Reference:Yeesha, Exodus finale

From Guild of Archivists

I will have words…

Destruction is almost upon us. They are here. Fighting in war. Freed from their prison, the Bahro choose their way now; good and evil stand before them. No longer are they slaves to the tablet, no longer is their destiny locked to the wishes of others. No longer is their freedom captive. They are powerful and with freedom, some are dangerous.

Most of the Bahro are friends. They stand with us, protecting us from the evil that surrounds you almost constantly. They sacrifice for you. They battle and die for this cavern. They battle and die for the Ages, and your comfort. They fight for the D'ni as well. They watch over us all. But there are those who have not chosen to side with you, with the D'ni, or with good. They seek revenge for the evil done to them. Revenge is their excuse but freedom is their cause. They are able to make the choice and they bask in such opportunity to do as they please. With freedom comes choice and with choice comes evil, as well as good.

Their leader can be seen clearly. He is missing a large patch of skin on his shoulder - taken from him in the tortuous lab of Esher. Because of that, I will draw them away. Away from the cavern. Away from you. I do not know how long they will seek what I carry. It could be only days, it could be months.

Destruction is coming. It is almost here. I will delay it as long as I can but, in the meantime, you must find a way. You must make a home.

Destruction will be here soon. I will try to return and help you in the future. If things go well, I will offer you my aid. If things do not, you must find a way on your own. Regardless, you must be ready.

Destruction will come… soon or later. When it does, you must have a way. You must make a home. I will do all that I can in the meantime.

I must leave now. Goodbye.