Reference:2007-03-14 Dr. Kodama in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

Heaven: Safety first!
(03/14 22:15:09) Thend: Doctor, the book the D’ni linked here with, where is it now?
(03/14 22:15:11) Hu K’hanDhat: so, when the DRC opens up an area we do not have to be afraid .. thanks for that
(03/14 22:15:21) Arthur Kalnins: So the un-named age is taking priority over place like Kirel. Anything else that is taking those priorities away?
(03/14 22:15:45) Stephy: is it safe to go outside the pod in Negilahn?
(03/14 22:15:53) Gadren: I’m sure this has already been answered, but when is the unnamed Age expected to be released?
(03/14 22:16:14) Stephy: Sorry, i just arrived
Dr. Kodama: At this point, Age information should be correct on the website.
Arthur Kalnins: Very good. As Gadren said, any estimates on Un-named Age’s release?
(03/14 22:16:55) zymmin: will we ever be able to explore outside and of the pod ages, or are they “museum pieces”
(03/14 22:17:17) Lydiamalia: Did Kodama have anything to say?
Dr. Kodama: At this point, there are no such plans.
Gadren: Oh, and another thing – not wanting to tell you how to do your job, but I have a suggestion: could you put like small notebooks about the Ages within Negilahn and Dereno and places like that? It would be good if we had histortical/cultural context for these Ages
(03/14 22:17:51) Arthur Kalnins: When might the DRC forums get incorperated to the rest of the site? When may the DRC start using it more?
Dr. Kodama: Gadren, yes.
zymmin: when will Rils show his face, is he officially a DRC member?
Dr. Kodama: Arthur, no plans.
Dr. Kodama: Zy - no.
Ghaelen D’Lareh: Dr. Kodama, does the DRC have the books the journals were made from? The D’ni books?
(03/14 22:19:33) Heaven is a bit puzzled…
(03/14 22:19:39) Thend: Dr Kodama, does the DRC have or have access to, the Book the D’ni linked here with? I think it’s important we know for it could bring Destruction, depending on who possesses it
(03/14 22:19:49) Gadren: What’s up, Heaven?
(03/14 22:20:32) Arthur Kalnins: When could we expect some more history on the newly-released Ages?
Dr. Kodama: Thend. No.
Dr. Kodama: As soon as we can get to it.
Thend: Thank you Doctor
(03/14 22:21:27) Arthur Kalnins: What are you getting to now and when may we expect to see it?
Dr. Kodama: I’m going to work on new Ages. You will see them in the coming months.
Thend: Dr kodama, Ghaelen wanted to know if the DRC has the Books the journals were made from, the D’ni books
(03/14 22:22:26) Ghaelen D’Lareh: and if the DRC does have them, will explorers every get to view them, say, as in a library, under glass?
(03/14 22:22:29) Arthur Kalnins: Aside from the Un-named age, what are those?
Dr. Kodama: Check the list.
Hu K’hanDhat: we will Dr. Kodama
Dr. Kodama: Very well.
Dr. Kodama: Not sure what you are asking Ghaelen.
Dr. Kodama: That is all the time I have for now.
Heaven: me either
Dr. Kodama: Thank you all.
Slightperil: What about the ovens?
Dr. Kodama: Good day.