Reference:2007-05-20 Nick White in the GOG hood

From Guild of Archivists

(05/20 13:51:07) Nick White: Not sure I need to worry about Sharper.
(05/20 13:51:19) Nick White: Not of Mr. Predator comes along.
(05/20 13:51:28) Venus: Have you seen the predator before?
(05/20 13:51:28) J'iim: sorry.. minor technical glitch
(05/20 13:51:39) rosamund23: i heard three of you were going on the hunt
(05/20 13:51:46) Nick White: Nope - hopefully after this trip we do.
(05/20 13:51:46) pennylongstocking waves hello
(05/20 13:51:51) Nick White: No just two of us.
(05/20 13:51:51) J'iim: Hello Ichabod
(05/20 13:51:53) Ward (visitor): Nick, do you know when Sharper will be online again?
(05/20 13:52:00) Mariska.: Shorah!
(05/20 13:52:01) Dimitrios: goodmorning Nick
(05/20 13:52:01) Ohio Wanderer waves hello
(05/20 13:52:08) Nick White: Online?
(05/20 13:52:12) J'iim: Please move away fromthe link-in spot so others can arrive without undo lag
(05/20 13:52:23) rosamund23: So where do you think this predator will show up?
(05/20 13:52:24) Ward (visitor): Yes, uhm, here in Uru
(05/20 13:52:27) Motu: think he means in the cavern...
(05/20 13:52:35) rosamund23: Thank you Nick
(05/20 13:52:39) Ohio Wanderer: 'sit
(05/20 13:52:40) Nick White: Not sure when the predator will show up.
(05/20 13:52:47) Ward (visitor): Ok
(05/20 13:52:52) J'iim: SHorah Nick
(05/20 13:53:00) J'iim: WElcome to the Guild of Greeters Bevin
(05/20 13:53:05) Venus: If we look through the windows in Negilahn, would be be able to watch the hunt?
(05/20 13:53:10) Nick White: We're planning on staying for a few days. Sharper has this impression something is going to happen soon. Says the Urwin he has been watching is acting weird.
(05/20 13:53:12) Jutish: Shorah all
(05/20 13:53:25) Nick White: No, we'll be well beyond the windows.
(05/20 13:53:29) rosamund23: is it the one that escaped?
(05/20 13:53:33) Venus: Oh, shucks!
(05/20 13:53:42) Thend: Hello Nick. Long time no see
(05/20 13:53:47) Nick White: Hey Thend.
(05/20 13:53:50) Jutish: Shorah nick, any more structural damage?
(05/20 13:54:05) Diafero: Shorah
(05/20 13:54:14) Nick White: Where?
(05/20 13:54:25) Dangerzone: in the city?
(05/20 13:54:40) Ward (visitor): Nick, do you know TNC, The Newsletter Company of the cavern?
(05/20 13:54:45) Nick White: Not that I know of... am I missing something?
(05/20 13:54:45) Jutish: In the city specifically - heh - it's a little busy right now,
(05/20 13:54:59) Ward (visitor): maybe
(05/20 13:55:05) Nick White: No I don't knwo the TNC.
(05/20 13:55:17) Dangerzone: so only the pub was damaged...... that is good
(05/20 13:55:22) Thend: There's a crack in the Pub hall, due to some small seismic activity. Laxman's KImailed us to stay away
(05/20 13:55:23) Jutish: It seems likely given a shake big enough to cause holes in walls.
(05/20 13:55:37) Nick White: Wow, so that was new?
(05/20 13:55:54) Nick White: I hadn't heard. Was pretty busy last night. There was structural damage somewhere.
(05/20 13:55:55) Kaelri: New to the DRC, at least.
(05/20 13:55:56) Thend: Yes, he was finishing up a press conference when he found out
(05/20 13:55:56) Ward (visitor): TNC is a new company in the cavern that delivers newsletters and magzines in the cavern with the KI.
(05/20 13:56:00) Dangerzone: yes... there was an earthquacke nick
(05/20 13:56:03) rosamund23: Somebody moved my crates...
(05/20 13:56:13) A'lan: And since we were warned to stay away there is a crowd of about 40 people standing there gawking
(05/20 13:56:17) Nick White: I knew there was something and I saw the crack but didn't think it was much - wasn't even sure it was new. Wow.
(05/20 13:56:24) Nick White: Have to tell Sharper that one.
(05/20 13:56:33) Dimitrios: Nick do you mind to ask you if you know how many suns teledahn has?
(05/20 13:56:38) Thanakar: Nick, ready for your hunting trip?
(05/20 13:56:41) Dangerzone: englnd is expected to give a report on the damage today
(05/20 13:56:51) Thend: Nick, btw, many are suggesting you NOT go on this hunt with the respectable Mr Sharper
(05/20 13:56:55) Diafero: when are you going to negilahn?
(05/20 13:57:06) J'iim: Everyone please stand still and keep chat to a minimun so Nick can sepak to us all
(05/20 13:57:26) Nick White: I guess there is a message in my KI.
(05/20 13:57:27) [ Shadow ]: yea Nick you were right about that crack
(05/20 13:57:39) Andrej: Shorah Nick
(05/20 13:57:54) [ Shadow ]: I have my saftey gear on now im not taking any chances
(05/20 13:57:55) Nick White: I guess so. Well glad Engberg is looking into it. I would tell people to not hang out there if Engberg said that.
(05/20 13:57:59) Thend: Nick, scroll up, DON'T go on that hunt
(05/20 13:58:08) Nick White: DRC doesn't usually say stuff like that.
(05/20 13:58:39) Nick White: Thend, I know. I'm trying to ignore you.
(05/20 13:58:39) Ravenclaw: Startlog
(05/20 13:58:39) [ Shadow ]: heheheh
(05/20 13:58:39) [ Shadow ]: rofl
(05/20 13:58:39) Diafero: ^^
(05/20 13:58:39) Thend: Figures... lol
(05/20 13:58:39) Nick White: Bad Karma man.
(05/20 13:58:39) [ Shadow ]: thats impossible
(05/20 13:58:39) Dimitrios: lol
(05/20 13:58:39) Jazz: lol
(05/20 13:58:41) Kaelri chuckles.
(05/20 13:58:44) pennylongstocking: :)
(05/20 13:58:48) Thend: Well, that's the whole point, dude
(05/20 13:58:49) A'lan: Do not wear a red shirt whatever you do Nick
(05/20 13:59:13) Nick White: Right, don't plan on being any more attractive for the predator than I already am.
(05/20 13:59:13) Thanakar: Many feel you'll not return
(05/20 13:59:20) Venus: Actually, an orange vest if the requirement.
(05/20 13:59:22) Nick White: Thanks for all the good wishes everyone.
(05/20 13:59:29) Nick White: Really appreciate it.
(05/20 13:59:37) Thanakar: maybe the predator likes orange?
(05/20 13:59:45) Nick White: I came by for a little "go get 'em Nick"
(05/20 13:59:49) Jazz: I missed the start. When you do expect to be back Nick?
(05/20 13:59:52) Thend: Hey Nick, could I come along? Y'know, in case you need an extra target?
(05/20 14:00:04) rosamund23: And got a different message?
(05/20 14:00:05) Thanakar: Nick, we are just worried for you continued well being
(05/20 14:00:19) Thend: Oh, and 'Go get 'em, Nick!'
(05/20 14:00:20) A'lan wishes Nick luck
(05/20 14:00:27) Jutish: Put cheese sandwiches in sharper's pockets. That'll fix him. Animals love cheese sandwiches.
(05/20 14:00:27) Nick White: There we go.
(05/20 14:00:27) rosamund23: Be well be safe
(05/20 14:00:35) Dangerzone: good luck man
(05/20 14:00:36) Thend cheers
(05/20 14:00:37) Venus: Yes, we wish you well on your hunt.
(05/20 14:00:37) Thanakar: Remember, you don't have to outrun the predator, just Sharper
(05/20 14:00:43) Thend laughs
(05/20 14:00:44) Nick White: Good point.
(05/20 14:00:45) Jazz: Stay safe
(05/20 14:00:45) [ Shadow ]: check the saftey and your clip for blanks
(05/20 14:00:45) A'lan starts to laugh
(05/20 14:00:47) Diafero: lol
(05/20 14:00:50) Andrej: laugh
(05/20 14:00:50) [ Shadow ]: cant be to safe
(05/20 14:01:06) Nick White: Right.
(05/20 14:01:08) pennylongstocking hopes for good lock
(05/20 14:01:13) Nick White: Alright, well have a god one everyone.
(05/20 14:01:20) [ Shadow ]: good luck
(05/20 14:01:22) J'iim: TY Nick
(05/20 14:01:23) Thanakar: When are you andsharper heading out?
(05/20 14:01:24) Diafero: you too!
(05/20 14:01:25) Jazz: Good luck
(05/20 14:01:25) Venus: Good luck.
(05/20 14:01:26) Nick White: Good one.
(05/20 14:01:30) OldGuy: bonne chance!
(05/20 14:01:31) Kaelri: Take care, Nick.
(05/20 14:01:32) Thend: You too, seeya again afterwards
(05/20 14:01:33) Andrej: good luck!
(05/20 14:01:36) rosamund23: Bye Nick.. hope u visit the ages again soon
(05/20 14:01:37) Dimitrios: take care
(05/20 14:01:50) pennylongstocking: Bte Nick
(05/20 14:01:53) Mariska.: Good luck Nick!
(05/20 14:01:55) pennylongstocking: bye
(05/20 14:01:58) [ Shadow ]: anyone get times?
(05/20 14:02:04) J'iim: Well that was interesting
(05/20 14:02:09) rosamund23: Yes it was
(05/20 14:02:10) Thanakar: hope he wasn't just saying his 'goodbyes'
(05/20 14:02:12) pennylongstocking: very
(05/20 14:02:19) Thend: I think they're going now or soon