Reference:2007-04-30 Cate Alexander in the GOG neighborhood

From Guild of Archivists

(04/30 18:05:34) Cate Alexander: Hello.
(04/30 18:05:37) Darkling: Hey Cate
(04/30 18:05:40) dragon444: panther just let your evil out it will stop the sufering
(04/30 18:05:40) Doobes: Hello Cate!
(04/30 18:05:42) Cate Alexander: How are you today?
(04/30 18:05:45) Haruko: Konbanwa Cate
(04/30 18:05:46) Panther: finaly stoped no NO I CANT GO TO JAIL!!!!
(04/30 18:05:51) Rivenorth: hello cate Alexander
(04/30 18:06:04) Doobes: What brings you here, Cate?
(04/30 18:06:26) Cate Alexander: Just seeing how things are going.
(04/30 18:06:38) Doobes: Very well, thanks.
(04/30 18:06:45) Cate Alexander: I did need to clear up some confusion with my references to posts being deleted.
(04/30 18:06:46) Shana: Shorah Ms. Alexander. We're glad to see you!
(04/30 18:06:50) Panther: im im in jail no stop ouch quit it! no! NO! NOOOOOOOOOO! I DONT WANT TO KILL NOOOOO!!!
(04/30 18:06:55) Doobes: By all means.
(04/30 18:07:10) Cate Alexander: I mistakenly thought there was a specific instance that people were referring to.
(04/30 18:07:15) Dalken Starbyne: Ma'am! I'm sorry to bother you, but this is REALLY important!
(04/30 18:07:29) Panther passes out in his night mare
(04/30 18:07:29) Cate Alexander: We do delete all posts that are anti DRC on our site.
(04/30 18:07:37) Cate Alexander: And we have from the beginning.
(04/30 18:07:38) Dimitrios: Yea
(04/30 18:07:52) Doobes: Well, it IS your site.
(04/30 18:07:58) Cate Alexander: That policy has been in place for so long I didn't realize it was still an issue.
(04/30 18:08:09) Number 2: Shorah everyone
(04/30 18:08:23) Panther wakes up in fear
(04/30 18:08:23) Panther: AAH!
(04/30 18:08:31) Cate Alexander: But yes, we do delete them. They are DRC forums and we have no reason to keep deragatory posts on it.
(04/30 18:08:33) Shana: I imagine there hasn't been much opposition to date.
(04/30 18:08:33) Darkling: wow, where did all the people come from, lol
(04/30 18:08:39) Cate Alexander: Sorry for the confusion.
(04/30 18:09:01) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:09:01) Darkling: Well, that makes sence if you ask me
(04/30 18:09:03) Dalken Starbyne: I'm really, really sorry to inturrupt, but please hear me out!
(04/30 18:09:03) Panther: i hate that night mare
(04/30 18:09:03) Thend: Excuse me Cate, but we haave lost one of our explorers
(04/30 18:09:11) Cate Alexander: Really?
(04/30 18:09:13) Cate Alexander: Lost?
(04/30 18:09:14) Thend: vid, Yes
(04/30 18:09:18) Panther: i need a sower
(04/30 18:09:26) Thend: Missing since a day and a half ago
(04/30 18:09:26) Panther: shower#
(04/30 18:09:42) Doobes: Wow, poor vid.
(04/30 18:09:52) Thend: Jumped off Hood Balcony and POOF!
(04/30 18:09:52) Cate Alexander: Who is it?
(04/30 18:10:01) Whilyam: vid
(04/30 18:10:01) Cate Alexander: And how do you know they are missing?
(04/30 18:10:13) Number 2: Indeed. Quite a mysterious event.
(04/30 18:10:13) Whilyam: Hasn't been seen.
(04/30 18:10:13) Thend: vid, organizer and creator of Spoken Word Night
(04/30 18:10:19) Whilyam: Unusual behaviour
(04/30 18:10:24) Thanakar: missing SDK even
(04/30 18:10:27) Thanakar: he never misses SDK
(04/30 18:10:32) Doobes: How odd...
(04/30 18:10:34) Thend: He is usually around, it is odd for him to be awol
(04/30 18:10:44) Thend: With no contact
(04/30 18:10:45) Cate Alexander: I hope he's alright.
(04/30 18:10:55) Dalken Starbyne: And I can't even get a hold of him on the surface!
(04/30 18:10:57) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:11:07) Cate Alexander: That doesn't seem good at all.
(04/30 18:11:08) Wulf: he had apparently been spending alot of time in the Descent then went looneyy
(04/30 18:11:10) Panther: ok heres my clothes
(04/30 18:11:16) Darkling: Has there been any news from Sharper Cate?
(04/30 18:11:16) Panther: AH!
(04/30 18:11:17) Thend: And he seemed distressed just before. The Balcony jump hasn't been possible, we thought, for the longest time either
(04/30 18:11:31) Cyron Xerrox: Hi all
(04/30 18:11:41) deerslayer is amazed!
(04/30 18:12:03) deerslayer is amazed!
(04/30 18:12:06) Cate Alexander: Sharper is continuing to investigate. He has been exploring outside the pods.
(04/30 18:12:06) Darkling: and has there been in any progress with the Pod age's wildlife?
(04/30 18:12:12) Cate Alexander: Recon as he calls it.
(04/30 18:12:15) Panther points
(04/30 18:12:22) Darkling: ok, thats good to hear
(04/30 18:12:24) deerslayer beckons you
(04/30 18:12:27) Doobes: Tell him to watch his back.
(04/30 18:12:46) Kolian: And his entrails
(04/30 18:12:47) Wulf: I have a question
(04/30 18:12:49) deerslayer beckons you
(04/30 18:12:52) Cate Alexander: Wulf?
(04/30 18:13:02) deerslayer blows you a kiss
(04/30 18:13:18) deerslayer bows
(04/30 18:13:20) Wulf: just random one off the top of my head. Has the DRC ever found any of Atrus' journals from hi time trying to restore the cavern?
(04/30 18:13:25) Dimitrios: Cate how many suns has theage of teledahn?and what projestion did sharper use for the map?
(04/30 18:13:31) Panther: ah i fell so "GOOD" after that shower
(04/30 18:13:39) Panther: feel*
(04/30 18:13:40) deerslayer tries to be funny
(04/30 18:13:57) deerslayer flinches
(04/30 18:14:17) Shana: Sorry Ms. Alexander. It appears some of us have been drinking out of the fountain and it's made them silly. *laughing*
(04/30 18:14:37) Wulf: Uh oh, I think I made her go sielnt...
(04/30 18:14:49) Wulf: silent*
(04/30 18:15:04) Darkling: I had wondered that too. There must of been some signs of gehn and atrus around the city
(04/30 18:15:08) Cate Alexander: I'm trying to think of answers to your questions.
(04/30 18:15:14) Cate Alexander: I don't really have answers for either.
(04/30 18:15:17) Haruko wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:15:19) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:15:21) Dudemom_2000 nods her head
(04/30 18:15:26) Doobes wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:15:27) Cate Alexander: Haruko.
(04/30 18:15:32) Haruko: Is there anything you can tell us about the progress of Minkata?
(04/30 18:15:32) DargusKelen: Ms Alexander, is there any word on how long it will take for the rest of the neighbor hood areas to open up to exploreres? My Bevin neighbors have been getting anxious to find out
(04/30 18:15:32) peni (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(04/30 18:15:36) Darkling: maybe we shall see when K'veer is regarded as safe for explorers
(04/30 18:15:55) Cate Alexander: I don't have a date - I can tell you that since I don't have a date it won't be in the next few months.
(04/30 18:15:56) Whilyam: Please let Cate call on you before asking your question :)
(04/30 18:15:56) d'ni everything: seems to be too many questions
(04/30 18:16:15) Cate Alexander: Minkata is coming along very well.
(04/30 18:16:32) Thend wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:16:39) Cate Alexander: It should be approved in less than a month.
(04/30 18:16:39) Cate Alexander: Thend.
(04/30 18:16:39) Frisky Badger claps his hands
(04/30 18:16:49) d'ni everything: wonderful news
(04/30 18:16:52) Doobes: Good to hear. :)
(04/30 18:16:56) Thend: Cate was the information and encouragement Nick White was giving to explorers his own thing or DRC-sanctioned?
(04/30 18:17:17) Haruko: Arigato. Seems like things are progressing well.
(04/30 18:17:29) Panther: well hey there whats a lady like you doing in a place like this?
(04/30 18:17:29) Cate Alexander: Of course not everything Nick has ever said is DRC sanctioned.
(04/30 18:17:31) Kolian: Yeah, the DRC wanted him to tell explorers that the DRC was hiding information
(04/30 18:17:33) Number 2 wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:17:40) Cate Alexander: There have been some things he should not have said and we have spoken to him about those things.
(04/30 18:17:40) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:17:48) Thend: Thank you
(04/30 18:17:51) DargusKelen: Ms. Alexander, I don't know fi this has been asked, but do you know anything about what happened to Vid?
(04/30 18:17:51) Wulf: Ok I have abetter one, possibly one you can answer easier.
(04/30 18:17:56) Cate Alexander: I'll keep those conversations between myself and Nick.
(04/30 18:18:00) Doobes wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:18:12) Thend: Oh, of course
(04/30 18:18:12) Cate Alexander: Whilyam.
(04/30 18:18:37) Whilyam: Sharper stole a lot of books during the last restoration. Do you know where those are? HAs he given any/all back?
(04/30 18:19:43) Panther: so whats your name?
(04/30 18:19:43) Cate Alexander: Sharper has been very cooperative. I have nothing but respect for him.
(04/30 18:19:43) Darkling: Cate? I have a question...
(04/30 18:19:43) Cate Alexander: Wulf.
(04/30 18:19:43) Wulf: Translation: Yes ^_^
(04/30 18:19:43) Thanakar: but what about the books?
(04/30 18:19:43) dragon444: hay panther
(04/30 18:19:43) Whilyam: Wait wait wait... did he give the books back?
(04/30 18:20:13) Whilyam: journals, translations, allegedly even linking books
(04/30 18:20:13) Cate Alexander: I am not aware of any Books that Sharper has that he has stolen.
(04/30 18:20:15) Thanakar coughs
(04/30 18:20:22) Whilyam shrugs
(04/30 18:20:22) dragon444: panther
(04/30 18:20:22) Wulf: Now that the stone leading to the Great Shaft has been placed, I'm sure the DRC has investigated it and have their own link there. Do you plan to repair the equipment there?
(04/30 18:20:23) Panther: what dragon?
(04/30 18:20:28) GAYfriendly has a question and its ok if you call on "Friendly" lol
(04/30 18:20:48) Cate Alexander: I believe we found Sharpers books some time ago.
(04/30 18:20:52) Cate Alexander: I'll put it that way.
(04/30 18:20:57) dragon444: you sill trying to keep the good in you
(04/30 18:21:04) Thanakar didn't realize bikes could go backwards...
(04/30 18:21:19) Cate Alexander: We have no plans to do work in the Shaft.
(04/30 18:21:29) Whilyam: Aww.
(04/30 18:21:29) DargusKelen has a question...
(04/30 18:21:31) Darkling: =(
(04/30 18:21:38) Doobes: D'oh!
(04/30 18:21:42) DargusKelen: So not even a ladder down the the floor?
(04/30 18:21:53) Cate Alexander: Not even a ladder down to the floor.
(04/30 18:21:58) Thend starts to laugh
(04/30 18:21:59) Whilyam is sorta bummed...
(04/30 18:22:03) meadow: Or an elevator??
(04/30 18:22:03) Panther: WHAT DRAGON!!??
(04/30 18:22:04) Wulf: that seems odd. The Shaft like the Cavern is a grand piece of D'ni history. Why would you not want to restore it?
(04/30 18:22:18) DargusKelen: I think she means not now
(04/30 18:22:20) Thend: The bottom is especially interesting
(04/30 18:22:22) Number 2 kindly asks people to shout - he's missing some of the questions and replies (my hearing is not thwat it used to be)
(04/30 18:22:22) d'ni everything sends goofey plea for tram
(04/30 18:22:23) Cate Alexander: I did not say we do not want to restore it.
(04/30 18:22:28) Darkling: not even some time i nthe future?
(04/30 18:22:38) dragon444: are you still trying to keep the evil frome comeing out
(04/30 18:22:41) Cate Alexander: It's not in our plans for the near future.
(04/30 18:22:47) Cate Alexander: Other things have taken priority.
(04/30 18:22:53) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:22:54) Cate Alexander: For various reasons.
(04/30 18:22:56) Thanakar wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:22:56) Wulf: that sounds ominous
(04/30 18:22:56) Number 2 wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:22:56) Darkling: mmmm, ok. I can understand that
(04/30 18:22:58) Wulf: =)
(04/30 18:23:02) DargusKelen: I think some explorers are getting overanxious at times
(04/30 18:23:02) Doobes: Got it.
(04/30 18:23:03) Panther: are you just gonna waste my time dragon?
(04/30 18:23:10) Cate Alexander: Number 2.
(04/30 18:23:16) Peace wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:23:32) Number 2: How si the rest of the DRC council coping with the faster timelines? We haven't seem them in a while, and when they did come here they seemed very stressed.
(04/30 18:23:34) Darkling: I have a question about this new age coming up
(04/30 18:23:36) Cate Alexander: Whilyam then Thankar and then Peace.
(04/30 18:24:12) Cate Alexander: There is quite a bit of work for everyone.
(04/30 18:24:12) Dimitrios: Will you plan to open the planet which teledahn is on and where exactly is teledahn on map?
(04/30 18:24:33) Cate Alexander: They are working hard and I apologize that they have not been here more often.
(04/30 18:24:33) Cate Alexander: At some point more of Teledahn will open - again further out.
(04/30 18:24:35) Peace: When will Kahlo Pub be restored?
(04/30 18:24:35) Cate Alexander: Whilyam
(04/30 18:24:35) Melcabral cheers
(04/30 18:24:36) Dimitrios: Thanks
(04/30 18:24:37) Whilyam: We've heard a lot about other styles of neighborhoods. Bevin-style, Seret-style, Kirel-style. When might we see other types of hoods?
(04/30 18:24:41) dragon444: im glad to be pure evil
(04/30 18:25:03) Cate Alexander: Hopefully within the next three months - something.
(04/30 18:25:15) Whilyam thanks you
(04/30 18:25:15) Number 2: No need to apologize, I was just somewhat concerned. Thank you.
(04/30 18:25:15) dragon444: panther should be the same way
(04/30 18:25:15) Thanakar: Cate, will any age be released between now adn when Minkata is approved?
(04/30 18:25:18) Doobes: Cool.
(04/30 18:25:25) DargusKelen: I'm with Peace, when will the pub be Restored? :)
(04/30 18:25:28) Cate Alexander: Kahlo Pub will not be fully restored for a while although we have plans for some "upgrades"
(04/30 18:25:42) Cate Alexander: No Ages will be released between now and Minkata.
(04/30 18:25:43) peni cheers
(04/30 18:25:43) Peace: Thank you
(04/30 18:25:44) DargusKelen: hehe, I liek the sound of that
(04/30 18:25:50) Thanakar: Thank you
(04/30 18:25:51) Whilyam: Kahlo Pub, I'd imagine would require Kahlo to fully function.
(04/30 18:25:52) Frisky Badger wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:25:54) meadow cheers
(04/30 18:25:55) GAYfriendly: in reguards to outside Marketing! WAY o/shout I have a question
(04/30 18:26:12) dragon444: panther you should be glad to be evil
(04/30 18:26:15) Darkling: What should we expect from Minkata? What is there?
(04/30 18:26:17) Cate Alexander: go ahead Gay
(04/30 18:26:28) Cate Alexander: You should expect a large space.
(04/30 18:26:33) Wulf: heh
(04/30 18:26:41) Panther: im over the good evil thing now im completely evil now i had some counsiling
(04/30 18:26:48) Thanakar wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:26:50) Frisky Badger wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:26:59) Wulf: poor Friendly
(04/30 18:27:09) DargusKelen wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:27:14) Cate Alexander: Gayfriendly was next.
(04/30 18:27:57) Panther: GOTCHA DRAGON im completely good now
(04/30 18:28:04) Dimitrios: should we link through bahro stones is it yours ?
(04/30 18:28:06) Cate Alexander: Alright two more questions.
(04/30 18:28:10) Whilyam wants to ask another question
(04/30 18:28:11) Frisky Badger wants to ask a question...
(04/30 18:28:20) Cate Alexander: Whilyam and Frisky
(04/30 18:28:50) Whilyam: There are rumors the DRC has access to Gemedet or has seen it based on comments from Kodama at a Town Hall. Is this true?
(04/30 18:29:08) Whilyam: Gemedet the Age, that is.
(04/30 18:29:12) Whilyam: Not the game.
(04/30 18:29:47) Cate Alexander: I'm not aware of that Age.
(04/30 18:29:58) Cate Alexander: One more from Frisky.
(04/30 18:30:14) Frisky Badger: You said that there will be no new Ages before Minkata, but will any more of the city be opened soon?
(04/30 18:30:15) meadow cheers
(04/30 18:30:21) Darkling: gd question
(04/30 18:30:32) Wulf: like the Concert Hall would be nice
(04/30 18:30:34) meadow: awesome ?
(04/30 18:30:47) Cate Alexander: No major areas are scheduled before Minkata.
(04/30 18:30:47) Cate Alexander: Thanks everyoen.