Reference:2007-04-30 Cate Alexander in Ae'gura

From Guild of Archivists

(04/30 22:34:01) Cate Alexander: Hello Sydney.
(04/30 22:34:07) Sumatria: hi Cate!
(04/30 22:34:14) Ethan Hunt: Hello Cate
(04/30 22:34:16) Sydney Austin: Hello Cate Thank you for coming to see me, I just want to say I'm sorry for being rudethe other day
(04/30 22:34:21) Cate Alexander: Hello Ethan and Sumatria.
(04/30 22:34:34) Cate Alexander: Thank you - apology accepted.
(04/30 22:34:40) Sydney Austin: I lost my temper
(04/30 22:35:07) Ethan Hunt: I think I as well owe you an apology.
(04/30 22:35:20) Cate Alexander: Accepted.
(04/30 22:35:40) Sydney Austin: i would still like to know more about the animals though
(04/30 22:35:42) Cate Alexander: Although, I have received much worse than the two of you dished out.
(04/30 22:36:09) Cate Alexander: Understood. And I will tell you more information as soon as I know what is going on there.
(04/30 22:36:26) Sydney Austin: nick wouldn't risk job telling me you have a secret if you don't
(04/30 22:36:27) Cate Alexander: Sharper is currently investigating and we hope to have more of a report soon.
(04/30 22:36:36) Sydney Austin: and that bothers me
(04/30 22:36:37) Cate Alexander: I can't speak for Nick.
(04/30 22:36:4 Cate Alexander: And I won't.
(04/30 22:36:49) IsengardUnleashed: mwahahhaaaa
(04/30 22:37:05) Yellowdog: Shorah Cate!
(04/30 22:37:11) Cate Alexander: I will only say that Nick has made bad judgments in some of his conversations and I think he realizes that.
(04/30 22:37:24) Sydney Austin: Are the pods being poorly restored to keep the explores?
(04/30 22:37:3 Sydney Austin: To keep us from knowing what is going on
(04/30 22:37:40) Sydney Austin: ?
(04/30 22:37:44) Cate Alexander: No.
(04/30 22:37:59) Sydney Austin: Why are they so badly restored
(04/30 22:38:06) Sydney Austin: Its not like the drc
(04/30 22:38:36) Cate Alexander: There is one pod that is questionable and that pod has passsed safety inspections despite what everyone thinks.
(04/30 22:38:47) Whilyam: Tetsonot.
(04/30 22:38:49) Ethan Hunt: Have you been there?
(04/30 22:38:50) Cate Alexander: Last I heard there have been no injuries related to it.
(04/30 22:38:52) Yellowdog: There has been some speculation about tunnels connecting the pods, Is there any truth to that or have you found anything like that?
(04/30 22:38:53) Sydney Austin: Questionable is not good
(04/30 22:38:59) Cate Alexander: No tunnels.
(04/30 22:39:20) Thend wants to ask a question...
(04/30 22:39:21) Cate Alexander: I'd prefer to not have this discussion again - I'm bored talking abotu Tetsonot.
(04/30 22:39:30) Sydney Austin: Thats fine
(04/30 22:39:31) Ethan Hunt: So you haven't been there?
(04/30 22:39:39) Cate Alexander: However, if it's the majority's opinion that we pull the Book from the Museum, maybe we should.
(04/30 22:39:41) Cate Alexander: Is it?
(04/30 22:39:4 Frisky Badger: NO
(04/30 22:39:52) Cate Alexander: I have been there multiple times.
(04/30 22:39:52) Sydney Austin: for now
(04/30 22:39:54) IsengardUnleashed: cate alexander do u have any relationship to cyan enterprises itself or r u just a character within myst
(04/30 22:40:04) Yellowdog: I im truely glad that you are here for a visit and may I say, THANK YOU ant your team for doing such a great job!
(04/30 22:40:09) Whilyam: Pull it until we can get good power and the windows working, yes.
(04/30 22:40:09) Ethan Hunt: I'm afraid you would need more of a consensus than just us to decide that.
(04/30 22:40:14) Cate Alexander: So you are speaking Sydney for the majority of explorers in saying that the Book should be pulled.
(04/30 22:40:16) IsengardUnleashed: shes thing
(04/30 22:40:17) Frisky Badger: these people represent a small, small portion of the cavern
(04/30 22:40:22) IsengardUnleashed: its thinking lol
(04/30 22:40:22) Cate Alexander: You are willing to receive all of the complaints when we pull it?
(04/30 22:40:2 Sydney Austin: Have you completed yeesha journey cate?
(04/30 22:40:40) Yellowdog: Please dont pull any books!...
(04/30 22:40:46) Cate Alexander: Will you answer my question first.
(04/30 22:41:00) Sydney Austin: I wish you would pull it,and yes i am
(04/30 22:41:07) Sydney Austin: Not safe
(04/30 22:41:24) Cate Alexander: That's funny.
(04/30 22:41:29) Private PM
(04/30 22:41:30) Yellowdog takes Cate and the DRC side
(04/30 22:41:31) Cyron Xerrox: i'm not with you, Sidney.
(04/30 22:41:3 Thend: The animal population decrease in Negilahn - was it caused by 'predator' or a disease, and possibly one recently released?
(04/30 22:41:51) Cate Alexander: I've spoken to enough people to know you don't speak for the majority Sydney.
(04/30 22:41:56) Sydney Austin: I'm not speaking for the majority, just concerned for saftey
(04/30 22:42:14) Cate Alexander: I've spoken to enough people to know that Tetsonot is the near the top of many people's favorite pod.
(04/30 22:42:14) Thend: And DON'T pull the Tetsonot Book. It just didn't seem like it followed the DRC's warcry of 'Safety First' is all
(04/30 22:42:17) Sydney Austin: Read my mind
(04/30 22:42:27) Janine thinks tetsonot should STAY
(04/30 22:42:34) Whilyam: I would say, Cate, that the majority of explorers would like a pod with working power.
(04/30 22:42:4 Sumatria: It is not my favorite
(04/30 22:42:49) Whilyam: Therefore it should get pulled for a short while to do that.
(04/30 22:42:52) meadow: Right!
(04/30 22:42:53) Cate Alexander: Alright, are there any other questions?
(04/30 22:43:04) Sydney Austin: Cate don't you believe is should be pulled for saftey.
(04/30 22:43:12) Thend: Negilahn animal population decrease - 'predator' or disease?
(04/30 22:43:12) Cate Alexander: No I don't.
(04/30 22:43:13) TomMonster: How dangerous is the Pod?
(04/30 22:43:15) IsengardUnleashed: yes i have a question for the room please
(04/30 22:43:23) Cate Alexander: Predator.
(04/30 22:43:23) Whilyam: It's supposedly safe, Sydney
(04/30 22:43:26) Cyron Xerrox wants to ask a question...
(04/30 22:43:2 Thend: Hmm
(04/30 22:43:39) IsengardUnleashed: why is cate alexander so unpopular
(04/30 22:43:40) Helper2.0 is amazed!
(04/30 22:43:42) Sydney Austin: Yes have you completed your yeshaa's journey?
(04/30 22:43:43) Thend: I'd like to see a pic of this 'predator' lol
(04/30 22:43:52) IsengardUnleashed: one at a time one at a time lol
(04/30 22:43:52) meadow: Cate, how much longer is nick white in time out?
(04/30 22:43:52) Cate Alexander: Yes.
(04/30 22:43:59) Sydney Austin: Can you prove it?
(04/30 22:44:01) Helper2.0 wants to ask a question...
(04/30 22:44:03) Cate Alexander: Do you miss him Meadow?
(04/30 22:44:09) Yellowdog: Cate: I would like to thank you again for all your hard work!
(04/30 22:44:14) IsengardUnleashed: i asked first helper two point two
(04/30 22:44:1 Cyron Xerrox: How long will it take for Minkata to be available?
(04/30 22:44:1 Sydney Austin: Can you show me your shirt form yeesha?
(04/30 22:44:25) IsengardUnleashed: bumps the droid out of the way
(04/30 22:44:25) IsengardUnleashed: ka thump
(04/30 22:44:27) Cate Alexander: I don't need to prove things to you Sydney. If you choose not to believe me, that's fine.
(04/30 22:44:37) Dimitrios: I want to make a question
(04/30 22:44:39) Helper2.0 wants to ask a question...
(04/30 22:44:52) Sydney Austin: i think you are just saying that cate, in all do respect
(04/30 22:44:52) Janine: gez sydney, settle down! she don't have to prove it!
(04/30 22:44:54) Helper2.0: Hello Cate:)
(04/30 22:44:57) Cate Alexander: Minkata is under a month away, depending on upcoming tests.
(04/30 22:44:59) IsengardUnleashed: ok my sensors detect
(04/30 22:45:03) IsengardUnleashed: this cate alexander
(04/30 22:45:0 Sydney Austin: I talking nice janine
(04/30 22:45:0 IsengardUnleashed: is not a woman
(04/30 22:45:10) Sydney Austin: *i'm
(04/30 22:45:1 IsengardUnleashed: its a he pretending to be a she
(04/30 22:45:21) Helper2.0: Could I please take a picture of you?
(04/30 22:45:21) Cyron Xerrox: Greatt, thank you Cate.
(04/30 22:45:23) IsengardUnleashed: the jig is up
(04/30 22:45:26) IsengardUnleashed: cate
(04/30 22:45:27) Cate Alexander: As I said, you are free to believe what you want about me.
(04/30 22:45:36) IsengardUnleashed: i am what i am
(04/30 22:45:39) IsengardUnleashed: and what i am
(04/30 22:45:43) Helper2.0: Could I take a picture of you?
(04/30 22:45:44) IsengardUnleashed: needs no excuses
(04/30 22:45:47) IsengardUnleashed: but u cate
(04/30 22:45:49) meadow: Cate, we appreciate your time here!!
(04/30 22:45:49) Cate Alexander: I have more important things to deal with.
(04/30 22:45:50) IsengardUnleashed: need excuses
(04/30 22:46:05) IsengardUnleashed: tsk tsk how very inglorious behaviour
(04/30 22:46:06) Helper2.0 kneels down...
(04/30 22:46:0 Sydney Austin: You don't feel you have to prove yourself to the explorers that doubt you
(04/30 22:46:10) IsengardUnleashed: for a true warrior
(04/30 22:46:15) Cate Alexander: Meadow, I think Nick should be back soon.
(04/30 22:46:16) IsengardUnleashed: tsk tsk
(04/30 22:46:22) Helper2.0: May I please take your picture?
(04/30 22:46:23) IsengardUnleashed: we all have secrets cate
(04/30 22:46:26) Dimitrios: I want to make a question
(04/30 22:46:26) Cate Alexander: Of course.
(04/30 22:46:33) Helper2.0: Thank you
(04/30 22:46:36) IsengardUnleashed: urs r showing though lol
(04/30 22:46:37) Private PM
(04/30 22:46:3 Janine: Cate we hope that you will provide us with more updates in the future,
(04/30 22:46:3 Yellowdog: Cate: I heard Sharper is back, is there any more trips planned for exploration outsid the pods?
(04/30 22:46:3 Thend likes proof where it's given - otherwise, he finds out himslef
(04/30 22:46:47) IsengardUnleashed: try to sound more feminine
(04/30 22:46:47) meadow: Thanks cate, i was interested of his return
(04/30 22:46:50) Cate Alexander: He's already been investigating.
(04/30 22:46:51) IsengardUnleashed: more convincing
(04/30 22:46:52) IsengardUnleashed: lol
(04/30 22:46:56) Cate Alexander: Thanks everyone.
(04/30 22:47:01) IsengardUnleashed: right
(04/30 22:47:01) Frisky Badger: Thank you cate
(04/30 22:47:02) Dimitrios: I want to make a question
(04/30 22:47:02) meadow claps her hands
(04/30 22:47:02) Cate Alexander: I need to move along.
(04/30 22:47:07) IsengardUnleashed: i guess cate is leaving in a hurry
(04/30 22:47:0 Cyron Xerrox: It's been a pleasure to meet you, Miss Alexander.
(04/30 22:47:13) IsengardUnleashed: exactly cate
(04/30 22:47:17) Yellowdog: Wait! About the spyroom
(04/30 22:47:19) IsengardUnleashed: or should we say henry
(04/30 22:47:19) Cate Alexander: Pleasure to meet all of you.