Reference:2007-03-12 Douglas Sharper in the Great Tree's hood

From Guild of Archivists

(03/12 23:22:18) Mystlander waves hello
(03/12 23:22:26) S'an waves hello
(03/12 23:22:28) Cycreim: Where are you all?
(03/12 23:22:30) Gunther: Just felt like comeing around
(03/12 23:22:31) Mystlander: !Shorah Douglas... how's trix?
(03/12 23:22:33) kami: douglas!!!!!! nice to see you again
(03/12 23:22:47) Ti'an: Been hunting in Negilahn, yet?
(03/12 23:22:50) S'an: How is the expidition coming along Douglas?
(03/12 23:22:51) Douglas Sharper: No, no.
(03/12 23:23:00) Douglas Sharper: Looking for this Rils character...
(03/12 23:23:17) kami: oh dear...he was not looking for us myst
(03/12 23:23:23) Cycreim: I've barely been able to get in touch with him myself, one sec...
(03/12 23:23:24) Douglas Sharper: Ha
(03/12 23:23:27) S'an: Havent seen him around
(03/12 23:23:29) Ti'an: Haven't seen him tonight
(03/12 23:23:41) Gunther: Not run into him/her
(03/12 23:23:56) Mystlander: I last saw him in the Baron's City Office, Douglas.
(03/12 23:23:59) kami: have you been??
(03/12 23:24:00) Ti'an: Anything else new?
(03/12 23:24:19) Douglas Sharper: I've been good, thank you.
(03/12 23:24:27) kami: we've missed you here in the cavern
(03/12 23:24:28) Cycreim: Yeah man it's been a long time since TGT has seen the likes of you :)
(03/12 23:24:38) Douglas Sharper: It has. Wow.
(03/12 23:24:43) Douglas Sharper: Not much has changed here though.
(03/12 23:24:45) S'an: How does it feel to be a legend?
(03/12 23:24:46) Ti'an apologizes for her terrible manners
(03/12 23:24:47) Mystlander: Does he still have a mustache, Cy?
(03/12 23:25:07) kami: he looks good to me...healthy and stuff
(03/12 23:25:10) Douglas Sharper: Yes, he does.
(03/12 23:25:11) Cycreim: Brian's still around, he's not down here very often though...
(03/12 23:25:20) Douglas Sharper: Ah, the good man Brian.
(03/12 23:25:22) Douglas Sharper: Ha.
(03/12 23:25:28) Douglas Sharper: Those were the days.
(03/12 23:25:33) kami: he is a good guy douglas
(03/12 23:25:35) Mystlander: Good, Saxy wanted me to check for her... you know how she likes staches!
(03/12 23:25:47) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/12 23:25:49) kami: these are the days
(03/12 23:25:53) Douglas Sharper: Don't recall a Saxy who liked moustaches.
(03/12 23:25:55) kami: lol......
(03/12 23:25:58) Cycreim: Things have changed a lot since then...
(03/12 23:26:12) Douglas Sharper: Yes, they have.
(03/12 23:26:15) Douglas Sharper: In some ways.
(03/12 23:26:23) Douglas Sharper: Not so much in others.
(03/12 23:26:32) Cycreim: True that.
(03/12 23:26:40) Ti'an: Looks like you missed the place, Mr. S
(03/12 23:26:44) S'an: There is much potential down here
(03/12 23:26:58) Douglas Sharper: I did miss it.
(03/12 23:27:27) kami waves hello
(03/12 17:26:13) Mystlander: Actually, Douglas, Saxy has the hots for you! She just says that staches tickle...
(03/12 17:26:17) Gunther: How long you here for Douglas
(03/12 17:26:17) Cycreim: It's been a strange couple of months...
(03/12 17:26:18) S'an: Other than the hunt, how are things Douglas?
(03/12 17:26:29) Douglas Sharper: They are good.
(03/12 17:26:43) Ti'an: Have you been assigned any other tasks?
(03/12 17:26:43) kami: your still hunting douglas??
(03/12 17:26:43) S'an: Did they put you back in charge of Teledahn?
(03/12 17:26:58) Douglas Sharper: I don't think anyone is in charge that place right now.
(03/12 17:27:05) Douglas Sharper: Not much work going on there.
(03/12 17:27:07) Kelm: Hello
(03/12 17:27:19) kami: are i bet
(03/12 17:27:20) S'an: The DRC seems kind of shortstaffed
(03/12 17:27:33) Douglas Sharper: No denying that.
(03/12 17:27:34) From ResEng M.Dogherra in A Beginner's Bevin: 10, I belive
(03/12 17:27:36) Douglas Sharper: They have their hands full.
(03/12 17:27:39) Mystlander: What about Cate?
(03/12 17:27:43) Douglas Sharper: What about her?
(03/12 17:27:48) kami: i like cate
(03/12 17:27:49) Mystlander: I thought she was the boss of you...
(03/12 17:27:58) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/12 17:28:07) Douglas Sharper: Where is this Mystlander?
(03/12 17:28:18) S'an: Ooh, you done done it now
(03/12 17:28:18) kami: lol
(03/12 17:28:19) Cycreim: She's in the vents!
(03/12 17:28:21) Overdrive: lol
(03/12 17:29:14) Douglas Sharper: The old community center.
(03/12 17:29:27) Douglas Sharper: Anything ever happen in here?
(03/12 17:29:35) S'an: I heard my first bit of the D'ni Language here
(03/12 17:29:52) Barbarra: So did I.
(03/12 17:29:58) S'an: Seems to be broke now
(03/12 17:30:09) Ti'an: Douglas Sharper
(03/12 17:30:09) Overdrive: A few of the hoods, like the DZS have their meetings in here.
(03/12 17:30:25) Barbarra: UO has spoken word night on Wednesdays.
(03/12 17:30:30) Cycreim: Haha
(03/12 17:30:34) Douglas Sharper: Spoken word?
(03/12 17:30:34) Cycreim: The slowly advancing mob
(03/12 17:30:47) Barbarra: poetry and such
(03/12 17:30:54) Douglas Sharper: Poetry and such?
(03/12 17:31:00) S'an: Poems, similies, public conversations
(03/12 17:31:01) Gunther: Douglas, seems your popular
(03/12 17:31:02) S'an: And the like
(03/12 17:31:04) Douglas Sharper: Sounds like an old fashioned bore.
(03/12 17:31:04) Barbarra: yes.
(03/12 17:31:09) Overdrive: lol
(03/12 17:31:12) Barbarra: a bit of singing, too, I believe.
(03/12 17:31:19) S'an: No soapbox preaching though
(03/12 17:31:38) Douglas Sharper: Stop what?
(03/12 17:31:44) S'an: Which would make it more interesting
(03/12 17:32:06) Kelm: well Doug what do you think of the old place?
(03/12 17:32:20) Douglas Sharper: The more things change the more they stay the same.
(03/12 17:32:40) Ti'an: LOL...around the Cavern, that is for sure
(03/12 17:32:46) kami: need to shout
(03/12 17:32:46) Kelm: ready to knock some more walls down LOL
(03/12 17:32:47) S'an: Its not so bad down here
(03/12 17:32:55) Overdrive: So have you heard anything from Nick or Rils about your jungle safari?
(03/12 17:33:00) Kam Uraki: OMG, THE Doug Sharper?!?
(03/12 17:33:05) kami: we cannot here your "ha"
(03/12 17:33:07) Cycreim: Oh hey Sharper, while you're here...
(03/12 17:33:16) Torque waves hello
(03/12 17:33:17) kami: hear too
(03/12 17:33:21) Douglas Sharper: Tell me that wasn't Nick.
(03/12 17:33:25) kami laughs
(03/12 17:33:25) Kam Uraki: Doug, if you had any idea how long I've wanted to meet you!
(03/12 17:33:29) Kelm: or have you gone soft in your old age
(03/12 17:33:36) S'an: Havent seen Nick yet
(03/12 17:33:37) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/12 17:33:56) Overdrive: He was in the city yesterday looking for Rils
(03/12 17:34:03) kami: lol...i'm just bad today
(03/12 17:34:14) Kam Uraki: Since the early days of the restoration! So lemme just say it's an honor.
(03/12 17:34:18) Cycreim: My other 'hoodies will probably kill me for asking so bluntly, but we've been wondering forever... do you have any Great Tree jackets left?
(03/12 17:34:18) Douglas Sharper: That boy.
(03/12 17:34:24) Douglas Sharper shakes his head.
(03/12 17:34:28) Ti'an: So, Mr. S. besides the Negilahn hunting expedition, have you been assigned any other tasks?
(03/12 17:34:36) Cycreim: :)
(03/12 17:34:40) Justin: ShorahmrSharper
(03/12 17:34:41) Douglas Sharper: Don't you think that will be enough?
(03/12 17:34:50) S'an: I am glad im not as popular as Douglas, I would be Claustrophobic
(03/12 17:34:54) Moranda: hi Doug, its mo, haven't seen you since the canver was vacated
(03/12 17:34:57) Ti'an: For now, yes, likely
(03/12 17:35:08) S'an: One thing at a time is the best way
(03/12 17:35:16) Justin: Wow
(03/12 17:35:18) Kam Uraki: So, I have a question. Are you taking Rils along as the sort of Star Trek red shirt/alien fodder for your trip?
(03/12 17:35:24) S'an: A hunting expedition is no small task
(03/12 17:35:26) Ti'an: LOL
(03/12 17:35:32) Justin: i'm actually meeting THE douglas Sgharper!!!
(03/12 17:35:41) Douglas Sharper: Nick tells me the man knows something about animals and the like.
(03/12 17:35:54) Douglas Sharper: We could use another set of eyes and ears.
(03/12 17:35:59) Kam Uraki: Well, you do look sort of like a young Shatner
(03/12 17:36:01) Kelm: no big deal he's gone soft
(03/12 17:36:02) Douglas Sharper: If he knows what he's talking about...
(03/12 17:36:10) Kam Uraki: That's a compliment by the way
(03/12 17:36:21) Douglas Sharper: Young Shatner?
(03/12 17:36:27) Ti'an: Well, taking him along is one way to find that out, for certain.
(03/12 17:36:30) Douglas Sharper shakes his head again.
(03/12 17:36:34) Gunther laughs
(03/12 17:36:51) WyrdOfTweek: sharper reminds me if teddy roosevelt
(03/12 17:36:53) Kam Uraki: Sure, and Kodama is Spock!
(03/12 17:36:56) S'an: Dont know if I would consider Shatner a compliment
(03/12 17:36:58) Opsus: Shorah
(03/12 17:37:01) Douglas Sharper: Ha!
(03/12 17:37:03) Overdrive: So what do you plan on doing if or when you find this predator... or it finds you :)
(03/12 17:37:07) Barbarra: I do want to get a look at those animals--
(03/12 17:37:19) Douglas Sharper: Not sure.
(03/12 17:37:23) Justin: where is mr Sharper?
(03/12 17:37:26) Douglas Sharper: First, I need to find out what it is.
(03/12 17:37:35) Douglas Sharper: Then decide what to do with it.
(03/12 17:37:58) S'an: You will be packing wont you? High powered 30 ot 06 maybe ?
(03/12 17:38:04) Overdrive: If its small enough, could always stuff it for a neat addition to your office
(03/12 17:38:05) Douglas Sharper (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/12 17:38:14) Kam Uraki: Anyway. I you don't run into anything your maintainer suits can't handle
(03/12 17:38:14) Moranda: very sad, that a predator is on the loose
(03/12 17:38:20) Kam Uraki: *I hope
(03/12 17:38:22) Barbarra: I'm not convinced a predator is the problem.
(03/12 17:38:25) Douglas Sharper: No Maintainer Suit for me.
(03/12 17:38:28) Douglas Sharper: Not that way I work.
(03/12 17:38:39) Kam Uraki: Not how you roll, huh
(03/12 17:38:40) Moranda: always the hunter eh, Doug?
(03/12 17:38:41) S'an: Not sportsmanlike eh?
(03/12 17:38:44) Kam Uraki: lol
(03/12 17:38:48) Douglas Sharper: I've hunted plenty of predators without a Maintainer suit on.
(03/12 17:38:59) S'an: Like hunting for deer right next to a feeder
(03/12 17:38:59) Gunther: When do you plan on a hunt doug?
(03/12 17:39:03) Illuvatar: I hate appeaing inside someone's body *shudder*
(03/12 17:39:09) Barbarra: Kelm, don't be rude.
(03/12 17:39:36) Kam Uraki: If Doug had it his way, he'd fight a Predator from the movie with only a Bowie knife :P
(03/12 17:39:38) Justin: have you ever Hunted a Camodile?
(03/12 17:39:50) Douglas Sharper: Don't believe I have.
(03/12 17:39:56) Justin: Hmmm
(03/12 17:39:58) Douglas Sharper: They think it's a predator.
(03/12 17:40:04) Justin: yes
(03/12 17:40:08) Torque: So what kind of expertise does one need to be asked to go on the expidition?
(03/12 17:40:22) Moranda: Maybe it a predotor of the human kind
(03/12 17:40:22) Barbarra: The odd thing is that predators are usually smaller, rather than huge.
(03/12 17:40:24) Overdrive: would make a neat wall mount to add to your office if they let you kill it :)
(03/12 17:40:42) Barbarra: The grazers are larger.
(03/12 17:40:46) Douglas Sharper: Well... no need to start talking about wall mounts yet.
(03/12 17:40:48) Lobo: Could the animals be dieing from some type of poisoning?
(03/12 17:40:51) Douglas Sharper: One step at a time.
(03/12 17:40:55) Douglas Sharper: They could be.
(03/12 17:40:55) Overdrive laughs
(03/12 17:40:58) S'an: it may not be a predator, just a competing animal
(03/12 17:41:02) Douglas Sharper: Of course.
(03/12 17:41:07) Torque: Sharp shooting skills?
(03/12 17:41:18) WyrdOfTweek: I remember somebody from the DRC sayi8ng they found torn up animals
(03/12 17:41:35) Justin: If u don't mind me asking, what exactly are you doing here mr Sharper?
(03/12 17:41:46) Lobo: Is it possible the DRC has polluted the environement?
(03/12 17:41:56) S'an: let the man reminice
(03/12 17:42:00) Overdrive: Yeah Nick was going on about how it looked like when a lion pride runs through an area...
(03/12 17:42:00) Douglas Sharper (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(03/12 17:42:51) Kam Uraki: I dunno if I like the idea of catching and releasing predators. I mean, what if the DRC decided to kill 2 birds with one stone and released them in the bevin of a critical group... like the Great Tree hood for example :P
(03/12 17:43:06) Mystlander roars with laughter
(03/12 17:43:08) S'an: voicechat is bothersome for all involved
(03/12 17:43:19) WyrdOfTweek: you cant log voicechat
(03/12 17:43:36) WyrdOfTweek: i cant hear voicechat
(03/12 17:43:45) Rose: Mr. Sharper, have you had a chance to examine any of the 'deceased' animals?
(03/12 17:43:53) Douglas Sharper: Only photos.
(03/12 17:43:58) Douglas Sharper: Actually a single photo.
(03/12 17:44:02) Douglas Sharper: Blurry at that.
(03/12 17:44:13) Overdrive: Aftermath or in action?
(03/12 17:44:26) Douglas Sharper: Remains.
(03/12 17:44:26) S'an: was it a KIpic? Those are usually not blurry
(03/12 17:44:37) Douglas Sharper: No it was not.
(03/12 17:44:40) Overdrive: Ah nvm, 'deceased'
(03/12 17:44:56) S'an: i am sure there are carrion animals there
(03/12 17:44:57) Lobo: Could any carcass mutilation have been caused after the death?
(03/12 17:45:08) Illuvatar: maybe lag killed them
(03/12 17:45:08) Kam Uraki: Umm, on another subject, after the Negilahn problem is solved, do you plan to push for further restoration of Teledahn?
(03/12 17:45:12) S'an: cant really tell unless you see a fresh kill
(03/12 17:45:18) Overdrive: Heh, laxman still hanst fixed the Heek players list. Tables have been borked for a while too
(03/12 17:45:27) Douglas Sharper: Laxman...
(03/12 17:45:43) Douglas Sharper: Not so sure.
(03/12 17:45:49) Hans Olo: that explains why i never see anyone play
(03/12 17:45:52) Ti'an: So, when do you think the Negilahn expedition will head out, Mr. S?
(03/12 17:46:00) Douglas Sharper: Teledahn...
(03/12 17:46:23) Justin: Do u have any Idea when the spy room will bem back?
(03/12 17:46:34) S'an: Probably an uncomforatble subject for you Is it not?
(03/12 17:46:38) Douglas Sharper: You want that back?
(03/12 17:46:47) Moranda: So an expidition of exploratory nature, ya think nick and you will be enogh?
(03/12 17:46:53) Douglas Sharper: DRC doesn't meet there anymore, as far as I know.
(03/12 17:47:02) Douglas Sharper: No reason not to put it back I suppose.
(03/12 17:47:02) Kam Uraki: I'd rather get into Takotah building itself, personally
(03/12 17:47:09) Douglas Sharper: I bet you would.
(03/12 17:47:11) S'an: They have thier owd Bevin as I understand
(03/12 17:47:18) Hans Olo: or the museum
(03/12 17:47:22) Malakh smiles
(03/12 17:47:24) Overdrive: Its always nice to see what they've been up to. I hear they still use that building for stuff.
(03/12 17:47:25) Hans Olo: or the library
(03/12 17:47:30) Kam Uraki: lol, not to snoop. Merely to see the architecture
(03/12 17:47:33) DargusKelen: Yes, the library :)
(03/12 17:47:35) Douglas Sharper: I think I would be enough by myself to answer your earlier question.
(03/12 17:47:35) S'an: Those places are open Hans
(03/12 17:47:40) Justin: of corse what about Phil's relto?
(03/12 17:47:46) Justin: And Kerel
(03/12 17:47:49) Douglas Sharper: The question is whether Nick and this Rils will be too much.
(03/12 17:47:54) Hans Olo: no i mean the rest of them
(03/12 17:48:05) Barbarra: You'd rather go alone?
(03/12 17:48:06) Moranda: Ya got a point Doug
(03/12 17:48:06) S'an: You will have to watch three backs instead of one
(03/12 17:48:13) Kam Uraki: Guys, he just got back, he probably isn't fully up to speed on everything
(03/12 17:48:24) S'an: Tough to do when you dont know what is out there
(03/12 17:48:40) Lobo: Not to change the subject, but do you mind people snooping through your journal?
(03/12 17:48:59) Douglas Sharper: What do you think?
(03/12 17:49:05) Kam Uraki: Anyway, I was merely hoping to hear you'd be taking up the work on Teledahn once again after you've taken care of the Negilahn issue
(03/12 17:49:10) Lobo: Probably you do.
(03/12 17:49:15) S'an: He would move it if he diddnt want it read
(03/12 17:49:19) Justin: Hmmmmm
(03/12 17:49:22) Stephen C.: well i just came to welcome you back to the caverns in person probley need a moment to breath to get up to speed again
(03/12 17:49:23) WyrdOfTweek: what happened to your second journal?
(03/12 17:49:25) Barbarra: Surely you have never done such a thing Lobo.
(03/12 17:49:28) Lydiamalia starts to laugh
(03/12 17:49:29) S'an: Of course, we have invaded you office
(03/12 17:49:33) Moranda: instead of what you can do for us, I would like to know what we can do to help you, with this ?
(03/12 17:49:41) Douglas Sharper: I would assume one of you hooligans stole it.
(03/12 17:49:45) Barbarra: Indeed.
(03/12 17:49:47) WyrdOfTweek: Haha
(03/12 17:50:03) Justin: do u mind u s reading your Journal?
(03/12 17:50:13) Overdrive: I still find your entries fascinating... even though we probably shouldnt be reading it
(03/12 17:50:18) Douglas Sharper: I'm not sure I've ever been asked such a question.
(03/12 17:50:22) S'an is proud to be a hooligan
(03/12 17:50:23) Kam Uraki: lol
(03/12 17:50:25) Malakh: yeah your office has become rather public these days
(03/12 17:50:27) Douglas Sharper: Do you mind if someone steals your car?
(03/12 17:50:29) Barbarra: I hope you do feel free to ask for help, and of course no one should be reading someone's journal without permission.
(03/12 17:50:29) S'an: But I diddnt steal it
(03/12 17:50:41) Douglas Sharper: Do you mind if someone looks the windows of your house at night?
(03/12 17:50:42) TheTrue Arwen: edouglas sharper is in dahouse mwah hahahaa
(03/12 17:50:51) TheTrue Arwen: seal all the exits
(03/12 17:50:59) WyrdOfTweek: that depends on what kidna mood im in...
(03/12 17:51:04) TheTrue Arwen: set ur phasers to stun only
(03/12 17:51:13) Douglas Sharper: Quite a group here.
(03/12 17:51:13) TheTrue Arwen: wel el well
(03/12 17:51:14) Kam Uraki: My car? It's a 94' Honda Accord with more rust on it than the Titanic. Please steal it so I can get a new one!
(03/12 17:51:23) Barbarra: I'm afraid the cavern does strange things to people's manners.
(03/12 17:51:25) TheTrue Arwen: seal the exits i say
(03/12 17:51:25) S'an: It is not fun to have your privacy invaded
(03/12 17:51:28) TheTrue Arwen: lol
(03/12 17:51:29) Illuvatar: i'd break in atrus' bedroom at midnight, if i thought there was a red marker in it...
(03/12 17:51:34) Justin: I suppose you're too buissy to come to SWN (spoken word night) someday?
(03/12 17:51:43) TheTrue Arwen: hey u dudes da sharpers in da huis
(03/12 17:51:47) TheTrue Arwen: lol
(03/12 17:51:50) Douglas Sharper: No busy has nothing to do with why I wouldn't come.
(03/12 17:51:53) TheTrue Arwen: load the bazookas
(03/12 17:52:01) Justin: gasp!!!!!
(03/12 17:52:04) Overdrive: haha. Snoozefest?
(03/12 17:52:05) WyrdOfTweek: Hahaha
(03/12 17:52:10) Justin: why not then?
(03/12 17:52:11) WyrdOfTweek: Classic sharper
(03/12 17:52:17) S'an: Because its boring
(03/12 17:52:30) Douglas Sharper: Speaking of...
(03/12 17:52:32) TheTrue Arwen: whats the matter boys
(03/12 17:52:34) Douglas Sharper: I suppose I better get going.
(03/12 17:52:35) Torque: i dont tink he finds it mentally stimulating
(03/12 17:52:36) Kam Uraki: Hmm... I wonder if there's a way to link into Negilahn with a tank
(03/12 17:52:38) Douglas Sharper: Good to see you all.
(03/12 17:52:40) Gunther: Well Doug, I know your getting hammered with questions, but it was good to see you again.
(03/12 17:52:41) S'an: Nice talking to ya
(03/12 17:52:44) TheTrue Arwen: things getting a little too exciting here underground
(03/12 17:52:46) Douglas Sharper: Good day.