~: Does yeesha count, then?
(03/11 21:27:18) sil_oh_wet: hehe thanks for the pic
(03/11 21:27:26) Nehaled: Yeesha's a hologram.
(03/11 21:27:30) Nick White: Was it you I sent it to?
(03/11 21:27:33) sil_oh_wet: how come Mysty gets a hug and I dont?
(03/11 21:27:39) MlaTromtee: Not a crowd person
(03/11 21:27:42) Jazz: Same here
(03/11 21:27:43) MlaTromtee: sorry
(03/11 21:27:46) ~Ashelbane~: But she'd still be around?
(03/11 21:27:54) Devokan: Uhh nick?
(03/11 21:27:56) Nehaled hugs sil_oh_wet, now cheer up
(03/11 21:27:57) Ashtar: Strange doors
(03/11 21:27:59) sil_oh_wet: where are we going?
(03/11 21:28:01) Devokan: Moo
(03/11 21:28:01) Firesign: blink
(03/11 21:28:17) Thend: Hmm, locking himself in an Egg Room stall, smart lol
(03/11 21:28:17) Donna: lemmings! lol
(03/11 21:28:17) Ashtar: lol
(03/11 21:28:21) drolang: hi all can i have 8 very helpfull friends plz
(03/11 21:28:22) Firesign: lol
(03/11 21:28:27) Ashtar: Dont' crowd around everyone :)
(03/11 21:28:29) ~Ashelbane~: Whoa
(03/11 21:28:39) Jazz: What's happening?
(03/11 21:28:42) Nehaled: Okay, I'mma stay out here, just kinda yell what's happening plz.
(03/11 21:28:45) Heaven: Private egg room
(03/11 21:28:53) *Moietay: You cant hide from us Nick...sorry :P
(03/11 21:28:53) Thend: We are what we are Donna. depends on the circumstance and motivation
(03/11 21:29:00) Owehn: we are a rather strange sight
(03/11 21:29:05) Whilyam: Whoa!
(03/11 21:29:06) Thend: lol Heaven
(03/11 21:29:12) La'Fitte: Lsu
(03/11 21:29:31) Heaven: LOL
(03/11 21:30:42) ~Ashelbane~: Hmm...
(03/11 21:30:42) Carrot snickers
(03/11 21:30:45) Ashtar: I hope everyone used Dial today
(03/11 21:30:55) Nick White: How many people can fit in here?
(03/11 21:31:01) Nehaled: What IS the purpose of this thing anyway? I always thought it was just kinda pretty.
(03/11 21:31:01) Whilyam: everyone in
(03/11 21:31:02) Thend: LOL
(03/11 21:31:03) *Moietay: We'll find out!
(03/11 21:31:06) sil_oh_wet: Careful DONT LINK OUT
(03/11 21:31:10) sil_oh_wet: Bad reaction
(03/11 21:31:15) sil_oh_wet: If the door is shut
(03/11 21:31:18) Whilyam: everyone in?
(03/11 21:31:23) La'Fitte: Hey sil
(03/11 21:31:26) <sniffle> Jazz is sad
(03/11 21:31:26) ~Ashelbane~: This is a bad horror movie >.>
(03/11 21:31:28) sil_oh_wet: Hiya La'fitte
(03/11 21:31:40) Thend: Nice to meet you all lol
(03/11 21:31:42) Noel Questa starts to laugh
(03/11 21:31:43) sil_oh_wet: Hehe its getting warm in here
(03/11 21:31:44) Ashtar: Hi ML!
(03/11 21:31:48) Rils: ouch, that was my toe...
(03/11 21:31:49) Heaven needs a moment to breathe!
(03/11 21:31:50)
(03/11 21:31:52) Owehn: sorry
(03/11 21:31:54) Owehn wants some space!
(03/11 21:32:00) Jazz: Where is everyone?
(03/11 21:32:02) Devokan: I once got stuck in an elivator with 25 people...this brings back memories lol
(03/11 21:32:03) <sniffle> Jazz is sad
(03/11 21:32:05) Rils: owehn, use the window!!!
(03/11 21:32:06) Nehaled: hey, who's hand is that?
(03/11 21:32:15) Thend: I was just gonna ask if you wanted some privacy Nick. Guess not lol
(03/11 21:32:19) Rils: that's not a pillow...
(03/11 21:32:21) Ashtar: What are you two doing up there?
(03/11 21:32:23) sil_oh_wet: someone put a damp cloth on Devokan's forhead
(03/11 21:32:27) sil_oh_wet: Forehead too
(03/11 21:32:30) Devokan: Lol
(03/11 21:32:33) Owehn wonders how much air these rooms hold
(03/11 21:32:46) Carrot snickers
(03/11 21:32:52) ~Ashelbane~ practices "duck and cover" just in case.
(03/11 21:32:55) Rils waves at the guy over there in the next room
(03/11 21:33:02) Nehaled: I'm sure it's not air-tig*HUHGAHERK*
(03/11 21:33:07) sil_oh_wet: Lol
(03/11 21:33:10) Thend: Nick, now that we are secluded, do you have anything you'd like to say?
(03/11 21:33:15) Devokan: Lol
(03/11 21:33:18) Owehn: lol
(03/11 21:33:24) sil_oh_wet: Shhh im hunting wabbit
(03/11 21:33:32) Whilyam: ESCAPE!
(03/11 21:33:33) Thend shrugs
(03/11 21:33:35) Jazz: Ah
(03/11 21:33:38) Whilyam roars with laughter
(03/11 21:33:42) *Moietay starts to laugh
(03/11 21:33:48) Devokan: It funny to see everyone following Nick..Mooo
(03/11 21:33:50) *Moietay: We must be so annoying :P
(03/11 21:33:58) Rils: basically, yeah Dev...
(03/11 21:34:00) Nehaled: fun tho
(03/11 21:34:03) La'Fitte: Hes doin it on purpose
(03/11 21:34:04) Thend: Let's just give Nick a moment, okay?
(03/11 21:34:15) Heaven: Time is $
(03/11 21:34:16) Mashu (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/11 21:34:20) Owehn: if we're bothering you, just let us know
(03/11 21:34:27) sil_oh_wet: i forgot to bring my disney autograph book and my big pink pen with the tassel
(03/11 21:34:33) MlaTromtee: I don't get how he does it
(03/11 21:34:35) Rindercella: lol sil
(03/11 21:34:37) *Moietay: Yes, if we are bothering you, please tell us and we'll try and find some manners.
(03/11 21:34:41) Thend nods his head
(03/11 21:34:46) Whilyam: Or annoy you more
(03/11 21:34:51) Thumbs up from Carrot
(03/11 21:34:54) Kelm: hello Nick
(03/11 21:34:56) *Moietay: nice Whil!
(03/11 21:35:01) Thend: Whil, as always, speaks for himself lol
(03/11 21:35:10) Whilyam whispers "moimoi"
(03/11 21:35:16) Nick White does a dance
(03/11 21:35:18) sil_oh_wet steals a dance with Nick
(03/11 21:35:21) Carrot does a dance
(03/11 21:35:24) sil_oh_wet: Hooty hoo
(03/11 21:35:26) Whilyam: Oo
(03/11 21:35:27) *Moietay sneezes
(03/11 21:35:28) Owehn does a dance
(03/11 21:35:29) Nick White does a dance
(03/11 21:35:29) Thend: Sil, finds other ways of persusion
(03/11 21:35:33) Carrot breakdances
(03/11 21:35:33) Whilyam does a dance
(03/11 21:35:34) Devokan does a dance