Reference:Richard Watson, on guilds
![]() | This speech was given during the episode "Deception" by Dr. Watson in Blabbity's Neighborhood on Wednesday, September 12, 2007. |
Good afternoon.
I've been asked for my advice on many issues since my recent return. I really haven't had time to get caught up on everything that's been happening here, but I sat down this morning and attempted to come up with some kind of statement on the issues that have been brought to my attention.
First, the Guilds. I've been told that there are folks who are very upset that the DRC are attempting to follow the D'ni lead in taking steps to re-form the Guilds. They say that the Guilds are "bad", that they inevitably lead to Pride. The Guilds are not inherently bad in and of themselves. Those who blame "the Guilds" for the Fall of D'ni have not understood Yeesha's words and have missed her point completely. The Guilds provided stability and structure for the D'ni culture, which allowed their civilization to thrive for tens of thousands of years. The problem with the Guilds in D'ni's history is the same thing that's the problem here in the Cavern today: people. More specifically: our Pride. The very lesson that Yeesha has repeatedly attempted to teach us.
We already have our own problems of Pride. We haven't needed the Guilds for that. If things are going to be different this time around, it's up to all of us, including you Explorers, to choose to be more responsible that the D'ni were at the time of the Fall. Just as the Bahro are finding out right now with their newly-found freedoms, it all comes down to the choices we make. Frankly, from what I've been hearing, there are many Explorers who are not ready for this responsibility. What's the alternative? Learn to work together. Stop complaining when things are not exactly as you'd like them to be. Stop bickering among yourselves. There is much more at stake here than your egos. You do have the ability to choose to work together. Make that choice.
As for the Cavern, I was asked yesterday if we should all leave the Cavern, so let me clarify my position. When the Restoration first began, what seems like decades ago, I gave another speech. In that speech, I explained that I felt "Called" here. I said that this Cavern was meant to be inhabited, and that it was our intent to make it habitable once again. I was convinced of it. I was sure that the warnings of Atrus did not apply to those of us from the Surface. I no longer believe that is the case. But do not misunderstand me, I am still drawn here, but now I'm drawn to learn the lessons that this Cavern has to teach me. But I will apply those lessons elsewhere. No longer is it my goal to restore this place with the hope of re-inhabiting it. That is where the DRC and I differ in our opinions. Of course, I'm perfectly willing to admit that it may turn out that I am wrong; that they are right. Should we leave, then? No. I think that would be just as grave an error. As I said, this Cavern still has much to teach us.
But what of the Bahro? The conflict that is going on all around us here in the Cavern and in many of the Ages? I've been asked why the "bad" Bahro are attacking us. Is it because they think we're D'ni? No, I don't think that's the case. In fact, after hearing of the destruction in Negilahn from Douglas Sharper, I think it's clear that the Bahro who have chosen to become bent on destruction are completely indiscriminate about what they destroy. What did the animals around the pods ever do to the Bahro? They clearly weren't killed for food. It seems to be destruction simply for the sake of destruction. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty. They seem to be doing it just because they can. And the Bahro who killed Wheely, from the description of events that Michael has given me, specifically kept her alive while she was trapped. My only conclusion from that behavior is that it was studying her or toying with her. Which immediately brings to mind the many Bahro who received a very similar treatment from a D'ni man who lived in Noloben named Esher. I'm told the Bahro even specifically attempted to say the word "Noloben" before it attacked her. But what can we do about the "bad" Bahro? Not much. For now, we are protected. The "good" Bahro protecting us have created a grand deception for our peace of mind, an illusion that all is well here in the Cavern and the Ages.
We now know that this is not the case, but for how much longer will their protection last? A week? A month? A year? A decade? A century? I have no idea. Funny thing about prophecies...they don't always come with an expiration date. But we have been told that "destruction is coming." I believe specifically that that destruction is coming to the Cavern, but I could be wrong about that, too. It is entirely possible that the "destruction" is a great deal larger than that. Either way, we need to use the time we are being given to "find a way, make a home." How can we do that? That's where the Guilds come in. We have got to work together. It will not happen overnight. It will likely take many years, in fact. But I believe the Guilds are the key.
Yeesha has already been to hundreds of Ages, looking for something, anything, that might help to end the Bahro conflict, or, at the very least, help to protect us from it in case there comes a time when the "good" Bahro are no longer able to. As time passes, it grows increasingly unlikely that anything is going to be found in an Age the D'ni have or had access to. And so, we are going to need new Ages at some point. There are those among the Explorers who may eventually be able to assist in that regard. That is the direction I believe we must take. The Guilds (and even the Explorers who are not interested in joining a Guild) will have to work together: writing, maintaining, mapping, and exploring those new Ages. It is a grand undertaking. And much of it depends on you Explorers, and how well you choose to work together. Will we be up to the challenge? That definitely remains to be seen. I hope we are.
Thank you for your kind attention.