Reference:2010-02-08 Bahro sighting in the Cavern

From Guild of Archivists

(02/08 00:08:06) Tai'lahr: Did you see anything?
(02/08 00:08:08) Dadguy: I heard the link but see no bodies...
(02/08 00:08:13) Mystdee2: no
(02/08 00:08:14) Dadguy: Marie?
(02/08 00:08:16) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: that's a DRC sound
(02/08 00:08:19) Tai'lahr: I heard a bahro, I think.
(02/08 00:08:31) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: it happened before Kodama and Marie
(02/08 00:08:34) Mystdee2: sounded a little like a Bahro scream but garbled some
(02/08 00:08:44) A watchful Bahro calls out.
(02/08 00:09:13) Tai'lahr scans the rooftops...
(02/08 00:09:16) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: Okay {shudder}
(02/08 00:09:36) Dadguy 's hair stands up
(02/08 00:09:59) Dadguy: Who wrote the bahro message
(02/08 00:10:12) Dadguy: the watchful bahro
(02/08 00:10:26) Mystdee2: not me
(02/08 00:10:35) Dadguy: cool
(02/08 00:10:38) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: someone is having fun
(02/08 00:10:46) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: think RAWA
(02/08 00:10:52) Mystdee2: I think it was our signal that the beta is officially over
(02/08 00:11:01) Dadguy: no flyers out there
(02/08 00:11:14) From Tai'lahr in D'ni-Ae'gura: Or one last IC play - just for fun.
(02/08 00:11:27) Mystdee2: maybe but I liked it
(02/08 00:11:31) Dadguy: Anyone in the Pub Mystdee?
(02/08 00:11:41) Mystdee2: wonder if it should go int the IC story
(02/08 00:11:42) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: nope
(02/08 00:11:54) From Tai'lahr in D'ni-Ae'gura: On the roof
(02/08 00:11:57) Mystdee2: nobody in the pub
(02/08 00:12:00) Tai'lahr points
(02/08 00:12:07) Tai'lahr: On the Tokotah roof
(02/08 00:12:25) Dadguy: Oh yeah, I see him
(02/08 00:12:55) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:13:00) Dadguy: He is watchful...
(02/08 00:13:18) Tai'lahr bows
(02/08 00:13:21) Dadguy: There were two link sounds... maybe there's another?
(02/08 00:14:06) Dadguy: That is so cool!
(02/08 00:14:21) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:14:49) Mystdee2: that is so cool!
(02/08 00:14:59) Mystdee2: glad you didn't sleep through that DG
(02/08 00:15:07) Dadguy: Tai, it's amazing that you picked him up...he's so small up there.
(02/08 00:15:10) Tai'lahr: If I remember correctly, kneeling demonstrates to them that you mean no harm.
(02/08 00:15:35) Dadguy: I saw him disappear for a mo
(02/08 00:15:39) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:15:41) Tai'lahr: Maybe if we all kneel, it will respond.
(02/08 00:15:45) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:15:46) Dadguy: He's on the move
(02/08 00:15:54) Mystdee2: he's gone!
(02/08 00:16:01) Dadguy: No to the left
(02/08 00:16:03) Mystdee2: oh there he is
(02/08 00:16:14) Dadguy: I saw him walk across
(02/08 00:16:19) Mystdee2: me too
(02/08 00:16:26) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:16:27) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:16:55) Dadguy: That's the building Kodama stayed in last night.
(02/08 00:17:17) Dadguy: He jumped down now I don't see him
(02/08 00:17:25) Mystdee2: did you see him jump down?
(02/08 00:17:32) Tai'lahr: Yes, I did, too.
(02/08 00:17:37) Mystdee2: I got it on video!!
(02/08 00:17:47) Mystdee2: w00t!!
(02/08 00:17:50) Dadguy: Go Mystdee!!
(02/08 00:18:15) Mystdee2: it was cool but where did he go?
(02/08 00:18:19) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: turn around
(02/08 00:18:26) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:18:46) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:18:46) Dadguy: Hello little fella'
(02/08 00:18:51) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:19:12) Dadguy waves hello
(02/08 00:19:27) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: You scared him
(02/08 00:19:36) Tai'lahr: Or, maybe he wants us to follow
(02/08 00:19:38) Dadguy: I saw him jump to the Term
(02/08 00:19:42) Tai'lahr: Maybe he wants to show us something.
(02/08 00:20:05) Tai'lahr: Do you see it?
(02/08 00:20:27) Dadguy: No
(02/08 00:20:40) Mystdee2: no he must have gone
(02/08 00:20:48) Mystdee2: but I had my video going :D
(02/08 00:21:08) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: He probablt stole the Dalek lol
(02/08 00:21:37) Mystdee2: yo find him Dadguy?
(02/08 00:21:38) Dadguy: I've seen him on that roof before.
(02/08 00:21:46) Dadguy: Nope not back there
(02/08 00:21:53) Tai'lahr: I thought maybe he would come to the memorial.
(02/08 00:22:21) Dadguy: There he is
(02/08 00:22:23) Dadguy: on the roof
(02/08 00:22:25) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: on the roof
(02/08 00:22:26) Mystdee2: that was a treat I am happy he came to see us
(02/08 00:22:37) Tai'lahr: Where?
(02/08 00:22:44) Dadguy: in the middle
(02/08 00:22:44) Tai'lahr: Which roof?
(02/08 00:22:45) HenryMikel points
(02/08 00:22:55) Mystdee2: down on the dock Tai
(02/08 00:23:05) Dadguy: Ferry Term
(02/08 00:23:40) Dadguy points
(02/08 00:24:38) Dadguy: Where did Henry go?
(02/08 00:24:46) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: upper levels
(02/08 00:24:54) Dadguy: Can you see him?
(02/08 00:25:03) Tai'lahr: Yes
(02/08 00:25:08) Dadguy: He's on the move
(02/08 00:25:22) Tai'lahr kneels down...
(02/08 00:25:30) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:25:42) Dadguy kneels down...
(02/08 00:25:59) A watchful Bahro watches.
(02/08 00:26:08) Dadguy: He's watching...
(02/08 00:26:24) Tai'lahr: I feel this is a sign that they'll be watching over us.
(02/08 00:26:40) A watchful Bahro looks at Tai'lahr.
(02/08 00:26:49) Dadguy: He's watching Tai!
(02/08 00:26:51) Tai'lahr feels humbled.
(02/08 00:26:59) From HenryMikel in D'ni-Ae'gura: or edible
(02/08 00:27:20) Mystdee2: yes I believe they will!
(02/08 00:27:20) Dadguy is secretly amused
(02/08 00:27:42) Tai'lahr bows
(02/08 00:27:51) A watchful Bahro calls out, then links away.
(02/08 00:27:54) Mystdee2 kneels down...
(02/08 00:28:13) Dadguy: How cool was that??
(02/08 00:28:16) Mystdee2: He's gone
(02/08 00:28:23) Mystdee2: that was so cool!!