Reference:DRC Discussions forum/Lost

April 30, 2002 - Dr. Kodama[edit]

My field journal is suddenly missing from the rock shop. If you happen to see it, please let me know immediately.

Dr. K.

May 2, 2002 - Dr. Kodama[edit]

The journal has been found. Why it was on the docks, I’ll never know, but at least I have it.

Dr. K.

May 3, 2002 - Michael Engberg[edit]

Most curious. A plum bob also disappeared from my gear about a month ago while surveying a section near the T-junction. A research engineer returned it to me a few days later, and said that it too was found near the docks.

Has the ferry terminal area been designated as the location for “lost and found” items? Couldn’t we pick somewhere more central to the Island?