Reference:2010-02-07 Dr. Kodama in the Cavern

From Guild of Archivists

(02/07 22:53:39) Dr. Kodama: I will try to make time for a visit from time to time. It is nice to be here as an explorer with fewer responsibilities.
(02/07 22:54:02) Mystdee2: yes, it is a peaceful place when you can enjoy it
(02/07 22:54:11) Dr. Kodama: Indeed.
(02/07 22:55:34) Mystdee2: Some of the other explorers asked if you had heard anything at all from Cate?
(02/07 22:55:54) Dr. Kodama: I have not. I do not expect to.
(02/07 22:56:11) Mystdee2: Not surprising I guess
(02/07 22:56:40) Dr. Kodama: I'm sure she has moved on to more profitable ventures.
(02/07 22:56:54) HenryMikel: No doubt of that
(02/07 22:57:03) Mystdee2: we are a quiet group tonight. . . .must be that big game on the surface LOL
(02/07 22:57:18) HenryMikel: It's over now Mystdee
(02/07 22:57:34) Mystdee2: I know it's over but maybe the parties are NOT ;)
(02/07 22:57:44) HenryMikel: good point
(02/07 22:58:50) Dr. Kodama: Well, when you see the others, please give them my regards.
(02/07 22:59:10) HenryMikel: absolutely
(02/07 22:59:20) Mystdee2: We will thanks again and rest assured we will treat the cavern with goodness
(02/07 22:59:30) Dr. Kodama: Thank you very much

Dr. Kodama returned to the Cavern later that evening.

(02/07 19:34:54) JanB salutes
(02/07 19:35:04) Dr. Kodama: Good mornin, JanB.
(02/07 19:35:05) Mac: Hi Jan
(02/07 19:35:12) Mystdee: Shorah Jan
(02/07 19:35:19) JanB: good evening Dr Kodame (LOL)
(02/07 19:35:19) Veralun: hi Jan
(02/07 19:35:36) Dr. Kodama: Ah, sorry, Jan
(02/07 19:35:56) Dr. Kodama: Well, I'm going to walk around a while. enjoy yourselves.
(02/07 19:36:08 ) Veralun: ty
(02/07 19:36:11) Mystdee: thanks Dr
(02/07 19:36:19) JanB: nice walk dr
(02/07 19:36:36) From EthanEver in D'ni-Ae'gura: glad i did not go after my pizza LOL
(02/07 19:36:39) EthanEver starts to laugh
(02/07 19:36:48 ) JanB laughs
(02/07 19:36:49) Mystdee: LOL
(02/07 19:37:00) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: That would have been bad timing!
(02/07 19:37:25) JanB: The DR does not show in my age list
(02/07 19:37:34) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: No
(02/07 19:37:45) Mystdee: No "stealth" mode
(02/07 19:37:55) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: Ninja KI
(02/07 19:38:04) JanB: Something like that!
(02/07 19:38:05) From EthanEver in D'ni-Ae'gura: did you guys see him walk in or did he just appear out of nothing?
(02/07 19:38:22) Mystdee: he walked in from behind
(02/07 19:38:23) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: Came from the direction of the Museum
(02/07 19:38:32) From EthanEver in D'ni-Ae'gura: he has this invisibility thing
(02/07 19:38:35) Mystdee: I think maybe from Tokotah Alley
(02/07 19:38:46) JanB: From the back side?
(02/07 19:38:53) Mystdee: LOL
(02/07 19:39:08 ) Mystdee: he came up behind me as I am standing now
(02/07 19:39:16) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: From where I'm standing now he came from behind Ethan
(02/07 19:39:31) Veralun: sorry had tel
(02/07 19:39:34) Veralun: back again
(02/07 19:39:36) From EthanEver in D'ni-Ae'gura: all god things come from this direction
(02/07 19:39:39) EthanEver starts to laugh
(02/07 19:39:48 ) Mystdee: that might be he may have been walking in from back and right of me
(02/07 19:39:55) Veralun: he came suddenly out the museum
(02/07 19:40:21) From EthanEver in D'ni-Ae'gura: i think he uses his new tecnology
(02/07 19:40:29) Mystdee: I was all out of questions to ask. . . .need to think on that
(02/07 19:40:30) Veralun: possible there is ine of those sensors
(02/07 19:40:30) JanB: we need sensors to detact that
(02/07 19:40:38 ) Dr. Kodama: Actually, I came through the door behind the DRC Tent.
(02/07 19:40:49) JanB: oK
(02/07 19:40:53) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: He appeared out of my player lists so I couldn't see if just "poofed" into sight or walked all the4 way
(02/07 19:40:59) Mystdee: OH thanks for clarifying that! *giggle
(02/07 19:41:15) From Mac in D'ni-Ae'gura: lol
(02/07 19:41:19) Veralun: I wish we had a key from that door
(02/07 19:41:46) EthanEver: i could try to force it open LOL
(02/07 19:41:53) EthanEver: no no just kidding
(02/07 19:42:03) JanB: ealier the DR did not show his name also, might be a bug?
(02/07 19:42:03) Veralun: we lso can ask Ethan!
(02/07 19:42:26) EthanEver: no.. not a bug
(02/07 19:42:27) Dr. Kodama: Being a DRC member has a few advantages.
(02/07 19:42:32) Mystdee: no I believe it's a percaustionary measure
(02/07 19:42:34) Dr. Kodama: OOC: not a bug
(02/07 19:42:34) Mac: I tried that door on Friday. lol
(02/07 19:42:39) JanB: your the specialst I believe
(02/07 19:42:42) Mystdee: He he!
(02/07 19:42:44) JanB: oK Doc
(02/07 19:43:22) Mystdee: Marie said since they didn't know what to expect they thought "stealth" mode was wise :D
(02/07 19:43:35) Mac: Makes sense
(02/07 19:44:34) Veralun: but now the DRC knows who we are there is no reason for stealth anymore I think
(02/07 19:44:44) EthanEver: you guys, earlier me and Tai were in my Teledahn and we both heard noises we think we had not heard there before
(02/07 19:44:49) JanB: Uncloak!
(02/07 19:44:56) EthanEver: wild life noises
(02/07 19:45:01) Mystdee: Maybe it's set on the surface before coming down?
(02/07 19:45:08 ) Veralun: in Teledahn?
(02/07 19:45:11) JanB: Special noises?
(02/07 19:45:12) Dr. Kodama (I'm on the surface, be back in a minute):
(02/07 19:45:12) EthanEver: yes
(02/07 19:45:33) Mac: Yeah the DRC know who WE are, but WE may not be the only ones here still.
(02/07 19:45:37) JanB: rats?
(02/07 19:45:41) EthanEver: in the area when you leave the hut but dont exit yet
(02/07 19:45:48 ) Mystdee: you sure it was not Shroomie? maybe she has a cold
(02/07 19:45:55) Mac: Echoes down the pipe?
(02/07 19:45:56) Veralun: perhaps Shroomy did lay eggs and they are coming out now
(02/07 19:46:00) EthanEver: sounded like ducks and other animals
(02/07 19:46:18 ) Mystdee: hmmm interesting Ethan
(02/07 19:46:18 ) Mac: Now I think you're quackers
(02/07 19:46:22) EthanEver: well, shroomie was not far away, but too far to be heard
(02/07 19:46:23) Mystdee: LOL
(02/07 19:46:26) Veralun: young Shroomies do sound like ducks
(02/07 19:46:35) JanB: Sure?
(02/07 19:47:00) Mac: I can see we're going to have to check out Ethan's Tele
(02/07 19:47:05) Veralun: no Jan
(02/07 19:47:26) Mystdee: Jan. . . . um Ewwwwww!
(02/07 19:47:47) EthanEver: yeah and then there was this woof woof woof noise too
(02/07 19:47:55) EthanEver: not like a dog though
(02/07 19:47:58 ) JanB: Might be a goode idea
(02/07 19:48:06) Mac: Now I KNOW you're winding us up!
(02/07 19:48:13) EthanEver: i'm NOT
(02/07 19:48:18 ) Mystdee: Dr K. Did you find anything other than us, that might have triggered those sensors. . .??
(02/07 19:48:23) EthanEver: tai was there and she heard it too
(02/07 19:48:37) Dr. Kodama: Not yet, Mystdee.
(02/07 19:48:45) JanB: maybe the Dr has to look after taht?
(02/07 19:48:45) Mac: I thought I heard ducks in MQO once.
(02/07 19:48:50) Mystdee: well that is a relief
(02/07 19:49:03) Mac: Turned out they were outside my window. lol
(02/07 19:49:20) EthanEver: hehheh i dont live by lakes
(02/07 19:50:11) Veralun: everything ok Dr?
(02/07 19:50:13) Mystdee: did you get your nexus links all back?
(02/07 19:50:26) Dr. Kodama: I believe I did.
(02/07 19:50:30) Mystdee:
(02/07 19:50:35) Veralun: we were very carefull here
(02/07 19:50:45) Dr. Kodama laughs.
(02/07 19:50:47) Dr. Kodama: Good.
(02/07 19:51:14) Veralun: but I think in the future new explorers will need some help here
(02/07 19:51:36) Dr. Kodama: What kind of help, Veralun?
(02/07 19:52:07) Mystdee: maybe we can get some of the greeters to come back to help out
(02/07 19:52:07) Dr. Kodama: If they choose to come.
(02/07 19:52:18 ) Veralun: a sort of introduction to the Cavern
(02/07 19:52:25) Dr. Kodama: There won't be any ResEngs around.
(02/07 19:52:26) Mac: I think some of the services like the Greeters and the Res Engs will be needed. Those "roles" at least
(02/07 19:52:42) Veralun: perhaps we can use the claarooms for that again, like we did in the past
(02/07 19:53:00) Dr. Kodama: Explorers may have rely more heavily on their Yeesha books. Ironic, no?
(02/07 19:53:15) EthanEver: lol
(02/07 19:53:23) Mystdee: some of the explorers may be able to take on some of the ResEngs duties
(02/07 19:53:36) Dr. Kodama: Mind if we go sit by the Library or down by the harbor?
(02/07 19:53:41) Mac: That's what I meant, Mystdee
(02/07 19:53:48 ) JanB: Ok for me
(02/07 19:53:49) Mystdee: Not at all I love it there
(02/07 19:54:02) Veralun: sure
(02/07 19:54:03) Dr. Kodama: Which do you prefer?
(02/07 19:54:07) Mystdee: which do you prefer?
(02/07 19:54:15) Dr. Kodama chuckles.
(02/07 19:54:19) Mystdee: lol
(02/07 19:54:23) Mac: Your choice I'd suggest Dr.
(02/07 19:54:29) Dr. Kodama: My vote is the Library.
(02/07 19:54:35) JanB: you lead we follow
(02/07 19:54:37) Mac: OK with me
(02/07 19:54:38 ) Mystdee: OK good with me!
(02/07 19:54:40) Veralun: ok
(02/07 19:54:42) JanB: K
(02/07 19:55:28 ) Mystdee: the DRC moves in MYSTerius ways
(02/07 19:56:44) Dr. Kodama: Anyone remember the rock pile that used to be here?
(02/07 19:56:46) JanB: Schocking!
(02/07 19:56:51) Mystdee: yes!!
(02/07 19:56:54) Mac: I do
(02/07 19:56:58 ) Veralun: yes
(02/07 19:57:06) Mystdee: I spent lots of time trying to get past it
(02/07 19:57:24) JanB: Long time ago already
(02/07 19:57:31) Dr. Kodama: Indeed.
(02/07 19:57:46) EthanEver wants you to come over
(02/07 19:57:48 ) Mystdee: shorah Eleri
(02/07 19:57:55) Mystdee: we are headed to the library
(02/07 19:58:13) Eleri: Shorah Everybuggy!
(02/07 19:58:28 ) Mac: Shorah Eleri!
(02/07 19:58:36) To Eleri: Library on aour way
(02/07 19:58:36) EthanEver: Shorah Eleri
(02/07 20:00:17) EthanEver is checking something out
(02/07 20:00:19) Dr. Kodama enjoys the view.
(02/07 20:00:25) Mac: The views are great
(02/07 20:00:30) Mystdee: beautiful isn't it?
(02/07 20:00:45) Dr. Kodama: Quite.
(02/07 20:00:54) EthanEver: Breathtaking
(02/07 20:00:59) Veralun: do you ever have been to the Arch Dr?
(02/07 20:01:06) Dr. Kodama: Indeed, I have.
(02/07 20:01:23) Eleri: Shorah, Dr. Kodama. Pleasure to see you again, it's been way to long
(02/07 20:01:39) Mystdee waves hello
(02/07 20:01:54) JanB salutes
(02/07 20:01:57) Dr. Kodama waves hello
(02/07 20:02:01) Veralun: please can you tell us something more about what you found there?
(02/07 20:02:03) Dr. Kodama: It is nice to see you, Eleri
(02/07 20:02:46) Eleri: How have you been keeping yourself?
(02/07 20:02:47) Mac: Heh! Ethan's glow is lighting up Eleri!
(02/07 20:03:00) Eleri: hee!
(02/07 20:03:04) Dr. Kodama: It's hard to judge the size from this distanec, but it is breathtaking how large it is when you are close to it.
(02/07 20:03:20) Veralun: can imagine
(02/07 20:03:21) Mac: I can imagine
(02/07 20:03:23) Mystdee: yes, I can imagine. . .
(02/07 20:03:37) Mac: There's an echo here! lol
(02/07 20:03:46) Mystdee: wonder how the D'ni built that
(02/07 20:03:55) Veralun: will there be a chance to visit the Arch in the future?
(02/07 20:03:57) EthanEver: Is it made out of one piece of rock?
(02/07 20:04:12) Dr. Kodama: Rocks were mined from the ceiling and lowered down, actually.
(02/07 20:04:16) Mystdee: kinda of like the MYSTery of the Pyramids on the surface
(02/07 20:04:20) Eleri: And why does it have a little red light on top?
(02/07 20:04:31) Dr. Kodama: for the planes?
(02/07 20:04:37) Mystdee: LOL
(02/07 20:04:38 ) EthanEver: For the flying bahro
(02/07 20:04:43) JanB: Flying bahro's
(02/07 20:04:46) Dr. Kodama chuckles.
(02/07 20:04:56) Eleri: D'ni Hangliding, woohoo!
(02/07 20:04:58 ) Mystdee: maybe it's one Of Laxman's sensors
(02/07 20:05:12) Mac: A beacon for the ships to navigate by
(02/07 20:05:25) Mystdee: that ones sounds good Mac
(02/07 20:05:29) Veralun: wish that lake was clear again
(02/07 20:05:40) Eleri: one of the random little hmmmms of the place
(02/07 20:05:42) Mac: One day, maybe it will be
(02/07 20:06:28 ) Eleri: I love the library
(02/07 20:07:45) Eleri: Tell us a story!
(02/07 20:07:58 ) Mystdee: it's so peaceful here
(02/07 20:08:00) Eleri: lol
(02/07 20:08:11) Dr. Kodama: I'm afraid I'm not much of a storyteller.
(02/07 20:08:25) Mac: There are many peaceful places here
(02/07 20:08:42) EthanEver: it's quite easy, starts like Once upon a time...
(02/07 20:08:44) Veralun: we know that it is not stable dowstairs
(02/07 20:08:47) Mystdee: yes. . . Mac I agree
(02/07 20:08:53) Veralun: why is that Dr?
(02/07 20:09:20) Dr. Kodama: What instability are you referring to, Veralun?
(02/07 20:09:37) Veralun: inside the Library Dr
(02/07 20:10:13) Dr. Kodama: The library has many floors, but many of the lower floors were damaged.
(02/07 20:10:23) JanB: lack of maintenance
(02/07 20:10:32) Dr. Kodama: We didn't have time to repair them, but they were "on the list"
(02/07 20:10:36) Mystdee: shorah Dadguy
(02/07 20:10:51) EthanEver: shorah dadguy
(02/07 20:10:56) To Dadguy: library
(02/07 20:11:01) Veralun: what did yo find dwnstairs
(02/07 20:11:02) Eleri: I imagine much of the under the base if the cavern areas were pretty beat up
(02/07 20:11:07) Eleri: of
(02/07 20:11:09) Mac: Shorah dadguy!
(02/07 20:11:13) Veralun: were there any books?
(02/07 20:11:19) Dadguy: Shorah folks. I am seeing the Dr. here at the Tokatah alley... that's some KI!
(02/07 20:11:40) Mystdee: interesting!! DrK do you have a twin
(02/07 20:11:44) JanB: Split personality
(02/07 20:12:08 ) Dr. Kodama: No, we did not find Books. The lower floors are much the same as the upper floors.
(02/07 20:12:57) Mac: One would have though that the underground levels may have been better protected
(02/07 20:13:09) Dr. Kodama: It seems that was not the case.
(02/07 20:13:17) Mac: Indeed
(02/07 20:13:41) Mystdee: earth quakes sometimes thrust up! I know I lived in California for MANY years
(02/07 20:13:47) Dadguy: Greetings Doctor. I hope you slept well.
(02/07 20:14:07) Dr. Kodama: I hope my snoring wasn't too loud.
(02/07 20:14:10) Mac: I guess the collapse of that edge over there is responsible for the state of the lower levels
(02/07 20:14:14) Dadguy: heheh..
(02/07 20:14:15) Eleri: Will any of the others be here? I know Marie was here yesterday
(02/07 20:14:23) Dadguy: I thought it was a Bahro
(02/07 20:14:40) Dr. Kodama: I only know of Marie, Eleri.
(02/07 20:15:16) Dr. Kodama: Mr. Laxman has fmaily obligations on the surface, and Dr. Watson did not respond that I know of.
(02/07 20:15:31) Dr. Kodama: I don't expect Mr. Engberg to return to the Cavern.
(02/07 20:15:44) Eleri: no.
(02/07 20:15:50) Veralun: no
(02/07 20:16:03) Mystdee: No I can't say I'd blame him (Enberg I mean )
(02/07 20:16:14) EthanEver: We saw the memorial was up dated... did you do it Sir?
(02/07 20:16:20) JanB: understandable yes
(02/07 20:16:39) Dr. Kodama: I believe Mr. Laxman is able to update it from the surface. I did not update it.
(02/07 20:16:40) Mystdee: that was very nice I thought thanks
(02/07 20:16:44) Eleri: Carry our reguards to him. He's still much in my thoughts.
(02/07 20:16:56) Veralun: It was very nice from the DRC that they did maintain the memorial
(02/07 20:17:36) Dr. Kodama: I will. He changed careers. Seems he learned a few things from Mr Laxman and works at a large company in the Pacific Northwest.
(02/07 20:17:58 ) Mac: It was a touching gesture to begin with, and very thoughtful of him to keep it maintained
(02/07 20:18:00) Mystdee: I hope he is happy
(02/07 20:18:22) Dr. Kodama: He seemed to be happy when last I spoke with him.
(02/07 20:18:33) Mystdee: good to hear
(02/07 20:18:49) Veralun: Anything heard from Dr. Watson Dr?
(02/07 20:19:37) Dr. Kodama: It has been a while since I've seen him, Veralun.
(02/07 20:20:00) Eleri: Everyone scattered, it seems
(02/07 20:20:07) Dr. Kodama: Indeed.
(02/07 20:20:25) Veralun: It would be so nice if you all can work again here
(02/07 20:20:26) Dr. Kodama: We all had to move on, I'm afraid.
(02/07 20:20:27) Mac: I guess there has been nothing to keep you all together, really
(02/07 20:20:47) Mystdee: but it seems that the cavern still lives in so many hearts hard to let it go completely
(02/07 20:20:56) Eleri: We all have here in common, though. Can't seem to get D'ni out of the blood
(02/07 20:21:07) Dr. Kodama: I believe all but Engberg would return if the opportunity presented itself.
(02/07 20:21:45) Eleri: Tell 'em all to come down! No stress, no schedules, just hanging out
(02/07 20:22:01) Dr. Kodama: It is a very nice change of pace.
(02/07 20:22:10) Mystdee: that would be fun Eleri
(02/07 20:22:11) Dr. Kodama: Being an explorer isn't that bad.
(02/07 20:22:16) Dr. Kodama smiles.
(02/07 20:22:24) EthanEver: Sir have you ever been to a Relto?
(02/07 20:22:36) Dr. Kodama: Yes, Ethan, I have.
(02/07 20:23:28 ) Eleri: do you have a favorite Age?
(02/07 20:23:57) Dr. Kodama thinks a while.
(02/07 20:24:30) Mac: I don't think I could answer that question
(02/07 20:24:38 ) EthanEver thinks he is going to say Jalak
(02/07 20:24:57) Mystdee: I am sure I can't they are all special in their own ways
(02/07 20:25:06) Dadguy: or one that the DRC had not yet opened?
(02/07 20:25:47) Dr. Kodama: I think I like Kadish the best overall. Something about those enormous trees appeals to me.
(02/07 20:26:16) Mystdee: yes agreed it's very majestic and beautiful
(02/07 20:26:33) EthanEver: no doubt about that
(02/07 20:26:34) Dadguy: Dr., I cannot see you right now. Last night there was speculation that you had a special"stealth" KI. Is this just an anomoly I am seeing?
(02/07 20:26:39) Eleri: I'm partial to Eder Tsoghal, but really, D'ni itself is my favorite. There's just so much here!
(02/07 20:26:50) Veralun: I did hear that some explorers did found some other places, close to the Cavern
(02/07 20:26:53) Dr. Kodama: really, dadguy?
(02/07 20:26:55) Dadguy: Now I see you. Thank you.
(02/07 20:27:09) Dadguy: When you stood. I shall report this today.
(02/07 20:27:16) Dr. Kodama: interesting.
(02/07 20:27:21) Dadguy: Yes, and I still see you now, sitting.
(02/07 20:27:26) Eleri: huh. I don't see him on my KI at all.
(02/07 20:27:33) Eleri: forgot to check!
(02/07 20:27:40) Mac: No-one does Eleri
(02/07 20:27:46) Dadguy: Yes, his name is not on the Age Player list.
(02/07 20:27:50) Veralun: perhaps the DRC can talk to those explores
(02/07 20:27:57) Dr. Kodama: Not being seen on the KI is expected.
(02/07 20:28:06) Dr. Kodama: Not being seen in person is not.
(02/07 20:28:14) Eleri: oh, you mean SEE see... gotcha
(02/07 20:28:30) Eleri is a little slow on the uptake sometimes
(02/07 20:28:30) EthanEver: i thought you were invisible on purpose yesterday
(02/07 20:29:09) Dr. Kodama: I thought I wasn't seen becuase my suit blends in so well with the design on the floor.
(02/07 20:29:18 ) Mystdee: DrK, if some of the greeters do deside to join us here any chance they can get their greeter's shirts back for identification?
(02/07 20:29:37) Mac: I wondered about that too
(02/07 20:29:47) Dr. Kodama: I'll have to see if there are any lying around.
(02/07 20:29:54) Mystdee: lol
(02/07 20:29:57) EthanEver: heh
(02/07 20:30:19) Mac: And if they'll still fit
(02/07 20:30:35) Mystdee: some how it seems one size fits all here LOL
(02/07 20:30:37) Veralun: well I did increase in weight
(02/07 20:30:43) Dr. Kodama: OOC: He who runs the vault manager will have to learn how to do that.
(02/07 20:32:50) Veralun: I am sure the GuildMaster can help with that
(02/07 20:33:04) Eleri: Will you guys put the word out that we're here? Will others be able to join us?
(02/07 20:33:22) Mac: Good question, Eleri
(02/07 20:33:57) Dr. Kodama: Marie or I will report our finding to Mr. Laxman tonight. Whether others choose to join you is not up to me.
(02/07 20:34:21) Dr. Kodama: I do not doubt that those who are Called will find their way down soon enough.
(02/07 20:34:35) Eleri: It's been pretty safe down here. No masses of Bahro.
(02/07 20:34:48 ) Eleri: They're off doing their own thing now, I guess.
(02/07 20:34:56) Mystdee: I have only heard them not seen them
(02/07 20:35:13) Dr. Kodama: I think they are still busy elsewhere.
(02/07 20:35:18 ) Mac: And the DRC will not be trying to obstruct anyone who comes?
(02/07 20:35:25) Dr. Kodama: A few are likely still around, though.
(02/07 20:35:34) EthanEver: you explained yesterday that there are bahro who are protecting the Cavern, right?
(02/07 20:35:50) Dr. Kodama: It would appear so, Ethan.
(02/07 20:35:58 ) EthanEver nods his head
(02/07 20:36:19) Eleri: mm, seems like DRC is a concept more than a full on org now. Which kinda sucks.
(02/07 20:36:42) JanB: More a residue
(02/07 20:37:02) EthanEver: the remnant... the least...
(02/07 20:37:05) Eleri: ewww, that makes them sound like shower scum.
(02/07 20:37:06) Mystdee: I think it's up to us, as explorers to keep the dream alive
(02/07 20:37:21) Veralun: agree MystDee
(02/07 20:37:22) To HenryMikel: library
(02/07 20:37:27) Dr. Kodama: We will do what we can to watch our for the Cavern, Mac. But as long as explorers are not intent on destruction, I don't have a problem with them returning.
(02/07 20:37:30) Mac: Shorah Henry!
(02/07 20:37:39) Eleri: They're explorers too
(02/07 20:37:45) Mystdee: Shorah Henry
(02/07 20:37:51) EthanEver: not exPloders
(02/07 20:37:58 ) JanB: shorah Henry
(02/07 20:38:08 ) Veralun: shorah Henri
(02/07 20:38:14) Eleri: speaking of....
(02/07 20:38:16) Dr. Kodama: For now, yes, we who were formerly known as the DRC are explorers now, too.
(02/07 20:38:18 ) EthanEver: there i heard a Bahro just now
(02/07 20:38:24) Mac: Yes
(02/07 20:38:29) JanB: m2
(02/07 20:38:30) Mystdee: I heard it too Ethan
(02/07 20:38:51) Eleri: as long as I don't hear swooping wings, I'm good
(02/07 20:39:07) Eleri: I was sure that one near the bridge was going to carry me off *shudder*
(02/07 20:39:23) Mystdee: LOL
(02/07 20:39:32) EthanEver: i saw some footage of the attacs on internet
(02/07 20:39:45) EthanEver: i was not there then personally
(02/07 20:39:59) EthanEver: hi Henry
(02/07 20:40:05) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: Hi
(02/07 20:40:07) Eleri: pick me up, drop me *plop* into the middle of the lake.
(02/07 20:40:30) Dr. Kodama: Hello, again, Henry.
(02/07 20:40:38 ) Mac: I didn't witness anything much of the Bahro War, myself
(02/07 20:40:41) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: Nice to meet you again
(02/07 20:40:51) Eleri: Dr... do you guys know what Wheely found?
(02/07 20:40:52) HenryMikel: Nice to see you aagain
(02/07 20:41:55) Veralun: A wh/sit
(02/07 20:42:34) Veralun: I think I have some problems with My KI too
(02/07 20:43:26) Eleri: sorry, very sensitive question. Forget I asked.
(02/07 20:43:35) Mac: I had some KI trouble a few days ago, veralun. Cleared up by itself
(02/07 20:43:48 ) Veralun: good
(02/07 20:44:06) Veralun: possible comes from the radiation
(02/07 20:44:13) Mac: Dust in the works I guess
(02/07 20:44:25) Veralun: to many visits to the Descent
(02/07 20:44:35) EthanEver: or to Minkata
(02/07 20:44:46) Veralun: might be Ethan
(02/07 20:44:48 ) Mac: Nope, that's Ethan. Both cases
(02/07 20:44:53) Veralun: was there yesterday
(02/07 20:45:03) Eleri: never fails, get more than one explorer in a space, they sit in a circle.
(02/07 20:45:15) JanB: Is it enlightened in the descent?
(02/07 20:45:23) Dr. Kodama: It's kindergarden all over again.
(02/07 20:45:30) EthanEver: heh
(02/07 20:45:33) Mac: Well, it's difficult for only one explorer to sit in a circle. lol
(02/07 20:45:37) Eleri: as least we're not over by Tokotah!
(02/07 20:45:44) Eleri: change of scenery!
(02/07 20:46:29) Eleri: mm, kindergarten. That means we get snacks and naps, right?
(02/07 20:46:37) Dr. Kodama: "Sit on the Floor, Stand on the Floor, go home on the floor. Everything's done in a little circle on the floor"
(02/07 20:47:01) Mystdee: it works for me
(02/07 20:47:01) Eleri giggles
(02/07 20:47:47) Dr. Kodama: Dr. Watson is always quoting old Bill Cosby routines. It rubs off, I guess.
(02/07 20:48:17) Mystdee: Yes, Marie said something sililat last night LOL
(02/07 20:48:23) Eleri: "Ice cream! We're gonna eat Ice Cream!"
(02/07 20:48:43) Dr. Kodama smiles at Eleri.
(02/07 20:49:04) Eleri: I just dated myself, didn't I?
(02/07 20:49:15) Dr. Kodama: Has Dr. Watson told them to you, too?
(02/07 20:49:34) Mystdee: Not personally but I have heard stories
(02/07 20:49:43) Eleri: nah, grew up listening to the LPs
(02/07 20:50:06) EthanEver: LPs?
(02/07 20:50:13) Dr. Kodama: I've only heard Dr. Watson's impressions of them.
(02/07 20:50:20) Mystdee: LOL NOW you are dating yourself Eleri
(02/07 20:50:26) Mac: I've got some Bob Newhart ones!
(02/07 20:50:27) Eleri: well worth listening to.
(02/07 20:50:40) Mac: That REALLY dates me
(02/07 20:50:47) Eleri grins at Mystdee
(02/07 20:51:21) Dr. Kodama: Well, I should probably go see how Marie's night was and see what she's up to. I may see you again later.
(02/07 20:51:35) Veralun: great!
(02/07 20:51:41) Mystdee: OK DrK thanks for taking the time to chat with us!
(02/07 20:51:41) Dr. Kodama waves goodbye.