Reference:2007-06-26 Nick White in the Watcher's Pub

From Guild of Archivists

(06/26 23:37:38) Nick White: Pretty cool.
(06/26 23:38:11) Yali: Nicky boy!
(06/26 23:38:12) borg1985: hi Nick
(06/26 23:38:21) sil_oh_wet: Hello Nick
(06/26 23:38:27) Ichabod L. says hey
(06/26 23:38:41) ~~meadow~~: Hello nick
(06/26 23:38:42) Serephina: shorah Nick
(06/26 23:38:47) Yali: So Nick, is Er'Cana awesome or what?
(06/26 23:38:49) Herohtar: Shorah Nick
(06/26 23:39:04) Nick White: Hey isn't Sydney Austin dead?
(06/26 23:39:12) Illuvatar: Supposedly, yes
(06/26 23:39:13) sil_oh_wet: Supposedly
(06/26 23:39:17) Herohtar: That's what I was wondering too Nick, lol
(06/26 23:39:18) Yali: I think she came back to life
(06/26 23:39:21) Ichabod L.: Someone may have jus ttaken her KI.
(06/26 23:39:27) sil_oh_wet: poltergeist?
(06/26 23:39:39) Nick White: And sent me a KI message?
(06/26 23:39:43) Nick White: Whatever.
(06/26 23:39:53) sil_oh_wet cheers
(06/26 23:39:54) Illuvatar: Guess she isn't dead then
(06/26 23:39:55) borg1985 cheers
(06/26 23:39:57) Ichabod L.: Just ignore her.
(06/26 23:40:06) Nick White: Has anyone met a guy named JD Barnes?
(06/26 23:40:10) Herohtar shakes his head
(06/26 23:40:11) Yali: nope
(06/26 23:40:12) Ichabod L.: Not me.
(06/26 23:40:13) sil_oh_wet shakes her head
(06/26 23:40:14) Thend shakes his head
(06/26 23:40:15) Rehchoortahn: Sydney, again?
(06/26 23:40:15) borg1985: no sorry
(06/26 23:40:18) Rehchoortahn: Bah...
(06/26 23:40:18) Mar'ith shakes his head
(06/26 23:40:22) Ryan Lee shakes head
(06/26 23:40:24) Serephina: No, who is he?
(06/26 23:40:26) sil_oh_wet: WHo is he?
(06/26 23:40:26) Nick White: Some anthropology dude or something....
(06/26 23:41:07) Nick White: Hanging out with the DRC
(06/26 23:41:10) Nick White: At least that's what I hear.
(06/26 23:41:10) Yali: Ooo
(06/26 23:41:10) Rehchoortahn: Have you seen him?
(06/26 23:41:10) Jubie72256: and he's from?
(06/26 23:41:11) Nick White: Supposedly from Oregon too.
(06/26 23:41:14) Jubie72256: You are from Oregon?
(06/26 23:41:22) Nick White: Oregon State Beaver - loser.
(06/26 23:41:22) sil_oh_wet: is there something special about him that inspires you to ask about him?
(06/26 23:41:22) Jubie72256: Figures/ lol
(06/26 23:41:22) Jubie72256: jK
(06/26 23:41:22) Thend: Nick, like Rosette, from Oregon. Do you have JD's Ki number?
(06/26 23:41:26) Yali: I'd really like to get some antropolgical information on the D'ni
(06/26 23:41:34) Nick White: Well if the DRC is hanging out with him - I'd like to know if anyone has met him.
(06/26 23:41:40) Nick White: I just hear rumors.
(06/26 23:41:53) Nick White: JUst wondering if anyone had heard anything more than me.
(06/26 23:41:56) Thend: We do too, Nick - from you lol
(06/26 23:42:08) Nick White: Man, Sil, you always think I have some kind of agenda or something.
(06/26 23:42:10) borg1985: All I know about him is what you just told me.
(06/26 23:42:16) Nick White: Alright.
(06/26 23:42:24) Jubie72256: a few of them have been on and off all day but? I haven't heard anything they've said yet
(06/26 23:42:36) sil_oh_wet: Ouch, I must be non-trusting
(06/26 23:42:36) Thend: Has Sharper split yet?
(06/26 23:42:39) Nick White: You must be.
(06/26 23:42:48) Nick White: No Sharper has not left yet.
(06/26 23:42:51) Thend nods his head
(06/26 23:43:00) Jubie72256: i'd be tempted to think anyone from Oregon had an agenda
(06/26 23:43:02) Nick White: He hasn't said goodbye to the UO hood yet.
(06/26 23:43:02) Rehchoortahn: Yeah, what's the deal with Sharper? Has he finally lost his rocker?
(06/26 23:43:03) Eric Wolfe wishes Sharper would hurry up and get it over with.
(06/26 23:43:03) borg1985: Do you when he's planning on leaving?
(06/26 23:43:06) Jubie72256: Bwahaha
(06/26 23:43:24) Nick White: Sharper has not lost his rocker.
(06/26 23:43:31) Nick White: Just got a little riled up.
(06/26 23:43:37) Nick White: Nothing new.
(06/26 23:43:44) Nick White: The guy gets excited.
(06/26 23:43:45) Eric Wolfe: He's just as wooden as one instead...
(06/26 23:43:58) Thend nods his head
(06/26 23:44:07) Cycreim: He'd better not actually kill a Bahro. I hope that was justa joke.
(06/26 23:44:19) Cycreim: I really really hope.
(06/26 23:44:22) Rehchoortahn: Didn't sound like a joke..
(06/26 23:44:24) Jubie72256: he was serious Cy
(06/26 23:44:37) Nick White: He won't kill one unless he has to.
(06/26 23:44:51) Yali: Nick, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any new documents that we could sink our teeth into? I'll take anything! ; )
(06/26 23:44:54) Illuvatar: You guys are not worried about the Feds coming in here, and taking over because of the new life form (gahro0?
(06/26 23:44:55) Rehchoortahn: I just hope he doesn't perceive the need to.
(06/26 23:44:57) Thend: He's heard what we think of it. We need to just discuss hwat he actually KNOWS now, what he's studied
(06/26 23:44:58) Cycreim: It sounds like a mistake to me.
(06/26 23:44:59) Jubie72256: he's on a mission, and it ISN"T a marker mission
(06/26 23:45:01) Illuvatar: Bharo
(06/26 23:45:10) ClamJuice: Is he even capable of killing a Bahro? They seem like pretty tough creatures.
(06/26 23:45:13) Nick White: NOt with me Yali.
(06/26 23:45:17) Eric Wolfe: The cavern is way out of anyone's jurisdiction.
(06/26 23:45:42) Thend: What brings you here today, Nick?
(06/26 23:45:52) Nick White: You Thend.
(06/26 23:45:58) Yali: ?
(06/26 23:45:59) Nick White: Your smiling face.
(06/26 23:46:01) Do'Tsahvahn: THend, Run!
(06/26 23:46:03) Thend: Wow, sooo honred Nick lol
(06/26 23:46:05) tachzusamm: lol
(06/26 23:46:12) Jubie72256: that sounds like an agenda
(06/26 23:46:14) Andrew Eldred: Wow. When I came in here, there were ten people. Then I had a phone call, and came back... to this.
(06/26 23:46:24) Thend smiles for the heck of it
(06/26 23:46:28) Nick White: Thend draws a crowd.
(06/26 23:46:31) Jubie72256: we are testing
(06/26 23:46:34) Thend looks around for a bit
(06/26 23:46:35) Jubie72256: =)
(06/26 23:46:36) Eric Wolfe: Andrew: People are looking for crumbs...
(06/26 23:46:46) Thend: Rumors again,Nick
(06/26 23:46:48) Rehchoortahn: It's certainly true. There's a crowd here, and there's Thend here.
(06/26 23:46:51) gelf56: Nick are you in the queue?
(06/26 23:46:56) Rehchoortahn: Thus, Thend draws a crowd.
(06/26 23:46:57) Songe: hehe
(06/26 23:47:00) Thend starts to laugh
(06/26 23:47:07) Nick White: And no one is going to ER'Cana?
(06/26 23:47:08) Serephina laughs
(06/26 23:47:08) ClamJuice swoops down like a pidgeon and grabs some crumbs.
(06/26 23:47:11) Andrew Eldred: Shorah Nick, it's been a while.
(06/26 23:47:13) Cycreim: Wow guys we've totally blocked off access to the Er'cana book hahaha
(06/26 23:47:14) Andrew Eldred: I haven't gone in yet.
(06/26 23:47:20) Nick White: Bake some pellets.
(06/26 23:47:23) Poseidon: ive already beat it.. lol
(06/26 23:47:24) Thend: We have been, awesome, awesome place
(06/26 23:47:26) Rehchoortahn: Been there, done that, got that t-shirt...
(06/26 23:47:28) Eric Wolfe: I made a pil.
(06/26 23:47:29) Beatfox: holy crud... o.o
(06/26 23:47:31) Eric Wolfe: pill
(06/26 23:47:34) Aro-Ron Chynn: hey nick, do you know if the DRC are planning on releasing Ahonay anytime son?
(06/26 23:47:35) Andrew Eldred still needs teh t-shirt.
(06/26 23:47:39) Jazz: I just came back from it
(06/26 23:47:42) Jubie72256: been to Er"cana and back
(06/26 23:47:43) Andrew Eldred: And I need to go there, I guess.
(06/26 23:47:44) Rehchoortahn: Pluss those pellets take FOREVER!
(06/26 23:47:46) Jubie72256: A few times over
(06/26 23:47:46) sil_oh_wet covers her ears
(06/26 23:47:50) Jubie72256: =)
(06/26 23:47:53) melodilynn: did Er'cana already
(06/26 23:47:54) Ziggy2765: Looks different.
(06/26 23:47:58) S3035: Mr. White, how long should it take for teh pellets to bake? its been about an hour for me so far
(06/26 23:48:02) Jubie72256: i'm cooking
(06/26 23:48:05) Yali: Er'Cana is a sweet Age
(06/26 23:48:07) melodilynn: NOt too different than the offline one
(06/26 23:48:13) Nick White: Depends on how long you cook them.
(06/26 23:48:15) Andrew Eldred: Shorah Jazz, where are you?
(06/26 23:48:22) Ichabod L.: Is "bake" even the right word for what it is we're doing?
(06/26 23:48:24) melodilynn: We need another half of the donut!
(06/26 23:48:25) Kolian: Badump bump.
(06/26 23:48:34) Jazz waves at Andrew
(06/26 23:48:34) Sam Byard: nick do you have any ideas on how long they should take ?
(06/26 23:48:38) Captain Jack Harkness: Took me 4 hours to do mine
(06/26 23:48:43) Andrew Eldred: Oh, that was helpful.
(06/26 23:48:46) Jubie72256: give it a test Sam
(06/26 23:48:50) Kolian: That long? Sheesh
(06/26 23:48:52) Eric Wolfe: My pellets took 4-5 HOURS!
(06/26 23:48:54) Nick White: Depends on what you are looking for.
(06/26 23:48:57) Jubie72256: tEst different recipes
(06/26 23:48:59) Sam Byard: mine are still baking
(06/26 23:49:01) Poseidon: 2 hours here
(06/26 23:49:03) Jubie72256: Test
(06/26 23:49:10) Andrew Eldred sees Jazz.
(06/26 23:49:16) melodilynn: There's a timer
(06/26 23:49:21) Yali: So, could we really - and significantly - brighten the Cavern through our pellet making, Nick?
(06/26 23:49:22) Sam Byard: what is the point of the Uran silo ?
(06/26 23:49:22) melodilynn: LOL
(06/26 23:49:42) Thend: Nick, how did you mean the Bahro the D'ni knew were different from 'ours'?
(06/26 23:49:48) Cycreim: Hey Nick, not that you'd know or anything, but we all like rumors... Cate becoming an official DRC member: good news or bad news?
(06/26 23:49:52) Nick White: AS far as I know....
(06/26 23:49:54) Cycreim: :)
(06/26 23:50:00) Thend nods his head
(06/26 23:50:02) Nick White: Good news.
(06/26 23:50:06) Cycreim: Gossip! Gossip!
(06/26 23:50:08) Andrew Eldred: Nick, do you think it'll take about a month to see the results of the pelleting?
(06/26 23:50:13) Eric Wolfe: Bad news if she wants ads and private meetings with people.
(06/26 23:50:23) dunc: Nick...I see you don't have an advert on your tee shirt yet? Do you think it will come to that?
(06/26 23:50:25) Nick White: NO idea. Depends how many people do it.
(06/26 23:50:38) Andrew Eldred: Thanks... I think.
(06/26 23:50:51) Jubie72256: could put a Starbuck's down here
(06/26 23:50:56) Sam Byard: will we get some kind of meter, like the GZ one ?
(06/26 23:51:00) Cycreim: Ads are more... neutral news, in the grand scheme of things... :)
(06/26 23:51:06) sil_oh_wet: He's so mean to me now! uhg
(06/26 23:51:08) Nick White: Starbucks would be sweet.
(06/26 23:51:09) Eric Wolfe: The GZ meter never moved, though.
(06/26 23:51:09) Do'Tsahvahn: What is the good news, Nick?
(06/26 23:51:11) Rehchoortahn: Yes, there will be a meter. Look out at the lake.
(06/26 23:51:12) Thend: Aww sil
(06/26 23:51:13) Andrew Eldred: Do you think that the ads would be mainly clothing?
(06/26 23:51:14) Poseidon: i still like my idea of ads on the net 6 error boxes
(06/26 23:51:16) Kolian: The GZ meter apparently suffered from the 2:08 bug
(06/26 23:51:16) melodilynn: Probably sell t-shirts and accessories for our avies
(06/26 23:51:17) sil_oh_wet: oops
(06/26 23:51:18) Rehchoortahn: :P
(06/26 23:51:39) Beatfox: Nick, are we sure that using the pellets at this point won't be disruptive to the lake life?
(06/26 23:51:43) Eric Wolfe: They could show ads when the server crashes instead of the login message.
(06/26 23:51:57) Andrew Eldred: Hey Jazz, wanna hop in my Er'cana soon? I haven't seen it yet.
(06/26 23:52:07) Nick White: Depnds on the pellets.
(06/26 23:52:12) Thend: lol
(06/26 23:52:40) Kolian: So the recipe they give us may not be the right one for the Lake?
(06/26 23:52:48) Beatfox: Depends? You mean you're leaving the fate of the lake in the hands of the explorers?
(06/26 23:52:51) melodilynn: So, could we kill life in the lake if we don't make the pellets correctly?
(06/26 23:52:57) Nick White: Alrght three is a crowd and there are way more than three here.
(06/26 23:53:00) Poseidon: oops
(06/26 23:53:05) Jubie72256: doh, not sure I want to go there "depends on the pellets" and just "what kind"?
(06/26 23:53:15) Nick White: Talk to you all later.