Reference:2007-11-01 Cate Alexander on leaving the DRC

From Guild of Archivists

11/01 18:05:14) Cate Alexander: Hello everyone.
(11/01 18:05:21) Vivicus: sorry, nearly run into you there!
(11/01 18:05:26) velvetam: Shorah cate
(11/01 18:05:29) Cate Alexander: I do have an announcement to make.
(11/01 18:05:36) Vivicus: Listening
(11/01 18:05:37) TomahnaGuy: Shorah cate!
(11/01 18:05:57) Cate Alexander: It's not an announcement I'm especially looking forward to so I'll get right to it.
(11/01 18:06:07) TomahnaGuy: Oh dear
(11/01 18:06:14) Cate Alexander: I am leaving my post at the DRC and the cavern.
(11/01 18:06:21) splash1: shorahr
(11/01 18:06:26) Vivicus: but... why?
(11/01 18:06:28) Slightperil: Woah!
(11/01 18:06:28) LucyCat gasps
(11/01 18:06:29) TomahnaGuy is shocked
(11/01 18:06:30) velvetam: what?
(11/01 18:06:30) Thend: Why?
(11/01 18:06:32) Cate Alexander: I will no longer be a part of the restoration effort.
(11/01 18:06:34) samj: Leaving why?
(11/01 18:06:37) splash1: why?
(11/01 18:06:37) Poseidon: Leaving?
(11/01 18:06:38) Vivicus: why is that?
(11/01 18:06:38) velvetam: why?
(11/01 18:06:39) TomahnaGuy: Why, Miss Alexander?
(11/01 18:06:43) Gerard: huh?
(11/01 18:07:07) Cate Alexander: It has been a great pleasure.
(11/01 18:07:21) Vivicus: Don't you want to talk about it?
(11/01 18:07:31) TomahnaGuy: But Cate, you are needed here
(11/01 18:07:31) Erik: May I ask what moved you to this decision?
(11/01 18:07:34) Cate Alexander: The people I have worked with and interacted with have been fantastic.
(11/01 18:07:40) Thend: Cate, what will become of the DRC without you?
(11/01 18:07:50) Cate Alexander: It's a business decision.
(11/01 18:07:52) Poseidon: What will happen to the DRC's funding without you?
(11/01 18:08:04) TomahnaGuy: Does this mean... the DRC are leaving too?
(11/01 18:08:07) James Leslie is quite stunned and confused.
(11/01 18:08:10) Gerard: will the cave be closed now?
(11/01 18:08:17) Cate Alexander: I will no longer be funding the project.
(11/01 18:08:18) EthanEver: CATE CATE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
(11/01 18:08:27) Vivicus: but, we need you.
(11/01 18:08:34) Kena: Psh
(11/01 18:08:37) TomahnaGuy: Cate we need you.
(11/01 18:08:45) Vivicus: Please, stay.
(11/01 18:08:46) Kena: Cate who will take your place?
(11/01 18:08:47) Poseidon: Cate i dont think this community can stand another cavern closing
(11/01 18:08:53) Cate Alexander: The cavern is not closing.
(11/01 18:08:54) ametist: Ms Alexander, what made you take this step?
(11/01 18:09:04) TomahnaGuy: We've all come to know you now and despite many differences we fell you are needed here. Please, reconsider your decisionn.
(11/01 18:09:17) EthanEver kneels down...
(11/01 18:09:18) Vivicus: but, how can it stay open with no funding?
(11/01 18:09:22) Poseidon: Not moving forward with the project is the same as closing the cavern
(11/01 18:09:33) EthanEver blows you a kiss
(11/01 18:09:41) Kena: Lol I knew it
(11/01 18:09:42) Cate Alexander: The DRC is not disbanding... as far as I know. They will have conversations, I'm sure.
(11/01 18:09:54) T.S waves hello
(11/01 18:09:55) TomahnaGuy: Then who will fuind them now?
(11/01 18:09:56) Poseidon: many will leave if nothing new is being worked on
(11/01 18:09:58) TomahnaGuy: Dr watson?
(11/01 18:10:07) Vivicus: But, they can't afford to run the caern by themselfes?
(11/01 18:10:08) From Katelin0 in D'ni-Ae'gura: oh lol
(11/01 18:10:16) From Katelin0 in D'ni-Ae'gura: sorry Whil
(11/01 18:10:16) T.S: i hope so...
(11/01 18:10:17) Cate Alexander: They wil need to find funding.
(11/01 18:10:18) Zen6219: Is someone else funding the restoration?
(11/01 18:10:19) ametist: Could you tell us who's taking your post?
(11/01 18:10:22) From Whilyam in D'ni-Ae'gura: Cate: They will need to find funding.
(11/01 18:10:26) splash1: but it's hard to find it
(11/01 18:10:27) Cate Alexander: And they can.
(11/01 18:10:38) T.S: how do you know?
(11/01 18:10:39) TomahnaGuy: Miss Alexander may I ask the reasons for your pulling out?
(11/01 18:10:43) Thend: Cate, what was the catalyst to your decision?
(11/01 18:10:43) Erik: Ms. Alexander, what moved you to this decision? Has it something to do with the DRC members, the war, or do you just want another job?
(11/01 18:10:44) T.S: they couldn't find one
(11/01 18:10:52) T.S: in the first retoration
(11/01 18:10:54) Slightperil: Do you feel pushed out of your post?
(11/01 18:10:54) Trevor1013: Yes why Miss Alexander?
(11/01 18:11:02) T.S: *restoration
(11/01 18:11:07) TomahnaGuy is sad
(11/01 18:11:08) velvetam: is it because of us?
(11/01 18:11:09) splash1: Cate don't leave
(11/01 18:11:12) Vivicus: Ms Alexander, I want you to know we will be missing you. You were a great leader.
(11/01 18:11:17) Zirrus: wait a moment...not advertising!
(11/01 18:11:17) Poseidon: Yeah.... it took 3 years to find you to fund the project
(11/01 18:11:19) Cate Alexander: I am leaving for business decisions. This has always been a business venture for me.
(11/01 18:11:20) EthanEver: cate where will you go to?
(11/01 18:11:28) Whilyam: Business? Or Bahro?
(11/01 18:11:29) Telmora: I'm sorry for any mean things I or the other explorers have said about you!
(11/01 18:11:33) Cate Alexander: I think I've been clear about that.
(11/01 18:11:35) T.S: will you come down to the caverns,not as a DRC?
(11/01 18:11:39) TomahnaGuy: What could possibly be a bigger business venture than this!?
(11/01 18:11:45) Vivicus: Do you think it was worth spending your money on this project?
(11/01 18:11:45) Kena: Lol business...
(11/01 18:11:58) Kena: We are not worth it is what you are saying
(11/01 18:12:01) Cate Alexander: I'm sure I will visit from time to time.
(11/01 18:12:06) Kena: This is not worth it
(11/01 18:12:09) Vivicus: Great to hear.
(11/01 18:12:20) Poseidon: I must say this is a stupid decision cate, and the project will suffer because of it
(11/01 18:12:22) EthanEver: Cate I love you!!!
(11/01 18:12:25) TomahnaGuy: Cate is there no toher way you'll reconsider?
(11/01 18:12:26) ametist singing 'We are all the projec...'
(11/01 18:12:29) Cate Alexander: Kena this is not about people.
(11/01 18:12:29) splash1: it's very stupid
(11/01 18:12:52) Kena: Yeh it's about YOU
(11/01 18:12:56) Whilyam: Is Gametap still funding the DRC?
(11/01 18:13:14) EthanEver takes hundreds of KI pics of Cate
(11/01 18:13:23) Cojaar: stop makeing her to undo her decision. that wont work!!!
(11/01 18:13:34) TomahnaGuy: Miss Alexander, I emplore you to reconsider this. Not only will you be missed but this in itself is an inevitably profitible business decision. Is there no way you'll reconsider?
(11/01 18:13:38) LIRA: Cate,are you with child?
(11/01 18:13:46) Kena: You need to look into yourself and ask where you are going and with whom
(11/01 18:13:51) Cate Alexander: It has been a pleasure to work with you all. I will not forget this place.
(11/01 18:14:00) TomahnaGuy: Cate, we'll miss you :(
(11/01 18:14:00) EthanEver wants you to call
(11/01 18:14:01) T.S: thank you
(11/01 18:14:03) Vivicus: We will never forget you.
(11/01 18:14:11) Gene : Goodluck cate and above all else have fun
(11/01 18:14:11) T.S: i hope everything will be o.k
(11/01 18:14:12) ametist: We will not forget your efforts, Ms Alexander
(11/01 18:14:14) velvetam: we will miss you
(11/01 18:14:15) Erik: Ms. Alexander, in what way do you think this decision is good for your company? Wasn't D'ni giving you enough returns on your investments?
(11/01 18:14:15) LucyCat: or the really silly questions, no doubt!
(11/01 18:14:26) LIRA: I heard a rumor
(11/01 18:14:31) Trevor1013: Farewell Cate. We'll all miss you
(11/01 18:14:37) TomahnaGuy: i can see you will not stray from your decision, but can we ll hug you before you go? :)
(11/01 18:14:41) TomahnaGuy: *al
(11/01 18:14:44) Cate Alexander: Rest assured this has not been an easy decision. Becasue of you all.
(11/01 18:14:46) T.S: come in to visit us!
(11/01 18:14:49) T.S: :-)
(11/01 18:15:02) ametist: Thank you Ms Alexander
(11/01 18:15:13) Kena: are making a mistake.
(11/01 18:15:19) Zirrus cheers
(11/01 18:15:19) Vivicus: Keep your Reltobook close at all times.
(11/01 18:15:20) Poseidon: Will you be the one giving us annohay.... or will someone else have the honors
(11/01 18:15:32) Erik: Goodbye and thanks for your work and presence here...
(11/01 18:15:37) samj: Thank you for your efforts Cate.
(11/01 18:15:38) Slightperil: When will you step down? Now or later?
(11/01 18:15:38) TomahnaGuy: We depend upon you input Miss Alexander and it is greatly valued and HAS been greatly valued. If you decide to reconsider sometime in the fututre then please do so, but for now. Farewell Cate
(11/01 18:15:41) Thend: Cate, does the fact of Dr Watson returning have anything at all to do with this, as well as business reasons?
(11/01 18:15:42) T.S looks around for a bit
(11/01 18:15:47) Kena: I refuse to say goodbye
(11/01 18:15:47) splash1 is sad
(11/01 18:15:51) Cate Alexander: Kena some decisions are mistakes. But I've made a decision.
(11/01 18:15:58) ametist: and Good Luck in whatever project you have for the future!
(11/01 18:16:09) splash1: bye Cate
(11/01 18:16:11) Telmora is sad
(11/01 18:16:14) T.S: bye!
(11/01 18:16:15) Kena: Lets just hope you can live with it
(11/01 18:16:19) Vivicus: I will see you later, Cate.
(11/01 18:16:22) Loolee70 waves goodbye
(11/01 18:16:22) LIRA: Maybe she's just tired of being mobbed
(11/01 18:16:23) TomahnaGuy: Cate, who will take over the DRC?
(11/01 18:16:28) Francesca: Take care.
(11/01 18:16:32) D'Lanor: goodbye Cate and good luck
(11/01 18:16:33) Slightperil: Thanks for all the 'fish'
(11/01 18:16:34) Kena: I for one am not leaving until I am forced out
(11/01 18:16:34) Zaphodi waves goodbye
(11/01 18:16:36) T.S: do you know?
(11/01 18:16:45) Thend: Cate, when your song is played, we'll remember you
(11/01 18:16:53) T.S: i hope the DRC will keep it on...
(11/01 18:16:55) ametist: Yes, we will:)
(11/01 18:17:01) Cate Alexander: So good bye to you all. Please tell those who are not here that I wish them luck and goodbye.
(11/01 18:17:03) Whilyam: So... Where's Lexie now?
(11/01 18:17:06) EthanEver: Can I have my pictures taken with you, Cate?
(11/01 18:17:07) TomahnaGuy thanks you for funding the cavern and wishes you a safe journey.
(11/01 18:17:12) T.S: see you!
(11/01 18:17:18) splash1 says goodbye
(11/01 18:17:19) Zirrus: bye. have fun spending your money on other things
(11/01 18:17:21) Trevor1013: Goodbye Cate
(11/01 18:17:21) T.S waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:22) Vivicus waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:24) splash1 waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:25) TomahnaGuy hugs cate
(11/01 18:17:25) ametist gives cate a great farewell hug
(11/01 18:17:26) Zirrus: scnr
(11/01 18:17:27) Kena lowers his head
(11/01 18:17:30) Poseidon: Yeah.... it has been a great run cate, farewell
(11/01 18:17:31) LittleLily: thanks again Cate, good luck and goodbye
(11/01 18:17:32) Trevor1013 waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:32) KL/RREN is a bit puzzled...
(11/01 18:17:36) Zen6219 waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:37) Zirrus waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:39) TomahnaGuy hugs Cate
(11/01 18:17:40) Altydwarber wishes Cate all the best
(11/01 18:17:41) Ambientkatz is a bit puzzled...
(11/01 18:17:42) StringCloud waves goodbye
(11/01 18:17:44) Cate Alexander: And hopefully we'll see some of you in the future.
(11/01 18:17:45) Zirrus thanks you
(11/01 18:17:54) Cate Alexander: Goodbye.