Reference:2007-06-23 Cate Alexander in the Watcher's Pub

From Guild of Archivists

(06/23 21:35:02) Dakro: Cate Alexander is here yay!
(06/23 21:35:04) d'ni everything: cate is here
(06/23 21:35:05) Migo: Shorah Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:07) bpgisme: Much better - less lag now
(06/23 21:35:08) Darryl Pogue: Good evening Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:08) Xavius: Wait, Cate's here?
(06/23 21:35:10) fchall (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:10) Slydr (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:10) Walker (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:10) Beauregard (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:10) Josefd (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:10) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:35:12) Xavius looks around
(06/23 21:35:14) AKA: hi Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:17) Di Gama: Cate is here!
(06/23 21:35:19) Tayrtahn: evening, Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:20) Mystified cheers
(06/23 21:35:21) Gurev: Shorah Crazycat
(06/23 21:35:25) Cate Alexander: Good evening. It looks like a party.
(06/23 21:35:28) groan: shorah Cate
(06/23 21:35:30) AKA nods her head
(06/23 21:35:32) Mystified claps her hands
(06/23 21:35:32) ianpare: woah
(06/23 21:35:32) Gurev waves hello
(06/23 21:35:33) Xavius: I can't see anything through this mountain of lag and haphazard blend of explorers.
(06/23 21:35:34) Serephina: Shorah Cate
(06/23 21:35:34) dthurner1: Shorah Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:36) crazycatlady: hiya gurev
(06/23 21:35:36) Dakro: Well NOW it is Cate
(06/23 21:35:39) Xavius: Ah, I should stop whining now, heh..
(06/23 21:35:42) Xavius shifts eyes
(06/23 21:35:43) Captain Adventure: Miss Alexander appears to be working late :)
(06/23 21:35:44) Nine-O-Nine: hello Ms Alexander
(06/23 21:35:45) crazycatlady: hiya cate
(06/23 21:35:53) S3035: Hi Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:35:54) Xavius: Shorah Miss Alexander!
(06/23 21:35:56) Di Gama: hi cate
(06/23 21:35:56) Xavius bows
(06/23 21:35:59) Rekam: Indeed, parties are great.
(06/23 21:36:07) Migo waves hello
(06/23 21:36:13) crazycatlady: hiya s0lis
(06/23 21:36:13) Gurev: Xcuse me while I explore some more.
(06/23 21:36:14) Ashtar: Hi Cate
(06/23 21:36:28) Di Gama: an honor to meet you
(06/23 21:36:44) Nyrphame Danilaise: Hi Cate
(06/23 21:37:12) Xavius: I'm the guy who asked if Laxman was French!
(06/23 21:37:14) Xavius cheers
(06/23 21:37:33) Dakro: Everyone thank Cate for opening this area up for explorers
(06/23 21:37:35) Rekam: Laxman is French?
(06/23 21:37:42) Darryl Pogue thanks you
(06/23 21:37:46) Ahsh'lee: it's Lehsa
(06/23 21:37:46) Xavius: Well, no, apparently.
(06/23 21:37:46) Mystified: Thanks, Cate!
(06/23 21:37:49) Migo: Thank you Ms. Alexander
(06/23 21:37:50) Cate Alexander: Don't let him hear you say that.
(06/23 21:37:55) Aaron Alexander claps
(06/23 21:37:57) Nine-O-Nine starts to laugh
(06/23 21:38:01) F14Squall cheers
(06/23 21:38:01) Xavius laughs
(06/23 21:38:01) Migo claps her hands
(06/23 21:38:02) Serephina thanks Cate and the DRC
(06/23 21:38:03) Tayrtahn: Thank you Cate, and thanks to the rest of the DRC
(06/23 21:38:08) ~~meadow~~ claps her hands
(06/23 21:38:09) AKA: this place rocks
(06/23 21:38:11) d'ni everything claps her hands
(06/23 21:38:13) Xavius: Thanks, Cate! :D
(06/23 21:38:15) Cate Alexander: I'm happy to see everyone enjoying the sanctuary.
(06/23 21:38:15) Illuvatar claps his ears
(06/23 21:38:20) Migo: :-)
(06/23 21:38:23) d'ni everything: thanks
(06/23 21:38:26) Dakro claps his hands
(06/23 21:38:34) crazycatlady thanks Cate and DRC too
(06/23 21:38:38) Ashtar: It's been a blast Cate
(06/23 21:38:39) Xavius thanks you
(06/23 21:38:39) Di Gama: qutie
(06/23 21:38:41) Cate Alexander: I had meant to come in earlier and at least warn you it was coming but I was held up.
(06/23 21:38:58) Cate Alexander: These are busy times.
(06/23 21:39:04) Tayrtahn: well, the surprise was fun too
(06/23 21:39:05) AKA nods her head
(06/23 21:39:09) Ashtar: It reminds me of the previous restoration and all the activity
(06/23 21:39:09) Rekam: News from Engberg?
(06/23 21:39:12) Darryl Pogue: We love surprises
(06/23 21:39:13) Krylon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:13) Josefd (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:13) Rehfah (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:13) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:13) katrina (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:14) Walker (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:14) Gurev (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:14) fchall (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:39:29) Di Gama: nice to meet someone important
(06/23 21:39:47) Andros: At least you are here Cate. That is all that matters.
(06/23 21:40:05) Cate Alexander: There is no news from Engberg.
(06/23 21:40:16) Cate Alexander: We won't be able to wait too much longer.
(06/23 21:40:18) Migo: How can we help, Ms. Alexander?
(06/23 21:40:23) gwynhwyvar waves hello
(06/23 21:40:26) Aaron Alexander: Wait for what?
(06/23 21:40:27) Ashtar waves hello
(06/23 21:40:42) Cate Alexander: Honestly, right now is not the best time for me to answer that question.
(06/23 21:40:43) Rekam: I think we all wish the best for him.
(06/23 21:40:53) Cate Alexander: Of course.
(06/23 21:41:03) Xavius feels his ears twitching in anticipation
(06/23 21:41:03) Andros: As they say the show must go on...
(06/23 21:41:05) dthurner1: I continue my search to find him!
(06/23 21:41:12) Ashtar points
(06/23 21:41:18) Cate Alexander: Of course.
(06/23 21:41:29) Tayrtahn: Are you thinking of hiring someone to replace Mr. Engberg's position?
(06/23 21:41:35) Nyrphame Danilaise: Where should we search?
(06/23 21:41:39) ianpare: what about the bahro screams
(06/23 21:41:44) Cate Alexander: In some form or another ....yes.
(06/23 21:42:46) Cate Alexander: I should tell you all that Er'Cana will be released here Tuesday or Wednesday.
(06/23 21:42:47) Di Gama: give him just a little more time
(06/23 21:42:52) Xavius cheers
(06/23 21:42:54) Illuvatar: Yay!
(06/23 21:42:56) Cate Alexander: We are not exactly sure when yet.
(06/23 21:42:57) Dakro cheers
(06/23 21:43:00) S3035 cheers
(06/23 21:43:01) MargaritaMysty cheers
(06/23 21:43:03) Resonance: Yay
(06/23 21:43:05) Migo claps her hands
(06/23 21:43:09) Illuvatar: Tuesday sounds better :)
(06/23 21:43:09) Nyrphame Danilaise: yay
(06/23 21:43:12) Xavius: When the First Blue Moon arises..
(06/23 21:43:17) ~~meadow~~: great news!
(06/23 21:43:29) Cate Alexander: It is good to see new areas.
(06/23 21:43:30) AKA: awesome news Cate...thank you
(06/23 21:43:40) Dryhad: Isn't that saturday, Xavius?
(06/23 21:43:40) Cate Alexander: Of course. I wish I could do more.
(06/23 21:43:40) ianpare: sweet
(06/23 21:43:47) Cate Alexander: I wish we could do more.
(06/23 21:43:47) ~~meadow~~: it is! no more desert right?
(06/23 21:43:48) Xavius: I don't know. @_@
(06/23 21:43:49) Darryl Pogue: Does anyone know the current population count? I believe we may be at a new record
(06/23 21:43:50) Krylon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Rehfah (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Gurev (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Hardlign (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Astria (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:50) Walker (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:51) Keitre (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:43:51) Illuvatar: You guys are doing fine
(06/23 21:43:51) katrina (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:44:07) Reverend Vader: Was 97 before I linked in.
(06/23 21:44:08) Nyrphame Danilaise: Should we organize a systeatic search>?
(06/23 21:44:14) Dakro: Yes I hope you never feel your work is under appreciated
(06/23 21:44:18) Tayrtahn: 134 an hour or so ago
(06/23 21:44:20) ~~meadow~~: ms alexander, what has sharper been up to?
(06/23 21:44:23) Xavius: I would've crashed out by now if we did.
(06/23 21:44:24) Akiva: We were at 137 earlier
(06/23 21:44:36) Cate Alexander: He can tell you. He has been exploring.
(06/23 21:44:45) TweekSpire: will the DRC ever open up the little alchoves in the Watchers Sanctuary?
(06/23 21:44:46) ianpare: is the bahro still fighting
(06/23 21:44:47) ~~meadow~~: thanks
(06/23 21:44:56) Cate Alexander: We hope to.
(06/23 21:44:59) Di Gama: can you return the cones?
(06/23 21:45:05) Xavius: o.0
(06/23 21:45:06) Tayrtahn: any heek tables hidden in those alcoves? :)
(06/23 21:45:09) Cate Alexander: There is no reason.
(06/23 21:45:10) TweekSpire: gah that KI away message is annoying >.<
(06/23 21:45:24) Cate Alexander: I'm not sure the cones did any good stopping anyone.
(06/23 21:45:28) Reverend Vader: (Cones only increase lag in the City, Di Gama.)
(06/23 21:45:37) Cate Alexander: Actually, I am sure they did not stop anyone.
(06/23 21:45:40) Di Gama: but they were FUN!!!
(06/23 21:45:41) To TweekSpire: submit a ticket (like I did)
(06/23 21:45:41) Xavius: Yes, but Cones are awesome.
(06/23 21:45:41) F14Squall taunts you
(06/23 21:45:43) Cate Alexander: Worthless really.
(06/23 21:45:44) Illuvatar: Lol
(06/23 21:45:46) ~~meadow~~: cate, do you think this watcher's pub will be where the DRc can now come more often to speak with us?
(06/23 21:45:49) Migo: :-)
(06/23 21:45:57) Xavius: You can keep the flaps, but cones are still awesome.
(06/23 21:46:03) Cate Alexander: If you would like...
(06/23 21:46:04) Andros: I agree Cate... they were getting in the way more than stopping us
(06/23 21:46:17) ~~meadow~~: thanks!! that would be great cate!
(06/23 21:46:19) Reverend Vader: (Came in late... any mention of Engberg's wqhereabouts then?)
(06/23 21:46:21) Xavius: You think you could put holograms on this thing?
(06/23 21:46:26) Xavius taps Imager with his foot
(06/23 21:46:29) Di Gama: this is a good location for drc meet and greets
(06/23 21:46:31) Darryl Pogue: Vader > No :(
(06/23 21:46:32) Krylon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) Gurev (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) Keitre (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) Astria (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) Hardlign (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:32) katrina (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:35) crazycatlady (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:46:37) Reverend Vader: Hmm.
(06/23 21:46:42) ianpare: open the guild hall
(06/23 21:46:48) Cate Alexander: We have an image of the Watcher that we had wished to put up. Technical difficulties.
(06/23 21:47:06) Reverend Vader: "The" Watcher?
(06/23 21:47:08) Darryl Pogue smacks his KI a bit to try to get less spam
(06/23 21:47:08) Di Gama: you know what he looks like?
(06/23 21:47:20) Cate Alexander: There is some old D'ni artwork.
(06/23 21:47:28) Tayrtahn: oh, very cool
(06/23 21:47:28) sil_oh_wet: Oh wow
(06/23 21:47:28) Dakro: Cate, what do you think about the situation in Negilahn?
(06/23 21:47:28) Reverend Vader: REally?
(06/23 21:47:30) bpgisme: cool
(06/23 21:47:34) Reverend Vader: A man or woman?
(06/23 21:47:36) Xavius: Yay, Watcher!
(06/23 21:47:37) Cate Alexander: Of course we have no way of knowing if it is accurate or not.
(06/23 21:47:44) Aaron Alexander: Cate, what areas are the DRC working on to open over the next few months?
(06/23 21:47:53) TweekSpire: Kehra would like to know if the DRC could release more history/information about D'ni
(06/23 21:47:59) Akiva: I would love to see it either way
(06/23 21:48:02) Tayrtahn: Do you think you'll be able to get that image up eventually?
(06/23 21:48:19) Cate Alexander: We have a new Age... I find it to be an interesting one.
(06/23 21:48:30) Reverend Vader: Not Ercana?
(06/23 21:48:32) Cate Alexander: It's coming along very well.
(06/23 21:48:34) Xavius: I'd take an Image of Bush, as long as something's up here.
(06/23 21:48:38) Ashtar: Believe me, not that much :)
(06/23 21:48:44) Di Gama: the watcher is a man
(06/23 21:48:52) Cate Alexander: Still a month away I would say.
(06/23 21:48:53) Shana waves hello
(06/23 21:48:59) Dakro: What's it called?
(06/23 21:48:59) ~~meadow~~: i'll send u an invite to the new age when it comes, cate, you can come with me to mine!!! :)
(06/23 21:49:00) Xavius cheers
(06/23 21:49:04) Akiva: Can you give us a hint what's in the new age?
(06/23 21:49:08) Cate Alexander: We are also working on Ahnonay.
(06/23 21:49:09) Nyrphame Danilaise: can you tell us anything about it?
(06/23 21:49:11) Haruko: Do you have a name for this new age?
(06/23 21:49:19) Rekam: Who is in the Museum painting? It could use a tag....
(06/23 21:49:20) Cate Alexander: We do. Jalak.
(06/23 21:49:23) ianpare: yay
(06/23 21:49:29) Reverend Vader: Ah, a new age other than Ahnonay...!
(06/23 21:49:35) Dryhad: One of them is Kerath, Rekam
(06/23 21:49:38) melodilynn: I love Ahnonay!
(06/23 21:49:38) TweekSpire: that sounds Goa'uld
(06/23 21:49:39) Xavius: BrettM did something about the Museum paintings, you could probably ask him.
(06/23 21:49:39) ianpare: finally
(06/23 21:49:43) Dryhad: Not sure about the other
(06/23 21:49:45) S3035: Is the age on the restoration list on the DRC site?
(06/23 21:49:49) Herohtar: Jalak is the new Age?
(06/23 21:49:50) Andros: Miss Alexander... how is the restoration financial situation since last month? Do you have more money than last month considering that the release of Minkata was a big success?
(06/23 21:49:50) Xavius: Kerath is that funky looking dude.
(06/23 21:49:55) Cate Alexander: I have no idea.
(06/23 21:49:55) zreyasa: can you tell us anything about the type of age it is? Terrain or anything?
(06/23 21:50:01) Xavius: OoO, Jalak.
(06/23 21:50:06) Cate Alexander: We have fallen behind on our upkeep.
(06/23 21:50:08) Akiva: lol - goa'uld
(06/23 21:50:13) Cate Alexander: Of the site.
(06/23 21:50:14) sil_oh_wet: Jalak?
(06/23 21:50:28) TweekSpire: I know a good web <.<
(06/23 21:50:33) Darryl Pogue: lol
(06/23 21:50:34) Krylon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:34) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:34) katrina (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:38) Reverend Vader: Indeed!~
(06/23 21:50:45) Darryl Pogue: You _are_ a good web guy!
(06/23 21:50:45) S3035: lol
(06/23 21:50:45) Krylon (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:45) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:46) katrina (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:46) Reverend Vader: Get that ResEng in gear. :)
(06/23 21:50:49) Astria (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 21:50:51) From kyashii in kyashii's Relto: O_O
(06/23 21:50:57) MikeFitz: Ms. Alexander, MikeFitz, URU Action News - Is there any update on the Bahro civil war?
(06/23 21:50:59) ianpare: can u open the guildhall yet
(06/23 21:51:11) TweekSpire: Darryl> one can only dream
(06/23 21:51:15) Cate Alexander: The Bahro Civil War?
(06/23 21:51:23) TiareSim cheers for Mike Fitz and his news!
(06/23 21:51:23) sil_oh_wet: Spin
(06/23 21:51:24) Cate Alexander: Quite a question.
(06/23 21:51:30) Reverend Vader: Sharper's been investigating perhaps?
(06/23 21:51:33) Cate Alexander: No. I have no update.
(06/23 21:51:42) Reverend Vader: Or has he been staying away from the Bahro since his close call?
(06/23 21:51:43) TweekSpire wonders how to identify the Bahro from the Bahronoir
(06/23 21:51:49) Cate Alexander: The Bahro don't fill me in on their plans.
(06/23 21:51:50) MikeFitz: Reports from Sharper indicates that there are fights among groups of bahro?
(06/23 21:52:00) Illuvatar: Don't actually know that it is a civil war, do we?
(06/23 21:52:02) Cate Alexander: We have had those reports.
(06/23 21:52:17) Cate Alexander: In detial.
(06/23 21:52:21) sil_oh_wet: Have they been substantiated?
(06/23 21:52:22) Cate Alexander: In detail.
(06/23 21:52:26) ~~meadow~~: so sharper is investigating?
(06/23 21:52:27) Reverend Vader: At the very least, two squabbling factions...
(06/23 21:52:32) Akiva: Do you think they're isolated incidents, or indicative of a wider problem?
(06/23 21:52:56) Cate Alexander: I don't know.
(06/23 21:52:58) ~~meadow~~: whose decision in the DRC was it to pay no attention to the bahro to begin with?
(06/23 21:53:02) Relayer Corps: oops
(06/23 21:53:11) Migo: Will you be releasing those reports?
(06/23 21:53:20) Rekam: What's the latest on Noloben?
(06/23 21:53:21) Cate Alexander: I'm not sure we ever made such a decision.
(06/23 21:53:28) Tybee: Oh, my god the LAG!
(06/23 21:53:32) Aaron Alexander: Have any DRC members been to Noloben since the events of last month?
(06/23 21:53:40) Cate Alexander: There is nothing to report on Noloben.
(06/23 21:53:52) Cate Alexander: Not that I'm aware of.
(06/23 21:53:53) Dakro: Hows the wall coming in Gahreesen Cate?
(06/23 21:53:56) Migo: reports about the bahro?
(06/23 21:53:56) ~~meadow~~: oh, okay cate, nick told me he wished the DRC would have paid more attention sooner, instead of just ignoring it.
(06/23 21:54:00) Cate Alexander: Slowly.
(06/23 21:54:04) Andros: Miss Alexander... there is a question I,ve been wondering for quite some time... does the "pod age" have an official name?
(06/23 21:54:14) Cate Alexander: That is Nick's opinion.
(06/23 21:54:20) Migo: :-)
(06/23 21:54:21) ~~meadow~~: understood
(06/23 21:54:27) sil_oh_wet: woah
(06/23 21:54:27) ianpare: realease the maintaioner suit please
(06/23 21:54:32) Cate Alexander: It does not have a name that I know of.
(06/23 21:54:47) ~~meadow~~: can u share what you do know aboutthe bahro, cate?
(06/23 21:54:47) Andros: Thank you
(06/23 21:54:49) TweekSpire: just been calling it Reziksehv myself (the pod age)
(06/23 21:55:00) Sonseeharay: Ms.Alexander May I ask a question
(06/23 21:55:05) Cate Alexander: I don't think I know any more than anyone else.
(06/23 21:55:19) Migo: Cate? do we know what the buttons in the pods are for?
(06/23 21:55:28) ~~meadow~~: oh, okay...why is that? its very important
(06/23 21:55:41) Cate Alexander: They are strange creatures that can, obviously, be dangerous in some form or another.
(06/23 21:55:45) Dakro: Cate? When will we be expecting stained glass?
(06/23 21:55:58) ~~meadow~~: agreed cate
(06/23 21:56:17) Cate Alexander: They can also be very helpful, Sharper would argue. I'm afraid the more we learn the more we realize we don't know much at all.
(06/23 21:56:20) Dryhad: Does the DRC know of any other ages besides the Pod Age that were ultilised on such a large scale?
(06/23 21:56:25) ~~meadow~~: explorers are reporting louder more frequent cries in caves today
(06/23 21:56:26) Migo nods her head
(06/23 21:56:27) Sonseeharay: I have searching for Mr. Laxman is this a wild goose chase ?
(06/23 21:56:33) Gurev: Ms. Alexander, what is the source of the notebooks on the 2nd floor.
(06/23 21:57:01) Rose: Cate, has the cause of Wheely's death been determined?
(06/23 21:57:01) Cate Alexander: The Watcher's Journals?
(06/23 21:57:02) Andros: Cate I want to thank you for your leadership in the last few months... I know that it has been a rocky ride but your role in the restoration is greatly appreciate
(06/23 21:57:11) Cate Alexander: Thank you.
(06/23 21:57:15) Serephina: Ms. Alexander, Mr. Laxman said earlier today that the bahro communicate visuallly- has the DRC tried to communicate with them at all?
(06/23 21:57:21) dthurner1: yes it has
(06/23 21:57:24) ~~meadow~~: i do greatly appreciate all you are doing.
(06/23 21:57:24) Gurev: I think so.
(06/23 21:57:28) S3035:
(06/23 21:57:42) ianpare: has engberg found what hes looking for yet
(06/23 21:57:45) Cate Alexander: We have tried in the rare opportunities that we have had.
(06/23 21:57:49) Haruko: Ms. Alexander, is there anything you can tell us about the status of the concert hall in the city?
(06/23 21:57:50) Arwen Gemstone: Cate, any word on Mr. Engberg?
(06/23 21:57:57) Cate Alexander: No word.
(06/23 21:58:02) Reverend Vader: Has Marie or any other DRC member had any more contact with the mysterious D'ni survivor discovered in Noloben?
(06/23 21:58:23) Cate Alexander: The concert hall is on the list but not a high priority.
(06/23 21:58:25) Serephina: Have you had any success with that, Ms. Alexander? teh communication
(06/23 21:58:34) ~~meadow~~: back up y'all, give the woman some space
(06/23 21:58:36) Sonseeharay: oh yea that guy LOL
(06/23 21:59:00) Cate Alexander: There is no one on Noloben that I am aware of.
(06/23 21:59:09) Cate Alexander: I believe that was some years ago.
(06/23 21:59:13) Reverend Vader: Hmm...
(06/23 21:59:16) Pryftan: Miss Alexander, are there any untranslated D'ni texts the DRC has access to now that a fulltime translator is not employed? If so, do you plan on releasing any such texts?
(06/23 21:59:19) Reverend Vader: Yes.
(06/23 21:59:39) Ashtar waves hello
(06/23 21:59:47) Cate Alexander: We still have translated texts we have not released.
(06/23 22:00:00) Dakro: Such as?
(06/23 22:00:18) Grogyan2 wants to ask a question...
(06/23 22:00:18) Cate Alexander: Various cultural and historical documents.
(06/23 22:00:38) Darryl Pogue: Are there any plans to release those documents?
(06/23 22:00:39) Ad'ytum (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 22:00:39) Shiloh (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 22:00:39) Antony (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 22:00:57) Illuvatar: Hsa the DRC had any word or sighting of Yeesha since the appearance in February?
(06/23 22:01:08) Gurev: The journals appear to be very religeous and apocalyptic in nature. They read as if they are the source of many of Yeesha's statements.
(06/23 22:01:08) Cate Alexander: No.
(06/23 22:01:10) Yutram: WOW! Busy tonight, eh?
(06/23 22:01:12) Pryftan: Well I'm mostly concerned about what will happen to untranslated texts now that Nick won't be translating. The community has a great wealth of very competent translators itching to dig their teeth into new material, myself included..
(06/23 22:01:33) sil_oh_wet: Just hire Nick back
(06/23 22:01:36) Cate Alexander: We are aware of you as a resource - thank you.
(06/23 22:01:40) Tybee watches the commotion quietly.
(06/23 22:01:49) Dakro: Cate do you have anyone on the DRC working on the J'taeri district?
(06/23 22:02:22) Cate Alexander: Not currently.
(06/23 22:02:29) Nine-O-Nine: or any city district we dont see yet....
(06/23 22:02:29) Dryhad: What, outside?
(06/23 22:02:30) Grogyan2: Has many of the DRC improved their swimming skills in readiness to release Ahnonay?
(06/23 22:02:35) Nyrphame Danilaise: I am still concerned that we are not doing any kind of organized, systeatic search for Michael
(06/23 22:02:43) Tayrtahn: aren't we in J'taeri?
(06/23 22:02:47) melodilynn: LOL, Grog
(06/23 22:02:51) Cate Alexander: Michael is not in the cavern - I can assure you of that.
(06/23 22:02:58) Cate Alexander: Yes, we are.
(06/23 22:03:04) Rose: Cate, has the cause of Wheely's death been determined?
(06/23 22:03:19) Andros: Miss Alexander.. I do not know who is responsible of the Drc website but it hasn't been updated in a while. you all are very busy lately but it could be nice if a reseng could do something about that. It would be very appreciate in the community.
(06/23 22:03:43) Cate Alexander: True Andros - I apologize
(06/23 22:03:53) Migo: May I just say, again Cate, thank you for all the hard work, and to the whole DRC, especially in this trying time
(06/23 22:03:57) Andros: Nothing to apologize ;)
(06/23 22:04:16) Dakro: Cate? Have you ever found anything about the bahro to study like a corpse?
(06/23 22:04:16) dthurner1: you will releasI wanted tothank you for holding on to the translated materials until they become related to our current missions and goals so as not to overload us with information....that may or may not construe the facts,,,,therefore jeopordizing the current mission!
(06/23 22:04:19) Cate Alexander: Wheely died from the Bahro.
(06/23 22:04:23) Reverend Vader: However, Rose's question raises some very valid explorer concerns...
(06/23 22:04:35) Reverend Vader: The one with her in the Cave?
(06/23 22:04:41) Do'Tsahvahn: Did the Bahro... murder her?
(06/23 22:04:47) Gurev: Let me add a thank you as well. This is a massive undertaking.
(06/23 22:05:05) Cate Alexander: Murder implies consciuos intent. I don't know about that.
(06/23 22:05:06) Pryftan: Did Wheely share the fate of the creatures Sharper was watching in Negilhan?
(06/23 22:05:18) Cate Alexander: I'd rather not go into details.
(06/23 22:05:23) Migo: :-(
(06/23 22:05:26) Curty: any story tonight?
(06/23 22:05:29) Tayrtahn: understandly
(06/23 22:05:32) Curty: i just got in...
(06/23 22:05:44) Migo is very sad
(06/23 22:05:44) Reverend Vader: I wonder if it was being controlled by an outside force?
(06/23 22:05:51) Pryftan: I understand.
(06/23 22:05:58) Tayrtahn: look up the stairs, Curty :)
(06/23 22:05:59) Cate Alexander: I don't have an answer to that.
(06/23 22:06:15) Dakro: Cate, have you ever found anything about the bahro to study like a corpse?
(06/23 22:06:18) bpgisme: scary thought though
(06/23 22:06:22) Curty: 5000....Cyan musta got them a new server :)
(06/23 22:06:38) number6: Wheely has been showing up in some explorers KI's. Any idea why that is Ms. Alexander?
(06/23 22:06:43) Dryhad: The sound of linking is almost like clockwork :)
(06/23 22:07:00) Pryftan: Apologies for the rather matter of fact attitude we have about Wheely.. we just want to know as much as we can, and it comes off as rather unfeeling at times
(06/23 22:07:00) Illuvatar: As this is a place where one can link in and out in a moment's notice- did anyone see the bahro kil wheely?
(06/23 22:07:01) Curty: hi Cate :)
(06/23 22:07:04) Curty bows
(06/23 22:07:11) Cate Alexander: I do not know. Laxman might be a better one to answer that question although I had not heard that was happening.
(06/23 22:07:12) Captain Adventure: Miss Alexander, a question, if I may. Is there anything further you can tell us about Jalak at this point? Thanks :)
(06/23 22:07:30) b_tak: I think the Bahro paniced with all the people and equpment there while they were trying to dig Wheely out is a natural instinct to try to flee or defend itself for any creature......
(06/23 22:07:34) Cate Alexander: It was a D'ni gaming arena. I think you will have fun there.
(06/23 22:07:42) Aaron Alexander: ooh
(06/23 22:07:45) Do'Tsahvahn cheers
(06/23 22:07:47) Herohtar: Hmm... gaming?
(06/23 22:07:48) Reverend Vader: aah
(06/23 22:07:49) Captain Adventure: thank you :)
(06/23 22:07:53) Andros: Sounds very interesting
(06/23 22:07:53) Reverend Vader: :)
(06/23 22:07:59) bpgisme: what sort of gaming?
(06/23 22:07:59) Herohtar: Wonder what kind of gaming the D'ni did?
(06/23 22:08:01) Cate Alexander: I do not know why the Bahro reacted the way it did.
(06/23 22:08:03) dthurner1: very interesting
(06/23 22:08:08) Almas: Heek2?
(06/23 22:08:18) DanTheMystFan: When is Jalak scheduled to be released?
(06/23 22:08:29) Dryhad: Gemedet?
(06/23 22:08:33) Marten: Ms Alexander, the DRC's official position on Phil Henderson is that he is dead. Do you have any idea if Phil Henderson's fate may have been similar to that of Wheely Engberg's?
(06/23 22:08:34) Do'Tsahvahn: Arena, as in team games?
(06/23 22:08:36) sil_oh_wet: Is Nick out exploring with Sharper?
(06/23 22:08:41) melodilynn: Jalak is the water arena?
(06/23 22:08:42) WyrdOfTweek: The d'ni had xbox?
(06/23 22:08:44) Captain Adventure: i hope the games don't involve jumping off bridges to hit markers. I am particularly bad at that :)
(06/23 22:08:44) Cate Alexander: We do not have anything more than rough schedules right now.
(06/23 22:08:50) Haruko: Ms. Alexander, what has the DRC actually done with regards to restoring the Watcher's Sanctuary?
(06/23 22:08:54) Cate Alexander: A month or so.
(06/23 22:08:58) melodilynn: In Myst 5
(06/23 22:09:14) DanTheMystFan: Thank you Ms. Alexander.
(06/23 22:09:15) Cate Alexander: I don't have time for that.
(06/23 22:09:37) Pryftan: Ms. Alexander, does the DRC have any plans to restore Rebek?
(06/23 22:09:42) zreyasa: Ms. Alexander, have any studies inindicated further seismic actiivity in the city and can you speak to it's stability, with regards to that?
(06/23 22:10:07) Aaron Alexander: Cate, can you share any of the DRC's long term plans, beyond age releases?
(06/23 22:10:12) Cate Alexander: As far as we can determine the city is stable and safe.
(06/23 22:10:24) zreyasa: Thank you.
(06/23 22:10:27) Andros: Miss Alexander... I have a personal question for you. Do you have any pets at home? If it's too persoanl feel free to not answer... I can be a little nosy sometimes
(06/23 22:10:44) Cate Alexander: Well Aaron... it's interesting you ask. I have been in discussions through the day.
(06/23 22:11:06) Cate Alexander: Quite a bit of money has been invested in this project.
(06/23 22:11:09) Sacred waves hello
(06/23 22:11:17) Aaron Alexander looks intruigued
(06/23 22:11:18) dthurner1: cool bean dip
(06/23 22:11:31) Cate Alexander: There are tough questions to answer ahead.
(06/23 22:11:47) Li'Sah cheers
(06/23 22:11:54) Dryhad: Ms. Alexander, perhaps you can clear something up. Is this any of the following: The Great Tree Pub, the Restorer's Pub, the Restorer's Guild, or Rolep?
(06/23 22:12:13) Sonseeharay: if you put cups up in the hood we explorers would love to contribute I am sure.
(06/23 22:12:24) Migo: Tough questions?
(06/23 22:12:25) Dryhad: I recall it was a matter of some debate earlier
(06/23 22:12:30) Dakro: Cate, what areas of the city will you be releasing in the near future?
(06/23 22:12:31) Cate Alexander[: Tough answers.
(06/23 22:12:37) Ad'ytum: What questions?
(06/23 22:12:38) Migo: oh my
(06/23 22:12:41) Darryl Pogue: Dryhad > Rolep is a separate cavern
(06/23 22:12:42) Shiloh (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(06/23 22:12:44) Tayrtahn: That's certainly cryptic
(06/23 22:12:45) Aaron Alexander looks worried
(06/23 22:12:50) Reverend Vader: That's rather cryptic...
(06/23 22:12:59) Migo: is it bad new?
(06/23 22:13:05) Ad'ytum: What should we do?
(06/23 22:13:18) Curty: why do people run where there is nowhere to run?
(06/23 22:13:30) Reverend Vader wonders if Cate has met any Vorlons...
(06/23 22:13:44) Cate Alexander: I can't go into details.
(06/23 22:13:47) The Noble Robot: This is still a new area, people are trying to explore... fruitlessly, unfortunately
(06/23 22:13:47) Migo: you mean like, decisions and choices to make? Cate?
(06/23 22:13:58) Curty: cause its not helping my page filing a bit...
(06/23 22:14:05) Cate Alexander: But these are critical times.
(06/23 22:14:07) Pryftan: Ms. Alexander, does the DRC know anything more about the "donuts" we have recieved in our Reltos?
(06/23 22:14:13) Rekam: Nothing like crowdsourcing tough questions...
(06/23 22:14:15) Migo listens intently
(06/23 22:14:31) Reverend Vader: Regarding the Restoration itself, or funding issues? ()You can't go into details.)
(06/23 22:14:33) Cate Alexander: We are aware of them.
(06/23 22:14:41) Cate Alexander: Funding issues.
(06/23 22:14:48) Tybee: Miss Alexander, I have a question if I may ask.
(06/23 22:14:50) Tayrtahn: eep
(06/23 22:14:54) dthurner1: lol
(06/23 22:15:09) Pryftan: But you aren't sure what they are, or where they come from?
(06/23 22:15:26) Illuvatar: Hmm..can we help with the funding in anyway, in addition to what we currently do?
(06/23 22:15:33) Sonseeharay: Ms.Alexander I think you should think about holding thses inpromtu meetings with explorers at different times thru the day so that people in say England can attend at a decent time of day.I am from Ohio myself and it is 1:Am as it is
(06/23 22:15:37) zreyasa waves hello
(06/23 22:15:47) Tayrtahn: could funding concerns threaten the restoration?
(06/23 22:16:03) Cate Alexander: You are all doing much to help us and we do appreciate it everything.
(06/23 22:16:03) Pryftan: Thinking of the Bahro as a threat has some of us a little worried about the donuts.
(06/23 22:16:25) Ad'ytum: What is next for us Cate?
(06/23 22:16:52) Cate Alexander: Great Zero tomorrow.
(06/23 22:16:57) Grogyan2 wants to ask a question...
(06/23 22:16:57) Grogyan2: will we be revieving DRC swimsuits whe Ahnonay is released?
(06/23 22:16:57) Dakro: We appreciate you work here Cate, the work of your DRC buddies, and I do feel you deserve a round of applause.
(06/23 22:17:05) Reverend Vader: Right! 4 PM Cavern time.
(06/23 22:17:06) Todoni claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:09) Hardlign claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:09) Dakro claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:09) Curty bows
(06/23 22:17:11) Pryftan claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:12) Aaron Alexander claps
(06/23 22:17:13) Firesign cheers
(06/23 22:17:13) Marten cheers
(06/23 22:17:16) Migo claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:16) Al'Kaera cheers
(06/23 22:17:16) Herohtar cheers
(06/23 22:17:16) Arwen Gemstone claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:17) Tayrtahn claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:17) e'migre claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:17) Arrhae claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:17) DanTheMystFan claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:17) dthurner1 claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:18) Ad'ytum claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:19) Dryhad claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:19) Hardlign cheers
(06/23 22:17:19) Andros claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:20) Shana claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:21) MikeFitz claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:24) Arwen Gemstone cheers
(06/23 22:17:24) Bert Columbus cheers
(06/23 22:17:25) Grogyan2 claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:25) Jade_Dragon claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:25) Survivor Man claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:26) Slydr: clap
(06/23 22:17:27) Captain Adventure claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:28) Serephina claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:28) Hardlign claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:29) [Relayer] Nev9 claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:29) Sonseeharay cheers
(06/23 22:17:30) Herohtar claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:31) Kirsa claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:33) S3035 claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:35) Al'Kaera claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:36) Calee Aifov claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:37) ametist claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:38) Migo: :-)
(06/23 22:17:38) Bert Columbus claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:38) Captainmack claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:39) Hardlign claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:41) MargaritaMysty claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:41) Shana claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:42) Reverend Vader is amazed!
(06/23 22:17:44) Rheanna claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:46) e'migre claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:47) dthurner1: ty ty ty ty for all you are doing!
(06/23 22:17:49) WyrdOfTweek: Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
(06/23 22:17:51) Amaru claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:52) d'ni everything agrees with much appreciation
(06/23 22:17:52) Fusein cheers
(06/23 22:17:55) Grogyan2 claps his hands
(06/23 22:17:56) Rheanna claps her hands
(06/23 22:18:03) Sacred wonders when we will get drinks in the pub
(06/23 22:18:05) Sonseeharay claps her hands
(06/23 22:18:15) Al'Kaera: look every one is treading jello.
(06/23 22:18:20) The Noble Robot: Cate, what does the DRC make of the fact that the Bahro symbol in Minkata is similar to the symbol seen by Wheely (and/or Engberg/DRC) during her ordeal?
(06/23 22:18:22) bpgisme claps her hands
(06/23 22:18:23) Cate Alexander: That is very nice of all of you.
(06/23 22:18:25) Shana laughs
(06/23 22:18:25) Hardlign waves hello
(06/23 22:18:43) ametist cheers
(06/23 22:18:47) Migo: Is Mr. Laxman excited about the GZ?
(06/23 22:18:50) Reverend Vader: (Friends don't let friends drink and spelunk.)
(06/23 22:18:50) Cate Alexander: But do clap for yourselves as well. We would not be here if it were not for you and your support.
(06/23 22:18:59) Nyrphame Danilaise claps her hands
(06/23 22:18:59) Tayrtahn: Happy to be here
(06/23 22:19:02) Grogyan2 claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:02) melodilynn cheers
(06/23 22:19:06) Hardlign claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:08) DanTheMystFan claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:09) Ad'ytum cheers
(06/23 22:19:10) Serephina: Thanks Ms. Alexander
(06/23 22:19:10) Jade_Dragon claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:11) Hardlign cheers
(06/23 22:19:12) Tayrtahn claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:18) e'migre claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:20) Shana: Yey us!!
(06/23 22:19:21) S3035 claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:22) Rheanna cheers
(06/23 22:19:22) Grogyan2 claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:24) Cate Alexander: Now I'm afraid, I do need to get going. I am tired. Long day discussing business matters.
(06/23 22:19:27) Slydr claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:27) Migo: yah, We Rock :-)
(06/23 22:19:28) Sonseeharay: Ms. Alexander I have been searching for Mr. Engberg am I on a wild goose chase or will one of us find him someday
(06/23 22:19:30) The Noble Robot: okay, I can't scroll back to see what you were all clapping about, because people are clapping to much what gives?
(06/23 22:19:33) Illuvatar: Good night and thank you
(06/23 22:19:36) Grogyan2: Go and rest
(06/23 22:19:41) Migo: Good luck Ms. Alexander
(06/23 22:19:41) AKA: thank you Ms. Alexander
(06/23 22:19:41) Arrhae claps her hands
(06/23 22:19:42) Cate Alexander: Good night to you all.